View Full Version : Have you ever been seduced?

Jul 23, 2022, 4:39 AM
I don't know why this came back to me recently. I hadn't thought about it for a long time. Once it popped into my head it made me stop to think, this is an interesting area potentially for discussion here. I will start with the personal memory that made me think of bringing the question up about people's potential experience of having ever been seduced. I always start out by apologizing, because I have a tendency to use a lot of words, but I have tried to write it so it reads like a story.

I was perhaps 18 at the time. I worked in a large, inner city pharmacy, where I tried to hook up with all the gals that worked there. I fantasized about cock, but I didn't generally find guys attractive, and the ones where I worked were both unattractive and notedly macho, so there would be no hooking up there. I was a hard worker and caught onto things fast, so the management were grooming me, while I took a pretty passive role, to become an assistant manager--a job that really did not interest me in the least for the long haul.

It was at a time when the economy was far worse even than people fear it is getting now, and I had no idea as yet what I wanted to do with my future. The one thing I had learned from doing that job, though, was that I was not interested in any sort of retail management position. I was truly clueless but at an age where I had to be thinking about what I would do with my future, so that very issue was on my mind a lot when this experience occurred.

I was done with my workday this one summer afternoon. It was a crazy time when I didn't yet have a car, so I would generally thumb a ride the fifteen miles from where I lived to the store in the morning and back home in the evening. As such, it made sense for me to wait until the evening traffic rush slowed down a bit, so that people would be more likely to pull over and pick me up. For that reason I was hanging out at the magazine rack in the front of the store, checking things out while I allowed some time to pass. It was a big drugstore in a busy part of town, so we sold magazines about practically anything in the world, and the managers were pigs, so they had all sorts of porn mags on the shelves right out in the open, where even young children could see them. We had a couple of magazines that always had pictures of gorgeous fat cocks on the front cover. For all I know, I started out gazing at one of those from a distance, but I don't know that. It was not something I did every day.

There's this other fellow there looking at a totally different sort of magazine, though, and it caught my eye--not the guy but the magazine. I've always loved the ocean and beaches, and he was looking at a magazine about yachts. It's a long time ago now, so I'm not sure, but I don't think I'd been standing there gawking at this guy's sailing magazine for much time at all. I'd probably looked over his shoulder for only a few seconds, barely having noticed it.

Out of nowhere, though, he suddenly turned to me, remarked on noticing me look at the mag he was holding, and asked me if I was interested in boats. I answered honestly, that I had had no experience with boats on the ocean but I loved the sea, and the boats in the magazine looked beautiful. Somehow, and I must think it might have been his intention for standing there looking at that particular periodical from the start, he asked me if I might like to work on a ship. I can no longer recall if it even occurred to me that he might be seducing me or if I might have even hoped he was. All I can say is the next thing I knew I was following this fellow that was possibly twice my age, like maybe in his mid-thirties, to his apartment, so that we could talk about me working as first mate on his boat. I had never seen that coming!

His apartment was only a block or two from the store. It was the lower floor of a small, two story building with one apartment set up on each floor. We walked up a small flight of stairs and in through his front door, and he directed me to sit in a simple wooden chair, like what one would ordinarily have set around the dinner table, but instead it was out in the middle of the large multi-purpose room that made up most of his apartment. I sat as instructed, and he disappeared for a moment to gather his photo album. I no longer recall any of the details of the boat depicted in the photos, but he claimed it was his boat and that he used it to pitch trips to women down in the Caribbean, and they paid good money for a special trip with a lot of extra attention from a captain and his first mate that were both men. He somehow needed a new first mate to assist him in his business, and I allowed myself to believe that my simply having been interested enough to gaze at the photos of boats in the magazine he had been looking in back at the store made me a good candidate for that position. Right? I was all ears.

I was also na?ve and stupid, at least in this context. I was not yet old enough to drink alcohol legally, and while I had had an occasional beer, I was not at all tolerant of alcohol, and he started feeding me beers, one after the other. Of course, I was happy to have this adult treating me "like an adult." I think he gave me four 12-ounce cans in about half an hour or so, and I was fairly tanked.

