View Full Version : I'm stuck: is he straight or bisexual?

May 16, 2021, 1:42 PM
So here's my story: I have a crush on a male friend in university. He seems to be straight (he follows woman models, watches footballs and plays games) but on the other hand he cares about me, a lot. He always used to "fight" to sit next to me in class, offer to drive me home, show me new games, touch my thighs. But one night, I messaged him that I had had a crush on him. He denied and said he's straight. But he proceeded to say "Anyway I have a girlfriend now". Like he didn't have to say he already had a girlfriend, right?

He and I became distant since then. But recently we have talked regularly again, and he continues to care about me. What should I do? What are your thoughts?

May 16, 2021, 2:27 PM
Best to leave it at friend's. Doesn't sound like he wants to go there. And if he does, let him take the next step so as to not alienate him.

May 16, 2021, 3:00 PM
Leave it right where it is. If something is meant to happen, it'll happen when it's supposed to.

May 16, 2021, 3:07 PM
Might be best to not press it you let him know how you felt , and it seems that he did not take offense so stay friends and let him decide if he wants more with you

May 16, 2021, 3:14 PM
just stay friends if he wants more he will let you know

May 16, 2021, 3:33 PM
That's good he's a nice guy towards you seems like you could be friends for now see how it goes

May 16, 2021, 3:47 PM
I agree with KD. You opened the door for him. Now just relax see how it goes. He?ll be thinking about your more-than-friends offer as time goes on.

May 16, 2021, 4:36 PM
I'd say explore your feelings for him...Be the Man and go for it!

May 16, 2021, 6:01 PM
You’ve opened up to him and now it is up to him to decide. I don’t think it’s anything more than him struggling with his own feelings and perceptions. He likes you a lot and cares about you, ie., he’s attracted to you. What he hasn’t figured out is whether that translates into intimacy. He may be struggling to come to terms with his sexuality or even to figure it out. The only way you could advance this is by asking him to help clear up your feelings of confusion. Are you interpreting his craving and apparent interest in you as something potentially more?

May 16, 2021, 11:42 PM
I'm a mechanic in a very manly work place. There is a guy there I'm constantly complimenting from the heart on his skill with a forklift and skid steer loader because he is as skilled as a ballet dancer when operating. It's not a clear floor warehouse, but a 120 year old hard to navigate facility. He spins and twirls, and never hits anything, with a total economy of moves.

He also is constantly quitting snuff. I keep a tin in my pocket, and he is never denigrated when stress gets the better of him and he comes to me for a pinch. Other manly mechanics good heartedly deride him. He and I are close. He even seeks me out once and in while during the shift. When a particularly slack production guy lets the company down with his attitude that everything revolves around his life, we work together to fill the gap. (As inept as this guy is, production is down, and people aren't breaking down the doors for a job.

I'm constantly asking my friend what he's got to do during the shift, and he shares. (I'm not his boss.) Close to the end of the week I ask him if he's visiting his out of state GF during the weekend. He let me know he's not shy about licking ass, and I've gotten a feeling there is a chance he and I could go farther. We've built a lot of trust between us.

Once, a few other mechanics were performing a repair on a machine and I, in jest, suggested we put on a show for them. The show involved one of us on his knees. He was a little uncomfortable about it, but not very. I am confident that I could slip out of the closet with him, but I haven't. It's a big step. I'm feel I can trust him, but still haven't made a move.

I plan to stay at this job until I age to the point that I'm too old to do it. The Maintenance manager overruled the negative feelings of my to be supervisor and the top mechanic/fabricator during my interview. They have since apologized, but I don't feel it could likely happen twice. I'm seventy one.

I feel Your Pain, but you are young, and the world is your oyster. If you were to pass, or fail in your endeavors you've got a life ahead of you, and you can build on your younger choices. It won't be the end of your world.

I hope you can accomplish what you want ,and what makes you happy in your life.

I've been 'testing' Kentucky straight bourbons for no compensation in the $30 to $50 range. This response is influenced by Yellowstone Select at 93 proof. In my opinion it is very smooth.

May 16, 2021, 11:58 PM
On rereading your post I noticed you texted your crush to him. As difficult as it would have been, it may have gone better if you expressed it to him in person.

Live, learn, and apply the learning.

Just an old man wondering how things would have turned out if he'd dealt with them differently.

May 17, 2021, 3:19 AM
Leave it right where it is. If something is meant to happen, it'll happen when it's supposed to.
Believe me. KDaddy and everyone else is here are spot on. Be patient. If something is going to happen between you and him it's needs to be up to your friend.

May 17, 2021, 2:01 PM
In this day and time a real friend is hard to find , as others have said just leave it exactly where it is. This guy knows your disposition and if he remains your friend then he's not put off by it, so just stay friends and see what the future brings.

May 17, 2021, 3:23 PM
I'd say take a risk. . . Don't let the Opportunity slip away from you. The Reward is greater than the risk!

May 17, 2021, 11:02 PM
Just adding to the story: 2 or 3 weeks ago, he offer me a ride home on his motorbike. Like it was 9PM or something, kinda late and dark. I decided to take an Uber home in the first place. But he didn't let me and said something like "No, it's dark and could be really dangerous. Some Uber drivers could do something bad to you. Let me drive you home."