View Full Version : How do you respond when someone asks "WHY" you like to suck cock?

Apr 1, 2022, 4:07 PM
This is a question I've been asked several times, usually right before or after sucking a "straight" guy.

I remember one instance in particular. I was staying at a hotel outside of Denver and I met this guy while we were seated at the bar. After introductions were made and a couple of hours of sipping drinks and talking about everything from the weather, work, what it's like having to travel all of the time, we eventually moved to a table where the subject of sex came up. He told me he was married with two teenage kids at home. Eventually, he confided that he couldn't remember the last time he'd had sex with his wife, or anyone for that matter. I told him that was too bad. That life is too short to have to do without. Then he asked about me.

"You're a good looking young guy," he said. "I bet you get laid like crazy?" I told him I did OK, that I had a live-in girlfriend, but when I travelled, I liked to play. "I bet you do," he pressed. "So what's your type?"

That was the opening I'd been waiting for... "I'm not overly picky," I said. "I'm bi, so I usually don't have much trouble finding company when I'm on the road."

He was like, "Bi? So you sleep with men AND women?" To which I quickly responded, "Well, like I said, life is too short to go without."

"Wow! I never would have guessed that of you in a million years!" There was an awkward moment of silence, then he asked, "So what kinds of stuff do you do with guys?"

"Pretty much the same thing I do with women, oral, fucking..." I said. "I think of it like... sex is sex. It's all about the pleasure, both giving and receiving."

I could tell by his silence that I had rocked his world. "All right, let me get this straight, you are OK with sucking some guy's dick or letting him fuck you?"

"Yes. Although sometimes it happens in reverse," I explained.

It was then that he leaned over the table and dropped the $64,000 question: "So, let's say you're sucking some guy's cock... What do you get out of it?"

I said, "I guess if I had to sum it up in one word, it would be 'satisfaction.' I get a lot of satisfaction out of knowing I'm pleasuring another person in a way that I like to be satisfied. Let me put it to you another way. What makes you feel better when you have sex with your wife... fucking her then rolling off and going to sleep, or when you know you've rung her bell and she has a great orgasm or, even better, multiple orgasms? And let's say you don't even cum, but for some reason you are satisfied in knowing that she was and you're the one who satisfied her. In terms of sucking another guy's cock, it's kind of the same thing. I don't always get sucked in return. It's nice when it happens, but I'm happy knowing my partner is satisfied."

"Wow, Ok, I kind of see your point, but I still don't think I could bring myself to suck another guy's cock," he said. "But I wouldn't mind getting mine done... that is if you're up for it?"

I assured him he wouldn't be disappointed.

Apr 1, 2022, 4:46 PM
Yeah... I have so much fun answering that question. Nah, not really. It's kinda "not that hard" to explain it to another guy all that much even though, sometimes, it doesn't compute with them; it's seriously hard explaining it to a woman because it's like, duh, sweetheart, why do you suck dick... and if you can answer that question, you also answered the question you asked me. Duh. I've had to explain it to guys, of course, and beginning with the fact that I'm not gay. I'm bisexual. Why do I suck dick? Um, because it feels good to suck dick. I like the taste and feel of cum in my mouth. I've been doing it since I was nine and right along with fucking girls and eating their pussies. Yeah, I know what is said about guys who suck dick but it's hard to explain it if you're predisposed to be totally against such a thing; you really do have to suck a dick to find out what's so good about it that a lot of guys suck dick and, again, not all of the men who do are gay so get that notion out of your head and if you can.

I've had to explain it to guys and I have been asked to suck their dick which, usually, is why we're having this conversation to begin with. I've had this conversation with guys and they've said that they don't think they could suck a dick... and some of them have found that they could. Some guys want to get really deep into the why of this and that's even harder to explain - there are no words for it but I know why. I've had to tell guys, "You act like that's a bad thing... and it isn't." I've had to "slap them upside the head" and ask them that if they don't mind having a woman blow them, what's really wrong with a guy doing the same thing? I've found that it's not so much that they're shocked that I suck dick but it's about something about me now being about them. Like they wouldn't let a guy blow them even after I make it clear to them that as far as the act is concerned, there is no difference. The biggest one is them saying that they couldn't suck a dick and even if they were to admit that they've had some thoughts about it.

