View Full Version : Bisexual Married Man

Sep 1, 2022, 6:08 AM
Hello all,
I am a 30 yr old married man. I believe I am bisexual but I?m not 100% sure. My wife doesn?t want me to experiment at all because she is worried that I will divorce her for another man. I have continuously told her that there was no chance that I would leave her.
In the same breath that I say that I also say that she tries to hook me up with a friend of hers that has a crush on me. She?s clearly torn on if she wants me to experiment or not. I don?t really know what to do. I also don?t really know what I want to do.

Long Duck Dong
Sep 1, 2022, 7:19 AM
Lol what an awkward situation to be in.......

OK lets break it down......it sounds like you are bi curious and thats cool, sometimes we feel attraction to others and a desire to experiment, for some it works, for others they realise the fantasy is better than the reality.......

Now your wife, I do understand her thinking, in her mind, its like she trusts that friend not to interfere with your marriage, but she struggles with the idea of strangers that she does not know because she has no idea how they think........and also in part, you have have not said anything about your own feelings towards the friend, sexually or otherwise......
But I also see something else, shes trying to find a compromise that is helping her feel safer and more secure, while allowing you to explore and learn......

The option is up to you if you consider what she is offering, as not only is it about you, it also allows her to feel like shes part of your journey, and not just a bystander........so you need to talk openly and honestly with her about your own concerns about experimenting with the friend, their attraction to you and the fact that its not a mutual attraction.....what happens if you find that you do not enjoy doing things with the friend but still want to try things........

now you told your wife you will never leave her, the trouble is that it can take a lifetime to prove those words to be true......so in a way, your wife is looking for a way to allow you to explore and learn more about your self and for you both to honor your vows to each other, while also allowing you to prove that you are true to your word that you will never leave her........A good number of guys would prefer a wife like that, over one that says do what ever you want, I do not care and do not want to know.......

I also have a odd question, you did not say anything about your wives own interest, and without trying to read anything into the situation, I am curious if the reason for suggesting the friend to you, may be for her benefit as well, IE watching or even enjoying in, in a safe situation.........I have known some wives that hide that side of themselves when they let their partners explore, only revealing their own interest later on when they were ready.........

either way, the best thing for you both, is full, open and honest communication, not just about you exploring but your own concerns and worries, and allowing her to be involved in what ever way she feels comfortable, such as involving the friend, whom she appears to trust.... after all, she is your wife....

Sep 1, 2022, 8:59 AM
Not sure I can give advice for this situation, my wife used to drop hints to me that she would like to be with a woman.
I told her if she wanted a FWB situation with a girlfriend it was fine with me, she had a few hookups with different women, there was one that she had about a six month relationship with until her friend moved away.
Never once did I feel threatened that she would leave me for another woman, can't explain it but somehow I just knew it wouldn't happen.
As to my own sexuality, I'm extremely bi curious but have yet to act on it, mainly because of the fear of STD's , my wife understands my bi urges because of her own experience and the only thing she's said is be careful.
I guess for us it would be a case of addition instead of replacement, staying together as a couple but adding a same sex partner to satisfy bisexual desires.

Sep 1, 2022, 10:14 AM
If your wife wants you to hook up with her friend go ahead, do it, you have a kitchen pass so take it. I do not think you should go beyond her fantasy, do it, and then see what shakes out. She may love it and want you to do it more, she may hate it and want it to never happen again, or it may open up her bisexuality and lucky you you get everything.

Sep 1, 2022, 11:19 AM
The option is up to you if you consider what she is offering, as not only is it about you, it also allows her to feel like shes part of your journey, and not just a bystander........so you need to talk openly and honestly with her about your own concerns about experimenting with the friend, their attraction to you and the fact that its not a
I also have a odd question, you did not say anything about your wives own interest, and without trying to read anything into the situation, I am curious if the reason for suggesting the friend to you, may be for her benefit as well, IE watching or even enjoying in, in a safe situation.........I have known some wives that hide that side of themselves when they let their partners explore, only revealing their own interest later on when they were ready.........

either way, the best thing for you both, is full, open and honest communication, not just about you exploring but your own concerns and worries, and allowing her to be involved in what ever way she feels comfortable, such as involving the friend, whom she appears to trust.... after all, she is your wife....[/QUOTE]

so I have actually asked my wife about her intentions and she just told me that she is suggesting him because of the fact that she knows me

Sep 1, 2022, 2:50 PM
If I were in that situation and my wife tried to hook me up like that, I'd ask her why. I'd figure it out but I'd want to hear it from her. Baby, you can't tell me that you don't want me exploring because you're afraid that I'll leave you for a man (this is a common statement made by a lot of women I personally know) and then trying to hook me up with your friend. Here's the other thing I'd want to know from her: If we do hook up and things go well, what else is going to change with you? Are you gonna see me and him hitting it off nicely and then go right back to be afraid that I'm going to leave you?

In my own dealings with women and my bisexuality, I tell them truthfully that there's not a dick in the world that'll make me give up women and if I leave, this won't be the reason why. But if this is what she is going to allow you to do, yeah - go for it and see what happens after the fact.

Sep 2, 2022, 5:33 AM
So my wife came clean to me about why she wanted me to experiment with her friend and that?s because she knows who he is. She also told me that she was afraid that I would like it more than her if I experimented which is why she doesn?t really want me to experiment. She hasn?t told me anything about her wanting to watch/join in with me and this guy but when she was drunk last Saturday she was encouraging me to do it and to have a 3some with this guy.
I don?t really know what I want to do. I?m super nervous all the way around about it all

Sep 2, 2022, 10:07 AM
The first guy I had sex with was married, as were many afterwards. None ever left their wife because they were bisexual. The sex we had was more of an outlet. If anything, it contributed to their marriage lasting as long as it did.

Sep 2, 2022, 5:20 PM
Yeah, okay, I understand. It's what a lot of women fear when they find that we want and/or like dick. One of the hardest things I've had to do has been explaining to women that my wanting dick doesn't have anything to do with them! It's like they understand this... and they don't. All this aside, yeah - I'd ask her if she was serious about this and, if so, let's do it... but you'd do well to be prepared should she has a change of mind about this. It's like being between a rock and a hard place. I know what I'd do (and what I've done) in this situation...

Long Duck Dong
Sep 2, 2022, 9:07 PM
So my wife came clean to me about why she wanted me to experiment with her friend and that?s because she knows who he is. She also told me that she was afraid that I would like it more than her if I experimented which is why she doesn?t really want me to experiment. She hasn?t told me anything about her wanting to watch/join in with me and this guy but when she was drunk last Saturday she was encouraging me to do it and to have a 3some with this guy.
I don?t really know what I want to do. I?m super nervous all the way around about it all

Lol..... the fun thing about humankind, is regardless of how complex we think we are, people still follow basic patterns of thinking and behavior......

I can understand what she is saying about being afraid that you may like sex with a male more than sex with her......and my answer would have been the sex is different with a male than with a female, shes right in that respect......so how about you both get a dildo and strapon and experiment together, just the two of you........that way you both can get a feel for what is enjoyable and what is not and that way you can also get a idea on what you want to try with another guy.......

There is always the possibility that you may enjoy sex with a male more than a female, but is the same not true for her, if you have a threesome, she may enjoy sex with the other guy more than you......and most often people will immediately say NO that would never happen, I love you too much..... a defensive answer but no difference to how they are thinking about you and the other guy......

Moods are the most important thing to consider, just like desires.... and as a couple you know that already, there are days when sex is great and some days when it feels vanilla / or plain, and so something like getting it on in the shower really appeals........no different to a bisexual person having desires for a male one day and a female the next......

I have a intersex female partner, and we are in a closed group with another male and two females.... the sex ranges from no sex tonight, to just kissing and cuddling, to masturbation to oral, to full on fucking to anywhere in the house, any time with anybody.... and yes at times its just her with the girls and me with the guy.......its all about mood, need and desire.......and yes sometimes we do not spend the night together because we are too fucking exhausted to change beds, lol.... but we are safe in the knowledge that sex with others is great but they can not give us the connection, love and energy we have with each other as partners.......

That connection was built up over time as we worked through different issues with a lot of communication and talking, the same as you are doing with your wife........

Yes you are nervous, and I bet she is too, hence the dutch courage she has when drunk....lol.....and even in bed in a 3some, its possible that one or both of you will * chicken out * or other emotions may come up.... but hey its one of the aspects of being human and trying something new.......

So you could start small like a blowjob in the lounge, rather than naked in the bedroom....building up slowly and trying new things that way can be easier on you both, and give you both time to adjust ......cos a drunken 3some, may be great but the morning after could be problematic..

Honestly the first time I was with my partner sexually, we were both nervous, her because she was scared that she would not be sexually pleasing ( in fact she blew my mind completely ) and me because she is intersex ( born with a working cock and pussy ) so where did I start? lol........the next morning when I woke, she just looked at me, smiled and we fucked like it was the most natural thing and we had been doing it for years.......she also taught me a few tricks to use on her that gave her the most intense orgasms as well......

Lol, I can now say I have eaten a females pussy so well that she shot a big load of cum out of her cock ( note, intersex female required for that lol )

Yes at times the sex is better with others than with her, but again, its mood, need and desire... and other times we have sex with each other that nobody else can compete with.........and we are both honest about it with each other.........and honestly its things like that, that make our relationship so strong and is the reason why we know in ourselves that we will not leave each other

Sep 3, 2022, 6:01 AM
I'm openly bisexual and out to my wife. I'm also in the middle of trying to divorce her. She is an ultraconservative conspiracy theorist Trumpster, who has denied me any intimacy for 10 years. Sex with men and other women is my only survival outlet. Yet, 90% of the reasons I'm pursuing divorce has nothing to do with my bisexuality. It is her narcissistic personality disorder that makes her always has to be in control, always angry with people, a truly crazy world view, and of course a denial of any intimacy. That's the reason for divorce. Living with her is a world of everything must be her, she is the victim of everything, a lie can always handle anything, deceit is normal, and so on and so on, all the common NPD traits.

The 10% bisexuality part for breakup is obviously I understand her ultraconservatism is homophobic in nature and regular snarky comments about me sucking cck and swallowing cum are almost daily. In between all this shit, she is a nice person a lot of the ime, but all her niceness doesn't make this tolerable, and I am not wanting to subject her to my ongoing bisexuality because being out and secure with it, I will enjoy it he rest of my life. I love eating pussy and love swallowing cum. It is who I am.

Sep 3, 2022, 9:23 AM
Please keep politics out of this. This has nothing to do with trump. Saying she was ultra conservative was enough. Even then conservatives aren’t this big group of homophobes either.

Sep 3, 2022, 9:36 AM
Well said

Sep 3, 2022, 5:18 PM
i agree with BIGUY

Sep 3, 2022, 7:06 PM
i agree with BIGUY

So do I.....

Sep 5, 2022, 3:18 AM
Exactly. Thank you BiGuy. Come on Grant This is not a political place.

