View Full Version : Levels of hook up commitment

Nov 27, 2021, 10:47 AM
How often do you reply to an ad or such from someone who it appears wants the same thing as you, straight, bi, gay or what ever.
You reply and start a conversation and either get no reply or a conversation starts and ends with no stated reason or you get to where you think "this might happen" but doesn't and again ends in various ways.
I am thinking a lot of posts might be people who get off just putting their desires out there and that is enough for them.
So I have come up with a poll on a few reasons I guess.
Where do you fit on this scale?

Nov 27, 2021, 10:50 AM
I’ve responded almost every time. The few I haven’t were due to language barriers or a sense that it was a bot. On here, I’ve replied to all.

Nov 27, 2021, 10:59 AM
I’ve responded almost every time. The few I haven’t were due to language barriers or a sense that it was a bot. On here, I’ve replied to all.
But how often does it end up with meeting?
Thanks for your reply

Nov 27, 2021, 1:58 PM
I respond promptly almost every time, and it's often with a caveat that playing with me is going to require a little work. I put a lot of effort into portraying myself and the activities that I enjoy accurately, and that I don't meet without some substantive discussion to get to know something about one another. We don't have to have a long courtship or exchange epic novels, but I want to know enough to be comfortable with any person who's interested in getting into my panties or his cock into my mouth or ass. If it's too much trouble, I can find someone who's willing to invest some time & effort.

I consider myself 'worth the effort'.

Nov 27, 2021, 2:09 PM
More times than not we get someone who seems to be on our same wavelength. Chat for a bit then POOF! No more contact!
OR like this last time, We chat, then meet up, And thats it! Never heard from again!
Now for us, we are picky... If you reply to our add with "Wanna fuck? Or "ill fuck the shit out of your wife!
Guess what... We are not interested
We will however write back if they just say Hello, Or How are you?? Cause you never know, it might work out.. Usually not but there is always a chance

Nov 27, 2021, 2:09 PM
I have posted a few times at least looking for an ongoing friend. I like to suck and newer to it so wanted a guy on the same level as me. I specified I wanted a newer curious guy or someone newer and wanted ongoing and not a quick one time fling. Also wanted to meet later so specified I wanted for the weekend as I work and so forth. I get these replies from the same guys simply not reading and telling me they were ready to get their cock sucked NOW. Here it is late and ready for bed and they just want it done then. I simply delete and refuse them. This is so common that I cant simply seem to find a straight or newer curious guy that wants weekend head from me. I dont just want to be another mouth they can add to their tally. I also dont like hair so I always explain that also and guys send a cock pic with a forest growing around it. Its like a lost cause to find a friend online I think.

Nov 27, 2021, 2:40 PM
If I post such an ad, it's my intention to so what I say I want to do but if they vanish or chicken out, well, I expect it and it's their loss. I think some guys post ads then get cold feet; sometimes they do post and forget about it since they didn't get an immediate response or whatever. Some guys are only about the thrill of the hunt and talking about doing some stuff that they have no intentions on doing. I can't do anything about what someone else does but if I place an ad, I have no intentions on backing out of a deal; otherwise, why bother to post one?

Nov 28, 2021, 4:41 PM
I’ve had everything from hooking up to no response after I respond. Have gone through multiple messages and then nothing or we just couldn’t find a time and place that worked for both. It’s the way it is.

Nov 28, 2021, 5:15 PM
I always try to respond to messages on here, if someone takes the time to message me, the least I can do is respond. I've yet to meet anyone in person that I've talked to on this site, usually too far apart but I enjoy it anyway.

Nov 28, 2021, 5:54 PM
I respond to messages as I can. Either from various boards, like this one, replies from communications on DL or contacts on A4A. I am always serious about meeting if the other side seems genuine. I have turned down a few guy that had really specific scenarios they wanted to play out. Most others can;t put two words together and I tend to drop the conversations quickly. As soon as I am able, I hope to make more posts on DL looking for a similarly situated guy that wants to be a FWB.

The only post I put DL didn't get much response. Those that did weren't serious in the sense that they were not a fit for what I said I was looking for.

