View Full Version : Thoughts for Mrs. F and Flounder

Oct 12, 2006, 4:12 PM
Dear Friends,

I want to ask you to keep Mrs. F and Flounder in your thoughts and prayers. They have been have had very stressful and heart wrenching times as of late. Flounders grandmother passed away and then last weekend Mrs. F dad was critically injured from a fall from a piece of equipment. He is paralyzed and his lungs are quite bad. I know how much each of them has touched our lives and have been and important part of this site to so so many of us. Bill and I want to offer our thoughts and prayers to our fine friends and hope you shall too.


Oct 12, 2006, 4:31 PM
Sorry to hear. Thoughts with them both.

Oct 12, 2006, 5:16 PM
Keep your chins up and know that our thoughts and positive energy are with you.

Oct 12, 2006, 5:29 PM
Although I had only had the pleasure of Speaking to them (well Mrs.F) a few times but they will be in my prayers may god be by their side in this difficult time I wish Them the best of luck god Bless :tong: :tong: :rolleyes:

Oct 12, 2006, 6:27 PM
Dear Friends,

Our thoughts and prays are with you both. Please know that we are thinking of you and wish you peace and comfort, in this difficult time.

May the the power of postive thinking and the love of family and friends be with you...

All our love and prayers,

Ladydelanie and BB :love1:

Oct 12, 2006, 6:47 PM
They are both dear people, we wish them well in this time of sorrow and concern.

Blessed Be~

Oct 12, 2006, 10:31 PM
Hey Mrs F and Flounder,im so sorry to hear of your situation. My thoughts and prayers go out to you two. Y'all have brought such joy to this site. Hope all is better real soon...Charles...

Oct 12, 2006, 10:47 PM
I'm so sorry to read that so much is going on for you both right now. I know it's got to be tough but you are a strong couple and there for each other. Keep your chins up and hug each other often.
I'll be sending lots of healing thoughts your way!

Oct 12, 2006, 11:52 PM
Flounder and Mrs F. - my thoughts and prayers are all around you. May God's mercy and care be bestowed in this, your time, of need.

Oct 12, 2006, 11:55 PM
Dear Mr and Mrs F,

I am deeply sorry to hear this news, I will keep you in my heart and prayers.



Oct 13, 2006, 6:04 AM
Know that we all worry, and grieve with you! Hope things continue to improve!

:2cents: :tongue:

Oct 13, 2006, 6:43 AM
My prayers are with you...

Oct 13, 2006, 8:09 AM
Eeek! :eek: Flounder and Mrs F, my best wishes and deepest condolences to you both.

Oct 13, 2006, 9:01 AM
my condolances.

Oct 13, 2006, 9:36 AM
The first person to extend a warm welcome to me when I first joined this wonderful community was Mrs F. Her warm welcome and kind words made me feel very welcome. Mrs F is a special person. I've not had the pleasure of speaking to Flounder, but suspect that he's a great guy if he's anything like his wife.

I'm so sorry to hear of the pain you're going through, you're in my thoughts and prayers.

Perhaps a bit corny, but still true, as Olympia Dukakus said in Steele Magnolias: "That which doesn't kill us, makes us stronger".

All the best to you both.

Oct 13, 2006, 6:35 PM
Peaceful vibes to Flounder and Mrs F.

Oct 13, 2006, 10:03 PM
I just wanted to say "THANK YOU" to all of you. It's amazing when something happens that is tragic how people just come from everywhere to show support and love. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts!

Flounder's grandma had terminal cancer....we knew her time was limited but she was also 92 yrs old. It was a blessing to see her pass and not be in pain anymore.