Now, I'm not sure what I thought when the next thing started unfolding. I mean, the clearest thought I had was that I must look absolutely ridiculous, but he insisted that he wanted to see what I would look like dressed as I would be in my costume on the boat, down in the Caribbean, with some colorful, flowered shirt unbuttoned down the front and wearing short, short pants, which were the rage at that time--well, at least as close as we could get to that under the circumstances. Of course, the best we could do was for me to untuck my shirt, unbutton it, and roll up the sleeves--it would have been an ordinary dress shirt and would not at all have resembled what he described we would be wearing for the sake of our all female clientele. Of course, the closest I could come to wearing short-shorts was to be wearing nothing but my undershorts, and my pants came off. I'm sitting there thinking I must look stupid as hell, pretending to be dressed as first mate on this ship, while I'm pretty well tanked and this stranger is talking about the services we would be providing to our all female clientele on his amazing ship. I was buying it. I mean, I don't think I felt I could be certain what he was telling me was true, but helping sale a ship in the Caribbean would beat the shit out of working as an assistant manager at the fricking drugstore in a New England city. I allowed myself to believe the story he was feeding me, and it sounded like it would be a lot of fun.

So, now I'm drunk and half-naked. I can no longer recall for sure about this, but it had been two years or so since I had had sex with my male best friend in the neighborhood back home, and I had taken to fantasizing a lot about having sex with other men when I jerked off. This guy did not turn me off like the other guys I worked with, and I have to suspect that it wasn't long before I got horny and I was sitting there with a boner, hoping that this would turn into something more than what we had discussed up to that point, at the same time I felt silly sitting there dressed as I was and knowing my erection was obvious. Let's just say it wasn't long before my hope was at least partially fulfilled.

This is where it went. The next thing I know, he changes the subject and tells me he's been working on a massage that he wants to perform on his girlfriend, but he wonders if I would allow him to practice it on me, so he'd be really prepared when he gets to do it for her. I honestly don't recall how likely I thought it was that this was going to turn out to be something sexual, but it did, and it was GOOD. In fact, he only jerked me off, but it was the most intense masturbation I have ever experienced. He had me lie down on the floor on my back and lift up my butt so he could pull my briefs off. The next thing I know, he is massaging my cock while barely touching it. It was like instead of feeling actual contact, for the most part I was just feeling the heat emanating from the skin of his hand, and it was intense. He had me close my eyes, and I could feel his hand encircling my erect cock and running up and down its full length, slowly and somehow intensely, without there being more than the most subtle and occasional direct contact whatsoever. In all honesty, I don't even know if the intensity of it had anything to do with the unusual technique (although I suspect it did, or else why would he do it like that?) or if it was just me being on an erotic high because I was finally sexually involved with another man.

Things went downhill from there, though. I was plainly sexually excited and had made up my mind that I was going to allow myself to go through with it. I thought for sure he would end up naked, too, and I would get to play with and suck his cock, and I couldn't wait to see it and feel it and suck it. I wanted to see what his balls were like, how he smelled, and how he tasted. I wondered if he was going to want to fuck me in the ass, and just the idea of seeing what that was all about got me yet more excited.

As it turned out, none of that happened. It started with a really unusual experience that I have never otherwise had in my life, where with some distraction after he stopped the "massage," my erection went limp, but I was still so excited in my mind, that he took hold of my cock and started stroking it again, and I was so turned on that I came within a couple of seconds, before I even became erect again. That is the only time in my life that has ever happened to me. I was young enough that that would not have been the end of things, though. At least I'd not have expected so. Back then, my refractory period was so short that there were days when I could jerk off like seven times, and having a partner with a cock would likely have gotten me excited again even faster than usual, or at least I thought so.

No, the fact that I had already cum was not what brought it to an end. It was something that he did that scared me. I don't even know if it should have, but it confused me and I didn't get it. He had spread out a couple of blankets on the floor, and it was clear that the plan was for us to fuck right there, protected from the hard wood floor of his large, multipurpose room only by just a couple of thicknesses of heavy blanket, but I was okay with that. I couldn't wait for the two of us to be naked together on the floor and playing with each other's genitals. I knew that once I saw his cock standing at attention, I would be going crazy erotically! I was so happy to have had his magazine catch my eye, only to end up with the two of us together, horny and on the verge of fucking.

The problem was this. We got down on the floor next to each other fully dressed. I figured we might help each other undress--not that either of us would need help, but there would be something especially horny about actively working on stripping another guy to get his cock out in the open, where I could take full advantage of it. I wanted to strip him.

