View Full Version : Old suck buddies?

Jul 17, 2021, 12:13 PM
Ever run into a childhood suck buddy? I had been away from my old hometown for over 20 years. When I returned, I ran into a friend at a local pub. We talked, and of course it turned to our younger days. He kept telling me that he missed what we used to do, that he missed my touch, my lips on his cock, my tight ass. This made me hard, and he knew it. He invited me to his home, and we had a fantastic weekend together. Yes, it was as good as the old days. It was so good, I stayed with him for 5 days. Anyone else have such luck?

Jul 17, 2021, 3:07 PM
I've run into maybe four of the guys I grew up with and we were having sex... and two of them were game for us to do each other like we did in the good old days. Like myself, they never gave up sex with men and were just as bisexual as I am and being able to have sex with them was fun - felt like coming home again... even though we all still lived in or around the same place we grew up in.

Jul 18, 2021, 10:48 AM
I never had a suck-buddy. Never had any inclination or even came close to M-M contact until I was in my late 50s, in fact. And, obviously, I didn't realize what I was missing!

I live in the same area that I grew up, and am still in touch with a handful of people I'd known in school. Not one knows about my predilections. Believe me, if there had been one from my past with whom I'd enjoyed exchanging oral pleasures, I'd be looking to rekindle that friendship!

Almost two years ago, I found out at my 50th HS reunion that the guy who was my closest friend throughout high school has become a transwoman. I've not seen her since the late 1980s, and have no idea the extent to which this transformation has gone, but I would dearly love to talk to her and kinda compare notes. I had no idea it/that this was a part of her psyche when we were close friends, and she would certainly not have any idea that it was also in the back of my mind way back then, growing stronger up to this very day. I wouldn't be seeking a sexual relationship with her, just the opportunity to share that I understand how she has felt, and that I'm certain that she's as delightful and kind as a lady as she was when I knew her with a male name in the '60s. I used to think that he was the nicest guy I'd ever known.

Jul 21, 2021, 4:29 PM
Back in high school I cut my teeth on cock sucking with one of my friends, didn't know it at the time but he is full on gay. We once again met after nearly 40 yrs at a reunion and he recognized me right off. Of course we talked and he was partnered up I am married but bi and often think of him. He winked an d said you know im here alone and staying here at the hotel, wow me too. After visiting with lots of people we haven't seen in decades he motioned for me to follow him. We took the elevator up to his room and before the door was even closed we were fondling each others cocks. He was the 1st cum I ever tasted and mine was the 1st for him. We smiled and he said he was mostly a top, what do you prefer, I guess its my lucky day because I love my ass stretched. After what seemed like hrs we fell asleep and said our goodbyes in the morning. It was a good night.