View Full Version : Are gay guys into bi?

Jun 25, 2021, 3:24 PM
I've been trying dating apps and say I'm straight so I don't scare off women. But I got a lot more responses from men than women. Also I'm more attracted to the guys than the women. I jus feel if I put bisexual most women wouldn't be interested even though lately I'm more into guys than women.

This is all new to me since I've never really tried dating and haven't had much luck with women but I also never really gave it a chance.
I text this one guy who's gay and seems to be into me.

Jun 25, 2021, 3:50 PM
Some are, some aren't. I've had gay guys tell me that if I wasn't bi, they'd do wonders for me. Most gay guys I've come across didn't much care that I was bi; I had a willing mouth and dick and that worked for them. Didn't mean some of them didn't try to convince me to just be gay but I'd come to expect that.

Dating apps are a clusterfuck waiting to happen... most of the time. If you tell the truth about yourself, you could find yourself stuck in a dating desert - the word "bisexual" scares a lot of people and not just women. If you say you're straight - which kinda works for women but if there are guys looking for guys there as well, some might see that and decide that you're "not their type" and off-limits and whether they themselves are bi or gay. The "gay" dating apps can be a minefield as well and as many of the guys here can tell you with how populated they are with fakes and flakes, along with some very aggressive and pushy fellows... and some might be truly gay. You just gotta keep rolling the dice and be patient. I'd suppose that you could hedge your bets by using an app to date women but also have one to, hopefully, be able to date men instead of having all of your eggs in one potentially holey basket and this is something a few bi guys I know have done.

Jun 25, 2021, 7:31 PM
it all depends on what you are into of that makes you feel good about yourself

Jun 25, 2021, 8:26 PM
i have had sex with bi men and gay men did not matter to them that i liked women

Jun 26, 2021, 3:38 PM
Gay cock, and bi cock taste the same, yet some are sweeter than others... never met one that I didn't like!

Jun 26, 2021, 5:43 PM
gay men do a better job on me anyway fucking me in the ass

Jun 27, 2021, 4:09 PM
My favorite coksucker of all times is gay. He likes that I am a "straight" daddy type that talks about sex with women. I feel like he is so dedicated to servicing men because he is gay. We would fuck if I would do it. I don't really talk to him about my bi side as he seems so interested in me as straight. But I do ask him to kiss me after I cum in his mouth.

Jun 29, 2021, 12:39 PM
I haven't run into gay guys that are hostile to bi's. The trouble i have with gay guys is they tend to fall in love, and I can't match the feeling.