Sep 5, 2022, 11:18 AM
Not sure I can give advice for this situation, my wife used to drop hints to me that she would like to be with a woman.
I told her if she wanted a FWB situation with a girlfriend it was fine with me, she had a few hookups with different women, there was one that she had about a six month relationship with until her friend moved away.
Never once did I feel threatened that she would leave me for another woman, can't explain it but somehow I just knew it wouldn't happen.
As to my own sexuality, I'm extremely bi curious but have yet to act on it, mainly because of the fear of STD's , my wife understands my bi urges because of her own experience and the only thing she's said is be careful.
I guess for us it would be a case of addition instead of replacement, staying together as a couple but adding a same sex partner to satisfy bisexual desires. Your wife seems OK with your sexuality so you and her should work together to find a suitable partner for you to try it , I think you should but make sure she's in loop . Imagine how liberated you'll feel having her permission to go ahead and enjoy yourself and allow your full sexuality to flourish.

Sep 15, 2022, 6:05 PM
So a little update:
It turns out that my wife is a freaky little thing and wants to do a threesome with this guy friend of hers. I’m terrified of my first time. And I’m terrified of losing my wife. But she has now played out a scenario of what she really wants to happen. I’m nervous and scared.

Sep 15, 2022, 10:08 PM
Go for it. Don't be scared about sucking your first cock.....you will find that it comes very naturally and you'll quickly start to enjoy it. A three-way is something I've always wanted to try and have never had the opportunity. Years ago, a friend (who ended up being a FWB) set up a threeway with another woman as a birthday present. We should all be so lucky......with either a male or a female.

Sep 15, 2022, 10:32 PM
I agree. Go for it, and let us know how things turn out. Hopefully you'll be happy with the results.

Sep 15, 2022, 11:38 PM
Please keep politics out of this. This has nothing to do with trump. Saying she was ultra conservative was enough. Even then conservatives aren’t this big group of homophobes either.

Thank you,

Sep 15, 2022, 11:56 PM
As sometimes, okay many times, okay lots of times, I am going to be a little bit of the dissenter in this. Sorry, but I am sitting here in my guy clothes so I am automatically analytical and lined up all the posts and reread. There is too much NOT answered, I would also guess some not asked maybe. We dont know the relationship between the two of you, is it super solid, on thin ice, is it 50/50, not meant for you to answer, but questions I would ask before I made such a choice

Ummmmmmmm, how did her discussion with this guy come up ? Where they sitting at work and she said "Hey, my husband wants to suck a dick, how's yours hanging these days "?
Is this guy gay, bi, curious.................whats the deal here.

Devils advocate, does your wife have an interest sexually in this guy ? Could this also be a wanting to step in because she wants to drift ?
I have found sometimes that people , I know there is a word for it I can't think of, but they put the issue on someone else of something they are thinking of doing.

The next thing, look at @kdaddy post and read multiple times, he is one of the great voices of reason and experience.

Last couple of things I will add.................one of my favorite song lyrics ever "Sometimes the rainbow baby is better than the pot of gold"|

Basically, once this is done, it cannot be undone, you and your wife really need to discuss, decide, be honest if this experiment is worth what could happen. She is worried about losing you, but, have you thought when the genie is out the bottle for a more open marriage, are you ready for what could happen.

I would never try to talk you out of it, I have enjoyed my experiences, but, there was no opportunity for anyone to be hurt. The few couples I have been with, I talked straight and serious with them and have turned a few down as I believed they had not thought it through

Best wishes whatever you decide

Sep 16, 2022, 2:01 AM
So to answer your first question I don’t know how it came up I wasn’t there for the conversation. It’s one of the guys that she has around the neighborhood (friend). The guy is supposedly bisexual and has a crush on me but the issue is he is focused too much on her at this point and it throws a whole bunch of red flags for me.
my wife does have a sexual interest in him and I’m not able to get a straight explanation from her on why she is so attracted to this guy. I honestly don’t know if she’s trying to leave me or not. She swears up down and sideways that she just wants him to be a fuck buddy but I honestly don’t have a real answer for that.

I am unfortunately not going to be doing anything with this guy and neither is she because of the fact that he has, in my opinion, thrown too many red flags up for me to ignore. He makes it clear that he is really into my wife but isn’t ready to see me naked even if it’s just us focusing on my wife.

what do you guys think?

Sep 16, 2022, 8:12 AM
If he's not ready to play with the both of you, that would be a deal breaker for me.

Sep 16, 2022, 8:49 AM
Please keep politics out of this. This has nothing to do with trump. Saying she was ultra conservative was enough. Even then conservatives aren’t this big group of homophobes either.
Hmmm... u think not? There are many conservatives who are not homophobes, but there are equally many who are on both sides of the Atlantic and elsewhere. I have never believed in keeping politics out of the lgbtq.. Trump has played his part in raising the bogeyman and I fully expect things to get worse before they get better. Don't bury your head in the sand.. Homophobia in the western democracies is all too hale and hearty and becoming more so and Trump, like Johnson, Bolsonaro, Orban and others cannot escape culpability..

Contrary to what has been said by one individual, this IS a place for political debate and has been for most of its existence and I hope always will be.

Sep 16, 2022, 8:54 AM
normally i would say go for the 3-some because they are awesome. but this guy in your eyes is questionable. you will have to use your personal judgement on this. frankly the way he and your wife talk , it sounds like they may have already done some fucking behind your back. maybe they want to rid themselves of guilt , and fuck each other with your permission. i have been a cocksucker most of my adult life , and i have let my wife fuck many men. these two things can work out , but it is your call . good luck !

Sep 16, 2022, 10:25 AM
Hmmm... u think not? There are many conservatives who are not homophobes, but there are equally many who are on both sides of the Atlantic and elsewhere. I have never believed in keeping politics out of the lgbtq.. Trump has played his part in raising the bogeyman and I fully expect things to get worse before they get better. Don't bury your head in the sand.. Homophobia in the western democracies is all too hale and hearty and becoming more so and Trump, like Johnson, Bolsonaro, Orban and others cannot escape culpability..

Contrary to what has been said by one individual, this IS a place for political debate and has been for most of its existence and I hope always will be.

Trump and the extreme right wing have formed an alliance to attack gay/queer people all over this country and all over the world. It is absolutely a topic bi people should be discussing, as MAGA is literally a hostile threat to our lives and relationships. Like a lot of other people in this position, I'm no longer willing to bury my head in the sand or pretend that what is plainly happening is not happening.

Sep 16, 2022, 10:51 AM
So to answer your first question I don’t know how it came up I wasn’t there for the conversation. It’s one of the guys that she has around the neighborhood (friend). The guy is supposedly bisexual and has a crush on me but the issue is he is focused too much on her at this point and it throws a whole bunch of red flags for me.
my wife does have a sexual interest in him and I’m not able to get a straight explanation from her on why she is so attracted to this guy. I honestly don’t know if she’s trying to leave me or not. She swears up down and sideways that she just wants him to be a fuck buddy but I honestly don’t have a real answer for that.

I am unfortunately not going to be doing anything with this guy and neither is she because of the fact that he has, in my opinion, thrown too many red flags up for me to ignore. He makes it clear that he is really into my wife but isn’t ready to see me naked even if it’s just us focusing on my wife.

what do you guys think?

I think it is a smart choice. When you add that in, maybe its time to take a click , step back and just wait a while. From the way your writing sounds, or at least way it comes across to me (IMO). I would also keep a sharp eye on this guy. If they already had a discussion, this could make him think all doors are open to walk through

Sep 16, 2022, 2:02 PM
Keep politics off my post. Period

Sep 16, 2022, 2:05 PM
I agree that there are too many red flags. Seems he's more interested in your wife than anything. Avoid doing anything involving him, but at the same time keep a close watch on him.

Sep 17, 2022, 6:00 AM
Keep politics off my post. Period
I don't wish to have a barney, hun. You may have posted, but once u have done so that post ceases to be ur personal property and is therefore fair game for other posters to comment upon as they see fit so long as they are pertinent and polite. You may disagree as is your right.. a great thing freedom of speech.

Sep 17, 2022, 10:56 AM
I don't wish to have a barney, hun. You may have posted, but once u have done so that post ceases to be ur personal property and is therefore fair game for other posters to comment upon as they see fit so long as they are pertinent and polite. You may disagree as is your right.. a great thing freedom of speech.

I respectfully disagree. If it was where he started a political post, then didn't want to hear the opposing opinion, that would be different, he set himself up for that. But, the OP was nothing politics, it was asking for advice on a personal issue, and it got moved in another direction. If we have every post go into political temper tantrums yelling, the people who come here to try and get advice and understanding of changes in their life, will just leave

As adults, I feel we should be respectful of someone's post not to derail it.........................but, thats only my opinion, that and $5 will get you a 1/2 gallon of gas

Sep 17, 2022, 2:01 PM
That’s the issue. No one knows how to keep politics out of everything. They are brainwashed by the mainstream media with lies upon lies and they buy it. I’m tired of politics being brought into every aspect of life.
This has nothing to do with politics it has to do with a completely different issue

Sep 17, 2022, 4:48 PM
Well, this went down the drain pretty quickly...

Sep 17, 2022, 5:42 PM
That’s the issue. No one knows how to keep politics out of everything. They are brainwashed by the mainstream media with lies upon lies and they buy it. I’m tired of politics being brought into every aspect of life.
This has nothing to do with politics it has to do with a completely different issue
Sexuality is nothing if not political. It has been forced that direction by too many groups. Years ago, who or what you had sex with was nobodies business and now it is everyone's.

Sep 17, 2022, 7:42 PM
Well, this went down the drain pretty quickly...

Faster than me after 8 tequila shots

Sep 17, 2022, 11:03 PM
I don't wish to have a barney, hun. You may have posted, but once u have done so that post ceases to be ur personal property and is therefore fair game for other posters to comment upon as they see fit so long as they are pertinent and polite. You may disagree as is your right.. a great thing freedom of speech.

I couldn’t agree with you more Darkeyes…..you’re spot on.

Sep 18, 2022, 12:04 AM
How are they spot on? My post had nothing to do with politics it had to do with something I’m personally dealing with. If you want to talk about politics all the time then go talk about it on your own post. The only people that make sexuality a political point are the people that want to push it on everyone else.

Long Duck Dong
Sep 18, 2022, 5:07 AM
So to answer your first question I don?t know how it came up I wasn?t there for the conversation. It?s one of the guys that she has around the neighborhood (friend). The guy is supposedly bisexual and has a crush on me but the issue is he is focused too much on her at this point and it throws a whole bunch of red flags for me.
my wife does have a sexual interest in him and I?m not able to get a straight explanation from her on why she is so attracted to this guy. I honestly don?t know if she?s trying to leave me or not. She swears up down and sideways that she just wants him to be a fuck buddy but I honestly don?t have a real answer for that.