Then, out of nowhere, he asked me to turn away from him and to not look back at what he was doing. It was just that. I didn't know what it meant, but even moderately intoxicated, something didn't seem right about a guy I'm about to have sex with wanting me to not see anything he is doing. On some level, it even scared me a bit. I really don't know for sure just what I feared, but it ruined the whole thing. I think I was so disappointed I even started crying! But I got up onto my knees and then onto my feet, and I told him I didn't want to do it anymore. I don't think we discussed it. I might have used the excuse that I wanted to be straight, so I didn't want to get started having sex with other men, but that was not exactly true. It was an excuse I offered rather than to be honest about what had just happened and how it affected me. In any event, I got my clothing arranged promptly, I apologized, and I was out the door. I recall, once things had settled down in my head, passing a few days wishing I could get a second chance with him, and we would have sex after all, whether the boat and the business existed or not, but I never saw him again, in the store or in his apartment.

I walked back to the store to gather my stuff, and then walked to where I could thumb a ride home, as usual. Of all the crazy things, I got picked up fairly promptly by this really weird looking guy who gave me these goofy looks and appeared to be jerking off, with his hand hidden behind a bulky sweater. He went as far as getting off the highway at the other end of the trip and even went out of his way a couple of miles off the highway, to drop me off near my house. He would have brought me all the way there, but I didn't want him to know just where I lived, because I was afraid to even get in his car at the outset, with his appearance and how openly he was jerking off, while apparently thinking I wouldn't know. Neither of us said a word during the roughly twenty-minute ride, aside from me thanking him (for not raping or killing me, as well as for the ride) when he dropped me off. It was so bizarre to have had two older men get their eyes on me that same day. It never happened again, at least that I know of.

The one good, lasting thing I got from the experience was the idea of masturbating the same way that "the sailor" had stroked my cock while barely touching it (purportedly in preparation for giving his girlfriend a massage?), and it felt every bit as good when after that experience I did it like that for myself. Of course, part of what made it feel especially exciting was that I would fantasize that it was him jerking me off like that again, whenever I did it that way.

Jul 23, 2022, 11:27 AM
Well, thats an incredible story...................for me, I like to do the seducing, kind if my thing. But yeah, its a special feeling

Jul 23, 2022, 11:33 AM
Yeah, I've been seduced a few times but the funny part was I knew I was being seduced and their "game" was so much on-point that I allowed myself to be seduced. In my teen years, a lot of men - and married ones - tried to seduce me a lot but I feel that once you really get seduced, you kinda know what it looks like and now it all depends on how you're being seduced and how whatever sex took place went. I remember the man whose lawn I used to cut every week and doing other stuff around his house. It was all business at first but he started to seduce me by bringing up general topics like what did I think about the gay movement (of the time) and would find excuses to touch me; he'd come up behind me and press his front against my back and when he was showing me how to do something... and something I already knew how to do. I knew he was trying to seduce me so for me, it was just a matter of how long it was going to take him to really let his intentions be known.

I thought that he thought that I was naive and inexperienced so when he finally asked me if I'd be interested in him sucking my dick, I actually said, "Took you long enough to ask!" and I'm sure I surprised him at how "expertly" I sucked his dick. After we sucked each other off the first time he asked me, "How long have you known what I was trying to do?" and I said, "From the moment you started talking about gays and you being all touchy-feely." For the next few weeks, we'd suck each other off and, per his "request," I would fuck him but he refused to fuck me in return and, well, it was a little disappointing but I got over it. I would later feel that his seduction worked because he was a really nice guy and I kinda felt sorry for him because he told me about not having a lot of sex with his wife and an aside to this is that one weekend I was there - but he was away on business - I spent my whole day having sex with his wife and she was amazing so I wasn't sure what kind of issues they were having together and, yeah, she "seduced" me, too. I don't know if she knew that I was having sex with her husband but she started seducing me when I came in from cutting the grass and I'd taken off my shirt and she grabbed a towel to dry me off and one thing led to another.

A lot of guys (and a few women) have tried to seduce me but not all of them were successful because, again, I knew what they were trying to do and, usually, my instincts told me that it would be a very bad idea to let anything happen. On the other hand, I was always eager to suck dick so it wasn't all that necessary to seduce me into something I really wanted to do.

Jul 23, 2022, 1:10 PM
Leaves you wondering? Glad he tipped your creep scale, being young. 'Bad things happen to other's.'

He might have been ashamed of his dick, had one nut, was shaved when that was unmanly, or...

OTOH, In the center of a bare room far from the walls would have been easy to clean up a gruesome mess.

We'll never know.

