View Full Version : Change your visible profile name (feature request opinion)

Apr 30, 2021, 9:48 AM
I just realized you cant modify your profile name with a revised name. In the case of Mr Bill, she cant change her name to her preferred name and likely, she can only create a new profile.

Should we be able to modify our profile name during the course of our time on the site, even if its a mask on our original profile name?

Apr 30, 2021, 4:02 PM
It seems there are a couple of points to consider in that question.

The first is for me to wonder why on earth it should be a problem for someone to change their profile name on here, aside from the question of what is technologically required to make it possible. We have all followed necessary posting rules and other than that, I am not aware of any legal issues that someone might be trying to skirt just by changing to a preferred new name. What does it benefit us to require someone to stick to their original name? They are all just made up names, anyway. I don't know how often it comes up, so it really is a matter perhaps of balancing how often it comes up with how much of a problem it would be to do the coding that would make it readily and reasonably possible to do. Those two are related, in that, if it is easy enough, it wouldn't hurt to do it if only one person has expressed interest. Then it would be available for anyone who might have a change of heart/mind at a later point, especially if everyone knew it was a ready option. One might hope to presume that a bunch of adults are not going to respond by changing their profile name as a hobby, every time they turn around or anything like that.

The second issue that occurs to me is the question of whether such individuals, after they changed their profile name, might still want it to be known what their prior name was or otherwise have subsequent contributions tied to prior ones, so that people might connect them still with prior threads they have started or responses to threads or other communications they have added to the site before they change their name. Perhaps that could be set up as an option where an individual could determine that either they wanted to remain tied to their former contributions or they did not, and they could select the option as such. I hope I got the question right and what I have stated in response makes sense.

Apr 30, 2021, 5:06 PM
Why not be able to add a name under the first.
Then if you began a porn star career, you could be:

Apr 30, 2021, 7:11 PM
I just realized you cant modify your profile name with a revised name. In the case of Mr Bill, she cant change her name to her preferred name and likely, she can only create a new profile.

Should we be able to modify our profile name during the course of our time on the site, even if its a mask on our original profile name?

This is one of many problems of this site.

Apr 30, 2021, 7:16 PM
This is one of many problems of this site.

Yea hopefully Brian is still considering upgrading this site

May 1, 2021, 8:14 AM
In Mr Bill's situation, are you not really discussing gender as well as name?

"She"(Mr Bill) has not indicated that she wants to change her gender (transgender?) and name too ? She may not be ready to identify as transexual yet and just leave it up to her. A new gender and a new name would be in order. A new profile may also be in order.

Years ago, I lost my password around 2006-2007. I started a new profile and used the same profile name. (I think but it was a long time ago)

I know that some other long term member lost his password and started a new profile with a slightly changed name. He announced that this new profile /name was still him. Those of us who knew him linked him to his past posts in our head and we could see the new profile name too.

A transgendered person could use a similar approach of new profile with a new name and new gender -transexual or?.

Another member transitioned on this site with a new name (Marie). I'm not sure but she may have started a new profile with a new name of "Marie". Everyone seemed to stop using her male name profile and began to use the new name/gender.

May 1, 2021, 8:40 AM
Should we be able to modify our profile name during the course of our time on the site, even if its a mask on our original profile name?

AAAaaaahhhhhhHH!!! Enough with the masks, already!!!! :yikes2:

Ok, just kidding about that one...

I do think it would be nice to be able to make a change like this. Don't think I'd find it necessary to do it here, but there are some forums where I'd really like to be able to change my username. Whether or not you can accomplish this may depend upon the forum software being used.

May 1, 2021, 12:13 PM
You can change your name, I did it ..................just gotta remember how I did it though. If you remember, when I joined originally, everything was in 100% male persona, then one day I said F it and changed it all

May 1, 2021, 12:14 PM
Go to control panel, edit account info, new user name

you are limited to changing it once a year

May 1, 2021, 1:40 PM
Thank you Jaz...Awesome....

Go to control panel, edit account info, new user name

you are limited to changing it once a year

May 1, 2021, 3:20 PM
Thank you Jaz...Awesome....

No problem, I remembered I did it, but had to look how