View Full Version : Expensive Toy

Aug 9, 2021, 9:51 PM
Ever since we got married and bought our house, Jean has wanted a pool my replies to her requests are usually the same, "Geez honey, they're so expensive and I don't want to finance a pool and they're so maintenance intensive!" Jeans replies vary from looking for a low maintenace pool to a hot tub to hiring a bi pool guy. "Wouldn't it be fun, sex in a pool?" well, sex just about anywhere is fun but geeez, they are expensive. Jeans latest is "It would be so hot watching you and Allen sucking each other off in a pool." That's not fair, kinda like blackmail so she showed me this video she found, "Just imagine this honey, wouldn't it be worth it, Kathy and Allen would love it too." Yeah, well Kathy and Allen ain't paying for it or doing the maintenance.:rolleyes:
https://www.xnxx.com/video-z99qf5f/very_sexy_blonde_fucks_two_bisexual_friends_with_a _strap-on

Any thoughts?

Aug 9, 2021, 10:01 PM
yeah, everyone I know who got a pool...............first summer used all the time
second summer every now and then
thirs summe = can we drain the damn thing and make it a planter

Aug 9, 2021, 10:37 PM
yeah, everyone I know who got a pool...............first summer used all the time
second summer every now and then
thirs summe = can we drain the damn thing and make it a planter

:bigrin: I hear that Jazmine! Won't change Jean's mind but it's another good argument against financing a pool. Thanks :)

Aug 11, 2021, 9:34 AM
You could always go the cheaper route and get an above ground pool. They are not as durable but easier plus when swimming season end you can just drain it, cover and then clean and refill the next season. Save the money and effort of maintainence during the winter.

https://www.academy.com/shop/pdp/intex-prism-frame-18ft-x-48in-pool-set?gmc_feed=t&campid=71700000057441097&adgroupid=58700005319852769&device=c&keyword=92700065071610724&Channel=pla&gclid=Cj0KCQjw6s2IBhCnARIsAP8RfAhwlnSKoZxAiNcLXmsM VX0gOIM8VpD47o1gRVWXeFGYJP3MNzOqR5MaApgjEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds#repChildCatid=6601782&ogmap=SEM|LOC|GOOG|SHOP|c|SNR||NonBrand-Shopping-Local_Inventory-Sports_and_Rec|Sports_and_Rec-Water_Sports||71700000057441097|58700005319852769

Aug 11, 2021, 10:40 AM
My wife and I agreed on an above ground pool for next summer and Neonaught is right about the maintenance on such pools during the winter months. Our neighbors have had their above pool for 4-5 years and it still in good condition, it’s all about maintenance.

Aug 11, 2021, 10:52 AM
I’ve had an inground pool for over thirty years. I use it everyday in the summer and close it after Labor Day. You can’t beat it.

Aug 11, 2021, 10:31 PM
I’ve had an inground pool for over thirty years. I use it everyday in the summer and close it after Labor Day. You can’t beat it.

I suggested this ro my wife but she nixxed it. My plan is a compromise. Going to get a hot tub installer to look at the possibility of having a sunken tub installed on our deck.

Aug 12, 2021, 4:15 PM
"Wouldn't it be fun, sex in a pool?"

You'll need a lubricant. I've found it to be uncomfortable; too much friction.

Aug 12, 2021, 4:44 PM
Ever since we got married and bought our house, Jean has wanted a pool my replies to her requests are usually the same, "Geez honey, they're so expensive and I don't want to finance a pool and they're so maintenance intensive!" Jeans replies vary from looking for a low maintenace pool to a hot tub to hiring a bi pool guy. "Wouldn't it be fun, sex in a pool?" well, sex just about anywhere is fun but geeez, they are expensive. Jeans latest is "It would be so hot watching you and Allen sucking each other off in a pool." That's not fair, kinda like blackmail so she showed me this video she found, "Just imagine this honey, wouldn't it be worth it, Kathy and Allen would love it too." Yeah, well Kathy and Allen ain't paying for it or doing the maintenance.:rolleyes:
https://www.xnxx.com/video-z99qf5f/very_sexy_blonde_fucks_two_bisexual_friends_with_a _strap-on

Any thoughts?

When I was a little kid (5 or 6) my three sisters begged mom and dad to put a pool in the back yard. Finally, they did, and the oldest sister went off to college that fall, the middle one ran off with a boyfriend to join a "commune" and the youngest sister dropped out of high school and married. When I was 13, my dad decided I would be put in charge of all pool maintenance, repairs, etc. "to teach me responsibility and "make a man out of me." After replacing 4 liners (two of them all by myself) several pumps, motors, piping, and thousands of hours of vacuuming, sweeping, chemistry, and everything else that goes with it, nobody swims in it. Least of all me. I couldn't swim the length of a sofa if my life depended on it. I can float like a professional, but can't swim. If I want to get in a pool, I'll go to a hotel that has one. They're a huge hole in the ground you throw money into.


Aug 12, 2021, 4:54 PM
Sex in a pool sounds like fun and can be - I've done it; owning a pool? Expensive! Not only is the cost of installing one enough to break the bank but then you have to maintain it and when I had a pool - it had came with the house I'd bought - I was spending a lot of money on the chemicals needed to make the pool safe to be in. Like njfresh said - you need a lube to have sex in a pool; water is a piss-poor lubricant and even I had reason to think about what the chlorine in the pool was doing once some of it got into a woman's pussy (or wherever the dick was going). It looks hot and erotic and sexy but not all that much. It can be done, though but I wouldn't buy a pool "just" to have sex in it and the upkeep alone can get expensive and let's not talk about the pain in the ass having to drain the pool (if you live somewhere that gets cold) and then the even bigger pain in the ass to get the cover off - and any leaves and other things that have collected on the cover - and getting it off without too much winding up in the little water you have to leave in it... then cleaning all that mess up... then the hit your water bill takes filling it up... then playing "mad scientist" to get the chlorine and pH levels right and having to clean the pool pretty much every damned day. I'd guess that having sex in a pool is great... as long as it's not happening in your pool.

