View Full Version : Uncirumicsed Bisexual Guys

Oct 2, 2006, 4:48 PM
guys that are biseuxal aand uncirumicsed

Oct 2, 2006, 8:52 PM
I used to be, but I got clip after some performing problems

Oct 2, 2006, 9:10 PM
well, I was most unfortunately circumcised at birth, but I am on my way to restoring what was taken :shades:

Oct 2, 2006, 10:32 PM
well, I was most unfortunately circumcised at birth, but I am on my way to restoring what was taken :shades:

I have to ask... how do you manage that?

I was never circumsized, and never plan to be, for the record.

Oct 2, 2006, 10:57 PM
I have to ask... how do you manage that?

I was never circumsized, and never plan to be, for the record.

have to say - i'm a little confused with the initial post on this thread... am i missing something? is there a question in there? ;)

regarding "restoration" though... i, personally have a few friends who have done it - with varying degrees of success... there are different ways to go about "getting your foreskin back." all of them that i know of involve regular tugging and pulling... in seattle here, there is actually a group of men that a friend of mine belongs to... sort of a "we want our foreskin back" group... they discuss "restoration" and their experiences, etc... could find out lots more info if anyone is interested...

for the record though, i have never heard of a case (because i don't think it's really that possible) where a person was able to actually return to a state of being fully "uncircumcised" - meaning: getting back certain sensitivity, oil glands, etc...

Oct 3, 2006, 1:01 AM
For me--its a matter of "ya can't miss what you never knew you had" for I got cut when I was about 15 days old----

I have read that the foreskin contains many nerve endings--even if the skin can be replaced-those nerve endings cannot be replaced so there is no sense in having the skin replaced that being the case----

It is something--if my parents thought that by cutting away my foreskin, that might stop me from jerking off--boy--did they screw up----I have always loved jerking off and still do----:)

Oct 3, 2006, 2:01 AM
have to say - i'm a little confused with the initial post on this thread... am i missing something? is there a question in there? ;)

regarding "restoration" though... i, personally have a few friends who have done it - with varying degrees of success... there are different ways to go about "getting your foreskin back." all of them that i know of involve regular tugging and pulling... in seattle here, there is actually a group of men that a friend of mine belongs to... sort of a "we want our foreskin back" group... they discuss "restoration" and their experiences, etc... could find out lots more info if anyone is interested...

for the record though, i have never heard of a case (because i don't think it's really that possible) where a person was able to actually return to a state of being fully "uncircumcised" - meaning: getting back certain sensitivity, oil glands, etc...

I run a branch of NORM, and council men on restoration.


I have experienced significant increases in sensitivity, response, ability, etc.

The degree of return is directly related to how much of the original inner foreskin is left and the method(s) used to restore. I have enough to cover my glans once I am done, and have seen it return to it's original moist and responsive state from the calloused keratinized state it was in from being circumcised.

If one has sufficient inner foreskin left after being circumcised, one can return to a state rather close to being intact ("uncircumcised"), but one can not return 100%. Even if one has little or no inner foreskin left, there are still numerous benefits one can gain from restoring. There are key structures that are removed in even the mildest circumsision, such as Taylor's Ridged Band. However, one can get immense (and brother, I mean IMMENSE) benefits from restoration

During the growth process, as new skin grows, new support structures will grow along with it - including nerves. The glans and the original inner foreskin will return to their normal, moist state, and the glands in the inner foreskin will re-awaken and start doing their job once again.

The only analogy that can even begin to come remotely close to describing the improvements I have personally experienced would be this: Circumcised, I felt the equivelant of an old, 1950's era am transistor radio. Now that I am 1/2 way restored, I am at the level of the best, million watt, most precisely crafted surround sound system on earth. And I honestly say that this is not exaggerating.

I won't keep going on and on here about it. If anyone would like information, please remember there are many of liers out there on the web who want your $, so take everything with a grain of salt. got to the NORM website or feel free to contact me for information. I do not charge anything :)

Oct 3, 2006, 2:59 AM
I run a branch of NORM, and council men on restoration.


I have experienced significant increases in sensitivity, response, ability, etc.

The degree of return is directly related to how much of the original inner foreskin is left and the method(s) used to restore. I have enough to cover my glans once I am done, and have seen it return to it's original moist and responsive state from the calloused keratinized state it was in from being circumcised.

