View Full Version : No such thing as Bisexual??

Jun 4, 2021, 6:53 PM
I follow a number of podcasts throughout the day. Some of which are of a sexual nature. Over the past week I had 3 different podcasts on the fact that gay men do not beleive in bisexuality. They say either you are gay or straight there is no inbetween.
To that I say Horse Pucky!
They say either you suck didk or you dont suck dick. You cant have it both ways...
Those who say they are Bi are only fooling themselves.
Well I am Bisexual, As i stated in an earlier post by the way.
I love and cherish women. I love sex with women. I also love cock.
I dont love men nor is there an attraction for men. But I do love cock.
The gays say Thats just wrong...
I say Deal with it!

Jun 4, 2021, 7:10 PM
Horse Pucky is right , thousands of guys identify just as you described,

Jun 4, 2021, 7:34 PM
i like both so thats crap

Jun 4, 2021, 8:25 PM
Yes I love sex with Women, and Yes I love sex with Men! I am Bisexual, and I exist, therefore Bisexuals exist! Q.E.D.!

Jun 4, 2021, 8:35 PM
we'll look at married man who are bisexual so they must exist

Jun 5, 2021, 9:43 AM
I love sex period! Pussy cock ass tits mouth all parts, male female transsexuals as long as everyone involved is enjoying themselves bring it on

Jun 5, 2021, 11:29 AM
This is exactly why I have always been against stupid labels I just refer to being a SEXUAL person its your choice whether women , men , couples , trans , groups ......... LIVE AND LET LIVE

Happy Tongue
Jun 5, 2021, 12:54 PM
How about starting with everyone is fundamentally bisexual and they just lean certain ways as life presents itself?? Kinda worked for the ancients...

Jun 5, 2021, 4:58 PM
I've been hearing this one for so long that I don't even pay any attention to it - and haven't for a long time now. Belief is such a powerful and iffy thing and a lot of people will choose to stick to what they believe and even if you can prove that what they believe isn't even close to the truth. I get their affinity for men; I get that in their minds, if they're gay, all men "should" be and just like a lot of other people, anyone who goes both ways? That's "bullshit" to them because their beliefs say that it is. And some do get very offended when I've told them that not only am I not gay, I wouldn't want to be gay due to the very limiting nature of it; I like having the best of both worlds and if they don't like it, they just don't... and insisting that I'm really gay is just them not being able to handle the truth of things and I think it's pretty sad to see this nonsense still in play and the same nonsense I started hearing way back in 1964.

Jun 5, 2021, 6:54 PM
I've been hearing this one for so long that I don't even pay any attention to it - and haven't for a long time now. Belief is such a powerful and iffy thing and a lot of people will choose to stick to what they believe and even if you can prove that what they believe isn't even close to the truth. I get their affinity for men; I get that in their minds, if they're gay, all men "should" be and just like a lot of other people, anyone who goes both ways? That's "bullshit" to them because their beliefs say that it is. And some do get very offended when I've told them that not only am I not gay, I wouldn't want to be gay due to the very limiting nature of it; I like having the best of both worlds and if they don't like it, they just don't... and insisting that I'm really gay is just them not being able to handle the truth of things and I think it's pretty sad to see this nonsense still in play and the same nonsense I started hearing way back in 1964.

Very well said!

Jun 5, 2021, 11:19 PM
Unfortunately yes. Lesbians especially do not like bisexual women. I personally believe that bisexuals should break away from the lgbt community.

Jun 5, 2021, 11:34 PM
Unfortunately yes. Lesbians especially do not like bisexual women. I personally believe that bisexuals should break away from the lgbt community.

I think its true of the gay community as a whole. strict hetero or homo seem reluctant to understand we dont follow the narrative and program

Jun 5, 2021, 11:55 PM
Unfortunately yes. Lesbians especially do not like bisexual women. I personally believe that bisexuals should break away from the lgbt community.

I was a member of an LGBT center, and at any kind of event, when asked if I was Gay, or how long I've been gay, I replied I was Bi, and got the most disgusted looks...

