View Full Version : No ladies?

Dec 28, 2021, 4:00 PM
I don't see any ladies. Am I missin' something?

Dec 28, 2021, 9:20 PM
No you're not because there simply aren't any females on here, yes, there may be some registered though I'm uncertain of that but I've not seen posts by anyone describing themselves as such. It's really too bad I think , their input would be quite appreciated by yours truly and so I think others would as well.

Dec 28, 2021, 9:43 PM
Ladies were on this site at one time. Then, the combination of an antisocial troll and loss of chat, resulting in them going elsewhere.

Dec 28, 2021, 9:59 PM
Darkeyes (Fran) posted this morning. Like jem posted women left in part due to the troll and chat(although I never used chaat)

nu2curious & duke the problem of no leadership for awhile squashed things. Women definitey add to the site

Dec 29, 2021, 9:33 AM
There are some male-female couples who are active.

Dec 29, 2021, 9:37 AM
Darkeyes (Fran) posted this morning. Like jem posted women left in part due to the troll and chat(although I never used chaat)

nu2curious & duke the problem of no leadership for awhile squashed things. Women definitey add to the site

We have no admins or mods?

Dec 29, 2021, 11:50 AM
We have no admins or mods?The original owner/admin died. It was the wild west for a eighteen months to two years.

Annika L
Dec 29, 2021, 12:00 PM
Some of us are still around sporadically. I check in here and there.

Dec 29, 2021, 10:14 PM
This site use to have a lot of women posting....This site had a chat room, and there were a lot of women on it, and they would post a lot also. The Chat Room made this site a community. Chat was taken down.....Then there was a :devil:Troll :devil:who would attack women, both by what they had posted and personally. These two factors drove a lot of women away. Sad...

Jan 2, 2022, 1:25 PM
I'm still here. I stepped away for a bit and just found the site again.

Jan 2, 2022, 3:19 PM
I'm thinking that if I was a woman and I'm on this site and reading about all the stuff da fellas are going on about, I might not be of a mind to join in any of the conversations since a lot of what we do talk about doesn't have anything to do with women all that much. Women, as I think I kinda/sorta understand them, aren't as... hyped about this as we are. They have their own thoughts, feelings, concerns, etc., and some of them similar to our own stuff. But it might be a matter of the ladies not being able to get a word in or, more likely, whatever we're having fun talking about isn't all that interesting to them and more so when we're not talking about anything they don't already know about dick and the guys attached to them.

We make a "big deal" out of being bisexual. Women? Eh, not so much and definitely not like we do. I'd love to see the women come here and say what they gotta say about what bisexuality means to them and all that. It's not that we don't want them here because we do; they're just not all that interested. Maybe. Don't really know and we won't until some women come in to talk to us about... stuff.

Jan 2, 2022, 3:30 PM
Not all of us are "not all that interested". We very much are, but if you guys keep it like a "boys only" club than that's what you are going to get. Kind of reminds me of the bisexual movies. There's a female there but it's all about the guys. You'll find there are so many women that love bi men, but aren't given the chance to express or even talk about it.

just my 2 cents

Jan 2, 2022, 4:31 PM
Not all of us are "not all that interested". We very much are, but if you guys keep it like a "boys only" club than that's what you are going to get. Kind of reminds me of the bisexual movies. There's a female there but it's all about the guys. You'll find there are so many women that love bi men, but aren't given the chance to express or even talk about it.

just my 2 cents

I'd love to hear from you on a regular basis.

Jan 2, 2022, 5:36 PM
Ladies were on this site at one time. Then, the combination of an antisocial troll and loss of chat, resulting in them going elsewhere.
Gone ELSWHERE? Where else could they have gone? not many Bi sites around.

Jan 2, 2022, 6:17 PM
The original owner/admin died. It was the wild west for a eighteen months to two years.I

Thats an understatement, it was world war 3,4,5 combined. We really should have a couple of volunteer mods. I avoided the site for a while as the people like me lasted a whole hot minute and left. I will say, we have some good people now, I rarely get the "show me your......." DM's

Annika L
Jan 2, 2022, 7:41 PM
I'm thinking that if I was a woman and I'm on this site and reading about all the stuff da fellas are going on about, I might not be of a mind to join in any of the conversations since a lot of what we do talk about doesn't have anything to do with women all that much. Women, as I think I kinda/sorta understand them, aren't as... hyped about this as we are. They have their own thoughts, feelings, concerns, etc., and some of them similar to our own stuff. But it might be a matter of the ladies not being able to get a word in or, more likely, whatever we're having fun talking about isn't all that interesting to them and more so when we're not talking about anything they don't already know about dick and the guys attached to them.

