View Full Version : Crazy Wives Club

Mar 20, 2022, 1:47 PM
Has anyone ever had to deal with a jealous wife after she found out you were blowing / getting fucked by her husband?

JSYK, if you're a closeted married bi guy, your wife regularly goes through your phone. It's a routine with them, so don't think it doesn't happen. Even if you think it's locked, it's not. Your phone records are accessible monthly through your carrier.

I've only had two crazy wife calls, but both were disturbing. One woman threatened to "out me". The other wanted to cut off my balls. LOL! My response to both was, well... if you were taking care of him at home, he wouldn't be looking for a cocksucker like me, would he???

Mar 20, 2022, 2:51 PM
That's it! Blame the co-respondent!

Mar 20, 2022, 3:08 PM
No, not a wife. Got to talk to a guy’s pissed off daughter once who’s father had had to go to the hospital during a “party” once. My number was in his phone because we had texted about going, as were some rather elicit photos from the get together, thankfully none of me, I only said hi to him and he was busy with others. So, no kidding about the phone thing. I simply don’t have sex with closeted guys anymore. I’m not looking to be a home wrecker, and if you’re going to lie to the one you love, you have zero problem lying to me.

Mar 20, 2022, 3:22 PM
Never had to deal with it, where I would respectfully disagree is "If you were taking care of them". Things happen in relationships, and it is not always necessarily the partner, sometimes people simply change. I don't think I would blame an angry spouse/partner for lashing out, they are hurt, feel betrayed and such. I think I would say simply
"It sounds like there is a communiucation issue at the least between you too, I understand your anger, but your issue is in your own home"

As someone else said, if they are my regular partner, and we have an agreement as a one on one FWB, if they are lying to their spouse, are they doing the same to me subjecting me to dangers

Mar 20, 2022, 4:42 PM
I've had three such conversations with a wife/girlfriend. Their man sought me out, we did whatever, he somehow let the cat out of the bag and now I'm explaining to their irate woman and, yes, telling them the old but true adage that if you don't take care of your man/woman, someone else can and will. Did I know he was in a relationship? Twice I did, once I didn't but for the two I did know, well, nothing unusual about that and I was in a relationship, too - but mine was open, so... It's a very sticky situation to be in and it's a question if I - as the party of the second part - bear any responsibility if the guy - the party of the first part - decided that he needed some sex with a man. Oddly, I guess, in those situations, the blame wasn't put on me but all on him, although one woman did tell me that I should be ashamed of myself for (1) sucking dicks and (2) being in an open marriage and ignoring the sanctity of marriage, so on and so forth... and I told her, "But that's why I can have sex with someone and not wind up having conversations like this with my wife..." As I recall, only one of those guys resolved the situation with his lady; I don't know what happened with the other two.

In these situations - and for me, I'll say the other guy - has to be 100% aware of the consequences of any actions taken and be willing to deal with them. If I ask you, "What are you gonna do if your lady finds out?" and you give me some half-assed answer, we might not be doing what we both want to do but if you can convince me that you are aware of the consequences and you accept responsibility, okay, let's do this. Any time a guy steps outside of his relationship and without permission, there will be consequences. I understand why guys do in order to get some dick and while it's "his fault" that he decided to take this action, it's also a major fault and flaw where being monogamous is concerned.

Mar 20, 2022, 5:03 PM
I use a VOIP app so the number won't trace to me. I can also turn off the ringer by number or block a number all together.

I have only had to block crazy a cocksucker that wanted me to pay him to suck me.

I have one married friend who practices mainmal security and whose wife I thought might be catching on. I prepared for a possible call but so far I haven't hear from any wife.

Mar 20, 2022, 6:16 PM
Never had to deal with it, where I would respectfully disagree is "If you were taking care of them". Things happen in relationships, and it is not always necessarily the partner, sometimes people simply change. I don't think I would blame an angry spouse/partner for lashing out, they are hurt, feel betrayed and such. I think I would say simply
"It sounds like there is a communiucation issue at the least between you too, I understand your anger, but your issue is in your own home"

As someone else said, if they are my regular partner, and we have an agreement as a one on one FWB, if they are lying to their spouse, are they doing the same to me subjecting me to dangers

Well said, well thought and well put! And you're right. People do change. People also experiment. I can't tell you how many guys who've sucked my cock or let me suck them started with the disclaimer that, "I've never done anything like this before." I can also say that not everyone is truthful about their relationship status either. Rings come off or go on.

