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Aug 3, 2021, 2:47 AM
I am confused to have some folks talking about searching out frequent meetings with strangers, in order to give blowjobs and guzzle cum. It sounds wonderful erotically but also quite risky and even scary. I do not mean to be judgmental at all in asking this, but how on earth do you freely swallow numerous complete strangers" cum and protect yourself from, it would seem, almost certainly acquiring potential sexually transmitted infection? Condoms are the obvious ordinary best answer to that final question, but they don't allow you to guzzle cum, at least not in the most erotically satisfying manner of swallowing it as the cock erupts in your mouth, and if, by chance, you found something erotically stimulating about consuming the content of the condom, it would eliminate the protective benefit of using the thing in the first place.

Aug 3, 2021, 2:02 PM
There's some common sense to this. Pick and choose people carefully and as best you can. Ask questions and don't stop asking them until you're satisfied and if you require proof, don't be afraid to ask for it (and be prepared to present proof of your own). I have lived by this: When in doubt, do nothing. Then, understand that sex has always been inherently risky and even with someone you know well. Use condoms. Do a "pre-suck check" of his dick; look for scabs, abrasions, etc., give his dick a few pulls to see if his pre-cum comes out crystal clear; if it's cloudy, he has the clap. Other STDs like chlamydia don't have visible signs or even symptoms in some people nor does HIV and to that end, if you're going to have sex with anyone, get yourself on PrEP and take it religiously but understand that it will not protect you from the "common" STDs.

I've been at this since I was nine and have sucked many men who I ran into via chance encounter... and I have never caught anything nasty. Never. If I have the slight doubt or indication that he's not as healthy as he claims to be, nothing is going to happen. Is it scary? It can be but one of my other hard rules is that if you don't have the time to talk to me, you don't have the time to have sex with me and I've been around long enough that I know bullshit when I hear it. Is it risky? Of course it is and it's a risk a lot of men take when getting pussy and even from their own woman; if getting pussy doesn't freak you out about catching something, consider that you might be overreacting if you're assuming that if you run into a guy, get to talking, find out that you have this in common and sucking dicks sounds like a great idea... and you have it in your head that he's carrying every STD known to man, you're not going to be sucking any dick and even if you choose to get an FWB; the caveat here is to ask yourself if you know where his dick has been when he's not with you. Be mindful of how healthy your mouth is; if you have cuts and scrapes in your mouth or have gum disease or cavities, ya might wanna get that taken care of; an STD and HIV needs access to your blood stream and these things will allow that; it's not like he's gonna cum all over your hand and now you have the clap or whatever.

How do you do it? Carefully. You take a greater risk getting in your car and driving to the store; even the vaunted CDC says there's only like a 4% chances of catching something nasty in your mouth and guys are freaking out about that... and not thinking about there being a 96% chance that you won't. The CDC proved a long time ago that saliva kills the HIV virus and the common STDs provided your mouth is healthy. Did you know this? I did... because I read what the experts have to say about it. This situation has gotten to be one of those things where everything looks like a nail that has to be hammered. Then consider that if you get to know a guy - even when having a general conversation with him, is he really still a stranger? Is it possible that some guy is just going to walk up to you, smile, introduce himself, and ask if you wanna suck dicks with him? Sure. Scary stuff. But if you wanna do this and you're too afraid to talk to him and find out some stuff, guess what you're never going to be doing? And, at the end of any day, it's your decision to make; if you feel it's too risky, don't do anything but understand that if you're not willing to take a "risk," you will not be sucking any dick any time soon.

Think first, then act if you must and if you can. If not, it is what it is. I gotta say that if you employ condoms but are of a mind to consume the contents after he cums, what the hell are you thinking about? For all that's worth, you might as well have sucked him off without it! I know of guys who will suck a dick but won't allow cum in their mouth because of the risks and probably not giving a thought about the fact that the moment you put his dick in your mouth and get a taste of his pre-cum, you've already taken on the risk whether he cums or not.

If you pay more attention to the horror stories than the verified and proven facts from reliable sources, guess what you're never going to be doing? And if you're risk-adverse, well, that's just how you are and it is better to be safe than sorry... but you won't be sucking any dick any time soon. Be smart. Use some common sense. Trust but verify if and when you can. When in doubt either do nothing or insist on using condoms and, jeez, do not gulp down the sperm out of the condom! Some guys like facials and that's fine but if you get it in your eyes, guess what might happen if he has something? And even then, if he's blasting a load in your face, um, didn't you have him in your mouth at some point? Don't be careless but do be careful.

If you're of a mind that every guy you might come across is going to infect you, wow... I don't know what to tell you about that but what I do know is that a life lived in fear is a life not worth living.

Aug 3, 2021, 2:09 PM

As always, great words. The only thing I would add, if I say condom, then its a condom or thank you for your time I hope you find someone better suited to you. This goes for male or female. I stand by my rule and wont break it, period. I have been called names because of it, but, like above, I have never had a disease

Aug 3, 2021, 3:37 PM
If you're of a mind that every guy you might come across is going to infect you, wow... I don't know what to tell you about that but what I do know is that a life lived in fear is a life not worth living.

Well said.
I've always used a condom except my first bj. And never caught anything, thankfully. I been texting this one guy and never mentioned when we meet I don't go raw but I would be willing to taste his cock without a condom. I always have the desire to. I'm not getting any younger and after reading how some guys on here waited till their 70s to experience sex with a guy. I don't want to keep ignoring my urges.

Aug 3, 2021, 4:52 PM
Well said.
I've always used a condom except my first bj. And never caught anything, thankfully. I been texting this one guy and never mentioned when we meet I don't go raw but I would be willing to taste his cock without a condom. I always have the desire to. I'm not getting any younger and after reading how some guys on here waited till their 70s to experience sex with a guy. I don't want to keep ignoring my urges.

