View Full Version : Truly Bi !

Jun 14, 2021, 6:48 AM
As someone said, the “bi” aspect of our lives seem to be less siscussed these days here.
Is there anyone that started as a truly straight couple, that then became bi in every sense of the word?

I’d love to hear how that played out, especially from a psychological standpoint.
Has that been always a “Normal vanilla” relationship or did some men here prefer the woman or the other men to play a dominant role?

Did playing the submissive role give you lots of pleasure?

Jun 14, 2021, 7:05 PM
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Jun 14, 2021, 10:12 PM
As someone said, the “bi” aspect of our lives seem to be less siscussed these days here.
Is there anyone that started as a truly straight couple, that then became bi in every sense of the word?

I’d love to hear how that played out, especially from a psychological standpoint.
Has that been always a “Normal vanilla” relationship or did some men here prefer the woman or the other men to play a dominant role?

Did playing the submissive role give you lots of pleasure?

Downs Good points. Mainy posts in the past few years have focused on the dick or anus. That is the mechanics and ignores the psychological and how that plays into being attracted to both genders. How do posters live with the dual attraction and fulfillment. What works and what has not worked for you?

Jun 15, 2021, 12:21 PM
Downs Good points. Mainy posts in the past few years have focused on the dick or anus. That is the mechanics and ignores the psychological and how that plays into being attracted to both genders. How do posters live with the dual attraction and fulfillment. What works and what has not worked for you?
Ditto ! I've noticed in the short time I've been on here the focus on action rather than feelings, attractions, personal discovery etc. This however is not to say I don't enjoy reading personal accounts of participants activities, I do, but the bisexual male is still struggling to find his place not reaching the acceptance level enjoyed by females so it would be nice to hear more feedback on this level.

Jun 15, 2021, 12:22 PM
I know a few couples who "started out" straight but embraced bisexuality. For some, admitting to each other that they had these thoughts and feelings - after they got married - was a psychological shock; some were able to work through it, many were not. This aspect is one that I have zero actual experience with since I've been bi pretty much all of my life. My first wife turned out to be bi; I had suspected it and she finally admitted it when she demanded we open our marriage so she could, as she put it, "Get the pussy I desperately need and with or without your permission." And it worked and there was some psychological impact - but not really about sexuality so much since so much stuff we'd kept to ourselves was put out into the open. This slight transition went well for us but, admittedly (and again), for many that I know of, it wasn't all that easy for them.

Can't speak so much about those other couples but for us it wasn't about being bi and submissive... or dominantly so; it was about being able to express our sexuality "out in the open" and sharing the experiences with each other and even when we were having sex together and with other couples, it was all about going with the flow of things and in those situations, we were usually the ones to "take charge" of things and get the ball rolling.