View Full Version : How many have been in the sex trade??

Dec 24, 2021, 2:16 PM
For me it all started when I met Ray business guy that had a fetish for whores.. I at the time I was big time cd and met him at a party.. we hit it off and he took me to a hotel and we had sex.. when he left he took my number and left money on the table.. when he called two days later I told him that I really am not a whore.. he explained that it was his fetish.. so for the extra 2 years about twice a month I was his whore.. I found that I really was having feelings for him and wanted more.. I told him that I was having feelings and he said he did too.. I told him that I wanted him not for his money and wanted him to fuck me because he wanted to.. not because I was his whore.. he said he would try.. he fucked me twice and didn?t leave money.. then I never seen him again..
about 3 months later I met Dan ceo type for a large business in Arizona..I was working with an escort agency and he contacted me and we met and I escorted him on a few business trips.. then he ask me to move to Arizona and move into one of the apartments in his work building.. so we could be together whenever he could get a bit of time.. so for the next 3 years I was his kept whore!! He would stop by most every day and fuck me,, then go back to work.. he also after the first couple months would bring someone with him to share me.. then they would also be on my schedule to service.. by about a year in I had 8 guys I was servicing.. I was in heaven, getting cock most every day and some times 3-4 times a day.. we also had 3-4 some?s regularly.. then he started bringing clients in and expected me to give it up to them as well.. I told him that servicing the 8 guys was cool as they paid me well but I was not going to fuck his clients for fun!! He was mad but said ok.. about a month later he called me told me to be ready for a dinner party and dress very sexy!! So I did.. when we got to the party there were a lot of people there.. first time he took me out in public.. after the party he said he had a surprise for me.. that I had made a big impression on his clients and they wanted to show their appreciation.. we went back to my apartment and when we walked in there was 15 Japanese guys there.. I ask what was going on?? He said they chose you to be theirs for the weekend.. I told him that I don?t service your clients.. he got mad and put his hands around my throat and was cooking me and said you are a whore Go earn your money!!! So I did!!
They got everything they wanted that weekend and paid very well.. I moved out on Monday and never went back.. that was my time as a sex trade whore.. how many of you have made money giving up your body for money?? Let us hear your story..

Dec 24, 2021, 3:50 PM
There was a time when things were bad and dire and I needed money to take care of my family... so I chose to whore myself instead of my wife (at the time) doing it. At first, it was mostly women - many of them married - who were looking for sex or something different or whatever but I guess as "the word" got out - and sometimes, a woman would recommend me to a guy - a lot of men were making use of my "service" as well. Many times I had to keep telling myself that I was doing this for the money and I'd often be surprised at how eager someone would be to pay whatever price I set. One woman paid me $200 just to eat her; one guy paid me $1,000 to spend the day and night with him and "use and abuse" him as he wanted to be. Being paid to have sex with married couples and, a couple of times, being paid to just be seen with a woman because, shit, having a good-looking Black guy on her arm was some kind of status symbol and made for great gossip in her circle.

And I hated it. I didn't find much of the sex I got paid for enjoyable. It wasn't personal - it was business but it was better than the alternatives. To me, there was a difference between being with a guy, we did whatever, and he gives me money for some reason and more so when I didn't want or need it but, okay, I get it... I think. But to deliberately put myself out there and whore myself? Tough and very bitter pill to have to swallow... but I swallowed it because it had to be done. Better me than her. It put food on the table and paid the rent and kept the lights and heat on and clothes on my kids' back. Once I got a job - a real one - I was happy to give that up but I also knew that if I had to do it again, I would.

Dec 24, 2021, 5:27 PM
KDaddy for me it was more a sexual thing.. ya see I have and have known that I have an inner slutty whore.. her name is Lydia.. at that time she was free and in control.. she is a nympho!! Insatiable appetite for sex.. she was in control.. I was cross dressing had gotten on hormones.. my voice changed my breasts grew to a full b cup or c cup depending on the bra.. I was transitioning to be a full time tranny.. cock was the only thing I thought about.. all I wanted was to be spread open and feel some guy breeding me.. when I met Ray it felt amazing to have a guy that enjoyed me being tranny and wanted to have sex with me.. and pay me to do so.. he was very good kisser but during sex at first all he wanted was doggy style.. then one night he posed with his dick still in me he rolled me over to my back.. gathered my legs into his elbows and laid on top of me.. his weight pinning me in place.. he started to slow fuck me, going full deep with every stroke., he started kissing making out with me.. he sucked on my neck!! It drove me wild.. I fell in love with him that night.. he was all I could think about all I wanted was him breeding me like that.. he loved to play with my tits and suck on my nipples.. it made me crazy!! I loved being female and being his whore!! By the time I met Dan the hormones were well on there way to me being female.. my voice was very feminine my waist hips and ass had become feminine,, my legs and chest were hairless.. I was getting waxed so no public hair.. I was smooth and soft everywhere.. my breasts had grown to a very full c cup.. Dan sent me to a plastic surgeon in California to check into breast implants.. the plan was to be a full size d cup and be perky.. sex was great, then he started bringing others to share me with.. at first it was just fun to be fucking a few guys.. as the list grew I knew what I was really there for.. when I cut ties with him I got off the hormones.. with in a few months my voice was back my tits had shrunk back to a b cup., I was done whoring.. now guys fuck me because they really want to.. I love sex now.. Lydia still sneaks out now and then but we get along better now.,

Dec 24, 2021, 6:21 PM
Yeah, I know about that "inner girl/whore" thing all too well - my inner girl has never had a name but, yep, she's in there somewhere. Still, my decision to do this wasn't sexual on my part - it was business and I was often appalled at how... disconnected I would feel being with a "client" and even when they were a repeat customer. I knew what they wanted and knew how to give them what they wanted; they'd be happy... and I'd get paid so I could keep taking care of my family. It didn't mess with my need to have sex and I'd be lying if I said that, sometimes, I would do it for the sex but for the most part, it wasn't about me - it was about getting paid. I still feel some kind of way about it but I made my peace with it it long ago. Didn't want to but it had to be done. I'd do it again if I had to. I love sex, too, but it's different when there's money on the table. I give sex workers major props for being able to do it and having fun doing it.