I am unfortunately not going to be doing anything with this guy and neither is she because of the fact that he has, in my opinion, thrown too many red flags up for me to ignore. He makes it clear that he is really into my wife but isn?t ready to see me naked even if it?s just us focusing on my wife.

what do you guys think?

Its possible that she just wants to fuck him and indulging your own sexual interests, is a way of making that possible, and he sounds like he is interested in fucking your wife and using his bisexuality? as a way into her panties.....

It sounds like your wife and you have been talking a lot and with a lot of openness and honesty, and have a mutual agreement not to go further with the guy.... in your wifes case, it may be just a sexual attraction or the idea of sex with him / 3some with you both, is appealing......but at times it is hard for people to express why they have the attractions and desires they do, because it does not really make sense to them either, there is just something that appeals to them, so yeah I would agree with her just a fuck buddy answer

For me, intuition and gut instinct are two things I never ignore in my own life.... and even if I have no basis for the alarm bells going off in my head, I always pay attention to them and 9/10 the reason why becomes clearly some time down the track.......and in this case, I agree with you and your wife, something does not feel right with the guy......I asked my partner what she thinks and her opinions was the same as mine, the guy may be bisexual but her read is that he will fuck guys when there is no female around and its more about his own sexual interest with your wife, than a 3some with you both.....

Sep 18, 2022, 11:35 AM
At first I was thinking "Wow, what a supportive wife, that is awesome, go for it", but as you released more information, it reminds me of my wife's affair several years ago, culminating in a 3-some with someone from the neighborhood and the swinger community. In the moment, it was an great first experience on several points, but there were red flags I did not see or heed. What I learned after, was the affair, and after a along discussion, twice more in two years rediscovery... .and I was the bad guy for asking for swinging and 3-somes.

Now I share that not as proof your spouse is doing anything, but as a cautionary example - there may be more going on than you see/know. One concern, is that she has had a discussion where she seems to have outed you to a neighbor. Big faux pas to out someone else. She needs to talak to you first if she is going to be sharing your orientation, and certainly should be having a discussion with you before beginning such discussions with neighbors about sexual encounters.
If you two really feel moving to an open relationship, consider joining in some swinger communities, learning the etiquette first, and learn how to recognize the sex hounds that basically say anything to get into your wife's pants... including claiming they are into men/you. It's a shame, but they exist in large numbers.

I would recommend not pursuing anything with this guy. I would recommend having a very clear conversation about boundaries you have for your wife to participate in extramarital flirting and physical encounters. If you are this worried, it is not a good situation.

Sep 18, 2022, 12:16 PM
At first I was thinking "Wow, what a supportive wife, that is awesome, go for it", but as you released more information, it reminds me of my wife's affair several years ago, culminating in a 3-some with someone from the neighborhood and the swinger community. In the moment, it was an great first experience on several points, but there were red flags I did not see or heed. What I learned after, was the affair, and after a along discussion, twice more in two years rediscovery... .and I was the bad guy for asking for swinging and 3-somes.

Now I share that not as proof your spouse is doing anything, but as a cautionary example - there may be more going on than you see/know. One concern, is that she has had a discussion where she seems to have outed you to a neighbor. Big faux pas to out someone else. She needs to talak to you first if she is going to be sharing your orientation, and certainly should be having a discussion with you before beginning such discussions with neighbors about sexual encounters.
If you two really feel moving to an open relationship, consider joining in some swinger communities, learning the etiquette first, and learn how to recognize the sex hounds that basically say anything to get into your wife's pants... including claiming they are into men/you. It's a shame, but they exist in large numbers.

I would recommend not pursuing anything with this guy. I would recommend having a very clear conversation about boundaries you have for your wife to participate in extramarital flirting and physical encounters. If you are this worried, it is not a good situation.

Well said

Sep 18, 2022, 12:42 PM
I agree with CurEUs_Male. I always felt that part of an open marriage was setting boundaries that both live by. If either isn’t comfortable, for whatever reason, with a situation, then it’s a matter of respecting the boundaries. It will depend on what the agreement is as to what happens next. It could be it stops there and both move on or one participates without the other but shares all the details, or any combination. It’s not always smooth sailing and temptation will test both partners but, that’s when the big head in your shoulders needs to prevail instead of the little one between your legs.

My wife and I have our agreement that allows me to
play with other men, no women. I’ve had offers of mmf’s but have to turn them down even though it is a huge fantasy of mine, especially fucklicking. Now, mmm, and it’s good. She suggests I stick with men that are closer to
my age, married and out to their wives. In her practical view, it’s less complicated and more about sexual satisfaction and not intimacy or romantic entanglement. She’s been right about that in a couple of instances of hooking up with single men in their 20s. Hot as it may be. They wanted more.
keep working on the communication and coming to a consensus.

Sep 18, 2022, 4:12 PM
In the early days of finding myself with both a wife and a girlfriend living with me, I wondered why my wife insisted that we make her girlfriend a part of our family. I knew that she knew that I very much wanted to fuck this woman because we talked about it and no problem. The woman was to spend the night with us because of some shit with her asshole boyfriend and my wife told me to go to her and fuck her and, well, that's what I did and afterward, was asked and challenged to be able to handle both of them because she believed that her girlfriend - and now, my girlfriend - would be better cared for and about by me. And despite being leery about it, I accepted the challenge and the responsibility... but I was still wondering if there was some other reason for her decision. Come to find out that my wife had fallen in love with her and I felt that she reasoned that the only way she could have her was... to give her to me and if true, I didn't know how I felt about that. I would ask her about this and she'd categorically deny that this was the real reason for things being the way they are... and I couldn't get this out of my mind.

We added my girlfriend to our family and I literally got blown away when my girlfriend had a field day making my wife cum like never before and I was puzzled until my girlfriend told me that the reason why she made love to my wife was because it was the way she'd be able to keep having me but, yeah, she had always wanted to find out what it was like to have sex with a woman so, as she told me, this was a win/win for her. And... I saw the logic in it even though I also felt that it was an... underhanded way to get what you really wanted.

I feel the same way about this situation. The wife seems to want to fuck the neighbor and if homey is bi like you are - and that might be a big if - then giving him to you gives her the access to him that she "really" wants. That homey is covered in red flags, well, I get that and a threesome probably shouldn't happen... but now it's all about whether your wife still wants to fuck this guy because, uh, she wants to fuck him even if it's for reasons that doesn't make sense to you. I don't know what to tell you about this other than to have a really serious talk with your wife about all of this and, hopefully, she'll be 100% honest with you about her intentions.

Sep 18, 2022, 4:16 PM
Trump and the extreme right wing have formed an alliance to attack gay/queer people all over this country and all over the world. It is absolutely a topic bi people should be discussing, as MAGA is literally a hostile threat to our lives and relationships. Like a lot of other people in this position, I'm no longer willing to bury my head in the sand or pretend that what is plainly happening is not happening.

All that being true, this is not the forum for it. Not everyone wants to be bombarded with Trump Derangement Syndrome all the time. Sometimes we just want to live our lives away from politics.

Sep 18, 2022, 7:26 PM
Ignoring the political bullshit - and if there's one thing I've learned, its damned impossible to avoid politics, because there's always one person..... - I think CurEUs_Male and KDaddy23 are both onto something. I'd be very cautious, if I was the OP.

Sep 19, 2022, 4:18 AM
So I have been going back and forth with my wife for a few days about everything. It seems like she wants to have an open relationship all together. I really don?t know what to do. I?m scared that she will want to end up in a relationship with someone else.

Sep 19, 2022, 6:13 AM
All that being true, this is not the forum for it. Not everyone wants to be bombarded with Trump Derangement Syndrome all the time. Sometimes we just want to live our lives away from politics.
This may not be the thread for it, but it has always been an open forum for political discussion.

Sep 19, 2022, 6:35 AM
So I have been going back and forth with my wife for a few days about everything. It seems like she wants to have an open relationship all together. I really don?t know what to do. I?m scared that she will want to end up in a relationship with someone else. Having been through several open relationships, and one open marriage, something that is always possible is that one of both partners will enter relationships with others which will endanger or even be the catalyst for ending one's principal relationship.. if it is one's kismet then so it shall be. A love relationship is a partnership, not a prison and it's ending can hurt like hell.

Next summer, my fiancee and I shall wed. Our present (open) relationship will evolve but remain open. We do not own those we love, and are as likely to destroy our relationships by being possessive of a partner as not. Each of us must find our own way but it is essential to talk with our partner and come to consensus. It may be hopeless, and our destiny pre-determined, but we are human and we fight the fates we hate and fear. I truly wish you well, BiGuy.

Sep 19, 2022, 11:00 AM
So I have been going back and forth with my wife for a few days about everything. It seems like she wants to have an open relationship all together. I really don?t know what to do. I?m scared that she will want to end up in a relationship with someone else.

Honestly, as an outside observer, and of course we are only getting your feelings..............I have known people in open relationships, I know people who are swingers, it doesn't come across that you two are at that point of being able to do it and NOT have a detrimental effect on a relationship.

For some people it works, for others, its the end of something that has already ended. Truthfully, it's, again my opinion, as coming across as a reason to screw around, not to expand a quality relationship.

But, I also dont know you personally

Sep 19, 2022, 12:47 PM
So I have been going back and forth with my wife for a few days about everything. It seems like she wants to have an open relationship all together. I really don?t know what to do. I?m scared that she will want to end up in a relationship with someone else.

Have the two of you considered counseling?

Sep 19, 2022, 1:17 PM
Have the two of you considered counseling?
We have been in counseling. But why do you ask?

Sep 19, 2022, 2:02 PM
In my opinion I’d take this neighborhood “friend” off the table for both of you even if you decide to have an open marriage. The biggest flag for me is the statement he doesn’t want to see me (the guy) naked even if we’re just focusing on the wife. This guy supposedly has a crush on you? He doesn’t want to play with you or even see you naked though? Sounds like he’s not really bi or into you and is using yours and your wife’s desires to move into her pussy. Just my take though. I however wouldn’t let him near my wife if I was in your shoes. He sounds shady. Honestly, your wife kinda flipped the script too and makes me wonder what she would say if you agree to things being open but that this guys isn’t allowed in.

Sep 19, 2022, 4:01 PM
In my opinion I?d take this neighborhood ?friend? off the table for both of you even if you decide to have an open marriage. The biggest flag for me is the statement he doesn?t want to see me (the guy) naked even if we?re just focusing on the wife. This guy supposedly has a crush on you? He doesn?t want to play with you or even see you naked though? Sounds like he?s not really bi or into you and is using yours and your wife?s desires to move into her pussy. Just my take though. I however wouldn?t let him near my wife if I was in your shoes. He sounds shady. Honestly, your wife kinda flipped the script too and makes me wonder what she would say if you agree to things being open but that this guys isn?t allowed in.

What do you mean she flipped the script? She has told me that she is done with him as far as sex goes. It?s just a whole ordeal. I think I have gotten through to her and made my point.