Even organizations that are supposed to be all encompassing, and welcoming, are discriminatory...

Jun 6, 2021, 12:51 AM
I was a member of an LGBT center, and at any kind of event, when asked if I was Gay, or how long I've been gay, I replied I was Bi, and got the most disgusted looks...

Even organizations that are supposed to be all encompassing, and welcoming, are discriminatory...

Sorry for your experience :( I've had the same.

Jun 6, 2021, 12:53 AM
Yes. I went to a pride event a couple of years ago and didn't say I was bi.

Jun 6, 2021, 12:54 AM
I think its true of the gay community as a whole. strict hetero or homo seem reluctant to understand we dont follow the narrative and program

Yes. I went to a pride event a couple of years ago and didn't say I was bi.

Jun 6, 2021, 8:42 AM
The gay social narrative can be very political. Grabbing and protecting legal status and funding for themselves. It is just the way some people are. Sexuality like gender seems to be bimodal along a very broad continuum. Selecting some portions of the modes and discarding the rest is pretty awful. I suspect that most gay men don't care. At least the gay guys who have sucked my cock seem to prefer that I am a straight acting bi, not gay.

Jun 7, 2021, 8:17 AM
I believe that gay men are as bad as homophobes and lesbians are just as bad. I think they develop an anger at a young age that they aren’t like others.
I can’t imagine how they felt when they discovered they had no desire for the opposite sex. I had no desire for the same sex until my friend started jerking me off when we were 13. I started reciprocating and felt a lot of guilt. Once over the guilt I thought why not? It feels good and it calmed me down a lot. It was 1970 and I wasn’t getting what I wanted from girls till the following year. After years I still have no attraction romantically to him but at 18 we started oral and I liked sucking his dick but always preferred sex with girls. It was more of a release for me.
When we got older he really resented me and then hooked up with another gay guy and it was over.

Jun 7, 2021, 11:11 AM
Yes. I went to a pride event a couple of years ago and didn't say I was bi.

Years ago, before I really even realized I had any other inclanation besides straight Heteroseual, I marched in the Pride parade, as a vet, I do believe I served for everyone to have equal rights. As the years went on, and (at least what I was exposed too) the Pride parades were becoming more anger, more outrageous. I witnessed getting in peoples face and acting in a hyped up almost violent manner.
That kept getting worse and worse and I saw more and more simulated sex in the streets, throwing dildos at people, just what was IMO sillyness. Now granted, this was in San Francisco. When I started seeing young children exposed to outright in your face sexuality...........I stopped having anything to do with it.

And now in the past few years, I have witnessed people speaking and negative conotations towards Bi people and even trans.................it just doesnt catch me as being about equal rights for many of this younger crowd now

Jun 7, 2021, 12:50 PM
I'm bisexual. After I acknowledged being bi, I found I was quite comfortable and content being attracted to both men and women. It just never occurred to me that my sexuality depended on somebody else's approval or validation. People can think whatever they want. It's of no interest to me.

Jun 7, 2021, 2:56 PM
That many of them continue to insist that bisexuality isn't real - even in these days and times - doesn't surprise me and it all sounds like sour grapes to me. They get warped out of shape over bisexuals because we usually don't have reason to commit fully to being in relationships with them. I would have this "argument" with a lot of gay men but would point out to them that they didn't seem to have a problem with me being bisexual while we were having sex. I've had them tell me to just accept that I'm really gay... because they want me to be really gay so of course they're gonna be unhappy because I'm not. Lesbians aren't all that better... but let's be clear about something: There are gay men and women who are just fine and dandy with bisexuals so it's not "all homosexuals" who are saying that there's no such thing as bisexuality; it's just that those who do have a reason for saying it. Either the "gay agenda" denounces bisexuality or, more likely, a bisexual broke their heart.

And, yet, they say that we're in denial about the true nature of our sexuality. People today still believe that one is either straight or gay so of course bisexuality isn't real because it doesn't fit their view of things and, sadly, they're going to believe this over the true reality of human sexuality. And I would suggest that you not let their "closed-minded" view of things bother you; you know what you are and better than anyone else.