I get that wives or girlfriends may feel cheated, but to me, it's not right to lash out at the person your mate is cheating with.

Mar 20, 2022, 8:09 PM
it's not right to lash out at the person your mate is cheating with.

Completely agree, the issue is between the two of them. Now, I will say, like K-daddy, I ask the questions if he is married. I want to make sure for my own personal ethics I am not hurting a family. If it is a she, we don't do a damn thing unless I personally have spoken to her husband / partner, for some reason, the two are different to me.

Mar 22, 2022, 9:15 PM
I get that wives or girlfriends may feel cheated, but to me, it's not right to lash out at the person your mate is cheating with.

But it is very human and calls for compassion.

If I were to get an angry call, I would try to let her know that what he and I do is part of who her husband really is.That I am not a threat to her marriage. And make no promises to her at all.

Mar 22, 2022, 11:59 PM
Completely agree, the issue is between the two of them. Now, I will say, like K-daddy, I ask the questions if he is married. I want to make sure for my own personal ethics I am not hurting a family. If it is a she, we don't do a damn thing unless I personally have spoken to her husband / partner, for some reason, the two are different to me.

Hi Jaz, Nobody wants to break up a family. But sucking a guy doesn't. Guys like to get sucked. And fuck. If their wife won't, they will go elsewhere.

Mar 25, 2022, 9:17 AM
Telling a woman whose husband is cheating on her that it's her fault is an awful thing to do.

Mar 26, 2022, 5:01 PM
Telling a woman whose husband is cheating on her that it's her fault is an awful thing to do.

So calling the person with whom he is cheating is also awful. I understand that people get hurt. It doesn't give them license to lash out.

Every married guy I've ever been with has been the one to initiate the experience (usually responding to a personals ad or posting their own). So, I stand by my initial response that, if he was being satisfied sexually, he wouldn't be letting me suck his cock or fucking me. In the very least, the spouse could give me a heads up with a text first. To call someone out of the blue and cuss them out is not cool.

Christopher South
Mar 27, 2022, 11:01 AM
JSYK, if you're a closeted married bi guy, your wife regularly goes through your phone. It's a routine with them, so don't think it doesn't happen. Even if you think it's locked, it's not. Your phone records are accessible monthly through your carrier.

My wife knows I've had M2M sex. She doesn't know it's continuing. She looks through my phone but my phone is a hot mess. Three legit email accounts, four kids texting me, all sorts of work applications. The 1-2 apps she could catch me on are buried deep. I also make sure I delete addresses in my Waze app. My wife isn't technically inclined so I feel pretty confident but yeah, some guys aren't as careful.

Mar 27, 2022, 12:57 PM
a couple years back.. servicing sexually frustrated married men.. I had a guy that I was servicing pretty regularly.. he would come and see me a couple times a week.. he started to express the desire to have me come to his place now and then.. I had already dressed for him a few times.. he wanted me to wear some of his wife?s things but also to pick out what I wanted to wear.. so after a lot of begging I agreed to meet him at his place.. I picked out a few things to wear and we proceeded to get to it.. we went into his garage and I sucked him hard.. he then removed her panties from me and bent me over a chair.. he was about 10 minutes in to pounding me really good when in through the side door his wife walks in.. I was facing away from the door so I didn?t know she was there.. next thing I knew she was yelling and screaming crying.. calling both of us names and swinging on him.. I moved forward to get him out of me and see her picking up a hammer.. I grabbed my clothes ran out of the side door.. made the dash of shame naked to my truck and got the hell out.. needless to say he got divorced within the month.. bad seen!!! Now I never go to married men?s places anymore..

Mar 27, 2022, 1:32 PM
Hi Jaz, Nobody wants to break up a family. But sucking a guy doesn't. Guys like to get sucked. And fuck. If their wife won't, they will go elsewhere.

I don't disagree on that, where I respectfully disagree is on the fault and their reaction, that I understand why they would lash out. Personally, I put the blame on the wandering person for not dealing with it at home. My feeling is that if it is so bad you need to cheat on someone you made a commitment too, you should let them know and either get an okay, or end the relationship.

