View Full Version : Photos

Oct 22, 2006, 7:51 PM
Now ya know...I love looking at naked people (though I love getting my hands on them even more :bigrin: ) and a nice looking dick (or pussy) is mighty fine But come on guys, it seems like every male personal photo I see on here is of some dick...more often than not without a face attached. Are you really just your cock? Is that all any potential sexual partner is supposed to be interested in? Who and what are you as a person? If its just a matter of genitals why aren't women's pix close ups of their pussies and nothing else? I am no prude God knows but come on guys, it gets tedious. Tell us things about yourself, your interests outside of sex, what makes you you. Be real and stop dangling your dicks all over the place. Be someone.

Oct 22, 2006, 8:13 PM
I went to see what pictures you have posted Smokey to get some insight and f... me, you don't have any. And you don't even have a profile. What's up?

Oct 22, 2006, 9:08 PM
Hmmm...thats interesting...I used to have a profile (but no pix) up. I never posted any pix cause there were none I especially liked.

Oct 22, 2006, 11:28 PM
Now ya know...I love looking at naked people (though I love getting my hands on them even more :bigrin: ) and a nice looking dick (or pussy) is mighty fine But come on guys, it seems like every male personal photo I see on here is of some dick...more often than not without a face attached. Are you really just your cock? Is that all any potential sexual partner is supposed to be interested in? Who and what are you as a person? If its just a matter of genitals why aren't women's pix close ups of their pussies and nothing else? I am no prude God knows but come on guys, it gets tedious. Tell us things about yourself, your interests outside of sex, what makes you you. Be real and stop dangling your dicks all over the place. Be someone.

I don't have a personal up, but I think for some people it's a matter of not wanting to be recognized. The majority of people live in small towns and communities and don't want their face plastered across the internet.

It's probably better to not have too many pics up anyway, because a lot of psychologists believe that relationships that begin before each person knows what the other looks like are more successful.

Now, on the other hand, there are some people who have personals just because they want to find someone with whom to have sex. So who cares what their interests are?

Oct 23, 2006, 1:04 AM
is it really that big of a deal?

some of us don't want to show our faces because we are not 'out' yet, or plan on coming 'out' anytime soon.

when we find the person that is right for us to meet in person, we will exchange more photos in private.

some people are 'out' here and choose to freely show themselves. good for them.

some of us choose not to. and i think someone posted on this a month or two ago.

to each their own.

shameless agitator
Oct 23, 2006, 1:21 AM
Hell, my pics are only my face. If you wanna see my dick, you have to get to know me first, or at least plan on doing something with it :bigrin:

Oct 23, 2006, 5:49 AM
Atleast put a profile of your own up before you go complaining about others. Makes you look like a hypocrite dude.

Oct 23, 2006, 6:14 AM
I completely understand you Smokey. And btw it doesnt matter that he doesnt have a profile, he's not saying about people with no profiles, its just those people who post their genitals all over the internet.
Why put pics of your genitals up and nothing about yourself? Fair enough I understand not placing your face on there, but you could at least fill in the interests section and things like that. But why do people feel the need to just plaster their cocks on here?!
As Smokey said, women dont generally post their bits and pieces on here, why is that?! What does posting your cock on here do for you?!

Oct 23, 2006, 6:31 AM
Thank you Foxy Roxy...those are my points exactly. Like I said I did have a profile at one point, I am not sure what happened to it but it is no longer there. It could have been accidently deleted by the computer or I could have removed it and don't remember doing so. I am not here cruising for sex, and even if I was...I want to know people first, not their genitals. What set me off were 3 new members and clicking on all of them was some cock dangling there and I have to ask where are the people and why should they think that is the only thing that makes them desireable?

Oct 23, 2006, 7:11 AM
Thanks for clearing that up for me foxy and smokey. Now I can see where you guys are coming from. I would assume for exhibitionist reasons, or maybe thats their way of looking for a hook-up. By the way foxy, I wouldn't complain if you posted some of your naughty bits on here, or you can just show me up close if I ever make it to the UK ;) .

Oct 23, 2006, 7:39 AM
Lol thanks Lateralus but I keep my rude bits to myself until I really know a person :)

I know what you mean Smokey, I personally would rule out all people who only had that on their profile to be honest, I mean nothing against the people, but I'm not looking for someone who wants to shove their genitals in your face.

Oct 23, 2006, 8:58 AM
How bout we all just put up what we want, and look at what we want.

