View Full Version : Hey ladies and gents! Im new!

Oct 25, 2006, 4:46 AM
Hey everyone. Just saying hi :cool:

My Big Revelation
I'm still not 100% sure that I am bi, but as I read all these threads, im starting to think that I maybe am. Its been pretty hard to accept...

The problem
I love women though, but I have never been in my relationship because my top priority is my studies. But I sometimes have these fantasies about having sex with a guy, oral sex and anal sex, yet kissing totally turns me off...weird yea.

My conclusion
So I'm just going to experiment sooner or later and most importantly have fun. Thanks all for your time.

Oct 25, 2006, 6:43 AM
That's alright. It is a journey. Sexuality (everything, in fact) exists on a continuum - that is, there is no "right" way to be bisexual. I think we're all working out how we wish to express these inner feelings. Kissing is a very intimate act in my opinion and, given the usual upbringing of males in our culture, we carry alot of baggage around about that. It seems easier to suck a cock than kiss a man (although I have done both). Perhaps we feel more romantically attracted to a certain sex but enjoy sensual pleasure with both - therfore, being bisexual.

Long Duck Dong
Oct 25, 2006, 6:44 AM
I am not 100% sure i am sane...... lol

welcome to bisexual.com

dude one of the hardest things to do is define ourselves.... but it doesn't matter if you are bi / gay/ straight / les / trans etc... as long as you are happy with you... calling yourself anything, is placing a label on yourself, for others to see
so don't get worked up if you are unsure about yaself.... it may take a few years for you to define yourself according to yaself
you don't have to have sex to be bisexual...lol bisexuals are defined by their attractions and not their actions...if sexuality was defined by sexual actions... then for most of my teens I was a hand sexual... as me and my hand developed a very close relationship lol

never panic if something turns you off....we are sexual beings, but it doesn't mean we love everything sexual...lol we have our likes and dislikes.... its all part of the great sexual experience lol

Oct 25, 2006, 6:59 AM
you don't have to have sex to be bisexual...lol bisexuals are defined by their attractions and not their actions...if sexuality was defined by sexual actions... then for most of my teens I was a hand sexual... as me and my hand developed a very close relationship lol

LOL I always had a hands on approach back as a teen myself...in those days I was simply known as "Ambidextrousex"

Welcome to the community Lee :bigrin:

Ambi :)

Oct 25, 2006, 8:51 AM
Welcome to Bisexual.com - Relax and enjoy - the journey, your journey, is just beginning. It can and will be one of your making for the most part. I think that you will ginuinely find the support, knowledge and and in some cases the courage needed to make your personal transition in finding yourself, right here at this site. Welcome and have fun.

Oct 25, 2006, 10:25 AM
Welcome JJ,

I hope you will find here a safe and encouraging enviroment to ponder and grow. It seems that you are on the right track to self discovery :) How wonderful for you. Good luck hun and welcome to our home.

Oct 25, 2006, 2:18 PM


hey jj, welcome to bisexual.com, im also recently new to this syte and am still discovering who i am, ive got a partner of 8 years and were due to marry next year, but these past few months ive been really feeling strong things ab out women! im not sure either if im bi...i sort of think i am but totally luvd up wiv my boyf!! ive kissed a girl onli on lips nuffin else, i liked it and think id like to try more, but hey u never know one day i mite find out if i am! and i hope u feel welcome to this syte as i do the people here are luvly and alwais make u feel welcome! good luck and hope to speak soon! clairey xxx

Oct 25, 2006, 5:09 PM
I agree kissing is intimate. I'm nt a big kisser. as i'm weary of kissing both genders. I'm worried I'd do it but nt enjoy it as in past. I'd do it for one I lv tho. so perhaps that is the key 4 u.
ther r different varieties of sexuality and bisexualtiy tho and dnt presssure urself.

Oct 25, 2006, 7:54 PM
Welcome to the group JJ!