Jun 7, 2021, 8:54 PM
Just this week I saw a post for a new member of a support for men that are not straight in marriages. There is a lot of gaywashing among such groups. They are supposed to be accepting.
This one introduction states clearly that there are no such things as bisexuals, and we are simply gay men in denial.

At first I tried to skip it, but as I think about it . . . the admins of the group, knowing what we all go through, simply let that introduction slide, and it was in place in the admin sent message to all. I felt very dismissed by the group admin's allowing that statement to be published.

What's worse, is that the latest research shows more than half of the LGBT community falls into the Bi category. If it were not for Bi men, women, and non-binary folks, the 'gay liberation' would have been significantly smaller and may never have reached the marriage equality (they call it gay marriage) levels we are seeing around the globe.

Jun 7, 2021, 9:04 PM
I think its more than that CurEUS...
When asked if you are on the LGBT spectrum, depending on age, between 4% -10% people say yes.
When asked if you, as a person would be willing to do something specifc (give oral or receive anal from a same sex person)...something like 50% say yes.
People confuse Sexual with Romantic ALLLLL THHHHEE TIMMMMME.

We have to normalize that LGBT is normal, not wash it.

Jun 10, 2021, 8:17 AM
There might be some truth to that but really who cares? Bisexual, gay, straight, or just plain HORNY! (IF all works for you it's GOOD!)

Jun 11, 2021, 2:23 PM
It's a bunch of hooey. I learned at a young age that I was bisexual, not gay. Through middle and high school, I had a stroke and suck buddy. I loved what we did and we pretty much did every day. Even though I was getting taken care of by him, I was always after some pussy. At the end of high school, he decided he was gay, so wanted to kiss and fuck. I didn't care for either, so it ended. After that, I lived a normal hetero life for 30+ for many reasons. All the pussy I needed and more, along with the aids epidemic were the main reasons. I was also fortunate that most if my female lovers gave head as good as men and swallowed. I did think of it now and then but didn't act on it. As I've gotten older, the desires have gotten stronger. I don't like pussy any less but a stroke and suck buddy is very desirable as well.

Jun 12, 2021, 11:26 AM
It's a bunch of hooey. I learned at a young age that I was bisexual, not gay. Through middle and high school, I had a stroke and suck buddy. I loved what we did and we pretty much did every day. Even though I was getting taken care of by him, I was always after some pussy. At the end of high school, he decided he was gay, so wanted to kiss and fuck. I didn't care for either, so it ended. After that, I lived a normal hetero life for 30+ for many reasons. All the pussy I needed and more, along with the aids epidemic were the main reasons. I was also fortunate that most if my female lovers gave head as good as men and swallowed. I did think of it now and then but didn't act on it. As I've gotten older, the desires have gotten stronger. I don't like pussy any less but a stroke and suck buddy is very desirable as well.

You are not alone, like you, I do not like pussy any less, but a stroke and having a suck buddy is seems to be very desirable as well with less problems with another woman!

Jun 17, 2021, 6:38 PM
I have also run across gay men over the years that refused to believe bisexuality was a thing. Even a few months ago I was chatting online with a gay man to get to know each other a little bit before getting together for sex. He actually seemed to be confused about my bisexuality, and didn't understand it at all. I couldn't quite figure it out, whether he was honestly totally na?ve about its existence, or was just feigning naivety to play me. Like we're all seeing, he was another homosexual who believed you were either straight or gay. I ended up not getting together with this man for that reason. But I have also met a lot of gay men who accepted my bisexuality.

I have also not broadcast my bisexuality when I was in male gay sex venues for anonymous sex, or in gay bars or Pride parades, but I also felt that it was unnecessary. I'm certainly not wearing a sign declaring my bisexuality, or feel it necessary to tell a guy I'm having anonymous oral sex with that I am bi--unless he asked. But in the gay bars and parades, I also have never hidden the fact that I was looking at and felt attraction to some of both men and women around me. I certainly don't want to HIDE my bisexuality. I'm damn proud of it!