Jul 23, 2022, 2:51 PM
While seduction is an art form, you just never know what a seducer's intentions are until they present themselves and, yeah, sometimes, that's not a good thing. I like seducing people or trying to but it's never my intention to be weird or creepy in my thoughts and deeds if the seduction is successful but, yeah, that's me. I've been faced with guys trying to seduce me and it just doesn't feel right so the thing to do is to... say no. But, too many times, we find out "all late and wrong" that we shouldn't have allowed ourselves to be seduced and that's just an occupational hazard that we learn is best to avoid whenever possible and learning to recognize when someone's trying to seduce you.

Jul 23, 2022, 3:30 PM
i have been seduced a few times over the years but i wanted to be and let it happen

Jul 23, 2022, 8:11 PM
My early encounters with other men as an adult were almost exclusively blow and go. It was all about the cock. The taboo and pleasure of touching another man's cock. No real interest in anything more.

Then I met a guy on Silverdaddies and from the moment I stepped into his home, it was different. He had a way of taking the lead without being pushy or dominate. He looked at me with desire and made me feel, sexy. Something I'm not sure I've ever felt before. When he kissed me, I let him. And when he asked if he could fuck me I said, "Yes." I remember feeling seduced and thinking this must be what it's like for a woman. I came all over myself as he (gently) took my virgin ass.

I went from mostly straight and bi curious to firmly bi, as in by God I can't wait to do this again.

Jul 27, 2022, 10:50 AM
I was definitely seduced into my first MM encounter, and I still thank him for it to this day!

As a highly curious, oversexed teenager at the time, when my friend's stepfather presented me with the opportunity, I immediately went for it. Even though I had a girlfriend, I wasn't able to resist the fact that this man had placed my hand on his penis, and then scooted up to the very edge of the pool where I was standing.

The natural thing for me to do was to stroke him a few times, and then I just leaned in and too him into my mouth. I honestly didn't give it a second thought until later that afternoon after everything had happened.

I remember riding my bike back down the street, walking in and going straight upstairs to my bedroom. Even though it was a hot summer afternoon, I climbed into bed and masturbated with the thought that I'd just given a blowjob to a man I hardly knew. I'd sucked his dick and swallowed his cum, and he'd even complimented me on what a "Good little cocksucker," I was. And there I was, lying in bed jacking off to the fact with the taste if his cum still in my mouth.

Less than 24 hours later, I was back for more...

Jul 27, 2022, 3:34 PM
I met a guy on Craigslist once for a go and go over at his house. When I got there we got naked in his bedroom and he started sucking me as planned. He was a really nice guy and before too long I was on my stomach and he was eating my ass. It was the first time I had ever experienced that and I was so relaxed I completely wasn't paying attention to what was going on. The next thing I know he is lubing me up and had put on a condom and started fucking me. We have been good buds ever since.

Jul 28, 2022, 8:57 AM
I was definitely seduced into my first MM encounter, and I still thank him for it to this day!

As a highly curious, oversexed teenager at the time, when my friend's stepfather presented me with the opportunity, I immediately went for it. Even though I had a girlfriend, I wasn't able to resist the fact that this man had placed my hand on his penis, and then scooted up to the very edge of the pool where I was standing.

The natural thing for me to do was to stroke him a few times, and then I just leaned in and too him into my mouth. I honestly didn't give it a second thought until later that afternoon after everything had happened.

I remember riding my bike back down the street, walking in and going straight upstairs to my bedroom. Even though it was a hot summer afternoon, I climbed into bed and masturbated with the thought that I'd just given a blowjob to a man I hardly knew. I'd sucked his dick and swallowed his cum, and he'd even complimented me on what a "Good little cocksucker," I was. And there I was, lying in bed jacking off to the fact with the taste if his cum still in my mouth.

Less than 24 hours later, I was back for more...

WOW What a hot story. You are lucky. I dream of something like that happening to me!

Jul 28, 2022, 8:59 AM
My early encounters with other men as an adult were almost exclusively blow and go. It was all about the cock. The taboo and pleasure of touching another man's cock. No real interest in anything more.

Then I met a guy on Silverdaddies and from the moment I stepped into his home, it was different. He had a way of taking the lead without being pushy or dominate. He looked at me with desire and made me feel, sexy. Something I'm not sure I've ever felt before. When he kissed me, I let him. And when he asked if he could fuck me I said, "Yes." I remember feeling seduced and thinking this must be what it's like for a woman. I came all over myself as he (gently) took my virgin ass.

I went from mostly straight and bi curious to firmly bi, as in by God I can't wait to do this again.

Love this! I want this to happen to me!

Jul 28, 2022, 1:00 PM
I was definitely seduced into my first MM encounter, and I still thank him for it to this day!