No need to over analyze or try and figure out why the pics are there...

The pics are there because that is what the person wanted to put there, not what you wanted them to put there!

Get over it, and stop trying to impose your views on everybody else...
Worry about yourself and make your own decisions!

Oct 23, 2006, 12:11 PM
So agree. And if you post a cock shot, best to be a nice one!

Oct 23, 2006, 12:19 PM

Oct 23, 2006, 1:57 PM
can you really blame us?! i mean im sure its in our genes to be proud peacocks once in a while....or in my case lol most of the time....

i think you can tell a lot by a cock pic anyway......bit like palm reading lol....

Oct 23, 2006, 3:02 PM
I think everyone should be able to post what kind of pics they want cause most of the profiles that I've seen on here have been males showing their dicks and the ladies keep covered up unless they have alittle wild side to them and feel like posting a nude pic of some kind.

Oct 23, 2006, 3:14 PM
Whats the big thing with the cock shots. Are yall in open relationships wanting to meet other guys or just letting your penis hang out. I always rather see a face than a penis anytime.

Oct 23, 2006, 3:51 PM
Post what you will, post what does it for you, and may your personal deity bless you...Really! I love the diversity of this site, and Drew should receive sexual favors from all of us upon his demand...Then again, he may not be able to continue this site from extreme exhaustion...


If you send me a vapid message, and all I see is your ass and/or dick, and your profile contains not a shred of thought, I will immediately assume you: 1) did not read my profile, in which case the educational system has failed miserably 2) thought yourself in a sex forum where the question "asl?" is considered the height of intellectual evolution and 3) really thought I'd get hot looking at something so common because you assumed I've never seen one in my entire life...Please do get over yourself.

The soul shines, and the mind excites. My two cents, but give me a smile, a thought, and a fantasy any day! Now that's hot!

My apologies to all genitals here--male and female--because the human body is indeed beautiful. I would just prefer to say hello first.

Oct 23, 2006, 4:29 PM
This made me smile to read. I've gone to the personals before and looked around. And, every time that I would just see a picture of a cock and no face, no nothing else...I always wondered the same thing...is that all you are? Do you really think that people are like OMG! I have been looking all over for one of these! I have never seen one before!

Personally, I would skim right by those guys...not that I don't like to see their cock too...always enjoy that...but....somehow..it seems like it should be more...

But, then I chalked it up to "boys will be boys" and it must be what men want...and I figured men were gonna be happy if girls let it all out there...they are more visual after all.

So, to see men saying the same thing, just made me smile. :)

Oct 23, 2006, 5:05 PM
is it really that big of a deal?
some of us don't want to show our faces because we are not 'out' yet, or plan on coming 'out' anytime soon.
when we find the person that is right for us to meet in person, we will exchange more photos in private.
some people are 'out' here and choose to freely show themselves. good for them.
some of us choose not to. and i think someone posted on this a month or two ago.
to each their own.

My sentiments exactly. and I'll leave it at that... :(


Oct 23, 2006, 6:24 PM
A m8 brought this thread 2 me attention an must say jus read through and a had a rite fit of the giggles.

Me don care wot peeps stick in profiles. Hate consorship cos think it jus intrigues an titillates which is quite the opposite of wot the censor an holier than thou's intend. It defeats the object of the exercise an so it shud 2. We shud b able ta read an c wot the hell we like! Humanity is an inquiring animal and forbidden fruit is always summat he or she will want some of! Wether its forbidden or not, sexual images r really pretty harmless, with 1 or 2 obvious exceptions (snuff an the like) an its only the repressed an depraved an even deprived minds wich c bad in it.

However havin sed all this mus admit 2 havin the view that really lookin at pic afta pic of cock aint my idea of pleasant an wonderful imagery. In fact really it aint a pleasant thing 2 look at in woteva state its in.. not in pics neway. In the flesh mus admit to it havin a more interestin an appeallin demeanour! But thats my opinions, an wot I think means nowt wen it comes 2 wot otha peeps think. Not my rite 2 object or condemn if willie pics adorn every guys profile. Jus a matta of taste! Forgive me if ya hears lotsa giggles from me gob.. very childish I knos but cant help how things appear ta me! Ya wanna show ya bits off guys go ahead.. jus don b surprised if it don help ya get ya leg ova babes!

An Rox??? Knos zactly wot ya meant by the last sentence of ya second post on this thread..but ya didn half hav me in gigglin hysterics.