If one has sufficient inner foreskin left after being circumcised, one can return to a state rather close to being intact ("uncircumcised"), but one can not return 100%. Even if one has little or no inner foreskin left, there are still numerous benefits one can gain from restoring. There are key structures that are removed in even the mildest circumsision, such as Taylor's Ridged Band. However, one can get immense (and brother, I mean IMMENSE) benefits from restoration

During the growth process, as new skin grows, new support structures will grow along with it - including nerves. The glans and the original inner foreskin will return to their normal, moist state, and the glands in the inner foreskin will re-awaken and start doing their job once again.

The only analogy that can even begin to come remotely close to describing the improvements I have personally experienced would be this: Circumcised, I felt the equivelant of an old, 1950's era am transistor radio. Now that I am 1/2 way restored, I am at the level of the best, million watt, most precisely crafted surround sound system on earth. And I honestly say that this is not exaggerating.

I won't keep going on and on here about it. If anyone would like information, please remember there are many of liers out there on the web who want your $, so take everything with a grain of salt. got to the NORM website or feel free to contact me for information. I do not charge anything :)

that's all really interesting... thanks for all the info. the guys i know who have done it didn't get any increased sensitivity back at all... of course, it's hard to say how you get something "back" that you never really had... can't really say what's missing... when it's been gone for so long...

now i must get out my guitar and segue into "big yellow taxi..."

Oct 3, 2006, 8:31 AM
yeah I'm uncut and bi but what is your question? :(

Oct 3, 2006, 8:58 AM
I'm un.
It makes me feel wierd but proud.
Wierd beacuse still so many people are having it done and it makes
me feel like abit of an outcast. And proud beacuseI'm still all there.
Well, physically anyway, heh.

Oct 3, 2006, 10:31 AM
Interesting comments to a non question. Interesting because it seems a bit me me me. Ever thought how your sex partner feels? Personally when it comes to guys give me an uncircumcised man any time because from my experience good sex is far superior to good sex with a cut guy. More filling if you know what I mean and also more fun to toy with. There are things we can do with uncircumcised that just cant be done when there is no foreskin. Also I think there is more sensivity underneath that cut guys just dont experience.

In the end however it is a matter of culture and preference. In the UK most arent cut and its both what we like and what we are used to. In the US I believe most are circumcised at birth.

I did watch a documentary on telly a few weeks ago about circumcision and about foreskin renewal which I hadnt heard of before. It can be done even though some of the methods looked both uncomfortable and comical. What I did not find comical was just how babies are done when but a few days old. Strapped down on what reminded me of a military or prison food dish which kind of moulded to their bodies. A barbaric practice done for questionable cultural, religious or hygeine reasons.

Any mother or father for that matter who allowed their son to unwillingly go through this procedure, for at such a young age unwillingly it can only be, should in my opinion be prosecuted as accessories to grievous bodily harm and/or serious sexual assault, the medical barbarians who willingly undertake the procedure prosecuted for the actual crimes, stripped of their licenses and banged up in gaol for a good long spell to reflect on their misdeeds.

If any man is attacked and held down, his foreskin lopped off forcibly against his will, he would cry hell or holy water to the rooftops and quite rightly so. It is precisely the same for a new born baby who is unable to defend himself from his "legal" attackers. However he has the law ranged against him and no redress which is an appalling state of affairs in a civilised society.

Quite rightly we rail about female circumcision enforably performed on girls which is an even more barbaric and evil practice, and this is banned by legal statute throughout the western world. I am priviledged to be a close friend of a girl who has had this done. She was sent home to her native country at the age of 13 because it was illegal and she almost died from her wounds and is mentally scarred and deprived of so much sexual pleasure because of it. Her guardian was prosecuted and imprisoned (not for long enough I may add) and she was taken into care after being exposed. Do boys not have the same rights to be protected under the law from such a nasty crime? For crime it is whether its painted as tradition or hygeine or religious or for any other reason under the sun.

Oct 3, 2006, 2:39 PM
Interesting comments to a non question. Interesting because it seems a bit me me me. Ever thought how your sex partner feels? Personally when it comes to guys give me an uncircumcised man any time because from my experience good sex is far superior to good sex with a cut guy. More filling if you know what I mean and also more fun to toy with. There are things we can do with uncircumcised that just cant be done when there is no foreskin. Also I think there is more sensivity underneath that cut guys just dont experience.

In the end however it is a matter of culture and preference. In the UK most arent cut and its both what we like and what we are used to. In the US I believe most are circumcised at birth.