As a highly curious, oversexed teenager at the time, when my friend's stepfather presented me with the opportunity, I immediately went for it. Even though I had a girlfriend, I wasn't able to resist the fact that this man had placed my hand on his penis, and then scooted up to the very edge of the pool where I was standing.

The natural thing for me to do was to stroke him a few times, and then I just leaned in and too him into my mouth. I honestly didn't give it a second thought until later that afternoon after everything had happened.

I remember riding my bike back down the street, walking in and going straight upstairs to my bedroom. Even though it was a hot summer afternoon, I climbed into bed and masturbated with the thought that I'd just given a blowjob to a man I hardly knew. I'd sucked his dick and swallowed his cum, and he'd even complimented me on what a "Good little cocksucker," I was. And there I was, lying in bed jacking off to the fact with the taste if his cum still in my mouth.

Less than 24 hours later, I was back for more...

I love these types of stories. Wish it had happened to me.
It sounds like you may have had a regular thing with this older guy. Did you? I'd love to hear some more details of subsequent cock pleasures. Would you favor us with information about how things developed? It sounds like he may have been a good dominant guy, which makes it even hotter.

Jul 31, 2022, 3:04 PM
I love these types of stories. Wish it had happened to me.
It sounds like you may have had a regular thing with this older guy. Did you? I'd love to hear some more details of subsequent cock pleasures. Would you favor us with information about how things developed? It sounds like he may have been a good dominant guy, which makes it even hotter. The short answer here is yes many many times.. as I have stated traveling for work and being horny all the time.. I frequent the bars often looking to find someone to play with.. and as stated before letting my panties be the icebreaker,, I have been hit on hundreds of times.. I love the game of seduction.. I love to play along and watch what they will come up with before they get right down to asking if I would like sex..
or would you like to go to my room where we can have more privacy?? I really like it when they are very straight forward and ask to have sex!!!

Aug 1, 2022, 8:06 AM
Well, thats an incredible story...................for me, I like to do the seducing, kind if my thing. But yeah, its a special feeling
Would love to have you seduce me! I would be your sex toy all day and into the night!

Aug 1, 2022, 5:29 PM
To be seduced, you have to want to be seduced or the seducer is hoping that you're not aware that they're seducing you until it becomes obvious what their intentions are. I know that when we're younger, well, young folks are fairly easy to seduce which is why the real bad guys prey upon them. However, if you're all grown up, to be seduced, you have to want to be and, well, some guys are just fucking hilarious when trying to kick their seduction game at you... and it's yet another thing bi guys learn that women already know and why they act the way they do when we're trying to seduce them. If you're somewhere and a guy "just starts talking to you," well, it could be innocent... but it could be him attempting to seduce you and the trick is knowing the difference and, really, if you've ever seduced anyone, you should have an idea of how the game is played, right? And if, by chance, you don't know how it's played, ya might want to learn it. Having a guy trying to seduce you and it's something you're not used to is... scary. And... get used to it because you're fair game to the seducer until you let them know that you aren't willing to play the game with them.

I ain't got the time or patience for this and I'm too old to play the game; just tell me what you want and I'll let you know if I'm willing to let you have it... but, at the same time, when I'm the "hunter," I know that I might have to seduce a guy and, well, I know how to play the game because I grew up playing it to get the dick I wanted... but it's only going to work if​ he wants to be seduced.

Aug 4, 2022, 12:24 PM
I love these types of stories. Wish it had happened to me.
It sounds like you may have had a regular thing with this older guy. Did you? I'd love to hear some more details of subsequent cock pleasures. Would you favor us with information about how things developed? It sounds like he may have been a good dominant guy, which makes it even hotter.

Thanks Rest85. Yes, it was hot! It's a memory I that still gets me hard to this day.

I guess it all started innocently enough. It was a hot July Thursday afternoon. I was hanging out at my friend Brian's house and we were swimming in his pool. As dinner time rolled around, I told him I had to go home to eat. When I told him I had to leave he seemed a little bummed out, then I told him I could come back tomorrow. That's when he told me he wouldn't be there, that he had to go up north for the weekend with his mom to see his grandparents. At that point I was bummed, which must have showed on my face. That's when he said I could still come over and swim, but I couldn't bring anyone else, otherwise, if his parents found out, he would get in trouble. He said the house would be locked, but he would leave the side gate open for me. I thanked him, got out, toweled off and rode my bike a short block and a half home.

