View Full Version : massachistic tendancies?

Oct 18, 2006, 8:05 PM
jeez i put myself through some crap....why do i do it? do i hate myself that much? or are we not meant to be with just one person? ive never fitted in to society, always felt the agony of the outsider and ran with the wolves so to speak...im either crazy or very sane. i am responsible for my life and yet i cant help but push it to the mental limits everytime...i need chaining to a desert island and left there lol. what am i trying to say.....am i the only one that keeps fcuking up??!! am i always going to be on the outside looking in? are we all lonely? am i born stupid or very intelligent? and WHY do i keep doing things that hurt me and others?
if i dont stop this mental massachistic shit i swear i will end up mad or dead....sometimes i think that is the only option available....sometimes it even sounds attractive. i want to screammmmmm!
sigh.....thank you for allowing me to ventilate....answers on a postcard please lol :bibounce:

Oct 18, 2006, 10:04 PM
Momma said there'd be days like this. :bigrin:
Great movie with Jim Carey called "Liar Liar". One of my favorite scenes is where he's in a restroom Punching himself, throwing himself up against walls, Crushing his head with a toilet seat etc. When asked, What in the hell are you doing?" He replies "I'm kicking my Ass" LOL
Sometimes we all need a little ass kicking I guess even if it's by our own foot. However...This too shall pass :)

Ambi :)

Oct 19, 2006, 1:27 AM
I'll say: We learn from our mistakes, Alex.

Sorry, I'm in a cliche phase today. But I'm not being flippant. We sometimes just have to repeat the assignment until we get it right.

Oct 21, 2006, 1:29 AM
My daughter claims that a truly crazy person is incapable of questioning there sanity, There fore if you can think you might be crazy you're probably not. Hang in there. Some lessons are harder to learn that others.

Put it in the past and start new today. Today is a new day. Beating yourself up for past mistakes doesn't do anyone any good. Fix what you can, admit your defeat and start over. You are so lucky you have been given another day to get it right. One heartbeat at a time.

its all a choice, if you dont like the direction you are headed, choose different.

Oct 21, 2006, 10:04 AM
Oh boy do I know THIS song and dance. 5,6,7,8 and destroy that relationship and 1 and 2 and get myself fired and turn and...you get the idea.

I used to sabotage myself at a phenominal rate until it was pointed out to me that I am worthy of all the good things that life has to offer. Yeah, I screw up. So what? I'm human. I'm ALLOWED to be fallible. Mistakes don't make me any less worth of love or success.

You are JUST as worth while as the next person. You just have to learn to see that in yourself.

Go buy the book "When I Loved Myself Enough..." by Kim McMillen. It's a little bitty book filled with things that will make you laugh, make you cry and help you learn to be who you WANT to be.

Oct 22, 2006, 10:25 AM
A masochist came up to a sadist and begged "Please, hurt me". The sadist looked at the masochist with a cold stare and said "NO".

Oct 22, 2006, 11:47 AM
I know the feeling all too well - outside looking in - say the wrong thing at the wrong time (or at all). Been there, got the T-Shirt and use it to wash the car now - lol. My problem was me - I was trying too damn hard. When I stopped "trying to do right", settled down, stopped worrying and just did right, things slowly began falling into place.
Don't Worry - Be Happy as the saying goes - HAHAHAHA