I did watch a documentary on telly a few weeks ago about circumcision and about foreskin renewal which I hadnt heard of before. It can be done even though some of the methods looked both uncomfortable and comical. What I did not find comical was just how babies are done when but a few days old. Strapped down on what reminded me of a military or prison food dish which kind of moulded to their bodies. A barbaric practice done for questionable cultural, religious or hygeine reasons.

Any mother or father for that matter who allowed their son to unwillingly go through this procedure, for at such a young age unwillingly it can only be, should in my opinion be prosecuted as accessories to grievous bodily harm and/or serious sexual assault, the medical barbarians who willingly undertake the procedure prosecuted for the actual crimes, stripped of their licenses and banged up in gaol for a good long spell to reflect on their misdeeds.

If any man is attacked and held down, his foreskin lopped off forcibly against his will, he would cry hell or holy water to the rooftops and quite rightly so. It is precisely the same for a new born baby who is unable to defend himself from his "legal" attackers. However he has the law ranged against him and no redress which is an appalling state of affairs in a civilised society.

Quite rightly we rail about female circumcision enforably performed on girls which is an even more barbaric and evil practice, and this is banned by legal statute throughout the western world. I am priviledged to be a close friend of a girl who has had this done. She was sent home to her native country at the age of 13 because it was illegal and she almost died from her wounds and is mentally scarred and deprived of so much sexual pleasure because of it. Her guardian was prosecuted and imprisoned (not for long enough I may add) and she was taken into care after being exposed. Do boys not have the same rights to be protected under the law from such a nasty crime? For crime it is whether its painted as tradition or hygeine or religious or for any other reason under the sun.


Oct 3, 2006, 5:06 PM
agree with sammie totally....so, i think, will many others here.

Oct 3, 2006, 8:14 PM
Sorry guys...I'm cut and wouldn't have it any other way! Love the look and the feel of a cut dick...plus, any more sensitivity and i'd probably have problems with premature ejaculation..LOL....Besides, If you don't know what you are missing...what's the problem?

Oct 3, 2006, 9:20 PM
THe first ting i want to say is NEVER blame a parent for having there some cut or not cut. IT's not an easy decision.

I have had it both ways i was uncut and got curt for a good reason. There is not much differance between cut and uncut.

Ther was another thread on this so let us put a nd to this one. If someone wants to replace there fore thata is cool. i was intrested in the information.

But again don't blame your parents for having it done

Oct 4, 2006, 12:29 AM
agree with sammie totally....so, i think, will many others here.

Absolutely!! I also am an affiliate member of NOCIRC


Oct 4, 2006, 4:05 AM
THe first ting i want to say is NEVER blame a parent for having there some cut or not cut. IT's not an easy decision.

I have had it both ways i was uncut and got curt for a good reason. There is not much differance between cut and uncut.

Ther was another thread on this so let us put a nd to this one. If someone wants to replace there fore thata is cool. i was intrested in the information.

But again don't blame your parents for having it done

But I do blame the parents. Equally I blame the society that allows and in some cases encourages this to be done. I do understand that there are reasons for circumcision that many parents and cultures adhere to and argue. However these reasons are not vaild simply because no-one has the right to maim any part of the body of another human being without their willing and informed consent. I know that there can be medical reasons why circumcision is required as a matter of necessity, and in such cases I would support this procedure and the parents right and responsibility to act accordingly. What I cannot accept is the right of parents to have this done to their child unless that need is in fact pressing and immediate. Never as a preventative measure, which is why many have it done to their sons. If we were to take this drastic action to prevent every possible eventuality as a species we would cease to exist. No body part would be left to allow us our survival. If in later life any person wishes it done for whatever reason it is their right as long as it is an informed decision. Not one forced upon them by the whim of culture or religion or because their mum and dad think that at some stage in his life, having a foreskin may have some harmful effect to that child or another human being.

An increasing number of women nowadays opt for a preventative breast removal because of their fear of developing breast cancer. While I could never bring myself to do this myself I can understand why they would choose this option. But they have the right of informed consent as adult human beings. Should it be argued that a parent has the right to have this done to their child simply because at some stage she MAY develop the disease? I think not.

Children have rights too. It is the responsibility of adults, and parents in particular that these rights are defended.

It is interesting to note however that while the medical profession in the United States are very pro circumcision those in Western Europe are very anti. I am not arguing that we have a moral superiority here, though on the matter of circumcision I do believe this is so, simply that it is interesting point that in Europe, where we have a tradition of free cradle to grave health care that that circumcision is not generally carried out in over 80% of births, that it is almost exactly the opposite ratio in the US where health care is generally a business and each circumcision brings in a great deal of money to that business.