So when I get asked why, I just cut to the case: I suck cock because I love doing it. I'm orally fixated. The only thing better than sucking cock is eating pussy. I'm not gay and I wouldn't want to be because there's no way in hell I'd give up having sex with women. And if that bothers you, well, sorry to hear that (but not really). Anything else you want to know? I've had to go through this so many times in my life that it just gets on my nerves. Not that they ask - it's that they can't seem to understand what I'm telling them... but I know why they can't and I do tell some folks to not ask me questions they really don't want to know the answer to and I do get sick and tired of having to try to explain it.

Apr 1, 2022, 5:11 PM
I tell others exactly what my first feeder told me about male cocksuckers like myself. I had never actually thought about sucking dick until the day I gave my first blowjob. My first feeder was a friend, co-worker, and fellow student at school. One day I was over his apartment to work on a school project when we got into a conversation about sex. He spent the next hour convincing me that I was a very obvious beta male meant to be a cocksucker. I just hadn’t discovered my true sexuality as a male cocksucker yet. He said that there were very strong traits about me where I had “male cocksucker written all over my face.”

He explained that there are two types of men in this world. The overwhelming majority of men were born to have their cock sucked. However, there’s a small percentage of men like me who were truly born to suck dick. He told me that for the rest of my life my true sexuality involved another having another man’s penis fucking my mouth, and being a total slut for their cum. That’s exactly what I tell others who ask about why I’m a cocksucker. I was sexually born in that small percentage of men where being a cocksucker is their genuine sexuality.

My first feeder truly read me like a book. He was exactly right in that I’ve never been happy with my sex life in periods of time where I wasn’t giving head on a regular basis. So that’s what I tell others who ask why I’m a male cocksucker cum slut. Giving a blowjob to a nice big cut cock is by far my favorite type of sex. Giving a blowjob and being a cum slut is my true sexuality. I’m not straight. I’m not gay either. My true sexuality is a cocksucker. There is honestly nothing more I would rather do when it comes to sex than get my mouth fucked like a whore by a big cock, and be a totally submissive cum slut for another man with a nice cock.

Apr 1, 2022, 5:51 PM
This is a question I've been asked several times, usually right before or after sucking a "straight" guy.

I remember one instance in particular. I was staying at a hotel outside of Denver and I met this guy while we were seated at the bar. After introductions were made and a couple of hours of sipping drinks and talking about everything from the weather, work, what it's like having to travel all of the time, we eventually moved to a table where the subject of sex came up. He told me he was married with two teenage kids at home. Eventually, he confided that he couldn't remember the last time he'd had sex with his wife, or anyone for that matter. I told him that was too bad. That life is too short to have to do without. Then he asked about me.

"You're a good looking young guy," he said. "I bet you get laid like crazy?" I told him I did OK, that I had a live-in girlfriend, but when I travelled, I liked to play. "I bet you do," he pressed. "So what's your type?"

That was the opening I'd been waiting for... "I'm not overly picky," I said. "I'm bi, so I usually don't have much trouble finding company when I'm on the road."

He was like, "Bi? So you sleep with men AND women?" To which I quickly responded, "Well, like I said, life is too short to go without."

"Wow! I never would have guessed that of you in a million years!" There was an awkward moment of silence, then he asked, "So what kinds of stuff do you do with guys?"

"Pretty much the same thing I do with women, oral, fucking..." I said. "I think of it like... sex is sex. It's all about the pleasure, both giving and receiving."