My dad was a freak, very traumatizing accident. He and my brother own a trucking company and they haul grain out of the fields for farmers. Saturday morning he and my brother were putting a tarp on top of a new trailer they got. Things obviously didn't go as planned and my dad flew off the back of the trailer 10 feet. He hit the ground with such force that he broke 6 ribs on the right side and cracked some on the left side. He also pretty much shattered T 5 and 6 in his back which kinked off his spinal cord. Surgery repaired the back but the spinal cord was kinked for too long and he will be paralyzed from chest down. Still has movement of arms and head. But now we are dealing with the horrible trauma of him landing so hard on his chest and his lungs are so badly bruised and injured that they cannot function. He is the 3rd person at the U of Iowa Hospitals to be put on a machine called "ECMO". This machine brings out blood from his groin area, goes through a machine that is acting as his lungs, oxygenates it and puts it back into a port in his neck. This way this lungs are not working at all and can have time to heal and rest. It's amazing. We are not out of the woods yet but we almost lost him tuesday night and this ECMO machine is the last resort to help the lungs.
Again...Thank you to all of you for your thoughts and prayers. We are very lucky to have wonderful friends like you all.
And to Belle and Bill.....We love you..you two are the best!!

Mrs.F :angel: :grouphug: :angel: :grouphug:

Oct 13, 2006, 10:37 PM
I'm so sorry to hear of flounders loss, I have lost my grandparents and other close relatives so I know how much pain you must be feeling right now. And mrs F I do hope your father can make a very speedy recovery it must be very upsetting and wearing for you. Yu are both very kind hearted people and your in my thoughts and prayers.

With much love and many hugs

Oct 14, 2006, 8:15 AM
Dear Mrs_F & Flounder
I am so very sorry to hear of the sad turn of events in both of your lives
Please know that both of you are in my thoughts and prayers!

Flounder, you have a similar sense of humor as i do, and when i am in a sad or tough situation, i tend to relie on that to help keep me going
(please dont think i am saying its only a laughing matter) i know its not, but i try to keep simple, happy or funny thoughts on my mind just to keep my mind off from the sad situation that faces me (im sorry if this seems "off the wall" but its the best i can describe it)

Mrs_F, it never easy to see a loved one in a serious accident, but please dont ever give up hope, and dont let your dad know how sad you are, and (as hard as it is not to do) try not to show too many emotions in your dads precense but be "up beat" and confident

this is the same advice that was given to my parents when i was in a coma from a bicycle accident i had many years ago

Flounder, You have a lovely wife looking to you to be her support, as i know you are looking to her to console you in your lose

Mrs_F you have a great guy next to you, and a beautiful baby boy who looks up to you, (and Flounder too) i know things look bleek right now, but keep your chin up and keep smiling
my heart goes out to the both of you and your families too

all my love and concern

Oct 14, 2006, 8:44 AM
Madonna's " Little Girl "

Little girl don't you forget her face
Laughing away your tears
When she was the one who felt all the pain
Little girl never forget her eyes
Keep them alive inside
I promise to try -- it's not the same
Keep your head held high -- ride like the wind
Never look behind, life isn't fair
That's what you said, so I try not to care
Little girl don't run away so fast
I think you forgot to kiss -- kiss her goodbye
Will she see me cry when I stumble and fall
Does she hear my voice in the night when I call
Wipe away all your tears, it's gonna be all right
I fought to be so strong, I guess you knew
I was afraid you'd go away, too
Little girl you've got to forget the past
And learn to forgive me
I promise to try -- but it feels like a lie
Don't let memory play games with your mind
She's a faded smile frozen in time
I'm still hanging on -- but I'm doing it wrong
Can't kiss her goodbye -- but I promise to try

SG :bibounce: :grouphug:

Oct 14, 2006, 5:12 PM
Thangs are going better. Leslie's father is doing much better.

Here a page on the adlut ECMO.


He is far from being out of woods but he is much better.

We will give updates.

Oct 14, 2006, 10:55 PM
Flounder - my heart goes out to you with the pain of your loss and at the same time my joy is with you in knowing your mom is in a better place where there is no pain.

Mrs_F - after ready of your writing about your father and the machine he is on - I talked to my HP and said another prayer for him and you.

Please know that you are an important part of our lives here as well - and that when you hurt - we hurt. An unconditional love abounds.

Oct 14, 2006, 11:13 PM
My MOM died when did that happen.