Long Duck Dong
Sep 19, 2022, 9:20 PM
SO we have gone from you thinking about experimenting to your wife wanting a open relationship.....and her concerns with you experimenting and the chances of it turning into more, to your own concerns about others having sex with your wife and what may happen.......

It actually reads like your wife is/was more ready to open the relationship than you are /were.....

But something else does stand out to me, and that is something I do see a lot....which is for the guys, its going to be simple, casual hook ups, no reason for concern or worry so their wives / partners concerns are valid but a stumbling block to the guys sexual pleasure, however when its the wife / partner wanting the same rights to have casual sex with others, suddenly the same concerns are very real, very worrying because its the partner enjoying sex with other people...........

I am in a open relationship with my own partner and we do have a closed group of FwB ( another guy and two other females )the others actually pushed me to open my arms and my heart to my partner as we had mutual feelings towards each other for many years, and she did indicate that she would be interested in and enjoy being my partner and part of the closed group..... but she was not interested in playing around outside of the group........so rather than getting together then opening up the relationship to involve the closed group, she was brought in to the closed group and became my partner......

We do not actually have * rules * as much because its been easier for her and I to decide our own limits....we basically did the reverse of what most people do, and that was we said ok to a open relationship and then set our own boundaries for ourselves.....but that was easy to do as I do not have a interest in sex with random people or doing random hook ups, they are too troublesome with time wasters and people that want to suck, fuck and fun.....a sentiment shared by everybody in our closed group.....

With other people it does not always work, sometimes the lack of personal boundaries does mean that some people end up spending more time having sex with other people than with their own partners, and thats one good way to mess up a relationship........

my partner has sex with the others in the group and I am not always involved because there are times I am busy with work or just not really in the mood for sex... and its easy to say that there is a lot of trust there, but the reality is for us, its not about trust, to be honest... and more to do with the fact that neither of us are interested in or looking for anything else beyond what we have with each other....

so thats some food for thought for you and your partner, maybe a small closed group of FwB is better suited for you both, with people that do not want anything more than FwB but would enjoy a long term arrangement..... casual hookups are problematic at times and even people you know, can be problematic as you both are finding out.........

Sep 20, 2022, 2:27 PM
I mean you started out saying she didn’t want to let you play because she was worried you would like sex with others more than with her, then all of a sudden she wanted to fuck the neighbor. Just what I read from you, I may have read into that wrong. It just seems odd that she was insecure about you with guys but quickly moved to her fucking your neighbor even thought the neighbor’s “crush” on you seemed to disappear…

Sep 20, 2022, 10:47 PM
I mean you started out saying she didn’t want to let you play because she was worried you would like sex with others more than with her, then all of a sudden she wanted to fuck the neighbor. Just what I read from you, I may have read into that wrong. It just seems odd that she was insecure about you with guys but quickly moved to her fucking your neighbor even thought the neighbor’s “crush” on you seemed to disappear…

Exactly!!! Interesting how the script flipped - BAM!

SO we have gone from you thinking about experimenting to your wife wanting a open relationship.....and her concerns with you experimenting and the chances of it turning into more, to your own concerns about others having sex with your wife and what may happen.......

It actually reads like your wife is/was more ready to open the relationship than you are /were.....

I got that also! Wow talk about flaky. I think the two of you have missed this boat, you are both a bit of a basket case. When in doubt - don't ruin a marriage for a fantasy.

Sep 20, 2022, 11:25 PM
- don't ruin a marriage for a fantasy.


Long Duck Dong
Sep 21, 2022, 3:39 AM
looks at jaz.....thats why I have never married, I had a fantasy that marriage was for life, other people getting married and divorced, ruined my fantasy, lol

Sep 21, 2022, 5:05 AM
looks at jaz.....thats why I have never married, I had a fantasy that marriage was for life, other people getting married and divorced, ruined my fantasy, lol
I have wed and divorced twice and next year will wed again. Both marriages were fantasies in their own way, and wrecked because of fantasies.. I have always accepted the possibility that marriages end in divorce so I never lived the forever fantasy. Third time lucky, Duckie, who can tell, but I will enter that marriage as I did the others.. full of love and hope, but aware that love and hope isn't always enough.

Sep 21, 2022, 1:17 PM
We have been in counseling. But why do you ask?REA

From reading this thread it appears that there are some areas that you and wife might need some help; communication and insecurity as well as the nature of your relationship. Good luck!

Sep 21, 2022, 4:21 PM
I detest those who choose to ignore requests to keep politics out of this. Anytime I hear sex and politics in the same sentence it makes me sick and really I feel sorry for people who can't let go of it long enough to enjoy some nice posts about sex.

Long Duck Dong
Sep 21, 2022, 8:55 PM
I have wed and divorced twice and next year will wed again. Both marriages were fantasies in their own way, and wrecked because of fantasies.. I have always accepted the possibility that marriages end in divorce so I never lived the forever fantasy. Third time lucky, Duckie, who can tell, but I will enter that marriage as I did the others.. full of love and hope, but aware that love and hope isn't always enough.

hugs then may 3rd time be a charm for you both.......

Sep 22, 2022, 12:01 PM
Sexuality is nothing if not political. It has been forced that direction by too many groups. Years ago, who or what you had sex with was nobodies business and now it is everyone's.

Yep. Prior to 2016, I stayed quiet about politics in mixed company. Not anymore. Watching Donald Trump get installed in the White House was a wake-up-call for millions of Americans. We're not going to sit back and be nice to people who want to invade our bodies and bedrooms, and if you're one of those people, then you can forget about us playing nice with you.

Sep 22, 2022, 12:39 PM
Sexuality is nothing if not political. It has been forced that direction by too many groups. Years ago, who or what you had sex with was nobodies business and now it is everyone's.It was and still is the law's business and many gay and bi people paid a dear price because of the law. They still do in many countries, often paying the ultimate price. It was groups and political organisation who fought for and got for gay and bi people what rights they currently have and it is groups and political organisations who are fighting to try and remove them. This thread isn't the place to debate those bigger, all encompassing sexuality issues, but this forum certainly is and always has been.

Sep 22, 2022, 12:44 PM
Yep. Prior to 2016, I stayed quiet about politics in mixed company. Not anymore. Watching Donald Trump get installed in the White House was a wake-up-call for millions of Americans. We're not going to sit back and be nice to people who want to invade our bodies and bedrooms, and if you're one of those people, then you can forget about us playing nice with you.

I usually stay out of this, but lets be honest, most of it is media BS, so tell me, what have I ever done to you ?

Sep 22, 2022, 12:49 PM
All of this would be a huge no go for me.
Would she be so eager if the roles were reversed? If you had a female friend that you both could sleep with?
My suggestion would be finding someone neither of you know. Although a complete stranger comes with a different set of risks.

My fiance knows I'm bi. She came across pictures on my computer that I thought was secure when we first got together 6yrs ago. She never said a word. We've endured a 3yr, 1500mi apart long distance relationship and 2yrs ago when we were discussing current affairs when I mentioned my bisexuality.
She's openly bi, though she flat out said she "doesn't want to come home and find me impaled or choking on a hard cock. Our bed and bedroom is off limits" and she completely understands if i go get my need "filled"
Currently trying to find a fwb to safely explore with vs the one night stands when I was single.

Sep 22, 2022, 1:18 PM
Yep. Prior to 2016, I stayed quiet about politics in mixed company. Not anymore. Watching Donald Trump get installed in the White House was a wake-up-call for millions of Americans. We're not going to sit back and be nice to people who want to invade our bodies and bedrooms, and if you're one of those people, then you can forget about us playing nice with you.
Who was the guy that wanted to reduce the governments control over citizens? I also don't remember any laws being passed to affect gays and lesbians. That was surprising with a religious VP. Did I miss something?

Sep 22, 2022, 3:30 PM
I usually stay out of this, but lets be honest, most of it is media BS, so tell me, what have I ever done to you ?

I'm not sure why you addressed that question to me, since I don't think I've responded to you on this thread. Maybe you mistook me for someone else.

Who was the guy that wanted to reduce the governments control over citizens?

Tens of millions of American woman have lost their own bodily autonomy all over the country as a result of what the GOP has done. Women in American can now be forced to bear their rapist's child against their will. Do not talk to me about the GOP supposedly wanting to reduce government control over us.

Sep 22, 2022, 5:58 PM
I'm not sure why you addressed that question to me, since I don't think I've responded to you on this thread. Maybe you mistook me for someone else.

Tens of millions of American woman have lost their own bodily autonomy all over the country as a result of what the GOP has done. Women in American can now be forced to bear their rapist's child against their will. Do not talk to me about the GOP supposedly wanting to reduce government control over us.

Your comment "Forget about us playing nice with you "..........................well as a white christian conservative republican, 2nd amendment free speech supporter..................oh, and I forget, according to the party of love and tolerance, I am also immediately a racist, mysoginist, sexist, homophobe

I would ask, when have you ever played nice ?

I will state flat out, the only, and I mean only hatred I have ever had to face was from the liberals, and the LGBTQ community

Sep 22, 2022, 6:13 PM
Your comment "Forget about us playing nice with you "..........................well as a white christian conservative republican, 2nd amendment free speech supporter..................oh, and I forget, according to the party of love and tolerance, I am also immediately a racist, mysoginist, sexist, homophobe

Here's what I wrote (not in response to you): "We're not going to sit back and be nice to people who want to invade our bodies and bedrooms, and if you're one of those people, then you can forget about us playing nice with you. "

Are you one of the people who wants to invade our bodies and bedrooms? Do you think a 10-year-old rape victim should be forced to have her rapist's baby? Because if you vote GOP, then that is what you are voting for. Do you think trans kids should be prevented from playing sports? Because if you vote GOP, then that is what you are voting for. Do you think companies should be able to fire someone for being gay? Because if you vote GOP, then that is what you are voting for.

I would ask, when have you ever played nice ?

Me? I play nice all the time. I don't have a problem with gay people. I don't have a problem with women deciding for themselves what they can do with their own body. I don't have a problem with queer people of any description. But you know who does? Right-wing Republicans. If you think those people are "nice" and are your friends, then you are in for a very rude awakening when they decide to make you their next target. But don't worry, nice people like me will be there to defend your right to live as you please.

I will state flat out, the only, and I mean only hatred I have ever had to face was from the liberals, and the LGBTQ community

Show up at CPAC sometime in drag and see what happens.

Sep 22, 2022, 6:33 PM
Here's what I wrote (not in response to you): "We're not going to sit back and be nice to people who want to invade our bodies and bedrooms, and if you're one of those people, then you can forget about us playing nice with you. "

Are you one of the people who wants to invade our bodies and bedrooms? Do you think a 10-year-old rape victim should be forced to have her rapist's baby? Because if you vote GOP, then that is what you are voting for. Do you think trans kids should be prevented from playing sports? Because if you vote GOP, then that is what you are voting for. Do you think companies should be able to fire someone for being gay? Because if you vote GOP, then that is what you are voting for.