Oct 23, 2006, 6:46 PM
Hmmm...thats interesting...I used to have a profile (but no pix) up. I never posted any pix cause there were none I especially liked.
Maybe the people that post their cocks don't have any pics of their faces they particularly care for either.....then there are others who's cocks have come out of the closet but their faces have not.

To each his own. If you don't like it don't look. If you do like, look. Don't judge, just enjoy what you will and discard the rest.

Oct 23, 2006, 8:13 PM
Personally, I just find it funny to see that many guys whose only photo is of his cock. Kinda hard to explain why... Basically, my attitude with cocks is basically "If you've seen one, you've seen 'em all." Same with pussies, really.

Not that I don't like looking at 'em, but out of context... Any part of human anatomy, taken out of context, is a little silly to me. It makes me giggle. So, yeah, everybody whose personal pic is just your cock? I've probably giggled at you. Sorry. :) No offense meant, it's just the way I am.

And I have a couple pics of my face up! Of course, I'm not actually trying to meet people, so that's kind of pointless. But oh well. ;)

Oct 23, 2006, 10:22 PM

Where does that leave me?? Im an artist and photographer (read STARvING into that artist b/c if I relied on it for $ I'd be very hungry). I can't afford models, so I modeled for myself... nude.

Not an exhibitionist, and in many shots, there was frontal nudity. Didn't put it out there to facilitate the "asl" mentaility or to "hook-up". I did it to show my art (which is starting to sell!!!!!)

I took them down when I started getting too many rude comments about them.

Oct 23, 2006, 11:56 PM
post what you damn well want, but if it is all about your dick, that's what your going to get, just a dick!!!

sometimes i check out what a member's profile says, and lo and behold, there is a short blurb about sex, and dick, dick, dick! bleagh! not to mention boring! and unoriginal.

so i leave them be, and move on!

and that is about all i've got to say on this! :cool:

Oct 24, 2006, 12:28 AM
We have kindly shared some x-rated pics so others can get an idea of our looks. We want discretion and so we do not share face pics until we've had more in depth conversations. Even then, I cannot tell you how many fakes one discovers. "Pics are on my other computer" after we've already shared some. So many pic collectors it's sad...

Oct 24, 2006, 1:16 AM
i think i have some decent pics...

Long Duck Dong
Oct 24, 2006, 2:03 AM

I have no pic of me in my profile....lol.... I don't wanna crash the site :tongue: :tongue: :tongue:

seriously tho, if i come across a profile with nothing but a pic of a dick and a short blurb about sex... my first thought, is this person is not capable of intelligent conversation, they don't wanna have friends and they only speak in the language of * fuck, fuck and fuck *... and thats fine..... they want sex....and I am willing to guess they are the same type of people that constant PM me in the chatroom without asking me first, and say * wanna cyber ?? *

i quess a lot of trouble is that people see bisexual.com as a sex site and a dating / meat market......and so they act and post in that type of manner.....and that too, is fine..... but for the rest of us that can see the deeper potential of bisexual.com, we will post on the forum and use the chatroom, to laugh, joke, cry, and smile, and make some of the best friends a person can have

Oct 24, 2006, 6:07 AM
Hi Smokey male with a birthday. That is your total profile. I guess we have to do the maths to determine you are nearly 51 years old. Smokey please be someone.
I agree with Michael623. If you tell us about yourself then perhaps that will encourage others to share their personal details and let others know a bit about themselves. There is always the chatroom available to share that sort of information anyhow.


Oct 24, 2006, 7:57 AM
Where does that leave me?? Im an artist and photographer (read STARvING into that artist b/c if I relied on it for $ I'd be very hungry). I can't afford models, so I modeled for myself... nude.
Not an exhibitionist, and in many shots, there was frontal nudity. Didn't put it out there to facilitate the "asl" mentaility or to "hook-up". I did it to show my art (which is starting to sell!!!!!)
I took them down when I started getting too many rude comments about them.

Hi Jedi,
I’m both a nudist and a lover of the Arts in any form. Some of the best art is borne through struggle. Don't let the narrow-minded views of the few stand between you and your Art. You have as much right to display your pictures as those of limited scope and viewpoint have to bitch and complain about it Hypocrisy and intolerance can fuel, as well as defeat Five hundred years ago the same kind of mentality was telling everyone that the world was flat. Thankfully, someone had the courage to follow his dream. The dark ages persist in even the most illuminating times LOL

Ambi :)

Oct 24, 2006, 8:45 AM
I must admit, when I first came here, I thought it would be just all guys talking about thier dicks. But then I found out not all the guys have thier cocks in thier profiles.
Seem to be alot more guys showing boff than girls too.

