View Full Version : Curious anal sex

Feb 19, 2022, 10:36 AM
I starting to think about anal sex more often, but have always shied away because I wasn't sure how my cock would feel afterwards...does it some out clean and dry or is wet and sticky?

Long Duck Dong
Feb 20, 2022, 4:00 AM
First, the other person needs to be clean outside and inside if you want to avoid as much mess as possible....tho there is always a small chance of some mess cos of using lube.... too much is messy lol

secondly, its sex after all, there is fluid involved.. so slippery and wet, sticky and wet.....how often do you cum in a female and still have a dry cock.....

finding the right lube to use, takes some practice, but bottoms tend to have a fair idea cos they are the ones that have to deal with the aftermath and yes that can make a different to your cock as well......some people can react to some types of lubes or they turn sticky and messy.....and the other thing to consider is condoms, if you are being safe......

Each sexual experience is different, even with the same partner......

Feb 20, 2022, 10:32 AM
As a top, I always make sure my bottoms are trained how to take a simple warm tap water enema until they are clean. Naturally they must be showered as well. This is all it takes to avoid the brown stuff usually, though there may still be a small amount of odor. You be surprised how man bottom men don't know how to go about this simple procedure.

I also warn people to avoid the little disposable Fleet's Enemas you get at the store. They don't have enough volume to do any good and they are formulated to get your colon moving which is just about the last thing you want happening if your fucking. If you just have to use those thing empty out the contents and fill them with warm tap water. Avoid high volume passes with the enema hose: this can cause water to get up colonic flexure and get trapped only to pour out as you are getting fucked.