Sometimes it's not that they've waiting in every such situation but sometimes it just dawns on them that becoming a cock sucker is what they need to be and, yeah, being in a sexless marriage is enough impetus to make doing this sensible along with, yep, not getting any younger here and life's too short and the clock is running out. There's good reason to always having the urge and need to suck dick and setting it aside; it's just that one gets to a particular age and kinda says, "Fuck it - I'm gonna do it!" because it made sense why they held off but also didn't make sense that they did.

Safety is always a concern but it's my opinion that some guys go off the reservation about it and get so wrapped up - and paranoid - about it that they kinda stop thinking about the many ways they can get out there and suck dick and be safe doing it. I can count with two fingers the times I sucked a dick wrapped in a condom... and it was fucked up because, for one, the lube on the condom made my mouth go numb and the flavor was artificially sweetened... and my tastebuds and stomach just can't deal with that awful taste. The other time, the fucking condom got caught on a tooth and got shredded... and i wound up swallowing a piece of it and latex doesn't taste good to begin with - it's a taste I just can't acquire. I've had men and women wrap me up and suck me and at some point, rip it off and go for what they know and when I've asked them why they did that - and after insisting that I wear one - they have said, "The damned thing was in my way!"

A sentiment I understand very well because that's what I thought in the two times I sucked a wrapped up dick - and don't get me started on trying to eat pussy and she's using an oral dam! But the absolute bottom line is that if you're not going to employ and demand condom use, you have to be able to choose carefully and trust your judgement instead of letting your fears run things. Do I worry about it? Yes... and no because if I'm sucking your dick, it's because I am convinced that it's safe to do it without a condom and, to date, I still haven't caught anything nasty from anyone. I might not "trust" them but I trust myself and my instincts have yet to fail me; when they say, "Walk away..." I walk away and don't look back. Suck dick casually? Sure, why not because absent that FWB, ya don't have much or many choices and, yeah, sometimes that casual suck can turn into the FWB thing so many men want... but you still don't know where his dick has been when it hasn't been in your mouth and even if you ask him - and you should because full disclosure is important - and he balks at answering you, you might want to think twice about being with him.

The only way to be 100% safe is to not have sex at all. Period. That means you ain't sucking any dick or, yeah, getting any more pussy if you're that worried about catching something nasty. I kinda don't like putting it this way but it has to be said whether you like it or agree with it or not. Use your intelligence and don't let your fears control you and if you can't do that guess what you're not going to be doing? All of this "tough love" stuff is common sense to me... and why I've never caught anything other than a tasty mouthful of cum.

Aug 4, 2021, 3:25 PM
There is lot's of talk about parking lot hook-ups bathroom adventures at the quick stop just off the interstate etc. It's not safe now nor has it ever been although the prevailing STD's and/or other viruses have over the years changed a bit but that's what viruses do they adapt over time for their own survival. That being said I'll say it again , I don't think any random hook-up is safe at any time. Every person is far better of getting to know a person and taking time to make the necessary assessments rather than diving into the totally unknown, after all this is what our brains are for.

Aug 5, 2021, 10:24 AM
When the local police here in Houston get reports of man on man activities at the local parks they go out and arrest anyone they find attempting such things. This ends up giving the guy a sex offender label that requires them to inform their entire neighborhood and do the same any time they move. They do the same to adult bookstores just not as often. Just not worth the risk to me, especially since I can host.

Aug 5, 2021, 9:18 PM
I am confused to have some folks talking about searching out frequent meetings with strangers, in order to give blowjobs and guzzle cum. It sounds wonderful erotically but also quite risky and even scary. I do not mean to be judgmental at all in asking this, but how on earth do you freely swallow numerous complete strangers" cum and protect yourself from, it would seem, almost certainly acquiring potential sexually transmitted infection? Condoms are the obvious ordinary best answer to that final question, but they don't allow you to guzzle cum, at least not in the most erotically satisfying manner of swallowing it as the cock erupts in your mouth, and if, by chance, you found something erotically stimulating about consuming the content of the condom, it would eliminate the protective benefit of using the thing in the first place.

Great question and great answers. I asked sort of the same question here What Is Too Safe? (bisexual.com) (https://www.bisexual.com/forum/showthread.php?20288-What-Is-Too-Safe) I don't pretend to know the answer and my reason for asking was because I wondered if my wife and I were being too careful. We decided that we wouldn't give in to the dangers and if we had to, put the desires behind. We had a great sex life when it was just my wife, me and her strapon. Jazmine raised another question about violence (Read the news for attacks on gay and transgender people) and although my wife and I had given that a passing thought, Jazmine we thought is right, you just never know. We were fortunate in that we stumbled onto the three people we have brought into our life. My wife and her girlfriend have known the two guys for awhile and knew something about them. I love being with both men and women and the dangers of random meetings for me is just out of the question. I don't judge anyone but it is a dangerous world out there. So, that's my non answer cause I just don't know how you can totally protect yourself. People change for lots of reasons and I can give an example. Our very recent male partner is totally new to sex with men, even newer than me. After hearing about his struggle with wondering if he was gay since he was in his teens and how quickly he took to sex with another guy, it would be easy to see how he would expand his sex life with guys other than me. He knows how we feel about random pickups, domination and humiliation and my wife explained to him that we are not Nazi's and have no desire to monitor his sex life. It would be great if he would keep his sex life to just me, my wife and my wifes girlfriend but being new to it all I can see where he might want to venture out. We asked that he be careful for his own safety and ours and I think that's the best you can do.