Fire Lotus
Oct 24, 2006, 7:19 PM
If someone wants to put photos of their bare body parts in their profile, that's their perogative. And they do make an impression. However,for me it's not a positive one. If you want to have my attention and want me interested, write something in your prodile about yourself. And not what your penis/bra size is or that you are shaved (or not) . Those things I'm only interested in after we get to know each other some and are interesting in each other.Then I'll want to know about all that.......in person.

Oct 25, 2006, 12:01 PM
are you qualified to comment ? you don't have a profile or photos posted.

Oct 25, 2006, 7:50 PM
I actually dont care too much what photographs if any people put in their profile. It is, or at least should be a free country (the UK anyway) and it is (or should be) part of our right of freedom of expression. I am not one who is a great lover of porn, a personal opinion only, but even the most gross pictures here are a long way from what can be described as that. Even those whose genitals are not that appealing. It is however their right I believe, within the perameters of this site, to put on profile any picture they wish of themselves.

What profiled pictures that exist do show however is the difference between men and women's view of what is attractive to another person. Also we have to remember that very often, man and woman are often appealing to a different audience. Some of course are mere exhibtionism. It what little boys do, and its not really something to be ashamed of even if sometimes a bit unwise.

Isn't that at least in part what bisexual.com exists for? To help defend our rights and to help us to fight our corner in our own way, and express our sexuality in our own ways, without interferance from the outdated attitudes of what is a pretty screwed up and hypocritical society. :grouphug: :)

Oct 25, 2006, 7:51 PM
I should clarify with my post... I don't object to pics of just a cock, it just does nothing for me and makes me giggle. ;) So please, don't let me stop anyone from posting whatever pics you want (within the forum rules, of course!). And since I'm not here to pick up at all, my opinion of the cock pictures doesn't really matter. :)

BTW, for those with wider-angle nude shots, or "action" shots... Those I appreciate and enjoy and I promise I don't giggle at them. :tong:

And jedinudist, I'm sad to hear you took your pics down. I'd love to see them... I'm a (very) amateur photographer, I'd love to see your pictures for inspiration.

Oct 26, 2006, 2:17 AM
I don't post face for the reasons mentioned above: recognition- not coming out yet etc.

But I have shown a little more than cock- I personally like my ass more than my cock anyhow. And for me, I'm not attracted to guys with their clothes on. My interests with men are on a friendship level, and sexually- not romantically. My favorite sexual position to see a guy in (so far) is in the positions I've taken pics of myself. Posting what i was attracted to just seemed the most logical. Now if I was blessed with what some of the lovely ladies have on this site... well, I'd take pictures of that too.



Oct 26, 2006, 6:26 AM
regarding photos.....i must admit ive put quite few pics on my profile to try an get people to see who theyre talking with, look at what tpye of person i am etc...i love photos and like looking at peoples profiles and their fotos to see wot they look like! i jus love fotos...but!! i get such a shock wen i look at nude fotos especially of penises!! i know it sounds funny but it sort of makes me feel funny lol!! even nude women pics makes me feel bit funny! im not sure y!! i like fotos of peoples faces! anyway jus thought id get my opinion in lol

Oct 26, 2006, 7:13 AM
are you qualified to comment ? you don't have a profile or photos posted.

At least you should have a profile up if you're going to comment about others not having one.


Oct 26, 2006, 7:34 PM
Would somebody give me one good reason that I am disqualified to comment on some dude(s) dangling their cocks all over the place as an advertisment for themselves as opposed to actually saying anything intelligent and interesting simply because I do not have a profile up? That is patently absurd. I can call tacky tacky as good as anybody else with a profile.

Oct 27, 2006, 9:26 AM
Smokey, I think the responses react to the circumstance that without some identifying symbolism, your comment could have been generated by a computer, i.e. a non-entity. I respect the choice of individuals to not post pictures. I never have had pictures posted unitl the last year or so and I have been bloggin, chattin, surfing and have had a personal web presence for at least 10 years. I was never comfortable enough to post a pic, now I am, for me that is tremendous progress for accepting and embracing myself while more importantly not being ashamed for what I am. Regardless of how I want to present myself or how I want others to see me, there I am, thats me, no bullshit, take it for what it is!