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View Full Version : The difference between men and women, why?

Aug 3, 2022, 4:24 PM
Firstly, I think everyone has a bit of bi in them...a celebrity, a sports star, a movie star, we all have our 'man crush' or 'woman crush' and what man hasn't looked at another in a room and thought 'he's attractive/ muscular/ funny' we all have it a bit, others (like us) a lot.

But here's the thing. If a woman says she's bi it's hot, it's sexy it's 'wow you're so lucky, your wife likes pussy that's so HOT'. Now if I say I'm bi (as a guy) it's 'GAY' or 'watch your backs' same if my wife said 'oh yeah, he's bisexual...loves a bit of cock' the room would fall silent.

Wonder why it's more socially acceptable for a woman to be bi (amongst the narrow minded) than guys?

Aug 3, 2022, 6:22 PM
It just is. Women have an "excuse" for being bisexuality, namely, guys are inconsistent and just ignorant when it comes to really satisfying them so it's been okay for them to turn to other women for the physical and emotional satisfaction that men just can't do. However, and morally, it's a sin for men to have sex with each other and, as such, there is no excusable reason for a man to lie with a man that anyone is going to accept... even though we know about gay men more than we do bisexual ones but what we know about bi guys is that "being greedy" and other bullshit that gets tacked onto the fact that we're not supposed to have sex with men and have no business having sex with both.

Then women look very damned sexy and erotic having sex with each other... and men don't and more so when, again, we are conditioned to see men having sex with each as not being sexy or erotic. It's that double standard that doesn't make any damned sense... unless you happen to find out why it exists in the first place and it's been with us all along, too.

Aug 3, 2022, 7:26 PM
Heterosexual men find two women making out sexually hot. He may fantasize about seeing himself, the heterosexual male, in between the two women as a 3 some. Hetero men do not want to think of themselves with another man making out. He fears that people will think that he is gay and he thinks two men having sex is not only a turn off but if he spends too long looking at naked men in porno he may raise doubts about himself by other heterosexual men.

It is all about heterosexual men.

Long Duck Dong
Aug 3, 2022, 10:07 PM
Firstly, I think everyone has a bit of bi in them...a celebrity, a sports star, a movie star, we all have our 'man crush' or 'woman crush' and what man hasn't looked at another in a room and thought 'he's attractive/ muscular/ funny' we all have it a bit, others (like us) a lot.

But here's the thing. If a woman says she's bi it's hot, it's sexy it's 'wow you're so lucky, your wife likes pussy that's so HOT'. Now if I say I'm bi (as a guy) it's 'GAY' or 'watch your backs' same if my wife said 'oh yeah, he's bisexual...loves a bit of cock' the room would fall silent.

Wonder why it's more socially acceptable for a woman to be bi (amongst the narrow minded) than guys?

Honestly, the idea that people are going to find bi women hot and sexy, is something that people like to believe but the reality is not as true as we think......there is also the stereotype around bisexual males, that they are actually gay and in denial

One of the most common things I have noticed with the stance that bi females are accepted, bi males are not, is that its often a male that says it, and a stance by males......but not females

If you actually start asking around, you may find that a lot more people are not into bisexual women, something that is more visible on LGBT+ sites where many lesbians will say they will not go with a bisexual woman and there have been threads in this site where women have said that they do not care if their partner is bisexual and has sex with men, they just do not want to know about it....and then there are the others that are turned on by men having sex with men but not into having sex with other women themselves......

We are under the assumption that if a female comes out as bi, then everybody will be like * oh yeah, would love to see her fuck my partner * but if a male comes out as bi, its like * hell no *, but how often do we feel the females opinions about if they would like to see their partner suck cock or be fucked * or say * I could never eat pussy like she does *.....how many threads with pics, are started or posted in, by females in this site compared to the constant stream, started by males ????

Yet we are actually going on the expressed opinions, not the opinions that are not publicly said or posted.......and adding in our own assumptions......

Something that I have actually seen, is males that say they are turned off by the idea of two females together, ( in LGBT+ sites and forums ) are often shut down or removed, yet females who say the same thing about males, are not. and yet the majority of images and references are of females being intimate with females or their coochie ( pussy ).. and more often than not, the sites and forums are run by females......

interesting fact, in bisexual.com, the majority of images containing sex or nudity, are of females or females having sex with males, the majority of posts talk about sexual acts with males, by males.....and many threads and posts actually talk about not being attracted to males, only their cocks... there was actually complaints about the images of males doing sex acts with other males ( posted by the troll ) by other members.....

So yes while we may claim there is a difference in thinking and attitudes....with people finding bi females hot but not males, is not actually supported or matched by what we can actually see......

PS I am in a closed group relationship with my intersex female partner, another male and two females......
I often do not find gay or bi male porn to be appealing ( tho most porn is boring to me ) yet I have sex with males and females
My partner prefers lesbian or bi female porn, rather than gay or bi male porn ( unless its amateur porn ) yet she loves to fuck males with her cock
The guy does not enjoy porn, and identifies as mostly gay even tho he has sex with myself, my partner and the two females, equally.....
The older of the females loves lesbian porn but enjoys bi sex even more, and tends to avoid sex with other males outside of myself and the other guy
The younger of the females loves gay / bi male porn but enjoys males and females sexually, and tends to avoid sex with other males outside of myself and the other guy

And something else comes to mind....and that is the stance of dance floor bisexual females or do it for the man, bisexual females.....something that was often said about females that kissed other females in bars and pubs....with people having the opinion that they were not bisexual as all, just doing it for drinks.......
Ironically, I have heard many people claim that if two females kiss on a dance floor, its acceptable, but if a heterosexual couple or gay couple do it, its wrong....and I laugh because I would say those people have never been to a gay male cruise bar.......

PS in New Zealand, most bars and pubs actually have a NO PDA rule

Aug 3, 2022, 10:19 PM
Because women are soft and curvy and smell good................and lets be honest, women are a hell of a lot better of working the sexy than men. The simple way they put a grape in their mouth, or wink, or smile or shake a hip, now 2 of them together, double the pleasure double the fun.

Now men, lets be real take a picture of a man standing naked, its kind of funny looking, now a woman will work the curves and looks good

Now, for those that dont know me, I am being a little smart assy

Aug 4, 2022, 2:54 PM
The only people I know of who give female bisexuals da bizness are those who are against anything that looks like homosexuality and men who don't like the fact that a woman would go to bed with another woman before they'd go to bed with him. Then you get that "why is it okay for women but not okay for men" thing and, well, the answer is easy and obvious... but, again, the double standard for this has existed for a very long time. If you know why it exists, it shouldn't be of any real concern - handle your bizness and let others fret over this bit of socially-created nonsense.