Oct 4, 2006, 8:51 AM
But I do blame the parents. Equally I blame the society that allows and in some cases encourages this to be done. I do understand that there are reasons for circumcision that many parents and cultures adhere to and argue. However these reasons are not vaild simply because no-one has the right to maim any part of the body of another human being without their willing and informed consent. I know that there can be medical reasons why circumcision is required as a matter of necessity, and in such cases I would support this procedure and the parents right and responsibility to act accordingly. What I cannot accept is the right of parents to have this done to their child unless that need is in fact pressing and immediate. Never as a preventative measure, which is why many have it done to their sons. If we were to take this drastic action to prevent every possible eventuality as a species we would cease to exist. No body part would be left to allow us our survival. If in later life any person wishes it done for whatever reason it is their right as long as it is an informed decision. Not one forced upon them by the whim of culture or religion or because their mum and dad think that at some stage in his life, having a foreskin may have some harmful effect to that child or another human being.

An increasing number of women nowadays opt for a preventative breast removal because of their fear of developing breast cancer. While I could never bring myself to do this myself I can understand why they would choose this option. But they have the right of informed consent as adult human beings. Should it be argued that a parent has the right to have this done to their child simply because at some stage she MAY develop the disease? I think not.

Children have rights too. It is the responsibility of adults, and parents in particular that these rights are defended.

It is interesting to note however that while the medical profession in the United States are very pro circumcision those in Western Europe are very anti. I am not arguing that we have a moral superiority here, though on the matter of circumcision I do believe this is so, simply that it is interesting point that in Europe, where we have a tradition of free cradle to grave health care that that circumcision is not generally carried out in over 80% of births, that it is almost exactly the opposite ratio in the US where health care is generally a business and each circumcision brings in a great deal of money to that business.

You hit the nail right on the head Sammie!

I ABSOLUTELY blame my parents, and they have said I have every right to do so. Nobody has the right to consent to the permanent amputation of a healthy part of my body except me. Nobody.

Oct 4, 2006, 1:18 PM
Again, this subject comes up.....and AGAIN it stirs up mixed opinions and get's people very upset. :rolleyes:

I have a son and when we discovered that he was a boy, the discussion began on what we were going to do. My husband at the time (Flounder) was NOT but we talked about it and we read alot of things on it and talked to many people about it before we made our decision. My husband at age 37 had to get it done due to medical issues (causing performance problems). Since having it done, as he stated, "not much difference" and now that I have had him both ways...I have to admit...I can't tell much difference either.

Everyone is entitled to their opinion and I guess just as anything else in life...we have to live with the decisions we make, whether good, bad or indifferent!! :2cents:

Oct 4, 2006, 3:06 PM
I am uncut but prefer guys that are cut. Uncut is a turnoff for me when it comes to being with other guys. The last time I was with another bi guy he loved playing with the skin and I really enjoyed playing with his cut one. It's not too hard (no pun intended) to find what you're looking for, regardless of your cut/uncut status. I would never think of having mine cut.

Oct 4, 2006, 3:11 PM
Absolutely!! I also am an affiliate member of NOCIRC


Brilliant! :bowdown:

I've linked it on the Herd site :bigrin:

Reckon they'll like it :bigrin:

Oct 5, 2006, 8:23 AM
I believe, cuted is cleaner and less smell! Better for blowjob.
I had shorted my foreskin by myself as a young boy, because it didn't go back enough. Complete cutting was unable, because nobody in the family and of the other boys was cutted. :)

Oct 5, 2006, 2:46 PM
This is an interesting article http://www.salon.com/mwt/feature/1998/10/26feature.html

Oct 5, 2006, 2:53 PM
This is an interesting article http://www.salon.com/mwt/feature/1998/10/26feature.html

"Why is the United States the only Western nation in the world to practice it routinely, despite overwhelming evidence debunking medical claims and enduring myths?"

Bang on.

