View Full Version : Shouldnt I just be with my wife if she is not happy with open relationship?

Jun 7, 2021, 11:19 AM
Selfishly I don't want to.

A little background: I am a 48 year old man that has been open about my bisexuality since I was 18 years old. Not shouting it from the rooftops but also do not shy away from it when topic is brought up. This is who I am - I am attracted/moved by the person. I am a sex positive person and have a high sex drive - always have.

My wife and I we met over 20 years ago. When we first met I was dating a man so she knew from the jump. We started dating and it was monogamous. I don't recall if it was defined as that but that is how it played out. We dated for a few years and then took a break - I moved away for career opportunity. While we were apart I dated men and women - lived with a boyfriend for awhile but we eventually ended up back together. There is a strong connection between us.

Long story short here we got back together and now have 3 children. Ups and downs of course when it comes to a long term relationship but we have always worked out our shit. We are both open minded people and our communication is solid for the most part. We both kind of shut down at times but we always circle back.

We opened up our marriage about 4 years ago - me with men. She is open to being with women but not necessarily a pull. For me the desire to open up our marriage was/is strictly sexual. I don't want to have a relationship with anyone else. Initially when we first opened it up she was concerned that I would fall for someone else. That I would want that over what we have. I understand that aspect and concern but I am not interested in another relationship. I love our life together. Over time that concern dissipated but still it lingers. I am currently seeing a gay couple and have been for the past 2.5 years. She is aware and I schedule my time checking with her to make sure it fits with our family schedule. The couple I see is strictly sexual - meaning we do not hang out outside the bedroom. I come over and we spend time together for a few hours - eat and then I head home.

Recently we have checked in with each other as we do and ultimately she would like to be the only one. She says that she is ok with my couple but she isn't 100% with it. There is a part of me that wants to ignore the doubt that she has and continue to do what i want to do (selfish/yes). I kind of have done that choosing to reference the times that we talk and she is ok with it. i will run with that. That being said it doesn't seem fair to her.

I feel that we are at a cross roads - I don't want to stop and she wants to be the only one. Do i suck it up and stop seeing men? I feel that will end in resentment from me moving forward - actually I know it will with my personality. Do we part ways over something like this?

Jun 7, 2021, 11:35 AM
I think you are the only one that can decide that..............and it seems to be the choice of, if she wasnt in your life, could you deal with it. There is a reality as we get older, it is more baout being with your best friend and not just the sexual contact, and it seems like every other aspect is good. Me, honestly, I think I would chose the companionship over the sex, but, that is whats right for me, and we are different people of course.

I wish you luck in your decision

Jun 7, 2021, 11:37 AM
Hello welcome to the site from what you've said it sounds like your relationship with your wife is ok but not really. Hope everything works out for you and you need to see where it goes good luck man

Jun 7, 2021, 2:44 PM
No need to part ways at this point but I'd suggest that there's a great need to talk to her about the things she's not okay with. When my ex and I opened our marriage, things were going well for both of us until she started having second thoughts and wanted to shut it down... which I actually expected and, no, after being against being open, I was quite okay with it. What we did was to "stop" whatever we were doing with others and we talked about her second thoughts and what we could do to address whatever concerns she had. Of course, I had said that if she wanted to shut it all down, I'd support her decision in this because there's not many things worse than living with a woman who is constantly miserable. She eventually decided that we could continue being open but after she changed some stuff she had on her mind about it as far as who she wanted to be sexually involved with and how often. One of the things that came out that bugged her was that I was having more "success" in our openness than she was and felt cheated and that it wasn't fair. We talked about how she could be more successful and I made it clear that if she didn't work at this, she would always feel the way she was feeling. It wasn't until she started "dating" more women than men that she felt better about us being open.

So find out what's bothering her about this and work together to resolve these things before any discussions about ending your relationship comes up.