View Full Version : Weirdness In an Elevator

Jun 28, 2022, 2:21 AM
So, I am in san Diego..........realized, my ipohone died, charger is in the car, well, no issue, except my makeup is done and I am in yoga pants, sports bra. I didnt feel like changing so I went down to get it. Unfortunately, I get on the elevator, there is 3 guys, usually I try to avoid this situation but I was tired. One of them asks me what floor, I say 3rd.

One of the guys is like "Dude, are you a guy". I felt snarky as I wasnt interested in talk and said, you have to get inside my pantys to find out. The elevator gets to the third floor, and one of the guys steps in the doorway holding the door open, essentially freezing the elevator in place, then the other two moved close to the door.

I started hearing comments like "Oh, the little faggot thinks he is a tough guy" and "What happened, your mommy didnt let you bring your balls to the hotel", and other stupid shit.

I didnt get worried until one of them commented " Maybe I should put you on your knees and face fuck you" and started grabbing his crotch. So now, I am thinking it is getting serious dangerous. I remembered a line from an old movie, so I am like

"Guys, seriously, 2 on 1 is kinda bullshit"

One of them says "Are you stupid, it's 3 on one"

So I said " Well, usually there is a ring leader, thats you, once I knock the shit out of you, one of these guys will feel obligated to try and defend you, after he goes down, the other one will run"

Finally a family came up to get on and they had no choice but to back off. The really stupid thing, these punks were like 20 maybe 21, out getting high and do something stupid like this. Now, I am older, I would try a fair fight first, but, if that doesnt work...........I carry a gun every day. I am licensed, and with my job I have too, I deal with a ton of money. This could have easily gone south, just because some morons smoked too much weed and made a mistake.

I am not angry, I think they would have pulled similar shit with a real female (which honesltly could have been worse), any weaker guy too..........but just the sheer stupidity of not realizing how much danger you are in, just to have some fun acting like an asshole. I am lucky, I can defend myself respectfully, but there are guys like me out there that cant

Long Duck Dong
Jun 28, 2022, 4:44 AM
Unfortunately the world is full of them........and people like me that would smile and say something like * more likely your dick is so small, I could use it as a toothpick *

Often I tend to view people like that, as dickheads, all mouth and egos.... and as soon as some body replies with a comeback, they lack the brains to handle it

Shit talking was actually something I did in my younger days as well...and often than not, fag, faggot, poofter etc were not used as slurs against LGBT, but pretty much anybody....nowadays, I am more likely to say Oh you bloody womble or such like..... but thats all changed now, I have actually had to deal with more abuse, insults and putdowns in LGBT+ sites and comments than I have had to deal with for many years with the general public, because of the * call out everything * stance.........and my opinion is call shit out, but use your brain, not your ass otherwise you are talking a lot of shit.....

anyways, I agree with you, a female ( cisgender ) may not be as safe around those knuckle draggers

Jun 28, 2022, 8:05 AM
Whew -- so glad you were able to extricate yourself from a potential disaster, and nice to hear that you're a sexy 'pistol-packin'-Mama...' ;)

Just as I'm working towards a tentative first appearance dressed in public, I read a sobering story that knocks back my confidence a little.

Jun 28, 2022, 9:57 AM
Whew -- so glad you were able to extricate yourself from a potential disaster, and nice to hear that you're a sexy 'pistol-packin'-Mama...' ;)

Just as I'm working towards a tentative first appearance dressed in public, I read a sobering story that knocks back my confidence a little.

Honestly, in general, I will get a look, or maybe an extra glance, which could be either I am interested, or WTF ?
The majority of the people just walk right by me. Some of it, I think unless it is night out and going to a club, I don't wear a tiny mini skirt or something like that, because real women don't either. Overall, I am dressed like women in my area. I may wear form fitting things, but fishnets at 12 noon, probably not. And I have a tendency to dress age "appropriate" to blend in some. Yeah, skirts are a little tighter as that draws attentiont there instead of my face though

People who do talk to me is usually just small talk of the normal kind. As long duck Dong said, the actual antagonistic items, usually from the LGBTQ community, or people who are like "Oh cool you are transitioning"

No, I am no.....but thank you, thats when they turn colors real quick that my lifestyle choice is an insult to trans people. Overall, most people dont care, they just want to get on with their day. It's really drunk people you have to be careful of

Jun 28, 2022, 10:04 AM
I'd recommend getting a small canister of pepper spray for such occasions. My wife carries one that fits on a keychain and into her purse.

Jun 28, 2022, 10:17 AM
I'd recommend getting a small canister of pepper spray for such occasions. My wife carries one that fits on a keychain and into her purse.

Only problem with that, in enclosed spaces, you can get some of it too. I have to carry for work, I don't enjoy it, and wish it was different, but it is what it is

Jun 28, 2022, 12:06 PM
Jazminedress, thank God you were able to get out of there OK! It is amazing how many Neanderthals are still out there.

Jun 28, 2022, 3:50 PM
I had a gay friend I'd grown up with and he'd get picked on by Neanderthals all of the time. In high school, a crew of them cornered him and hitting him with the usual insults - and not that different from the shit you experienced - and my gay friend handed out the worst ass-kicking I've ever seen in my life, putting the crew's leader in the hospital for an extended stay. No charges were filed against him - it was self-defense - but the mistake those idiots made was forgetting that my friend was gay... but he was still a guy and one who learned some serious fighting skills - because he had to given how much he'd get picked on. That was way back in 1972... and the only thing that has changed are the assholes who behave like that. If it's not illegal where you live, get a good stun gun because you never know and protecting yourself at all times is a must because the assholes are everywhere.

Jun 28, 2022, 5:01 PM
@ Jazz I too have run across this type of behavior when I have gone out dressed.. I don’t do makeup ass I have a beard.. but do how ever dress in thigh hi stockings panties and garter,, once in a while a matching bra.. usually when I set out I am wearing my loose fit shorts for easy access and a big baggy tshirt.. when I have had similar situations come up I have first tried to defuse them with humor.. most of the time I will say something like I am going out to a masquerade party and then ask them how did I do?? Kinda puts the ball in their court and they are looking at me in a different light.. if that don’t work I turn the tables on whoever is running their mouth and make a very sexual comment to them.. something like : whip it out big boy let’s see if you are man enough to to get in my panties.. I always take a step or two towards them as I say this.. they will always back up or step to the side.. usually my shorts are hanging low enough that they have already noticed I am wearing panties.. they either look me over and have a suggestion on making my costume better or if it gets sexual they are on their heels or on the run.. problem solved., only once have I had a guy stand his ground., he was bi and I slept with him a couple days later.. he really was a nice guy and was just making light and proportioning me at the same time.. I took his comment wrong ..

Jun 28, 2022, 6:07 PM
Jaz- If they weren't in a group, one Neanderthal probably wouldn't say anything. Stupid pack mentality that all @$$holes have.

Jun 28, 2022, 7:13 PM
Geez this world we live in, I tell ya. SMH Glad you were safe, Jaz!

Jun 28, 2022, 10:46 PM
They were just dumb kids................the bigger issue, they probably never learned consequences when younger............if we dont allow kids to get hurt, scrape their knees, they will always think they are untouchable
Eventually, they will get in trouble and it will be a waste