Nov 29, 2021, 12:58 AM
If I post or answer an ad I follow through.

A few months ago I responded to a DL ad. The location was close. After a few back and forths there was no response. OK. Looking back through the conversation I felt it was a kid or kids messing around. I saved the whole conversation and the ad in case maybe something ugly comes of it. The name used was Barney Fife. At first I felt like he was a contemporary to me. I watched the show when it came out.

Nov 29, 2021, 1:16 AM
I have posted an ad on many different sites since 2014, but the only one I've ever met a guy through in person for sex has been squirt.org, and that was a number of guys 2014-16, but then I fell in love with a woman and was with her until the end of 2019. From 1992-2013 I just did a lot of anonymous cocksucking and one fuck in different gay sex venues like bathhouses, etc. Again, since breaking up with my girlfriend, with ads on many different sites, I've only managed to successfully get together with one guy, twice, in September 2020, again through squirt.org.

It's been a great challenge during the pandemic to actually meet guys for sex. I advertise for FWB as well, and even a regular fuck buddy. I reply to many ads, but mostly never hear back. When I do hear back, and engage in conversation online, I more often than not have to bow out because I learn they are married or have a girlfriend, and I only play with single guys. That of course decreases the size of the pool of available guys for me. When they turn out to be single, the online conversation goes nowhere, or if we get to the planning stage, it never happens because they chicken out or are just playing me. As the OP says, I think a lot of those guys are just getting their thrills through getting close to a meetup with another man for wonderful gay sex, but don't go through with it, for whatever reason. I believe they may not even be consciously aware of that barrier in themselves. To say that this process is frustrating is an understatement.

I'm also a guy that likes a little bit of online conversation to get to know each other a little bit before getting together for fucking and/or sucking. But there seem to be a number of guys out there into just quick hookups and move-on. I definitely found that with Grindr, so I just quit that service. Even with those where meetings are arranged, but end up not happening, it's near impossible to get a guy's cell phone number and last name, let alone face picture, even though I'm willing to give mine. I mean, if I'm going to have sex with a guy, especially fucking, and give him my home address, because it seems I'm near always the person who has to host, then I want some personal information. But I've even compromised on that, because I'm so desperate for man-on-man sex, or more, but, as I wrote, the arrangements still fall through. I don't know if it's the pandemic or what, but it's tough. I suppose it's just my karma.

Nov 29, 2021, 9:49 AM
...it's near impossible to get a guy's cell phone number and last name, let alone face picture, even though I'm willing to give mine..

If you are out, then it's not as big of a deal as when the person is in the closet and still thinking about marrying a woman in the future. Although getting outed as participating in online gay hookup sites can get you branded as a slut in any group.

I never give a face pic, I give a mid body cock pic. With the age height and weight description, anyone can get an idea of my body. If he needs to see my face, I am happy to meet at a coffee shop and wouldn't take offence if he changes his mind based on looks.

I will give out my VPN phone number freely because it is not easily traceable to me. I encourage texting and try to be responsive to all messages and active in the conversation. I rarely give my real first name and never my last name. Jozy works just fine and many men seem to appreciate a sexually ambiguous name.

Nov 29, 2021, 11:16 PM
I have not posted a sexual related ad in a long time.
I have occasionally looked and read ads on various websites.
Recently, I responded to someone of interest to m, however not to the ad, but because I liked what I knew about the person.
If ever write an ad in the future it would be seeking a fun hook up but, not with just anyone that gives a "lets do it" reply.
However, I am almost 74 years old, so if i tried to be too picky I would get zero sex adventures.
Fortunately, I have a long time partner, so I can be a little picky about who I have sex with.

On the topic of commitment, if I make a commitment to meet someone I follow through and meet them.
If someone do not follow through with a commitment to me, I do not get upset. I have a lots of other thing in my life that keep me busy and happy.

Nov 30, 2021, 5:38 PM
The few times I posted I was clear and serious about what I was looking for. I had one guy that chickened out and a couple that followed through to a mutually satisfactory conclusion :-)

Stopped posting ads as I'm not currently looking and, when I do, I tend to go to Silver Daddies. It's better suited for finding what I'm looking for.