I could tell by his silence that I had rocked his world. "All right, let me get this straight, you are OK with sucking some guy's dick or letting him fuck you?"

"Yes. Although sometimes it happens in reverse," I explained.

It was then that he leaned over the table and dropped the $64,000 question: "So, let's say you're sucking some guy's cock... What do you get out of it?"

I said, "I guess if I had to sum it up in one word, it would be 'satisfaction.' I get a lot of satisfaction out of knowing I'm pleasuring another person in a way that I like to be satisfied. Let me put it to you another way. What makes you feel better when you have sex with your wife... fucking her then rolling off and going to sleep, or when you know you've rung her bell and she has a great orgasm or, even better, multiple orgasms? And let's say you don't even cum, but for some reason you are satisfied in knowing that she was and you're the one who satisfied her. In terms of sucking another guy's cock, it's kind of the same thing. I don't always get sucked in return. It's nice when it happens, but I'm happy knowing my partner is satisfied."

"Wow, Ok, I kind of see your point, but I still don't think I could bring myself to suck another guy's cock," he said. "But I wouldn't mind getting mine done... that is if you're up for it?"

I assured him he wouldn't be disappointed.

I love your stories. I love your confidence. I'm sure that is why you have such success when you are out there on the road. I fully agree with you. It is for the satisfaction for me. I fully enjoy knowing I have satisfied some guy - especially when I know he has not received that sort of attention in a while. It thrills me. It sounds like it thrills you, too. And I'll bet that guy went away with more than his dick blown. I'll bet you blew his mind. To me, it is a sad story to learn so many straight men go without sex for so many years.

Apr 1, 2022, 7:53 PM
I always have trouble explaining it. I usually tell them it’s a combination reasons. I like being in a submissive position, I like the look and feel of cocks, I like the pleasure I’m giving, I like the sounds and feeling when they are about to cum and I love the taste of cum.

Apr 2, 2022, 12:23 AM
I?ve never been asked that question and off the top of my head (sorry for the pun) I?d say that it?s exciting that I?m going to be pleasuring someone, hopefully to the maximum (to orgasm). Male or female the satisfaction is the same. And that it?s a bit ?taboo? in my str8 world, even better

Apr 2, 2022, 10:55 AM
I love your stories. I love your confidence. I'm sure that is why you have such success when you are out there on the road. I fully agree with you. It is for the satisfaction for me. I fully enjoy knowing I have satisfied some guy - especially when I know he has not received that sort of attention in a while. It thrills me. It sounds like it thrills you, too. And I'll bet that guy went away with more than his dick blown. I'll bet you blew his mind. To me, it is a sad story to learn so many straight men go without sex for so many years.<br>

Thank you Papasmurf.

I just try to live my life open-minded. And, yes, it makes me sad to read or hear stories from men who regret or were too afraid to experiment with their sexuality. It's kind of like the story of the 80-year-old man who said he would never eat sushi because he had been told it would grow worms in his head, yet he had eaten canned tuna and salmon throughout his life. Then, one day, at his grandson's insistence, he agreed to try it.

Reluctantly, he worked up the nerve to taste it and he found it was delicious...great flavor, great texture... Then one bite led to another. Before he realized it, he had consumed $200 worth of fresh sashimi, and he gladly paid the check.

That night, as he laid in his bed with his belly full, he reflected on all of those years he'd eaten stale fish from a can... he thought about all of the other things he might have missed on in his life because he was afraid to try or had been told it was bad.

I don't ever want to be 80 years old, lying in my bed thinking about all of the great things I missed out on because someone said it was bad or because of some pre-conceived notion. Life is what you make of it. And that, my friend, is the definition of confidence.

When you succeed, it builds confidence. When you fail, it builds character and resolve. The key is to never be afraid to succeed or fail.