Me? I play nice all the time. I don't have a problem with gay people. I don't have a problem with women deciding for themselves what they can do with their own body. I don't have a problem with queer people of any description. But you know who does? Right-wing Republicans. If you think those people are "nice" and are your friends, then you are in for a very rude awakening when they decide to make you their next target. But don't worry, nice people like me will be there to defend your right to live as you please.

Show up at CPAC sometime in drag and see what happens.

So yes,I vote GOP, difference is, I dont make blanket statements about people, which really amounts to being a bigot. You should honestly quit watching CNN and start researching for yourself.

And yes, I have shown up at CPAC and MAGA rallys, I was treated very well and with more respect, unlike LGBTQ bars where I have been called vile things. I mean, I could vote democrat where any black man that dares to disagree with them is called an uncle tom.

Honestly, the only hate rhetoric I ever see, and threats I ever see, comes from liberal democrats.

honestly, the warped mental illness I have come to expect, you are showing right here.............you are using half truths and bumper sticker slogans, hell you could not even be respectful enough to the OP to keep politics off his post and start your own.

As far as needing you to defend, for the love of god, please dont, I would not want to degrade myself that much, plus, you forget, I am a violent racist homophobic mysoginistic gun owning republican...................I have enough guns to protect myself, you know, the ones you guys think you are going to take.

Sep 22, 2022, 6:51 PM
So yes,I vote GOP, difference is, I dont make blanket statements about people, which really amounts to being a bigot. You should honestly quit watching CNN and start researching for yourself.

What a load of BS. You voted to take away my health care, you voted to force 10-year-olds to bear their rapist's child, you voted for discrimination against trans kids, you voted to let people get fired for being gay.

I dont make blanket statements about people, which really amounts to being a bigot.

You're making plenty of blanket statements about people. Read your own comments.

And yes, I have shown up at CPAC and MAGA rallys, I was treated very well and with more respect

Sure you were. The Log Cabin Republicans were thrown out of CPAC. The GOP is constantly on the warpath about drag queen story hour. They want gay teachers fired because they're "grooming" children. But they just loved YOU, in drag, at CPAC. Right.

Honestly, the only hate rhetoric I ever see, and threats I ever see, comes from liberal democrats.

You are not looking very hard. Want some help?

honestly, the warped mental illness I have come to expect, you are showing right here.............you are using half truths and bumper sticker slogans

"I dont make blanket statements about people"

I have enough guns to protect myself, you know, the ones you guys think you are going to take.

No one said anything about guns. You're just spewing GOP propaganda without a second thought.

Sep 22, 2022, 7:16 PM
So yes,I vote GOP, difference is, I dont make blanket statements about people, which really amounts to being a bigot. You should honestly quit watching CNN and start researching for yourself.

And yes, I have shown up at CPAC and MAGA rallys, I was treated very well and with more respect, unlike LGBTQ bars where I have been called vile things. I mean, I could vote democrat where any black man that dares to disagree with them is called an uncle tom.

Honestly, the only hate rhetoric I ever see, and threats I ever see, comes from liberal democrats.

honestly, the warped mental illness I have come to expect, you are showing right here.............you are using half truths and bumper sticker slogans, hell you could not even be respectful enough to the OP to keep politics off his post and start your own.

As far as needing you to defend, for the love of god, please dont, I would not want to degrade myself that much, plus, you forget, I am a violent racist homophobic mysoginistic gun owning republican...................I have enough guns to protect myself, you know, the ones you guys think you are going to take.

Thanks for sharing your experiences, and mine have been similar. Only you can tell your story because only you were there.

Sep 22, 2022, 7:29 PM
Thanks for sharing your experiences, and mine have been similar. Only you can tell your story because only you were there.

No response to the following, chtampa?

Who was the guy that wanted to reduce the governments control over citizens?

Tens of millions of American woman have lost their own bodily autonomy all over the country as a result of what the GOP has done. Women in America can now be forced to bear their rapist's child against their will. Do not talk to me about the GOP supposedly wanting to reduce government control over us.

Sep 22, 2022, 7:56 PM
No response to the following, chtampa?

Tens of millions of American woman have lost their own bodily autonomy all over the country as a result of what the GOP has done. Women in America can now be forced to bear their rapist's child against their will. Do not talk to me about the GOP supposedly wanting to reduce government control over us.

That is a false statement. It is now being governed at the state level, which is as it should be. The Federal Government should have never accepted the Row v Wade case and that was overturned. The tens of millions you mention can just go to another state and have abortions. They have all the control they wish. I will not argue that fact with you. If your state does not allow it, you can just move to one that has your belief system. 50 states can now have 50 different views just so you can have your freedoms.

Sep 22, 2022, 7:59 PM
What a load of BS. You voted to take away my health care, you voted to force 10-year-olds to bear their rapist's child, you voted for discrimination against trans kids, you voted to let people get fired for being gay.

You're making plenty of blanket statements about people. Read your own comments.

Sure you were. The Log Cabin Republicans were thrown out of CPAC. The GOP is constantly on the warpath about drag queen story hour. They want gay teachers fired because they're "grooming" children. But they just loved YOU, in drag, at CPAC. Right.

You are not looking very hard. Want some help?

"I dont make blanket statements about people"

No one said anything about guns. You're just spewing GOP propaganda without a second thought.

Just so we are correct, you are the only one spewing bumper sticker slogans................now, if you want to have these arguments, I can tell you from your responses, I am much smarter than you. it isnt arrogance, its the basics of I use facts, so, heres how it will go, You will state something silly, I will correct you, you will eventually go to name calling, and I will show your stupidity, is that a game you want to play, because I can tell you skippy, you cant win

truthfully, you have already show it..................I will even give you a freebie.

Your moronic statement about a 10 year old rape victim, see, those of us with common sense understand the facts that rape and incest combined equal about 1.2% of abortions, and that the ones for people under 12 years old are less than .10 percent, but hey, dont let facts stop you.

Sep 22, 2022, 8:02 PM
That is a false statement. It is now being governed at the state level, which is as it should be. The Federal Government should have never accepted the Row v Wade case and that was overturned. The tens of millions you mention can just go to another state and have abortions. They have all the control they wish. I will not argue that fact with you. If your state does not allow it, you can just move to one that has your belief system. 50 states can now have 50 different views just so you can have your freedoms.

You cant argue with a toddler..............I have had these arguments before, they work on emotion and facts dont matter. What they do is try to find one miniscule thing and hang their hat on it. take the comment I haven't been to CPAC, its not reality until I prove it to him, reality is, he is not that important, actually I think at one time I posted a picture here

Sep 22, 2022, 8:16 PM
So yes,I vote GOP, difference is, I dont make blanket statements about people, which really amounts to being a bigot. You should honestly quit watching CNN and start researching for yourself.

And yes, I have shown up at CPAC and MAGA rallys, I was treated very well and with more respect, unlike LGBTQ bars where I have been called vile things. I mean, I could vote democrat where any black man that dares to disagree with them is called an uncle tom.

Honestly, the only hate rhetoric I ever see, and threats I ever see, comes from liberal democrats.

honestly, the warped mental illness I have come to expect, you are showing right here.............you are using half truths and bumper sticker slogans, hell you could not even be respectful enough to the OP to keep politics off his post and start your own.

As far as needing you to defend, for the love of god, please dont, I would not want to degrade myself that much, plus, you forget, I am a violent racist homophobic mysoginistic gun owning republican...................I have enough guns to protect myself, you know, the ones you guys think you are going to take.

you are completely full of shit.

Sep 22, 2022, 8:20 PM
That is a false statement. It is now being governed at the state level, which is as it should be.

You think it's fine that a 10yo rape victim be forced to bear her rapist's child.

Sep 22, 2022, 8:20 PM
you are completely full of shit.

wow spanky, that's the best you have ?

First, you assume I care what you think, spoiler alert, I don't, next, a response like that says more about you than it does me, it really says 3rd grade education, want to try again ?

Sep 22, 2022, 8:23 PM
Just so we are correct, you are the only one spewing bumper sticker slogans................now, if you want to have these arguments, I can tell you from your responses, I am much smarter than you. it isnt arrogance, its the basics of I use facts, so, heres how it will go, You will state something silly, I will correct you, you will eventually go to name calling, and I will show your stupidity, is that a game you want to play, because I can tell you skippy, you cant win

truthfully, you have already show it..................I will even give you a freebie.

Your moronic statement about a 10 year old rape victim, see, those of us with common sense understand the facts that rape and incest combined equal about 1.2% of abortions, and that the ones for people under 12 years old are less than .10 percent, but hey, dont let facts stop you.

You think it's fine for a 10yo rape victim to be forced to bear her rapist's child. You've said nothing to indicate otherwise. I'm quite comfortable putting my intelligence up against yours.

Sep 22, 2022, 8:25 PM
You think it's fine that a 10yo rape victim be forced to bear her rapist's child.

Contrary to what you may believe, the sky is not falling.

Sep 22, 2022, 8:26 PM
wow spanky, that's the best you have ?

First, you assume I care what you think, spoiler alert, I don't, next, a response like that says more about you than it does me, it really says 3rd grade education, want to try again ?

Your vote forced American girls to give birth to their rapist's child.

Sep 22, 2022, 8:28 PM
Contrary to what you may believe, the sky is not falling.

A girl who is currently being forced, in the United States of America, to give birth to her rapist's child, might think the sky is falling. I'd like to see you explain to her otherwise.

Sep 22, 2022, 8:30 PM
Your vote forced American girls to give birth to their rapist's child.

Seriously, you are making yourself sound stupider by the minute, please tell me you dont vote. The supreme court did NOT overturn abortion, they sent it back to the states to decide for themself.

And, you know, just in case you were not aware, it was the supreme court who decided to do this, and they have these really cool things called transportation that you can go to a place that does allow it, hell, companies like Apple will even pay for it for you

Sep 22, 2022, 8:34 PM
Seriously, you are making yourself sound stupider by the minute, please tell me you dont vote. The supreme court did NOT overturn abortion, they sent it back to the states to decide for themself.
And, you know, just in case you were not aware, it was the supreme court who decided to do this, and they have these really cool things called transportation that you can go to a place that does allow it, hell, companies like Apple will even pay for it for you

And if the girl can't travel? If the girl doesn't work for Apple? You're comfortable with her being forced to bear her rapist's child? Come on, you clearly believe this, so stop running and just say it. You are fine with it.

Sep 22, 2022, 8:47 PM
A girl who is currently being forced, in the United States of America, to give birth to her rapist's child, might think the sky is falling. I'd like to see you explain to her otherwise.
Why are you, a man, pushing so hard to have say over women. They have their freedom, but you want the Supreme Court to have say over them. Are you chauvinistic across the board, or just on a few subjects? Do women threaten you when you don't control them? Are you into that barefoot and in the kitchen thing? The only people I hear not happy with the decision are men. What is your real motive? Why do you focus on pregnant 10 year old girls? And raped girls? You are likely on the wrong website.