The next day, I decided to take Brian up on his offer to use their pool. By noon, the temperature was well into the triple digits and I was in need of some relief. I slipped out of my basketball shorts, threw on my bathing suit and jumped on my bike en route to Brian's house.

As promised, the side gate was unlocked, so I went in. As I turned the corner, I was kind of startled to see Brian's step dad lying on one of the chase lounges. I didn't expect anyone to be home. I kind of cleared my throat. "Um, Mr. Kindrick, it's me Johnny. I didn't mean to bother you. Brian said it would be ok if I wanted to come over and swim today."

"Sure Johnny, come on in. I'm just trying to catch a few rays before I have to go back to the office."

That's when I first noticed he wasn't wearing a bathing suit. "Um, ok. But I can come back later if you want?" No. Don't be silly, he said. "Go on in, the water is fine. I just did a few laps myself."

It did seem a little awkward at first. Here I was - a 14-year-old kid swimming at my best friend's house with his naked stepdad lying back on a lounge chair not 10 feet from me. Oh well, I thought. He didn't seem to have a problem with it. Why should I? I mean, I'd seen other guys naked before. Almost every day in the showers at school. But as I swam, I couldn't help but notice that Mr. Kindrick was fairly well endowed. His cock was certainly much bigger than any that I had seen before, including my own, and he wasn't even hard.

As I continued to do my laps, I watched has he stood up, picked up his cup and walked toward the sliding back door. "Can I get you anything?" he asked. "I wouldn't say no to a coke if you have one," I replied. "Sure, I'll be right back," he said.

A couple of minutes later he reappeared. Still naked, he sat my coke and his cup down beside the pool. Then he sat down, letting his legs dangle in the water. I stopped swimming and began wading over to where he was sitting. As I got closer, I guess I couldn't help but stare at his thick cock and balls. When I looked up, I noticed he was smiling, aware of what I'd been starring at. I must have turned three shades of red as I reached over and picked up my can of soda and took several big gulps.

"You know it's nothing to be embarrassed about," he said matter-of-factly. Before I could respond, he added, "It's perfectly natural to be curious and to look at another man's penis. It doesn't bother you that I'm telling you this does it?"

"Um, no..." I stammered. "I guess not."

"Let me see your hand," he said, as he slowly reached over, grabbed my right wrist and placed my hand firmly on his cock. I just kind of stood there motionless for a minute, aware that my hand was now resting on another man's penis. I could literally feel him growing harder by the second. Instinctively, I wrapped my hand around his shaft and began gently stroking it as if it were my own. As if in a trance, I slowly worked my way around until I was between his legs. Until that point, I had never seen a penis that close-up, not even my own. Yet, there I was, standing chest-deep in the water holding and stroking my best friend's stepdad's cock - all just inches from my face.

To make things easier for both of us, Mr. Kindrick scooted forward until he was sitting on the very edge of the pool. By this time, I was gripping him with both hands and stroking him with increasing pressure. I could see and feel the stickiness as his pre-cum oozed from his cock.

I don't know what came over me at that point. Maybe it was my own raging teenage hormones or just simple curiosity, but was at that point I leaned in, gave his slit a long lick and then put the entire head of his cock in my mouth. He tasted amazingly sweet.

I couldn't have been down on him for more than five minutes before I felt a tap on my shoulder. "I know you're enjoying this as much as I am," he said. "But maybe we should take this inside. Why don't we finish this in the house."

Although there weren't any two-story houses in the immediate area, it probably would have been possible for someone to look in with binoculars, if they were so inclined. I guess being nude in your own backyard is one thing, but Mr. Kindrick apparently drew the line at letting a male teen suck his cock out in the open.

As directed, I waded to the end of the pool, dried off as quickly and best as I could, and followed Mr. Kindrick into the house. Once inside, he closed the door and drew the shades. "This is going to have to go pretty quick," he said. "I have to be back at the office in 30 minutes. Let's go to the living room. You'll be more comfortable."

I was drunk with lust at that point. I had never done anything remotely like that before, but now that I had, I was determined to see it through to completion - whatever that would entail?

"Alright, why don't we just pick up where we left off. This shouldn't take long," he said as he took a seat on the living room sofa. Without missing a cue, I walked over and positioned myself on my knees and immediately took his cock back into my mouth. I was surprised at how much easier it was to take him in that position. Within minutes, I was able to swallow the entire length of his shaft.

The next thing I heard was, "Oh shit, Johnny... I'm going to cum. Get ready for it!"