Aug 12, 2021, 6:21 PM
I have both an inground pool and a hot tub. If you're looking for either one expect a lengthy wait; in my area there's a one year waiting list to get an inground pool. It will set you back $100k minimum. The waiting time is only months for a hot tub. And good luck getting chlorine this summer.

I rarely use the pool; my wife goes in several times a week. We open it around Memorial Day and close it around Labor Day. If it were heated then I might use it more as we'd keep it heated on weekends in April and October. (The wait for getting it heated is also months.) We pay a pool service to open, close, and clean the pool.

I use the hot tub on a regular basis all year long. We do the maintenance ourselves. In the morning I'll read the papers, have my first cup of coffee, and watch the sunrise (depending upon the time of year). At night I'll have a beer or a glass of wine and listen to music. It's the best money we've spent on the house.

Aug 12, 2021, 11:37 PM
Thanks everyone, the comments and advice have been really helpful convincing Jean that a pool is not the best idea for us. I have called a hottub installer and as njfresh noted, I was told if would be at least three weeks before he can get to us to just find out what sort of installation we want. In the meantime, altough our deck is covered it doesn't offer a lot of privacy so I'm drawing up plans for a permit to enclose the deck. Shouldn't be a problem with the permit, I built the deck in the first place and the building inspector passd it easily telling me that structuarly, it was overkill:eek2:

Aug 12, 2021, 11:41 PM
I use the hot tub on a regular basis all year long. We do the maintenance ourselves. In the morning I'll read the papers, have my first cup of coffee, and watch the sunrise (depending upon the time of year). At night I'll have a beer or a glass of wine and listen to music. It's the best money we've spent on the house.

Perfect!! Jean is 100% sold!

Aug 13, 2021, 1:58 PM
Now we just need to wait to hear about all the sexy stories about the hot tub!!!!
Perfect!! Jean is 100% sold!

Aug 13, 2021, 6:25 PM
In college I had a girlfriend who's parents had a in ground pool, and it was here job to clean it and take care of it. Well guess who that job fell to. I cleaned that fucking thing almost daily and probably could count the times I was in on two hands over a three year period. I got really good at cleaning it and thought about offering a pool cleaning service but the girlfriend watched the Prince of Bel Air with Mark Harmon and decided that wasn't going to happen.

Aug 14, 2021, 1:59 AM
Now we just need to wait to hear about all the sexy stories about the hot tub!!!!

It'll be a bit of a wait. The installer won't be able to meet with us for another couple of weeks to discuss what type of installation we want. I've been working on some drawings to show him and for enclosing the deck but I'm wondering if a tub capab;e of at least four active people will take up too much room on the deck. Allen was over and I was showing him the drawings, that was fun! Got a chance to suck each other off. I'm getting better at taking more of his dick in my mouth and a bit further in my throat without gagging and Jean has been helping me with that, damn thing is big:eek2: I really like jerking him off too, like watching the foreskin surround the head of his dick and then exposing it.

Aug 14, 2021, 2:05 AM
I suggested this ro my wife but she nixxed it. My plan is a compromise. Going to get a hot tub installer to look at the possibility of having a sunken tub installed on our deck.

I have had a hot tub on my deck for over 12 years now. I use it all times of the year as long as it isnt brutally hot and humid. Need to clean it about three times a year and only a few besides me go in it. The more people you have in it regularly the more maintenance required. I love it though and it is easy to clean.

Aug 14, 2021, 11:09 AM
I'm wondering if a tub capable of at least four active people will take up too much room on the deck.A four person hot tub really isn't suitable for four adults. Get one for six people otherwise the experience might be more like riding the subway at rush hour.

Aug 14, 2021, 8:19 PM
A four person hot tub really isn't suitable for four adults. Get one for six people otherwise the experience might be more like riding the subway at rush hour.

:) Noted, thanks! :)

Aug 15, 2021, 9:53 AM
A four person hot tub really isn't suitable for four adults. Get one for six people otherwise the experience might be more like riding the subway at rush hour.

You should also be certain your deck can withstand that much weight since a gallon of water weighs 8.3 pounds. Be a shame for the deck to fail under the load.

Aug 27, 2021, 5:30 PM
There's a good article in yesterday's Wall Street Journal explaining why the wait is so long for hot tubs; supply chains are a mess. If anyone is looking for one consider taking whatever model they have on the floor.

Dec 29, 2021, 12:33 PM
.. I have called a hottub installer and as njfresh noted, I was told if would be at least three weeks before he can get to us to just find out what sort of installation we want. In the meantime, altough our deck is covered it doesn't offer a lot of privacy so I'm drawing up plans for a permit to enclose the deck. Shouldn't be a problem with the permit, I built the deck in the first place and the building inspector passd it easily telling me that structuarly, it was overkill:eek2:

Did you ever get the hot tub?

Dec 29, 2021, 7:17 PM
If you're ever in So Cal and curious about sex in a pool or hot tub, G&M ( Our Parties - Gary and Margaret's (https://garyandmargaret.com/parties/) ) is the place you'd want to visit. I'm not promoting the place but being naked in their super-heated pool/hot tub when the temperature outside is 45 degrees is something to experience.