Sep 22, 2022, 8:58 PM
And if the girl can't travel? If the girl doesn't work for Apple? You're comfortable with her being forced to bear her rapist's child? Come on, you clearly believe this, so stop running and just say it. You are fine with it.

Oh skippy, this is what you are hanging your hat on ?............please, you need someone with intelligence to help you.
I never said she worked for apple, I said they will pay for it.

This is how dumb you are, I have made it very clear I am pro life, you are trying to stick with rape of a 10 year old. And honestly, if you got your news by research, you would realize the majority of states do have a rape exemption

Sep 22, 2022, 9:26 PM
This is how dumb you are, I have made it very clear I am pro life, you are trying to stick with rape of a 10 year old. And honestly, if you got your news by research, you would realize the majority of states do have a rape exemption

Stop dodging and admit it. You are fine with a state forcing a 10 year rape victim to bear her rapist's child. Stop trying to wriggle out out of it by talking about how she could do this or that to evade the laws of her state. You're fine with it. You believe the state should have that authority. Just admit it and stop dodging.

I noticed you haven't tried to claim that such a thing hasn't happened, but just in case anyone reading this doesn't know about it -- here it is:


That's what these people are all about.

Sep 22, 2022, 9:29 PM
The only people I hear not happy with the decision are men.

Just wanted to quote this as sterling example of how clueless the quislings are.

Sep 22, 2022, 9:34 PM
Oh, by the way, I particularly chuckled out loud at this:

And honestly, if you got your news by research, you would realize the majority of states do have a rape exemption

"The girl, who was 9 at the time of the rape,[3] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2022_pregnancy_of_a_10-year-old_in_Ohio#cite_note-:0-3) traveled to Indiana (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indiana) to get an abortion (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abortion), because Ohio (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ohio) law on abortion (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abortion_in_Ohio) does not provide an exception for minor children who become pregnant because of rape."


Sep 22, 2022, 9:47 PM
Oh, by the way, I particularly chuckled out loud at this:

"The girl, who was 9 at the time of the rape,[3] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2022_pregnancy_of_a_10-year-old_in_Ohio#cite_note-:0-3) traveled to Indiana (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indiana) to get an abortion (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abortion), because Ohio (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ohio) law on abortion (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abortion_in_Ohio) does not provide an exception for minor children who become pregnant because of rape."


Apparently you need more help, the words were "Majority", now, majority means more than a minority..................let me know if you need any other help with reading comprehension

Sep 22, 2022, 9:49 PM
Stop dodging and admit it. You are fine with a state forcing a 10 year rape victim to bear her rapist's child. Stop trying to wriggle out out of it by talking about how she could do this or that to evade the laws of her state. You're fine with it. You believe the state should have that authority. Just admit it and stop dodging.

I noticed you haven't tried to claim that such a thing hasn't happened, but just in case anyone reading this doesn't know about it -- here it is:


That's what these people are all about.

not wiggling out of anything.............I never said I was okay with no rape exemptions, you assumed. But thanks for playing. But hey, keep trying to make your argument on less than 2% of the cases

Sep 22, 2022, 9:56 PM
Apparently you need more help, the words were "Majority", now, majority means more than a minority..................let me know if you need any other help with reading comprehension

So you're OK with Ohio forcing minor children to bear their rapist's child? That's a valid vote for you? Go ahead, just admit it. Or do you not want to own this particular opinion?

Sep 22, 2022, 9:58 PM
not wiggling out of anything.............I never said I was okay with no rape exemptions, you assumed. But thanks for playing. But hey, keep trying to make your argument on less than 2% of the cases

You said states should decide it. That is what Ohio decided. So are you OK with states deciding it? Are you OK with Ohio deciding that? Go ahead and admit it. Here's the case again, just to make sure there's no confusion:


Let's hear you say it. Take pride in your beliefs.

Sep 22, 2022, 10:14 PM
You said states should decide it. That is what Ohio decided. So are you OK with states deciding it? Are you OK with Ohio deciding that? Go ahead and admit it. Here's the case again, just to make sure there's no confusion:


Let's hear you say it. Take pride in your beliefs.

again, since you seem to be slow.

Yes, states should decide, it is called the wil of their voters.
No, I dont have to agree with everything................happy now ?

still doesnt change a thing, and the fact you are still hanging on less than 2% is moronic. So I guess, since the majority of abortions are by minority women................and you support that, you are a racist.

See, that is how stupid your argument is

Sep 22, 2022, 10:16 PM
again, since you seem to be slow.
Yes, states should decide, it is called the wil of their voters.
No, I dont have to agree with everything................happy now ?
still doesnt change a thing, and the fact you are still hanging on less than 2% is moronic. So I guess, since the majority of abortions are by minority women................and you support that, you are a racist.
See, that is how stupid your argument is

So your answer is yes. You do think a state should be able to force a 10 year old girl to bear her rapist's child.

Sep 22, 2022, 10:26 PM
So your answer is yes. You do think a state should be able to force a 10 year old girl to bear her rapist's child.
seems you still have trouble with reading comprehension..................I appreciate you living up to the stereotype. See this is why liberals are looked at as toddlers, you pick and chose what fits your narrative, its called cognitive dissonance, its really sad we dont have more mental health services in this country

Sep 22, 2022, 10:34 PM
seems you still have trouble with reading comprehension..................I appreciate you living up to the stereotype. See this is why liberals are looked at as toddlers, you pick and chose what fits your narrative, its called cognitive dissonance, its really sad we dont have more mental health services in this country

Do you think Ohio should be allowed to force a 10-year-old to bear her rapist's child? It's an easy yes-or-no question. My answer is no. What's yours? Yes or no?

Sep 22, 2022, 10:38 PM
Wow, this thread went sideways and into what the fuck orbit fast.

Sep 22, 2022, 10:42 PM
Wow, this thread went sideways and into what the fuck orbit fast.

https://media0.giphy.com/media/3o6EhFu1B88poBguac/giphy.gif?cid=ecf05e47f7z7ybiaq7fxb5xkmdeuzg0chcjp 7xqxd2meo3ii&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g

Sep 22, 2022, 10:48 PM
Do you think Ohio should be allowed to force a 10-year-old to bear her rapist's child? It's an easy yes-or-no question. My answer is no. What's yours? Yes or no?

either you are obtuse, or a troll, so let me help you with translation

Yes I agree with states rights..............you see skippy, this means I agree with setting their laws
No I donthave to agree with all of them ............this means no, I do not think a ten year old should bear a rapists child.

This doesnt change that your first comments were bigoted, and made blanket statements about a whole group of people.

But hey, i also do not support the murder of over 400k minority kids every year,so there is that

Sep 22, 2022, 10:53 PM
Finally put this troll on ignore................I can handle quality discussion, and a differing opinion, but, when someone has to focus on such a miniscule point to feel right..................they are honestly too stupid to speak too.

My apology to the OP that your thread got hijacked, in reality, I should have taken the high road earlier and blocked this dipshit and didnt, so I am partially to blame.

I personally dont care if you are liberal or conservative or ambivilant, I can respect your beliefs, I just cannot respect stupid people who has done nothing as far as I can see to help others like many of you have done

Sep 22, 2022, 10:57 PM
either you are obtuse, or a troll, so let me help you with translation
Yes I agree with states rights..............you see skippy, this means I agree with setting their laws
No I donthave to agree with all of them ............this means no, I do not think a ten year old should bear a rapists child.

But that does mean you believe Ohio should be allowed to have a law that forces a 10-year-old to bear her rapist's child. That is, after all, what I asked. I asked if you think Ohio should be able to do that. And you've said yes.

Sep 23, 2022, 7:52 AM
Yup a troll. Just like tenni or maybe it is tenni. Probably never sucked a cock in their life, wouldn?t know what to do with a cock if someone slapped them in the face with it.
Going with a Freudian diagnosis, most likely his mommy didn?t hug him enough as a child and has a inferior complex.

Sep 23, 2022, 10:49 AM
Yup a troll. Just like tenni or maybe it is tenni. Probably never sucked a cock in their life, wouldn?t know what to do with a cock if someone slapped them in the face with it.
Going with a Freudian diagnosis, most likely his mommy didn?t hug him enough as a child and has a inferior complex.

You know, I have chatted with tenni, truthfully, I dont have an issue. we see things different but he/she (never looked on the profile), sent me a PM with questions, it was respectful. Do we agree on things, no, but, it was kept adult between the two of us and we ended the discussion agreeing to disagree

Sep 23, 2022, 11:01 AM
A troll? Hmm... Funny how peeps throw troll at other peeps they disagree with... If he is, he is a politically sound troll to me.. I doubt it it's tenni btw.. He can be a bit unpredictable at times but he isn't a troll either. I've always rather liked him even though I disagree with easily half of what he says. Look back through forums and there u will see some proper dickhead trolls!! This site is as bad as it is because of them. Them that chuck the word troll at folk are often troll themselves. Not always but frequently. So folk should watch their cyber-gobs more than they do!

Sep 23, 2022, 12:53 PM
A troll? Hmm... Funny how peeps throw troll at other peeps they disagree with...

Name-calling is the expected response from people who can't defend their politics. :thumbu:

Sep 23, 2022, 1:00 PM
This site is political in the sense being bisexuality is political. I wonder if that your wife is controlling out of fear. You mention that you are nervous about a first time. Maybe you need to get with a guy who is sensitive to first times other than your wife's choice. If her choice of a man may not be your choice first time. This is really about you and your sexuality.

Previous posters have made statements about their straight partner woman wants to see your candidate so that they know and do not have to fear the unknown. Some straight partners ask to sit in the same room so that they know. Some bisexuals are with another bi male and go back to report what they did. It turns their partner on and the bi/straight couple have great sex.

Thanks darkness and Jazz. Calling someone a troll is name calling and a violation of rule 2. I have not been on the site for more than a month and I come back to see that the merde has hit the fan in personal attacks on me. I noticed that a long time poster also attacked me with fictions lies.

So much of this thread is off topic. Sorry the OP could not get advice on a serious bisexual political issue.

Sep 23, 2022, 1:14 PM
My apologies to tenni and to any I offended. The old silberwolf1960 came outta me, I do remember as darkeyes says the proper dickhead trolls that made the site it is now.
We used to have a great site here, open discussion without the flaming. It is frustrating when longtime members leave or are chased off by a select few cast of moronic trolls.
I miss a lot of the old chat gang that used to hang out on here. So my apologies for jumping the gun and throwing blame on those that don’t deserve it. And congratulations darkeyes on your nuptials.