I stopped sucking for a second or two, but I continued to twirl my tongue over and around the head of his swollen dick. Then it came... it was like someone had unleashed a hot pulsing cannon in my mouth. In a matter of seconds, several huge spurts of hot, salty semen erupted into my virgin mouth. Whether man or woman, I think most people would have backed off and spit at that moment. But I didn't. Instead, I backed off his cock until just the head remained in my mouth and I waited for his orgasm to subside. Then, in one brave gesture, I swallowed his entire load before leaning in and licking the remaining cum and saliva off of his highly-sensitive, post-orgasmic cock.

"Holy shit! You are one good little cocksucker," he said. At first, his words stung me a bit. "Cocksucker? Good cocksucker? Good little cocksucker?" His words seemed to echo in my head.

"Hey, I've got to get dressed and get back to work," he said. "I'll leave the backdoor open in case you want to swim some more and come in for a snack or a drink. I won't be back until 6, so if you leave, do me a favor and lock it before you go. Oh, and by the way, I'll be off this weekend. Brian and his mom won't be back until Sunday afternoon, so if you want to come back over for another swim tomorrow, it's cool with me. I think I still have a couple of things I'd like to show you. But, do me a favor. Let's keep what happened here today just between us."

"Sure," I said. "Thanks. You can go ahead and lock the door though. I'm going to jump in the pool one more time, then head home."

"Ok, suit yourself," he said as he closed and locked the door behind me. I did jump into the pool one more time before climbing back on my bike and heading home.

Once I got there, I went straight upstairs, got undressed and climbed into bed. As I replayed the events that had just happened, I found myself masturbating and coming harder than I had ever cum in my young life.

That night I must have jacked off at least three or more times to the memory of having sucked Mr. Kindrick's cock.

By 11 a.m. the next day, I was back for whatever else he would be willing to show me.

Aug 4, 2022, 4:05 PM
I wish someone would seduce me

park ave
Aug 12, 2022, 5:09 PM
I was seduced by my best friend when I was about twenty two and he was about twenty seven. We worked in a movie theater so we left work usually after one AM. We hit the bars late and were rarely successful meeting girls (decent girls, at least) at that hour.

One night after the bars closed I drove him to his mother's apartment, where he lived, and went in with him to have a couple of more drinks. Just to explain, we were two absolutely straight guys, we loved pussy, we were always pursuing girls, going to hookers, talking about girls, etc. He knew nothing of the fact that I had been with five men by this point (and two of them quite often); with us it was girls, girls, girls all the time. Anyway, that night, we'd had quite a few drinks, and he suggested I stay there and made up the cot for me in his room. We were still talking as, in my boxer shorts, I climbed into the cot and threw the light blanket over myself. He sat on the floor next to the cot, leaning against it, as we continued to talk and laugh in that half drunken and familiar way. The room lights were off, but I could see him in the light that was coming through the window.

Now for a bit of backstory, his younger sister was a stripper and she and I had had a brief fling a few years ago (which he knew about and didn't care). Many times she'd show up at roughly the same time we did and often with one of her 'sister' strippers in tow. (They usually weren't particularly good looking, although they were often quite doable.) But she did not come home that night. So when I said something like well, we won't be getting any blowjobs tonight, he laughingly said,a little drunkenly, "Oh, you'll be getting a blowjob." I thought it was a weird thing to say, and I said something like, what are you talking about, none of your sister's friends are here, nor is she for that matter and laughed. (Considering where he was positioned, sitting on the floor near my waist, I had the fleeting thought: He couldn't possibly be talking about him blowing me??)

After a brief but strange (for us) and almost awkward silence, he laughed sheepishly and said, "Oh, you'll get a blowjob," and then he put his hand gently right on top of my cock and let it rest there, waiting, evidently to see my reaction. I cannot describe what went through my brain in the next nano second. My mouth may have dropped open. I had absolutely no idea that he would ever go this way, and no indication whatsoever in the years I've known him. But I can't say I hadn't thought about it. I had seen and admired his body often. He was a big guy who tended to gain weight, but during the time we were hanging together we were in the gym constantly, and he developed into what I would say was the body of a slightly fleshy but very eye catching football running back, with a very handsome hairy chest, with reddish hair matching the hair on his head and beard. And I had pictured him naked many times when we were regaling each other with morning after stories of the girls we were with (he had just recently talked his young blonde girlfriend into trying anal, and I got the whole play by play). And it flashed into my mind how he often he had said I had a swimmer's body, which now I immediately processed as him checking me out, although it had never registered as that at the time.