Apr 2, 2022, 11:02 AM
This is a relatively easy conversation for me. I’m attracted to men and I love sex with them! I love giving my partners pleasure and letting my mental and emotional feelings manifest in a physical way.
Oh and dicks are pretty awesome…

Apr 7, 2022, 6:10 PM
I think you can try to answer the question in many different ways. You can say that you love the feeling of giving someone pleasure. That giving someone that pleasure and release makes you feel good in a way that you just can not explain. You can say that you love the way a cock feels in your hand in your mouth your lips wrapped around the head and the shaft the way it feels on your tongue. You can explain in many ways how good it makes you feel. Or you can say that even if you explained they still wouldn't understand.

Apr 8, 2022, 2:13 PM
I am not sure there is a "why." Any more than there is a why of liking to eat pussy, or have intercourse with women. You just like it. There are many things about sucking cock that I like, but none of them are why I do it.

Apr 8, 2022, 11:54 PM
I think you can try to answer the question in many different ways. You can say that you love the feeling of giving someone pleasure. That giving someone that pleasure and release makes you feel good in a way that you just can not explain. You can say that you love the way a cock feels in your hand in your mouth your lips wrapped around the head and the shaft the way it feels on your tongue. You can explain in many ways how good it makes you feel. Or you can say that even if you explained they still wouldn't understand.

That's a great way to express it, and closest to the way I feel.

Sissy Seanette
Apr 9, 2022, 4:34 AM
HI I say because COCK is so very Beautiful and Powerful and I Must suck it, I love the smell, taste and OHH that delicious creamy cummy treat is so good. I also suck cock because I know how good it feels and I want to return that pleasure. Yes I am a cocksucker, and I love to be fucked too. The last reason I suck cock is because I have been hypnotized from watching 1,000's of Sissy hypno Videos. These hypno Vids are Very mind bending and they also turned me into a Sissy Sexy Crossdresser who is a slut for the COCK.5952759527

Apr 12, 2022, 5:49 AM
I suck dick because it lets me fully be in the present moment. Nothing else matters in that moment but his cock. Everything else in life has to wait, this cock in front of me is the center of my universe. They always say it's better to give than receive, and the thing I love about sucking dick is I get to focus on his pleasure. With a girl, even though you can be a giver, there's still an expectation that you have to fuck her and eventually make yourself cum. I feel truly alive when I'm sucking a penis, like I'm really living life to the fullest. I'm so present, so engaged, and entranced in his penis, it's like a higher state of consciousness. I also love the inevitability of the ritual, knowing that it has to, it must end, with a man shooting his sperm. The only reason any of us are here is because a penis ejaculated semen, so there's something really special about making a penis do that or witnessing it happen. I've never experienced something more sexually satisfying than feeling a penis blow a load of semen into my mouth. That taste, that texture, knowing that it's responsible for all life, it feels spiritual when I'm tasting and swallowing his semen. I pity the men that have never enjoyed the pleasure of sucking a penis and swallowing a big load of sperm.

Apr 12, 2022, 10:44 AM
I agree very much with CamelBlue: the act is pleasurable in itself. There is no other feeling like that fullness in my mouth, the intensity of the head pushing into the back of the throat, the pulsing as the cum enters your mouth and the feel of it as you swallow. I actually believe that there's more going on than just the mechanically physical. I remember the first time I sucked cock as an adult and afterward my lips and throat were buzzing like there was an electric current moving in them. My belly was warm for more than an hour, so I think there's something in the old idea that sucking cock causes a kind of energy transference. If you believe there is any energy transference in vaginal sex, then there must be.

Personally I find it more useful to ask why so many think they won't get anything out of it, why it's "gross." Blondeblowjob7's account of the whole "some were born beta cocksuckers" gets my back up a little. That's a perfect example of toxic masculinity and his "feeder" clearly was a terrified little man with a need to make himself feel bigger in the bedroom and ok with making other men do what he didn't want to. Personally I find the idea that we take on sexual roles that are the inverse of who we are trying to be outside the bedroom more believable - though I have difficulty with Freud in general.