Oct 6, 2006, 5:29 AM
This is an interesting article http://www.salon.com/mwt/feature/1998/10/26feature.html

my god I just read this and well I think this sums it up for all those sceptics that have commented so far..... I really implore you to read it whether guy or gal. The whole issue of aethetics and how nice/clean/ hygenic/ better for sex a cut cock is... goes out the window forwever!!!!!!!!!!!

ps. having said that, I have nothing against guys with cut cocks afterall you didn't have a say in the matter in most cases.

little clown
Oct 6, 2006, 8:29 AM

I'm Dutch and over here in the Netherlands most men aren't uncircumcised (just like in most other western countries).
However, most male African immigrants who live here are circumcised.
A Liberian (W-Africa) man with whom I was involved briefly, told me he opposed female circumcision, but if he'd ever father a boy, he would want his son's penis to be circumcised. (He'd been cicumcised as a baby and for some reason assumed a circumcised penis gives more pleasurable to a lover - during sex - than an uncircumcised one. It doesn't.)
Although I did not want to start a family with him, I did try to explain to him why I think it's wrong to remove the prepuce. (I've always considered it to be a form of child mutilation.) I wanted to back my theories up with sound medical arguments, so I visited several websites on the subject of circumcision. One of these sites was Canadian. The makers of this site (which included people from the medical world) contacted human rights organizations to ask them if they would give male circumcision the same type of attention they had given female circumcision. None of the organizations they approached was willing to do this.
I wonder why.
In the west, most people are horrified when they hear about female circumcision, but few people seem to care about what happens to male genitalia.
This is odd, considering female circumcision and infant male circumcision have a lot in common:
- They are usually done without any form of anesthesia.
- They are performed without the child's consent.
- They result in a loss of sexual sensitivity.

Take care,

Oct 6, 2006, 5:25 PM
Again, this subject comes up.....and AGAIN it stirs up mixed opinions and get's people very upset. :rolleyes:

I have a son and when we discovered that he was a boy, the discussion began on what we were going to do. My husband at the time (Flounder) was NOT but we talked about it and we read alot of things on it and talked to many people about it before we made our decision. My husband at age 37 had to get it done due to medical issues (causing performance problems). Since having it done, as he stated, "not much difference" and now that I have had him both ways...I have to admit...I can't tell much difference either.

Everyone is entitled to their opinion and I guess just as anything else in life...we have to live with the decisions we make, whether good, bad or indifferent!! :2cents:

I want to take a moment and insure that I haven't clouded my intentions. Mrs. F has been a wonderful friend on here to me, and I do not want her or Flounder to be upset, thinking I am attacking them, or Flounder's decision to have this done for himself.

I am not against circumcision itself. Once a person reaches the age of majority, that is their body and sexual organ, and they should be allowed to do to it what ever they wish, as long as they are fully informed of how those changes will affect them.

I am against inflicting it upon another person. It is not easier or better to be cut as a baby. It is also not YOUR sexual organ under the knife. It is the child's. His or her's. It must be their decision. It is their body, not someone elses to do with as they see fit. There are very real, permanent, life long consequences when this is done to an infant that do not occur when it is done to an adult. It is not cleaner or healthier for the child. That's my real issue. I can go into numbers, studies, etc. But this is not the place for that.

I have no doubt in what Mrs. F says when she states that neither she or Flounder see's much of a difference. Some will, some won't. I do not believe she has any reason to lie to any of us.

It must have been a rather difficult thing to face, and it is a personal decision that should be made by the person who's gentials are going to be under the blade.

Know that I am not putting either of them down.

Oct 6, 2006, 6:00 PM
I'm bi and uncut never seen the need for mutilation, i know there arevarious reasons for it. My son is 2 and i would never do that to him

little clown
Oct 6, 2006, 7:20 PM

I didn't intend to attack any individuals here either.
I'm sure most parents do what they believe is best for their children
However, infant male circumcision has and always will be a procedure I oppose for the reasons I've stated in my previous post.

I too, am glad that some men - who for one reason or another - have had a circumcision done as an adult are happy with the result or at least feel it hasn't had a negative impact on them.

But I do wonder, if the same number of USA parents would make a decision in favor of infant male circumcision, if they'd be well informed about the procedure and the way it can affect a male's life.

I'm pretty sure, land_lover who started the thread had something else in mind than what I've been writing about so far, although I'm not sure what
exactly ;)

Perhaps you were wondering who many uncut bi guys are here?
Or whether bi guys prefer to see and/or touch cut or uncut penises?

I'd love to hear from land_lover what it was he'd hoped we'd write about.

Take care,

Oct 6, 2006, 7:58 PM
I want to take a moment and insure that I haven't clouded my intentions. Mrs. F has been a wonderful friend on here to me, and I do not want her or Flounder to be upset, thinking I am attacking them, or Flounder's decision to have this done for himself.

I am not against circumcision itself. Once a person reaches the age of majority, that is their body and sexual organ, and they should be allowed to do to it what ever they wish, as long as they are fully informed of how those changes will affect them.

