View Full Version : Holy Superhero Batman!

Aug 12, 2021, 7:51 AM
Anybody else get a nice tingling feeling upon learning that all those years of reading about and looking at Batman?s ?ward? Robin have paid off? We have another superhero to join our LGBTQ pantheon?


Aug 12, 2021, 5:03 PM
Yeah, I saw this on Twitter yesterday and thought, "Oh, okay... here we go with this again!" The movie and other media industries probably means well by showing some support for bisexuals but those of us who grew up reading Batman comics, well, if Robin was anything, it wasn't bisexual. They've made quite a few characters bisexual, notably Constantine; if you saw the movie, there wasn't anything "bisexual" about Keanu Reeve's portrayal of the comic book character and I don't recall if reading them lent themselves to wondering if the character was bi or not. I never watched "This Is Us" but there was much talk about a bisexual character in the show and many said that the portrayal wasn't... all that factual.