If you have to stay together because of finances or kids or something, at least it is in the open..............but as I said, we all have different views, no better or worse than the next person, I just respectfully disagree with you on this one.

Now, if you like pineapple on Pizza, I have too un-respectfully disagree, because that shit is wrong.....lol

Mar 27, 2022, 3:00 PM
a couple years back.. servicing sexually frustrated married men.. I had a guy that I was servicing pretty regularly.. he would come and see me a couple times a week.. he started to express the desire to have me come to his place now and then.. I had already dressed for him a few times.. he wanted me to wear some of his wife?s things but also to pick out what I wanted to wear.. so after a lot of begging I agreed to meet him at his place.. I picked out a few things to wear and we proceeded to get to it.. we went into his garage and I sucked him hard.. he then removed her panties from me and bent me over a chair.. he was about 10 minutes in to pounding me really good when in through the side door his wife walks in.. I was facing away from the door so I didn?t know she was there.. next thing I knew she was yelling and screaming crying.. calling both of us names and swinging on him.. I moved forward to get him out of me and see her picking up a hammer.. I grabbed my clothes ran out of the side door.. made the dash of shame naked to my truck and got the hell out.. needless to say he got divorced within the month.. bad seen!!! Now I never go to married men?s places anymore..

Wow! That would be scary not to mention a very awkward situation all around.

The closest situation I ever experienced like that was with my married female boss. She was quite a bit older than me (early 50s), but still very beautiful and fit.

We were both working a trade show in Las Vegas, repping our company's booth. After the second of a four-day show, we went out for dinner and drinks together so we could compare notes and strategize on a follow-up plan for the contacts we had made. One thing led to another, and after several martinis, she ended up spending the night with me in my room - which was right across the hall from hers. After a night of amazing sex, we were both awakened early the next morning by the sound of someone in the hallway knocking loudly on a door. At first we thought it was my door, but when I got out of bed to see who it might be, I could hear the guy calling Karen's name in somewhat of a hushed voice. I opened my door a crack and saw a man standing with his back to me, holding a small carry-on bag.

I had never met her husband before, but it didn't take me long to realize that he had decided to pay her a surprise visit. When I told her that I thought her husband was at her room door, she went into panic mode, jumped up and started getting dressed. She immediately went to her purse to check her phone. Evidently, he had sent her a couple of texts from the lobby letting her know he was there, but she had put her phone on vibrate so we wouldn't be disturbed.

Fortunately, the company had paid in advance for our rooms, because later she told me that he had requested an extra room key but the front desk clerk refused give it to him for security reasons. Eventually, he gave up and went back downstairs. As soon as he was in the elevator, she grabbed her bag and shoes and ran across the hall to her room.

After breakfast that morning with her hubby, she joined me at the show, explaining that her husband was on his way to Salt Lake City for a series of meetings and had decided to stop in Vegas to "make sure she wasn't misbehaving." We both had a good laugh at that one!

He left on his way early the next morning, none the wiser. Unfortunately, it was the last day of the show. After breaking down the booth that afternoon, we packed up and headed back to L.A. We continued to see each other... usually when we were on the road for a convention or business meetings and it was always in my hotel room or at my apartment. About a year later, I took a job with a different company and moved to the Bay Area, so we decided that the affair had basically run its course and left it alone. The last I heard, she is still married to the same man.

Mar 27, 2022, 3:16 PM
I don't disagree on that, where I respectfully disagree is on the fault and their reaction, that I understand why they would lash out. Personally, I put the blame on the wandering person for not dealing with it at home. My feeling is that if it is so bad you need to cheat on someone you made a commitment too, you should let them know and either get an okay, or end the relationship.

If you have to stay together because of finances or kids or something, at least it is in the open..............but as I said, we all have different views, no better or worse than the next person, I just respectfully disagree with you on this one.

Now, if you like pineapple on Pizza, I have too un-respectfully disagree, because that shit is wrong.....lol

No worries. I very respectively with that! Or anchovies... LOL

Mar 27, 2022, 9:28 PM
No worries. I very respectively with that! Or anchovies... LOL

yeah, I like my fish in my bed, not in my plate

okay, that may have crossed the yuck line