Dogwood my grandmother don't worry about thanks for the toughts

Oct 15, 2006, 9:40 PM
I am so sorry Flounder - I guess I need to start proofing :disgust: what I write
But my thoughts are still there for you buddy - :grouphug:

Oct 17, 2006, 11:59 AM
:grouphug: :angel: Prayers are working...thank you all! My dad is and will continue to be in SICU for many weeks. He's running a fever today but they say that is good as it makes his body fight. He's received well over 20 units of blood, which makes me feel good because that's what I do. I work at a blood center and I draw blood from volunteer donors...it's those donors that have saved my dad's life!
They wake him from sedation a little and by that I mean that he turns his head and can hear us when we talk to him, he moves his arms a little and pushes on our hands but he cannot open his eyes. As soon as they can get his oxygen level higher and fever gone he will go into surgery and get a trach, feeding tube in his stomach so that his face will be clear of tubes. We know it's going to be a VERY long road and we must move in baby steps forward. Progress is progress even if it is very slow. As long as he is restful, peaceful and healing...that's all we ask.

Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers...it means alot! :grouphug: :angel:

Oct 17, 2006, 1:36 PM
Please know that you and your family will continue to be in our thoughts and prayers while you go through this long and difficult journey.


Oct 17, 2006, 2:06 PM
To both of you my best wishes for the long road ahead.

Oct 19, 2006, 3:58 PM
Dear Mr & Mrs F,
My thoughts and prayers go out to you and yours in your time of distress.
Just remember, this too shall pass.

Oct 20, 2006, 2:26 PM
I have been busy lately and hardly have been online at all for the past week or so--

I am so sorry to hear about the troubles being faced by members of Flounder and Mrs F's families---

I want to add my expression of concern for what they are both experiencing at this time----I pray all will work out for the best---

Oct 20, 2006, 5:18 PM
my best wishes to the both of you as I haven't been online in awhile and enjoyed the chance to talk with the both of you, I really hope things start going better as time goes by.

I'm also very sorry to hear about the lose in your family:( please let me know if their is anything I could do to help you both out in this time of need.

your friend,

Oct 21, 2006, 7:16 PM
:( It's been 2 weeks today since his accident and he is struggling horribly. He is still in an induced coma and now has pneumonia. He has 40 pounds of extra fluid on him and with dialysis they are trying to get it off but it's slow going as the more they pull off the lower his blood pressure goes. The dr. told us today that he may start to go septic which means his other organs are not functioning as they should and could possible shut down. But then they tell us there is medication to stop that. There is just medication for everything!
I feel like my life is in a tornado and I don't know if I'm coming or going. But I do want to thank all of you for your kind words and prayers. I need a big pile of strength to give him because we can see he is getting tired... :( I've heard the saying that God never gives you what you can't handle...well, I think he's pushing his limits.

Thank you again and I hate to be selfish but keep the prayers coming. :angel: :grouphug: :angel:

Oct 21, 2006, 11:28 PM

Know that you and your family are in our thoughts and prayers daily. I think how lucky your dad is to have so many wonderful thoughts and prayers coming his way. This is a most critical time for him. We are here for you as you have been for all of us. Love and Support from us all.


Oct 22, 2006, 8:56 AM

Know that you and your family are in our thoughts and prayers daily. I think how lucky your dad is to have so many wonderful thoughts and prayers coming his way. This is a most critical time for him. We are here for you as you have been for all of us. Love and Support from us all.


Ditto, Mrs F & Flounder - Ditto


Oct 22, 2006, 11:51 AM
:angel: I just wanted again to say thanks to all! As of today my dad has faught all he can. He's just too damaged inside to come back to us. They will be pulling all tubes, keeping him sedated and comfortable and letting him go to his new home. WE all know that he is tired of hurting and he will be at peace, no longer in pain. Even though it's HELL for the one's he leaves behind...I don't want my dad to hurt anymore. He faught longer then the dr.s ever thought he would....he's a determined guy but even his best just wasn't enough.

Thank you all....for everything! :grouphug: :angel:

Oct 22, 2006, 12:12 PM
I am so sorry Mrs F - I know how hard it is on you and the family. We had to do the same with my dad in May `05.
I can't give you and Flounder real hugs so ((((((((((((((((F & MrsF))))))))))) will have to suffice. I say this as I wipe the tears from my face. I am truely sorry and if there is anything I can do - please let me know. :grouphug:

Oct 22, 2006, 1:41 PM
Damn... I'm really sorry to hear that Mrs. F... :( I wish you and your family all the best as you deal with the difficult times ahead. We're here for you if you need us.