I managed to croak out, "I'd love a blowjob," as I was breathing a little shallowly and quick. But my cock answered for me first by getting hard instantaneously under his hand. He started to squeeze it through the blanket, and then he slid his hand underneath it and down my stomach, under the waistband of my boxers and onto my cock. Omg, what a rush, feeling my friend's hand holding my cock and squeezing it. I think my mouth was still hanging open. Neither of us said a word. He stroked my cock while I pushed my boxers down and the blanket off me to give him access. He went right down on my cock and it was the most amazing feeling ever, equal to the first time a girl took my cock in her mouth. I put my hand in his hair and held his head as he sucked me, something we would never do as buddies but now we could as lovers. Putting aside that I was so completely shocked, he gave a great blowjob, as I was to find even further in our future sessions.

When I finally realized that this was really happening, my best friend was blowing me, I told him that now I have to do you too so we both know we'll never tell anybody about this. He laughed and said, between sucking, you don't have to do that (I was usually the dominant one in our friendship). But I said that I do have to (the truth being that I really wanted to), so I had him turn closer to me so I could reach his crotch as he was blowing me. I rubbed his cock through his pajamas and felt it begin to harden. Then I took it out and started stroking it. Strangely, after all our time hanging out and working out together, it was the first time I was seeing his cock, and he mine. I jerked the shaft as his cock got hard and as he sucked mine, and playing with his cock turned me on so much I came with an unbelievable orgasm in his mouth, all of which he sucked and swallowed.

I held onto his cock and continued stroking it as I caught my breath, still lying on the cot, and then told him to sit back. He said again that I didn't have to do anything. But again I used the pretext that we both have to do it so it will be our secret and we will know neither will ever tell. I got down flat on the floor and laid there sucking his cock, cupping his (very good sized) balls until he came in my mouth, both of us trying to keep the moans to a minimum as his mother was asleep in her room down the hall.

We had many wonderful sessions together after that, in between girlfriends and sometimes just for fun, just to see each other's body. I loved taking off his T shirt and feeling his chest muscles and nibbling his amazing nipples through his chest hair. He was the ideal FWB, and no one ever suspected us. Once I even gave him a blowjob to thank him for helping me move into my new apartment before we both went out on dates later that night. (He and I never kissed though, sadly.) Thanks to his seduction of me that night, we entered a new and unforgettable level of our relationship.

park ave
Aug 13, 2022, 9:06 AM
Reliving this incident brought it back so clearly. I would add only that after I croaked out, "I'd love a blowjob," I said something like, "Wait, have you ever done anything like this before??" Without looking up from my cock, he gave a slight nod before going right down on it. (He had; we later exchanged intimate details of our past experiences.)
I had been blown by guys before, but I think the amazing rush I felt when he went down on me came from the combination of the complete surprise of the situation, the instantaneous knowledge (based on the nature of our relationship) that now he'll blow me anytime I want, and the fact that I would be able to see his sexy body naked and play with his cock and balls. This was added to how amazingly well he was sucking me.
He truly seduced me. With his action, we went from very close friends, out drinking as we usually did and ready to call it a day, to the most intimate lovers, sucking each other's cock to completion (and swallowing!) that night and many times in the future. We became very familiar with each other's cock and body.

Aug 13, 2022, 9:34 AM
Reliving this incident brought it back so clearly. I would add only that after I croaked out, "I'd love a blowjob," I said something like, "Wait, have you ever done anything like this before??" Without looking up from my cock, he gave a slight nod before going right down on it. (He had; we later exchanged intimate details of our past experiences.)
I had been blown by guys before, but I think the amazing rush I felt when he went down on me came from the combination of the complete surprise of the situation, the instantaneous knowledge (based on the nature of our relationship) that now he'll blow me anytime I want, and the fact that I would be able to see his sexy body naked and play with his cock and balls. This was added to how amazingly well he was sucking me.
He truly seduced me. With his action, we went from very close friends, out drinking as we usually did and ready to call it a day, to the most intimate lovers, sucking each other's cock to completion (and swallowing!) that night and many times in the future. We became very familiar with each other's cock and body.

Sounds like a mutually rewarding situation! Buddies helping each other out like you describe is pretty common and I think it leads to a deeper level of friendship when two men are platonic friends then advance to being intimate.

Aug 13, 2022, 11:48 AM
I was seduced by a massage therapist. He worked his body into a position where his cock would brush against my hand. I felt it swell. He kept expertly moving in a way that drove me out of my mind. I was obviously loving it and he did too. It progressed well and we both enjoyed mutual blowjobs.