View Full Version : Hi, im new-ish! Who's still kind of lost out there?

Oct 23, 2006, 7:48 PM
Hello. Im a newish member of this site. While ive had a personal ad up for a while, quality responses have been slow, but im hanging in there.

Anyhow, my ad says more about me better than i can recount here, so otherwise im just saying hello.

And i didnt want to clutter up the forums with a post with no real topic i thought id ask a question.

I realized i was bi a few years ago, and its been a long haul trying to figure out what i want and how to get it.

In this world, it seems like EVERYONE is getting just what they want out of being bi. Is there anyone out there like me who just cant seem to get things going? Who still cant find that place or person who you can discuss or experince your sexuality with?

Just wondering.
Regardless, its nice to be here!

Oct 23, 2006, 8:27 PM
hi midwestseeker :)

It may seem like Everyone but I think it's far from that. It seems there are more in the wishful mode than the getting mode and with such a charming profile I'm sure it's just a matter of time. Your opinions and comments are always as welcome as I'm sure anyone on here would agree. Sometimes the greatest insights come from those that have the courage to pose an honest question. It's always good to be reminded of our humble beginings lest we forget what began this journey.
I look forward to your contributions and hope you find what you are seeking.

Ambi :)

Oct 23, 2006, 10:33 PM
Oh no, no, no. Trust me, not everyone is getting what they want out of being bisexual. Honestly I'm still tweaking my parameters :)

I've been out for almost 2 years now and I've spent most of that time tying to get my own self figured out. A couple days ago I posted a thread called "Playing Games??" because I've had a couple people respond to my thread and then they just disappear on me for whatever reason. So I'm still working on finding Ms. Perfect-Lady-Who's-Comfortable-Taking-Things-Slow-And-Is-Okay-With-My-Parameters :bigrin:

My family here reminded me that it can take time to find her and that I should just hang in there :) So I am.

As for finding the person or place to discuss my sexuality; well the place is HERE :) The person is my hubby. 99.5 % of the time anyway. He's just incredibly supportive and I'm fortunate to have him in my life.

I do like your profile. It's very sweet. :)

Oct 24, 2006, 12:19 AM
thank you for the compliment about the personal ad! I wanted to try to make it personable, and be about more than just my "stats."

And yes, the "games" factor is something ive experienced. Ive only been kind of "out and about" in the internet world for a few years now, and i too have made some slight contacts with some people only to have them dissappear.
Sometimes i worry it's me, but perhaps not.