Sep 23, 2022, 2:32 PM
You people really suck.
I asked to keep this about what I posted not about politics and y’all can’t respect that. You have high jacked my thread of looking for advice and made it into a political discussion which has nothing to do with what I was looking for. You are all so obsessed with politics that you can’t keep it out of your day to day conversations. Y’all have trump derangement syndrome and can’t help but keep him in your mouth and at the forefront of every discussion. Our sexuality is not a political debate because in reality 99% of those of us that are conservatives don’t give a damn who you sleep with. The ones that are strictly religious conservatives may not approve of the lifestyle but as we say “hate the sin don’t hate the sinner.” I’m sick and tired of it being brought up in every single conversation. My life doesn’t revolve around politics. If yours does that’s fine but be respectful and keep it to yourself when someone asks you to shut up about it.
the only people that make sexuality a political issue are the ones that are democrats and left leaning that think their sexuality has to be shoved down everyone’s throats 24/7. Trump is the only president that has gone out to try and make the entire WORLD a better place for people that are gay/lesbian/etc. Trump is the first president to hire a gay man to work on his presidential staff. I’m just so sick of people that clearly don’t do their own research and only blindly follow the mainstream media narrative.

y’all are rude. Y’all are hateful. Y’all are disrespectful.
keep your politics to yourself and stop bringing them on to my thread that I was asking for advice on.

Sep 23, 2022, 3:01 PM
This site is political in the sense being bisexuality is political. I wonder if that your wife is controlling out of fear. You mention that you are nervous about a first time. Maybe you need to get with a guy who is sensitive to first times other than your wife's choice. If her choice of a man may not be your choice first time. This is really about you and your sexuality.

Previous posters have made statements about their straight partner woman wants to see your candidate so that they know and do not have to fear the unknown. Some straight partners ask to sit in the same room so that they know. Some bisexuals are with another bi male and go back to report what they did. It turns their partner on and the bi/straight couple have great sex.

Thanks darkness and Jazz. Calling someone a troll is name calling and a violation of rule 2. I have not been on the site for more than a month and I come back to see that the merde has hit the fan in personal attacks on me. I noticed that a long time poster also attacked me with fictions lies.

So much of this thread is off topic. Sorry the OP could not get advice on a serious bisexual political issue.

You are correct I used the troll word, not at you, because, as I said, I always found you respectful in that you will argue your point, but in an adult manner. We may not agree, and thats always okay

I was incorrect as in I let this person continue in stupidity, when I should have just blocked them after the first one or two things, and instead decided to be a touch bitchy, for lack of a better word. I did use troll as (I looked it up) they wanted to only focus on .02% of an issue, this is done so you can control the narrative and be right and not allow any dissenting opinion, but bottom line, I allowed stupidity to run my actions.

I have since blocked this person..............only one I ever have

Sep 23, 2022, 3:03 PM
You people really suck.
I asked to keep this about what I posted not about politics and y’all can’t respect that. You have high jacked my thread of looking for advice and made it into a political discussion which has nothing to do with what I was looking for. .

As I already apoligized, I would not blame all left leaning people, I am as right wing conservative as they come, and I took part in the argument. Again, you have my apology, but in this case, I was just as much to blame. And I agree, it should have been moved to a different posting

Sep 23, 2022, 4:27 PM
You people really suck.
Y?all have trump derangement syndrome and can?t help but keep him in your mouth and at the forefront of every discussion.

If you don't want people discussing politics on this thread, then you're free to stop making comments like that one. Trump has definitely been at the forefront for me, and a lot of other people, ever since 2016. And since he's still making headlines for stealing classified documents and lying about it, as well as threatening to run for President again, you can be sure he will continue to be at the forefront. I don't believe in safe spaces for fascists, so I'll be continuing to comment on Trump every time the topic comes up. Trump supporters, who cannot defend their politics, can continue to resort to their impotent collection of insults.

Sep 23, 2022, 4:42 PM
If you don't want people discussing politics on this thread, then you're free to stop making comments like that one. Trump has definitely been at the forefront for me, and a lot of other people, ever since 2016. And since he's still making headlines for stealing classified documents and lying about it, as well as threatening to run for President again, you can be sure he will continue to be at the forefront. I don't believe in safe spaces for fascists, so I'll be continuing to comment on Trump every time the topic comes up. Trump supporters, who cannot defend their politics, can continue to resort to their impotent collection of insults.
Dude you don’t even know what a facist is. Stop trying to play games. Stop being brainwashed and do some research. Stay off my post when you have nothing but politics to be involved in. I know you can’t help it but your personality shouldn’t be nothing but politics. Trump didn’t steal classified documents. Stop believing the bull shit lies.

Sep 23, 2022, 4:47 PM
Dude you don’t even know what a facist is.

You can't even spell the word correctly.

Trump didn’t steal classified documents.

You really shouldn't write things like that in the same breath you are telling someone they are brainwashed.

Sep 23, 2022, 4:47 PM
Wow... is this political fussing still going on?

Sep 23, 2022, 5:20 PM
You can't even spell the word correctly.

You really shouldn't write things like that in the same breath you are telling someone they are brainwashed.

my bad I mistyped. Was driving when I posted it.

every president takes shit with them for one. For two trump went out and had them come look through the documents and they took what they deemed necessary. Y?all don?t do any research yourselves do you?

Sep 23, 2022, 5:22 PM
Yea of course it’s still going on. People don’t respect other peoples requests

Sep 23, 2022, 5:43 PM
my bad I mistyped. Was driving when I posted it.

every president takes shit with them for one.

"Shit" like top secret documents that don't belong to them? No, every president does not do that.

For two trump went out and had them come look through the documents and they took what they deemed necessary.

At least the second part of that sentence is true. But your position seems to be that it's fine if Donald Trump took top secret documents with him when he left the White House ("every president takes shit "), so why bother coming up with a defense? If you think Trump can go ahead and take whatever top secret documents he wants, and do with them whatever he wants to do with them, then there's not much of a debate to be had. You think Trump is above the law. I don't.

Sep 23, 2022, 6:36 PM
Good job assuming what I think. Tell me what “top secret” documents were taken. What were in them? And why wait almost 2 years to go get them back? All presidents make the decision to declassify documents all the time and take them with them. Obama did it Clinton did it bush did it. They all do it

Sep 23, 2022, 6:55 PM
Good job assuming what I think.

You've said nothing to indicate I'm wrong. Do you think Donald Trump should be allowed to take, and keep, top secret documents? It's a simple yes or no. My answer is no. I have no problem giving straightforward, direct answers to such questions. Prove me wrong by saying 'yes' or 'no' without trying to equivocate, dodge, and change the subject.

Tell me what “top secret” documents were taken. What were in them? And why wait almost 2 years to go get them back? All presidents make the decision to declassify documents all the time and take them with them. Obama did it Clinton did it bush did it. They all do it

Do you believe Trump declassified those documents? Because he definitely didn't. His lawyers have specifically avoided claiming he did, even when asked specifically by the special master, because they know he didn't. Declassification of such documents requires a paper trail (Trump is lying when he says it doesn't). Among the reasons for this is that the declassification of top secret documents requires coordination among various government agencies which have responsibilities related to that classification. As for Obama doing the same thing, blah blah blah, no he didn't, and neither did Clinton nor Bush. Those lies might go unchallenged in right-wing echo chambers, but they will not go unchallenged here.

Sep 23, 2022, 7:09 PM
Good job assuming what I think. Tell me what “top secret” documents were taken. What were in them? And why wait almost 2 years to go get them back? All presidents make the decision to declassify documents all the time and take them with them. Obama did it Clinton did it bush did it. They all do it

If you are talking to who I think you are, just place him on the ignore list. I am guilty of something I forgot, stupid people only have power if they can see or say something to you. He has Trump derangement syndrome, and cognitive dissonance, no matter how much is shown to him, he is not adult or smart enough to alter his stance based on a fact.

honestly, he isnt worth your annoyance

Sep 23, 2022, 9:32 PM
If you are talking to who I think you are, just place him on the ignore list. I am guilty of something I forgot, stupid people only have power if they can see or say something to you. He has Trump derangement syndrome, and cognitive dissonance, no matter how much is shown to him, he is not adult or smart enough to alter his stance based on a fact.

honestly, he isnt worth your annoyance
To think that we are using the truth to argue with a Biden voter that is still proud of what he did.

We are telling him the truth because the truth should be told by the people that are doing the telling since there is nothing else to tell. I have been to the thread, and the thread is secure because the last administration did not secure it and I have seen it many times and we are telling you we have secured the thread because we told you we did and they didn't. Didn't I?

Sep 24, 2022, 1:40 AM
WTF happened to this thread??? I thought we were talking about sucking married cock. Shame.

Sep 24, 2022, 12:06 PM
@williamg, I'm wondering the same thing.

Sep 24, 2022, 12:09 PM
WTF happened to this thread??? I thought we were talking about sucking married cock. Shame.
People don’t respect other people when asked to keep things separate. It drives me nuts.

Sep 24, 2022, 5:10 PM
People don’t respect other people when asked to keep things separate. It drives me nuts.

You've been making just as many political comments on this thread as anyone. :rolleyes: I notice you didn't answer the question about whether Donald Trump should be allowed to keep top secret documents at Mar-a-Lago. What do you think about that? Should Trump be allowed to remove top secret documents from the White House and keep them?

Sep 24, 2022, 7:18 PM
Hello all,
I am a 30 yr old married man. I believe I am bisexual but I?m not 100% sure. My wife doesn?t want me to experiment at all because she is worried that I will divorce her for another man. I have continuously told her that there was no chance that I would leave her.
In the same breath that I say that I also say that she tries to hook me up with a friend of hers that has a crush on me. She?s clearly torn on if she wants me to experiment or not. I don?t really know what to do. I also don?t really know what I want to do.

So getting back to the ORIG situation...
You say your wife knows about your bisexuality. Good or bad, that is a huge plus in the relationship. Very few of us are able to bring this up in our marriages. This is especially true for folks like me where both were "straight" going into it. I love my wife dearly. Married over 30 years. But she could never understand me becoming at the very least bi curious.

So this allows you some communication. Maybe you need to explain your desires clearer to her (I know you are still figuring it out). In my mind, I explain my sexuality as emotional & physical with a woman. But only physical with a man. Some men golf, fish, or even camp together. And some men suck cock together. But at the end of the day... You're back with your wife.

So you have a line of communication with her. Maybe she feels "safer" with you hooking up with her friend? Is the sex good with your wife these days?

Sep 24, 2022, 10:48 PM
So getting back to the ORIG situation...
You say your wife knows about your bisexuality. Good or bad, that is a huge plus in the relationship. Very few of us are able to bring this up in our marriages. This is especially true for folks like me where both were "straight" going into it. I love my wife dearly. Married over 30 years. But she could never understand me becoming at the very least bi curious.

So this allows you some communication. Maybe you need to explain your desires clearer to her (I know you are still figuring it out). In my mind, I explain my sexuality as emotional & physical with a woman. But only physical with a man. Some men golf, fish, or even camp together. And some men suck cock together. But at the end of the day... You're back with your wife.