Not all of us are "not all that interested". We very much are, but if you guys keep it like a "boys only" club than that's what you are going to get.

These two sum it up for me. I come here occasionally, look at what?s being discussed?and how it?s being discussed?and generally move along. Yeah, the chat room made life interesting?there were often interesting people to talk to, and you could have a conversation without it all having to revolve around sex. Not that I have any issue with discussing sex?but it can get dull if that?s all it?s ever about.

Guys seem to be enjoying the environment they?ve set up here, so I?m not gonna step in and ruin their good time. But if you?re looking for women to feel welcome, you might need to do more than ask ?where are the women?? once in a while.

Jan 3, 2022, 10:41 AM
Ive had a wee moan a few times since .com degenerated to what it is now. I don't expect it to return to what it once was with a largish number of fun, sexy, bright women who add to the colour and improve the character of the site. One reason it had so many women contributing was because so many joined in the site's earliest days, some from bisexual.org whose chat room closed. These women and girls truly made this site terrific together with a fantastic bunch of men equally bright, fun and sexy who made forums sparkle and chat bounce!!!

How I miss those days. I was young fun and extremely tarty and omg the fun we had, and the friendships we made and fostered. Those of you who weren't around in the beginning and the 5 or 6 years after missed so much. Those of you who were know what I'm talking about.

Alas, it was too good to last and trolls moved in and the site degenerated into what it is now. I don't mind guys talking as basely as they do now. God knows women can be equally base but somehow we don't indulge in it to quite the same degree in public. I'm no prude, but I regret the loss of friends I liked and grew to love; at the variety of discussion in forums and the wrecking of the site for wreckings sake by bastards. Similar is happening throughout the net as our societies lose feeling and respect for each other and people display contempt for difference and hate spreads. We let it happen. We should be fucking ashamed of ourselves.

A Happy New Year to all. Maybe this will be the year we begin to turn the tide.

Jan 3, 2022, 4:06 PM
Not all of us are "not all that interested". We very much are, but if you guys keep it like a "boys only" club than that's what you are going to get. Kind of reminds me of the bisexual movies. There's a female there but it's all about the guys. You'll find there are so many women that love bi men, but aren't given the chance to express or even talk about it.

just my 2 cents

And thank you for letting us know this. When it comes to bisexual women, what should we be talking about, in your opinion?

Jan 3, 2022, 4:19 PM
"God knows women can be equally base but somehow we don't indulge in it to quite the same degree in public."

@Darkeyes, this is what I've always known about bisexual women. I've talked to bisexual women and they're just... cool about it. "It's not that big of a deal," as one bi woman told me. Another told me, "If boys can be boys, doesn't it make sense that girls can be girls in the same way?" Made sense to me. Another said, "Do you really believe that when we have sleepovers, all we're doing is gossiping and messing with makeup and all that other stuff? Really?" I know how some guys look at bisexual women but I see them as they really are and I've been fortunate to know a lot of bisexual women. And, yes, many of them think it's very damned cool that I'm bisexual.

Long Duck Dong
Jan 3, 2022, 7:45 PM
Threads from the site have been used as subjects for discussion with the ladies in my own closed group of my partner, and another male and two females

One of the ladies did admit mention that a lot of threads directed at women, were things what women enjoyed about seeing two males together, how to get female partners to play or let their men play.....and how women were wrong for not letting men play.......

For them its about as enjoyable as being in an LGBTQIA site with majority women where most of the posts are about women being with women... and threads about being poly and have a male and female partner often get side tracked by lesbians that post about how they would not have sex with a male and penises are gross etc........

Now ironically, they said that the trolls posted a wider range of topics than people may have noticed, tho the personal attacks and insults were a problem.....so as bad as the trolls were, they also had a positive influence on the site with different subjects constantly posted........

Would they join the site??? yes and no.....if the discussions were more varied and not always about sex, and if they were seen as more than sex toys or partners of bi males, yes....but not to be hit on, asked for pics, hit on or the common * you are hot, I would love to be involved in a group sex session with you, shame you are not closer* type comments......

Yes a lot of it is intended as positive comments but it also has the effect of making them feel like they are somebody elses sex fantasy, rather than a person......

They have heard about things like the famous volty pics, and the dickman adventures, and thats something that makes the site appealing, so actually so do the cross dressing threads because they could share some of the clothing they wear and talk to guys about what the guys enjoy... and the pain of walking around in high heels lol.......and talking about life in other countries, the scenery, the locations, the people..........thats what appeals to them......

and thats what they are not really seeing.....