View Full Version : Hidden Gangbang Footage

Apr 22, 2022, 1:21 PM
This question is for both men and women: Would you divorce or break up with your significant other if you found a video of them doing a gangbang... hetero, bi or otherwise?

The reason I ask is because I have a good friend (who happens to be a very attractive woman of Asian/Caucasian descent) who is married; however, her husband recently found an old DVD of her that was made before they were married that featured her having gangbang/group sex with four other men and one of the men's girlfriends.

Apparently, the sex party was recorded by someone and then she was given a copy of the DVD as a keepsake, which she had hidden in, and subsequently forgot about, a DVD case that included old episodes of the TV show "Friends".

A couple of weeks ago, her husband was bored and decided to binge watch some of the old Friends shows. Obviously, he was shocked to see a video of his wife of 10 years getting fucked by all of these guys and another woman.

They are both very religious, and he has since decided he wants a divorce and has even moved out of their home.

How would you react to this situation?

Apr 22, 2022, 1:54 PM
It happened before they were married? She was sexually adventurous? She didn’t cheat on him, forget it and move on.

Apr 22, 2022, 3:13 PM
I agree with Foundpuppy. It happened before they were married. Kinda stupid to divorce your wife for something she did before she was your wife.

Apr 22, 2022, 7:00 PM
before they were married well whats done was done

Apr 22, 2022, 7:42 PM
It happened before they were married? She was sexually adventurous? She didn’t cheat on him, forget it and move on.
I also agree one hundred percent. Being younger and very healthy and curious and sex drive strong. We all have experimented at something. It was before their marriage also so no problem. I would have simply told her i found the video and ask her how the experience was and so forth and get it over with. Plus she is not evidently boring in bed

Apr 22, 2022, 8:14 PM
I would say if it happened in the past, let it stay there.

Apr 23, 2022, 12:14 AM
It’s sad that the husband decided to divorce based on the DVD.
Going by the yardstick of morality, was he a virgin before he married her? Did he never have lustful thoughts for any man or woman before marriage? If the answer is “yes”, then this is a very unfortunate and judgemental act.
Really, sex is sex, be it with one or several people at the same time.
Religion has nothing to do with this. If all of us followed the scriptures (which are themselves flawed and questionable) there would no gay or bi people, there would be no adultery. That would be a boring world to live in!

I’d conclude that the woman would be better off, not being with such a prejudiced, judgemental person.

Apr 23, 2022, 8:13 AM
I feel sorry for your friend but he sound like a ass, she is probably better off without him.

Apr 23, 2022, 10:02 AM
I would suggest he watch her do it again and thks time he gets to join in.

Apr 23, 2022, 9:15 PM
I think that making a commercial porn film or being any kind of sex worker should be disclosed before marriage. But private evening. Need not be. Whether he should divorce her is not anyone else's call, but he sure should spend some time trying to come to terms with his know knowledge of her before breaking off an otherwise happy marriage.

I'd be thrilled to see my wife in a premarital gangbang. She was very thin and cute 30 years ago. I'd be trhilled to see her in a gangband tonight too.

Apr 24, 2022, 11:46 AM
I think the answers you are going to get on this forum are biased, as we are more open then the general public. If you posted this question on a Christian forum, you'd probably get the exact opposite answers to what you are seeing here.
I agree with all of the above, that nothing you do before you are with someone should make that person want to divorce you, as you are no longer the person you were when you did whatever it is that you did!

Apr 24, 2022, 12:06 PM
"both very religious" is probably what made his decision for him. Either that or he just didn't want sloppy seconds! ;>P

Long Duck Dong
Apr 24, 2022, 11:08 PM
I think the answers you are going to get on this forum are biased, as we are more open then the general public. If you posted this question on a Christian forum, you'd probably get the exact opposite answers to what you are seeing here.
I agree with all of the above, that nothing you do before you are with someone should make that person want to divorce you, as you are no longer the person you were when you did whatever it is that you did!

I was thinking the same thing....most of us would be fine with something we would have enjoyed being a part of, ourselves but in a religious group, the reaction may not be the same.......

As for the husband, he may have a *image * of a wife true to her beliefs and their shared ideals, and have no idea that she has a past..... and finding out aspects of that past, go against their shared beliefs, could be a great shock to him and he may be struggling to see his wife in the same light he once did......

so in a way it may not be as much a case of what she did, as his own struggle to reconcile the new understanding he has of his wife

Apr 27, 2022, 9:16 AM
I can't stop thinking about how hot it would be to find something like that! Before we were married my wife was an absolute knockout! I would be watching said DVD twice a a day!