So you have a line of communication with her. Maybe she feels "safer" with you hooking up with her friend? Is the sex good with your wife these days?
The friend is out the window. He didn’t really want anything to do with me. Another poster was right he used his “bisexuality” to get into my wife’s pants. And it almost worked.
im currently trying to rebuild my marriage over this bull shit lying mf.

Long Duck Dong
Sep 25, 2022, 12:04 AM
Best thing to do now, is continue to talk with your wife, and work though whats happened and how its changed things with the marriage and you both..........while its easy to suggest that all the * toys * are put back in the box and put away in the cupboard, that may not work, as both of your awareness have changed things for you both.

Maybe reach an agreement that you both take the time, maybe a few months, to refocus on you both and your marriage, before revisiting the idea of a open marriage, and how better to safeguard yourselves from people like the * friend *.....its a learning curve for you both, so it will take you both time to work through things, and maybe a marriage / relationship counsellor could help with ways to work through this, thats not suggesting that your marriage is in trouble but sometimes we just need a outside set of eyes and ears to assist with moving forward.......

SO what are the options of buying some toys for you both to play around with, just the both of you, to expand your sex life together, and also to get more of a feel about what interests you have ( both of you ) using role play etc........talking is easy, people can do it all day.......but in the bedroom with toys, and role playing, people can express themselves in ways that can surprise themselves and their partners.......and you both may find new and interesting ways to have fun while you both rebalance within the marriage........

Any experience is a learning curve....and dammed if you both have not learned a lot over the last month, the key now is to use that experience to positive effect in the marriage......and also to take the time to look in the mirror at any negative reactions and emotions that may have surfaced.......things like your own feelings about your wife having sex with other men, because your feelings are just as valid as her own concerns about you having sex with other men........and how can you both address your bisexuality and also her interests in the future with somebody who is not going to play games.......

I am a monogamous natured bi person myself, I am loyal to my partner, so I actually had to deal with compromising my own values in regards to my partner and the closed group.....but what made it easier for me, was my partner had her own * rules *, she did not want to play with people outside of the closed group who view themselves as FwB... and also the knowledge that my sex drive alone could not sate my partner who could fuck all 4 of us in one night and still want to make love with me......

Part of the compromise also involved my partner saying that she needed me to have sex with another guy and female because that way she could indulge herself when it came to sex, like me being fucked deep into her from behind and her doing the same to me.....for me, its all about pleasing my partner rather than focusing on myself, and knowing she loves it, made it easier for me to sidestep my monogamous nature.......

Your marriage does not sound to be broken, just different to when you first married... its a matter of how much can you both flex and adapt to your * new * marriage.....

Sep 25, 2022, 4:23 AM
Keep politics off my post. Period
Thank you BiGuy. I don't come here to discuss or debate political issues. There are other places for that. Ok enough about that.
Jazmine makes an excellent point and I'll second that. As have others here. Good luck on your journey and please keep us apprised of where it leads you and your wife. Hopefully to a good place.

Sep 25, 2022, 6:39 AM
Thank you BiGuy. I don't come here to discuss or debate political issues. There are other places for that. Ok enough about that.
Jazmine makes an excellent point and I'll second that. As have others here. Good luck on your journey and please keep us apprised of where it leads you and your wife. Hopefully to a good place.Do you mean this thread for I can agree with you. If u mean the site forums then I have to take issue..

Sep 25, 2022, 3:49 PM
Not quite a 1/2 gallon....:)

Sep 25, 2022, 9:21 PM
Not quite a 1/2 gallon....:)

Sep 25, 2022, 9:49 PM
Seriously, you are making yourself sound stupider by the minute, please tell me you dont vote. The supreme court did NOT overturn abortion, they sent it back to the states to decide for themself.

And, you know, just in case you were not aware, it was the supreme court who decided to do this, and they have these really cool things called transportation that you can go to a place that does allow it, hell, companies like Apple will even pay for it for you

men like you make me embarrassed to be a man. This is why feminism is so essential. Patriarchal attitudes like yours are absolutely disgusting

Sep 25, 2022, 11:23 PM
men like you make me embarrassed to be a man. This is why feminism is so essential. Patriarchal attitudes like yours are absolutely disgusting

So, now facts make you embarrassed to be a man ?

Is it you cant handle actual facts...................or are you just so freaking in such a hurry to kill innocents ?

I mean, it's not like our taxes pay for free birth control, oh wait they do
Its not like you can get free condoms every where, oh wait you do
Well, it's not like liberals got laws passed so a 9 year old can get Plan B without a parental consent................oh wait they can

But hey, way to use bumper sticker slogans

Sep 26, 2022, 12:58 AM
Do you mean this thread for I can agree with you. If u mean the site forums then I have to take issue..
I mean here darkeyes. Yes there are other boards in the forum that are for discussing politics. I respect BiGuy's wishes on no politics attached to his post. Is there a problem with that?

Sep 26, 2022, 7:06 AM
There is so much I could say about this, but it is all personal experience. My school years prepared me to question my sexuality by making me the school fag and school punching bag for most of my junior high, and high years. I lost my virginity to both women and men while I was still in the Coast Guard. This was decades before don't ask, don't tell. Once I realized I enjoyed both and saw nothing wrong with it, I asked my best friend in the Coast Guard about it and he explained bisexuality to me. I felt both enlightened and freed knowing that. I didn't experiment any further with men while I was in, but once I was out I played the field as I saw fit. By the time I met my late wife I was completely open about my bisexuality but I never thought of it as a being out of some closet I had to get out of. If there was reason for you to know I was bi, then you knew. If there was none, I never said anything. Then I met my late wife. I remember the months leading up to our wedding we discussed my bisexuality and how it would and wouldn't impact on our marriage. I assured her, I promised her that I didn't cheat. Period. My father cheated on my mother and while I knew even as a kid that she drove him away with her constant belittlements and nagging, he didn't have to drag me into it. Consequently, I don't cheat. Period. And I kept to it. But, after we separated I returned to screwing whomever I wanted to. If I started dating someone then, I was faithful. I found for me that was the best policy. I've been completely honest about my bisexuality and I've never used it as an excuse to cheat. I promise all the people I date that I won't cheat on them and I mean it. Life is complicated enough as it is to muddle up the important relationships in my life. That is my two cents worth.

Sep 26, 2022, 12:35 PM
men like you make me embarrassed to be a man. This is why feminism is so essential. Patriarchal attitudes like yours are absolutely disgusting

There's nothing like a man who dresses up as a woman turning around and voting to turn actual women into second class citizens. Disgusting is right.

Sep 26, 2022, 7:21 PM
The friend is out the window. He didn’t really want anything to do with me. Another poster was right he used his “bisexuality” to get into my wife’s pants. And it almost worked.
im currently trying to rebuild my marriage over this bull shit lying mf.

Oh... Sorry to hear that. I missed that whole part.
Well then perhaps bringing up the bi part of you is not in the cards then for a time given the situation. Best of luck to you!

Sep 27, 2022, 2:46 AM
Not quite a 1/2 gallon....:)

Sep 27, 2022, 2:57 AM
The friend is out the window. He didn’t really want anything to do with me. Another poster was right he used his “bisexuality” to get into my wife’s pants. And it almost worked.
im currently trying to rebuild my marriage over this bull shit lying mf.
Figures. That's has to be tough. I hope you and your wife are able to work things out and stay together. Something just didn't sound right about her explanation when you first posted. The older I get the less trust I have in people. Good luck.

Sep 29, 2022, 1:13 PM
I am a closet and will remain so. I will get a cock in my ass.

Nov 9, 2023, 12:13 PM
I had the same problem with my wife, she wanted a threescore
with a gay co-worker. We got together and everything worked out. She had a wonderful time watching us men sucking each other and rubbing her swollen clit. She kneeled over my face and as I licked her sweet pussy, she took her friends cock from behind. I counted her having three orgasms. A few days later I met her friend in town and he suggested I go to his apartment for a quickie. While we were enjoying each other's cocks he told me that my wife was so hot, and that she always had multiple orgasms when he fucked her. Then I realized he's a had been fucking her all along. And it was her idea that she wanted her bi husband to enjoy her friends cock.i never mentioned it to her, but I noticed that everytime we got together, she managed to fuck him and have multiple orgasms.

Nov 11, 2023, 12:10 PM
Hello all,
I am a 30 yr old married man. I believe I am bisexual but I?m not 100% sure. My wife doesn?t want me to experiment at all because she is worried that I will divorce her for another man. I have continuously told her that there was no chance that I would leave her.
In the same breath that I say that I also say that she tries to hook me up with a friend of hers that has a crush on me. She?s clearly torn on if she wants me to experiment or not. I don?t really know what to do. I also don?t really know what I want to do.

Has you wife stated that she's wants to be there when you are with her friend, to watch or just to feel more safe about it? It may make her feel more comfortable about it if she can be there. Would you want that?
Maybe the three of you could sit to talk about it first and you could express to the guy that you are only looking for m/m sex but will never want to leave your wife...that it's just about sex.
She might be much more comfortable if you approached it that way, the three of you sure that you are on the same page. Just a thought.

Nov 11, 2023, 1:05 PM
So .. sounds like they wanted an excuse to cheat .. or at least he did. That is annoying .. but at least the cat is out of the bag if you like men. Don't let one ..jerk.. ruin it for you.

It seems like some time has elapsed since -- I hope you managed to work things out somehow.

Nov 13, 2023, 3:50 PM
The topic suffered a SERIOUS thread shift. I tend to be conservative but I enjoy pleasing cock and letting a man please me. What, you think my mind is on politics when I'm involved in oral sex? What happens in the bedroom between consenting adults shouldn't be the government's business.

The Chunkly
Nov 14, 2023, 1:39 PM
Keep you're wife happy.
She wants you to have it off with her friend.
Then do so.
Don't bother with us blokes.
It will be better in the long run.

Nov 15, 2023, 8:01 AM
So a little update:
It turns out that my wife is a freaky little thing and wants to do a threesome with this guy friend of hers. I?m terrified of my first time. And I?m terrified of losing my wife. But she has now played out a scenario of what she really wants to happen. I?m nervous and scared.

As long as the dude sucks your cock as well. As she may just plain be hot for the dude and the 3 way is her satisfying her itch.

Nov 16, 2023, 2:41 AM
https://bisexual.com/forum/images/styles/lifeElement/misc/quote_icon.png Originally Posted by BiGuy1992 https://bisexual.com/forum/images/styles/lifeElement/buttons/viewpost-right.png (https://bisexual.com/forum/showthread.php?p=370379#post370379)
So a little update:
It turns out that my wife is a freaky little thing and wants to do a threesome with this guy friend of hers. I?m terrified of my first time. And I?m terrified of losing my wife. But she has now played out a scenario of what she really wants to happen. I?m nervous and scared.

I know this hasn't played out well but I am so curious I have to ask, "What is the scenario she played out?" And update us on how she is doing, how you are doing, the two of you?

I mentioned your situation and several of the guys here said that is is too bad there weren't there, they'd stuffed with cocks whether he wanted them or not if he'd played them for their wives.