View Full Version : I'm Not bi...Yeah right ok...

The Chunkly
Sep 12, 2021, 2:44 AM
Was talking to an old friend who told me about his wife. It's a bit confusing but here goes.

My Wife's Not Bi.
She, at 14 was having sex with her older sister all the time as growing up,
in bed together, in the garden/ tent, in the bath.
She had a Lesbian friend who had a pub and went there all the time,
Her words, that her and the barmaid were very close, Very close... you get my drift she once said.
I was just experimenting she says.
She had a job at a shop with gaming one armed bandits.
She had regular sex with two different women who worked there.
I'm not Bi I'm Straight she says.
She had regular sex with her friend, and "her friend" every week after swimming.
I have been with her, with three different Women on foursomes, He says.
Then she now says, I only did it to please you!
But you were doing women before you knew me!

Now sex is a bad word, and that sex is dirty and not to be mentioned.
I don't think that I will ever understand women he says and now.....
He just sits there frustrated.
I thought about saying I'm Bi try some relief with a Man....(Not ME) he's a mate.
But he's not that sort of bloke, so I keep stum about that side of me.

Sep 12, 2021, 1:53 PM
Nope, not bi at all… yeah, sure she isn’t…

Sep 14, 2021, 12:06 AM
She's bi and in denial.

Sep 15, 2021, 10:09 PM
Maybe she has a different definition of bisexuality.

Sep 16, 2021, 7:42 AM
I'm not bi either I just loved sucking my buddies cock when I was a kid! She's bi!

Sep 19, 2021, 3:39 PM
I’d say guilt in giving in to her desires h is a driving force here. That leads to the denial and rationalizing (I did it for you!). Now she’s losing her sex drive and is again rationalizing by calling it dirty. FUBAR.

Oct 26, 2021, 9:52 AM
She definitely sounds bi to me. Although, I agree with ScottsSwallows, maybe she defines bisexuality differently. But as far as my understanding goes, the actual definition of bisexuality (https://www.vivastreet.co.uk/blog/what-being-bisexual-actually-means/) is when you're emotionally or sexually attracted to more than one gender. She's had sexual relations with multiple women, so therefore she's bi.

Oct 26, 2021, 10:54 AM
You'd really like to suck him off, wouldn't you? All that hot lesbian talk. Is he teasing? Is he bragging? Is he just lamenting?...

I'm in that situation too. Not exactly the same, but being tortured/titillated. It's right there, his cute little round ass. His unseen cock and balls. Timing? How to bring it up. Would he think less of me? If he says no should I keep trying? Is he wanting it, but just as worried? He...

Titillated is such a cool word.