Apr 27, 2022, 9:59 AM
What if you found images of your significant other, taken before you met them, having sex with the family pet? Or being a part of some group that you found abhorrent? That?s probably where her husbands mind is at right now

Apr 27, 2022, 12:41 PM
The question is why is he divorcing her. Is it that she wasn’t saving herself for her husband? She was apparently promiscuous and didn’t divulge prior to wedding? Had she lied about her sexuality to him? Maybe he’s asked her to have a threes on but she claimed she wasn’t into that sort of stuff? Or is this really all about him and his insecurities? Did it make him feel in adequate? That she’s never been as satisfied with him as she appeared to be in the film? Is he concerned that she may seek it out again and leave him?

There’s a lot hidden in this to speculate or to even suggest how I would handle it. Although, I’d want to sit down and have a heart to heart with her, if she were my wife.

Apr 27, 2022, 2:40 PM
I hope his religious beliefs keep him nice and warm and satisfied at night in his empty bed.

He sounds like an uptight guy. That's quite unbelievable... of course, it would be a shock when you weren't expecting to view such a movie in the middle of a FRIENDS marathon, but come on... I hope they can work things out and she doesn't carry any guilt for what she once enjoyed

Apr 27, 2022, 3:23 PM
I am also going to go against the grain on this one.............I think @longDuckDong said it well.
Do we know the full story ahead of time, did they discuss their previous life before marriage for things that could effect it. I see it as no different than sometimes when one spouse cheats, anytime they are out, you get a picture of them messing around and you cannot get over it, maybe in this case, seeing it, versus even just knowing, he cannot see his wife in the same way.

In this case, maybe he should be complimented on his decision. Many people would continue the relationship living a lie and being stressed all the time............divorce may be the best thing for both of them to move on.

At the end of the day, they have to do whats right for them and their happiness, we can all have an opinion, but, it's their life, not ours

Apr 28, 2022, 11:30 AM
I am also going to go against the grain on this one.............I think @longDuckDong said it well.
Do we know the full story ahead of time, did they discuss their previous life before marriage for things that could effect it. I see it as no different than sometimes when one spouse cheats, anytime they are out, you get a picture of them messing around and you cannot get over it, maybe in this case, seeing it, versus even just knowing, he cannot see his wife in the same way.

In this case, maybe he should be complimented on his decision. Many people would continue the relationship living a lie and being stressed all the time............divorce may be the best thing for both of them to move on.

At the end of the day, they have to do whats right for them and their happiness, we can all have an opinion, but, it's their life, not ours

I agree that it's their life, and yes, longduckdong did say it well.

I also appreciate that my friend felt comfortable enough to share the details around their separation... I mean, WOW!

I told her to be strong. That what was in the past has passed. The only thing she can affect is her future.

Apr 30, 2022, 5:51 PM
Man, I remember needing money when I was stationed in California. A woman told me that I could make some money... being in a porn flick she was going to be in and if I was agreeable, she'd put in a good word for me. I agreed and was accepted. My part in it was to eat a woman's pussy and she was to suck me off... eventually. Learned some stuff about how they're made and how many takes required to get a scene right. I did my part and was handsomely paid for it.

After I got out of the service, my wife and I were feeling naughty and decided to go to the local porn theater which usually showed two or three flicks for the price of one. We're there and taking it all in when the next flick came up and the name of it sounded familiar to me but I wasn't sure why. It gets going and as it progresses, that sense of familiarity was really bothering but I was 100% sure that I'd never seen it before. Then, oh, shit - the scene that I did hit the screen and, shit, shit, shit. There was a guy sitting a couple of seats to my left and I saw him look at me and do a double take... and heard my wife say, "Hey, that guy looks like you... that is you! I've got my eyes glued to the screen but I could feel the way she was looking at me and I knew my ass would be grass.

The scene plays out and ends with me shooting my load all over the woman's face after she sucked me and my wife said, "You know what we're gonna talk about, right?"

Yeah, I knew. Shit. Not only had I forgotten that I did this, I didn't even give a thought about the possibility that someone who knew me would see it. The end of the story is that I explained it to my wife, telling her why I did it and that I had sent most of the money I earned home to her. She was mad... but not all that mad. Now, some of my friends who saw that flick? Oh, my. They were giving me da bizness and in a good-natured way. It was... embarrassing but the good part was that it didn't affect my marriage because I didn't participate because I wanted to get laid or anything like that.

Apr 30, 2022, 11:09 PM
@KDaddy23….you are very lucky that your wife didn’t make much of it.

I admire her for her handling of this issue. She’s a great woman indeed!!

Apr 30, 2022, 11:19 PM
She was mad... but not all that mad. Now, some of my friends who saw that flick? Oh, my. They were giving me da bizness and in a good-natured way. It was... embarrassing but the good part was that it didn't affect my marriage because I didn't participate because I wanted to get laid or anything like that.