Whatever the case, sucking dick is as pleasurable as any other sex act in my opinion. The mouth I think is the mirror of the genitals, so it makes sense that it takes part fully in something that is so fundamental to life itself.

Apr 12, 2022, 2:10 PM
Because I want to it's that simple!

Apr 12, 2022, 5:41 PM
Because I want to it's that simple!

It is that simple but I've found that for some people, that's not a good enough answer. Then if you get into the deeper answer, they don't understand what you're telling them and it's frustrating because there are only so many ways you can "dumb down" explaining this. If you really want to have "fun," try explaining this to a woman who sucks dick.

Apr 12, 2022, 5:47 PM
@Woodsdweller, you aren't the only one who has difficulties with Freud but taking on roles that are the inverse of who we are makes sense and given the many times I've seen this; I guess I'm "weird" in that I'm the same in and out of the bedroom and I have "issues" with sexual roles; top and bottom, without offense to anyone, is too... limiting and I've seen men not allow themselves to experience - and enjoy - the "full spectrum" of sex with other men but, as always, this is just me.

As far as that "beta male" thing, I pity the guy who'd have the nerve to say that to me. I'm a cocksucker and I don't deny that I am... but that doesn't ever make me the lesser man but I know that a lot of men believe that it does and because of their own insecurities or delusions of grandeur in them thinking that they're all that and other men only exist to service them.

Apr 12, 2022, 11:28 PM
for me I tell them that i suck or one reason and one reason only.. that reason is to got it hard and ready to fuck me.. I am very submissive with guys.. I suck to start their primal instinct to procreate.. knowing that it is me anther guy that is doing the things to arouse those instincts.. he is going to do his best to impregnate me and pass his dna on in me.. I am allowing him to pass his genes on to another.. I am doing the things that allow him to forget that it is me another guy that is making him want and need to blow his load in me..

Apr 13, 2022, 12:35 AM
I can't and I won't speak for others. I can only speak for my truth.

Apr 13, 2022, 10:15 AM
Because when I get another person off male or female it's a huge turn on for me. I eat pussy to make her cum and suck cock to make him cum

Apr 15, 2022, 6:11 PM
I can't and I won't speak for others. I can only speak for my truth.

Yep. My truth is that I suck cock. So what? A lot of people do and not all of them are women. And your point is... what, exactly? You know, you really shouldn't ask me questions you really don't want to hear the answer to and my experiences have proven that those who have asked really didn't want to know... but, sometimes, they did... because they wanted me to suck their dick and take their cum. I love to suck cock for the same reasons why I love to eat pussy and if you can't make sense of that, I just do not know what else I can tell you. Deal with it. Or not. Isn't going to change a thing about me and where I love to put my mouth.

Apr 15, 2022, 8:19 PM
Preach it, @KDaddy23. I'm in complete agreement.

Apr 16, 2022, 12:01 AM
I don’t know why but over the years I went from loving to watch petite girls get destroyed by big cocks in pornos to eventually wanting to be the sissi being fucked by them, I’ve been infatuated by a nice cock for years, the answer to why I’d like to suck one is because a nice cock is probably the hottest thing in the world and I wish I had an ongoing top

Apr 19, 2022, 11:58 PM
Because I want to it's that simple!

I totally agree with your statement! I am not gay or bi, I just like to suck a cock to get it hard enough to feel it on my tongue and maybe going down my throat. I think I am on a quest to see how big or long I can take!

May 2, 2022, 2:37 AM
First, I have no one that would ask me "WHY" because I am married (to a woman) and DL. If I was asked, I would answer that there are multiple reasons why I like to suck cock.

1 - I like the taboo of a man pleasuring another man.
2 - I like the sneaking around.
3 - My wife is horrible at sucking dick and I know that I suck dick better than her. When she's sucking me, I like being able to look at her and think to myself, "I suck dick better than you".