View Full Version : Penis pump

May 9, 2021, 7:53 AM
Question for guys who have used a pump. I see guys post images of their cock inside a pump. Never really considered one for myself. But each time I see an image with one in use, I keep wondering what are the guys getting from this. Is it something you use just to get an erection, is it just a different then on, or feels good to use? Curious to ask actual users and not claims from marketer's.

May 9, 2021, 8:51 AM
I used to use one as part of a regular PE routine. It felt ok, but was part of the regimen so I stuck too it.

The PE worked for me and I reached my intended goal so I slowed down and cemented my gains. Watch out using it too long at a time, or too often. It'll trap fluids under the skin. It eventually returns to normal but looks like hell for a few hours.

May 9, 2021, 1:55 PM
I used to use one as part of a regular PE routine. It felt ok, but was part of the regimen so I stuck too it.

The PE worked for me and I reached my intended goal so I slowed down and cemented my gains. Watch out using it too long at a time, or too often. It'll trap fluids under the skin. It eventually returns to normal but looks like hell for a few hours.

Thanks, yes I have read about the grapes fluids. I have seen some weird looking results...definitely a deterrent to even mess with it.

May 9, 2021, 3:46 PM
The problem with them is that some guys apply too much vacuum which causes ruptures in the penis' venal structure and, over continued use with "extra" vacuum, damages the erectile tissues which results in a damaged and deformed dick. When used sensibly, light to moderate vacuum does feel good and is often medically indicated to increase blood flow to the penis... and it looks pretty cool to slide your soft dick in, pump it up, and watch it swell to fill the cylinder. Some guys use a pump to jerk off; hell, I even tried it and found it to be a bit difficult but I did eventually cum... and cleaning it proved to be too much of a hassle to use the pump as a masturbation tool. One thing I discovered while using it to jerk off is that the pump needs a complete seal in order to create the vacuum; moving your dick can break the seal and there's a reason why most pumps suggest that you shave the hair from around the base of your cock; hair will get in the way of having a complete seal.

There's just this curiosity to see how big and fat you can pump your dick up to and the one sign I know of - because, yeah, I did that - to let you know that you've applied too much vacuum is when you see little spots of blood showing up on your shaft; the capillaries in your skin have burst and continuing to make this happen could produce scar tissue that, over time, can give one some issues.

May 10, 2021, 8:33 AM
Thanks KD, yea it is not something i'm interested in. Answers the questions I have been kicking around for awhile. Enjoy reading your thoughts on different topics

May 10, 2021, 9:20 AM
I bought a Penomet pump a few years ago. It's meant to be used in the shower, and doesn't use an air pump to provide the suction that draws blood into the chambers of your penis.

Basically you fill the sleeve with water, then carefully put your dick inside, taking care that you don't allow much water to leak out -- only the amount displaced by your member. There's a rubber 'gaiter' at the open end that does the work. It has corrugations that allow it to expand and collapse, and acts as a pump by expelling water from the other end of the sleeve, through a one-way valve. The rubber opening rests against your pubic bone, and as you push it towards your body, the valve opens to release water from the other end. As the water is expelled, the suction builds, causing your penis to swell. This has to be repeated two or three times until you get the desired amount of suction.

It's designed to be used for approximately 15 minutes/session. I bought the optional neck strap, which allows me to wash or shave while leaving the pump attached. To release and remove, one only has to tilt the valve to one side, and it breaks the suction for immediate release of the water and your larger, erect dick. It's a fun way to get ready for sex, and you're all nice & clean -- which is the best way to start any encounter!

The water cushioning around your erection is supposed to be gentler than the suction of device which sucks you into an empty chamber. Another advantage is in cleaning. Just a little soap and water while you're still in the shower is all you need to accomplish this important function.

There are all kinds of claims made for devices like this, but the effect -- which is real -- is basically temporary. It will give you a larger erection immediately after use, but don't expect an amazing, permanent increase in your cock size. The MFR says that very regular, repeated use can result in some modest, long-term increase in size, but giving up on it after a while probably won't leave you with much more than you had at the outset. 'Use it or lose it' is, I think, applicable in this case.