With all due respect, of course I do not know your wife, but, could there have been a little gender difference ?

I mean, a guy sleeps with 100 girls, he is a stud, and even most women will overlook it if they love them.................a woman does it, she is labeled for life

Long Duck Dong
May 1, 2022, 12:09 AM
With all due respect, of course I do not know your wife, but, could there have been a little gender difference ?

I mean, a guy sleeps with 100 girls, he is a stud, and even most women will overlook it if they love them.................a woman does it, she is labeled for life

Thats a statement I often hear made by females about males and other females, the good old males will label a female a slut, but other guys are stud....

Ironically I hear the reverse, its females AND males that will label a female a slut for sleeping around, cheating, throwing herself at any person, and often connected with a lack of standards on who they have sex with......as for the males are studs, I often hear statements like that guy will fuck anything that moves, even other peoples partners, be wary of them......

I have heard females argue that they have heard males say other guys are studs so that proves me wrong, and my response is I never said that the adage of males are studs, females are sluts, was not true, only that there is also other opinions and not everybody thinks the same way......

Mind you, I live in new zealand and there is a constant push by feminists and womens rights activists to * take down the patriarchy, blame the males and hold males more responsible for their actions * but very rarely will you hear the same people hold women to account or to the same standards........even one of the senior journalists who is spearheading the * anti male * stance in news media in NZ, is quick to call out males but never mentions the fact she cheated on her own husband......

Even in the closed group I am in, with my intersex female partner, two cis females and another male, people have labeled us guys as caring more about the sex, than each other, yet its actually the females that are more sexually active in the group than the males.......and when thats pointed out by the males, we get told we are denying the truth, and when the females say the same thing, they get told that they are only saying it to protect the guys..........

Jun 16, 2022, 10:19 PM
If I found one with my wife gangbanged I would jerk off , repeatedly!!!!!

Jun 17, 2022, 2:20 AM
If she hasn't exhibited any desire for "deviant" sexual activity in the 10 years they were married, in my opinion it would be pretty Victorian and prudish to hold her sexual appetite and actions prior to their meeting. My ex wife freely admits she was a complete hose beast in college. She'd go to a frat party and fuck and suck every guy there. Her childhood best friend was there with her and she was the same way. She made me date her for a month before she put out for me though. She changed her standards of behavior I guess. After 28 years of marriage things got stale in the bedroom and she went on the prowl again falling into her old habits. The kids were grown so we divorced. I'm not attracted to men but I noticed when I watched porn I enjoyed blow job videos. And I was more interested in the cocks than the cock suckers. Finally I took out a Craigslist ad saying I wanted to give my first blow job and within a half hour I was doing it. I was hooked. She never knew and still doesn't know. But I never judged her for her sexual appetite. She wasn't into women but if she was it wouldn't have mattered to me.

Jun 17, 2022, 8:41 PM
My wife was a 13 year old virgin when we got together, it was year and a half before we did the deed. Been married 46 years. In her 30s she was smoking hot. She spent a lot of time working out. If I found a recording of her being gangbanged I would jackoff!!!!!

Jun 18, 2022, 3:47 PM
​I would watch the video and then set her down and play one of the gang bang videos of me getting drilled by a bunch of cock and enjoy the share time with her!!

Jun 19, 2022, 10:40 AM
I would get her to tell me how much she enjoyed it while we watch it together. Then I would get her to watch it while I lick her off.

Jun 19, 2022, 11:27 AM
In her hippie days, she was a very talented cocksucker in the style of little oral annie. We made a blowbang movies once with her sucking me off, and two friends. The first guy sat on a chair while she kneeled between his legs with her hands behindere her back, topless and sucked him off like annie with the up and down head action in rhythm until he came in her mouth. She showed it, gulped it and clalled out Next. The second guy, a black guy sat down and he was wlll hung,. She had to hold his meat in her hands to get it in and out of her mouth sucking hard on the big helmet head and licking the shaft up and down like a candy cane. He came and spurted all over her face and tits and she pulled her tits up to lick thme clean. While still on here knees, she waddled over to me, sitting in my blowjob chair and put her hands behind her back after placing my hans on either side of her head. That was my cue that she wanted her face and throat fucked hard and deep which I was glad to do. Her mouth and throat were going up and down my cock like a car piston with her tongue out underneath licking my balls on the downstroke. She woudl grab her tits and squeeze her nipples pulling them out between her fingers as she took me balls deep on every downstroked, Then she looked me in the eye signaling it was time fo hold her head down on my cock while I thrust my hips back and forth speqwing my cum load down her throat as she gulped and gulped and gulped not spilling a drop. She looked up at me, licked her lips, gave me a cum kiss and said thanks to all three of us.

Jun 19, 2022, 12:43 PM
Yet another example of why religion is a pox on humanity.