I am against inflicting it upon another person. It is not easier or better to be cut as a baby. It is also not YOUR sexual organ under the knife. It is the child's. His or her's. It must be their decision. It is their body, not someone elses to do with as they see fit. There are very real, permanent, life long consequences when this is done to an infant that do not occur when it is done to an adult. It is not cleaner or healthier for the child. That's my real issue. I can go into numbers, studies, etc. But this is not the place for that.

I have no doubt in what Mrs. F says when she states that neither she or Flounder see's much of a difference. Some will, some won't. I do not believe she has any reason to lie to any of us.

It must have been a rather difficult thing to face, and it is a personal decision that should be made by the person who's gentials are going to be under the blade.

Know that I am not putting either of them down.

I never felt you were attacking me or Flounder...this is just a hard subject to deal with. There are so many of us who have different opinions about things and this will always be a subject that just adds fuel to the fire. :2cents:

Oct 7, 2006, 12:51 AM
I understand why certain people enjoy 'uncut' cocks, and why they enjoy having them. In my experiences giving oral to an uncut cock, I wasn't really enjoying it as much as I would a cut cock.

The extra skin just bothers me, and I find it borderline gross. I am happy to be circumsized. This is only my opinion, and does not matter really. I wouldn't discriminate against cut/uncut, I would just perfer cut.


Oct 7, 2006, 3:06 PM
i reckon land_lover is looking for uncut guys and thought it would be a good way to flush out a few...

Oct 8, 2006, 12:22 PM
The statistics I found on another site reports 60% of American males are circumcised, 20% Canadian, 5% Australian and about 1% U.K.

If there is no religous reason and no pressing medical reason (such as performance problems), I see no rational reason for circumcision. In America it is a class thing amoung whites. It is a rare Hispanic, Asian or European American who is circumcised, and among whites the class is either economic or city/rural. But as with all generalities there are exceptions.
As one of the 60% Americans I love to play with a guy's skin. I have seen some drawbacks of skin. In some guys it makes for a small unimpressive head. It is necessary to be absolutley clean to making sucking enjoyable for the other person and in some guys the skin can be very long. If you have avoided these issues, come enjoy mine while I enjoy yours.

Oct 8, 2006, 3:28 PM
I'm uncut and always been happy with that,i would not like a doctor going anywhere near my cock with a scalpel (ow how could you!) but my only experience with another man was a guy who was circumsised and i did find his cock fascinating

Oct 9, 2006, 9:48 AM
I'm cut, but have had many uncut cocks. Although I prefer cut, it's all about the erotic experince with another man to completion. :2cents:

Oct 10, 2006, 12:02 AM
I'm not cut at all.but hey too each his own.does having your dick circumsied make it bigger or appear bigger ? I've heard rumors about that, I just wanted to know form those ofd you who are circumcised.

Oct 10, 2006, 3:41 PM
If we CUT OFF any excess skin of a baby girl a few days old without anaethesia and expose the inner genitals without HER CONSENT there would be outrage!

Yes or No?

Oct 12, 2006, 9:14 AM
Two days without a comment?

I guess my previous post was a little uncomfortable!

Oct 12, 2006, 2:25 PM
Female circumcision is barbaric. It not only removes the outer labia but the clitoris too. Apparently under the guise of religeous and cultural reasons it is meant to keep the future bride faithful to her husband and only experience sexual satisfaction through virginal sex.

I am uncut and happy with it. At last people are realising the piece of skin covering the glans is there for a reason, it protects and moistens it. I am also not a smelly or dirty, something else which used to be thrown at uncircumcised guys. Once aroused you wouldn't know if I was cut or not which is how it should be. saying all that I have only had sex with cut guys, it's just the way it is and no preference and it's been a long time since I had any mm sex.

Oct 12, 2006, 4:26 PM
Two days without a comment?

I guess my previous post was a little uncomfortable!

If I was a laywer my answer to your "uncomfortable post" and photo's after would be "I have no further questions your honour". When your're the manager and your team is 4-0 up at half time you have nothing to say to them in the dressing room :bigrin:

Oct 12, 2006, 5:23 PM
Female circumcision is barbaric. It not only removes the outer labia but the clitoris too. Apparently under the guise of religeous and cultural reasons it is meant to keep the future bride faithful to her husband and only experience sexual satisfaction through virginal sex.

I am uncut and happy with it. At last people are realising the piece of skin covering the glans is there for a reason, it protects and moistens it. I am also not a smelly or dirty, something else which used to be thrown at uncircumcised guys. Once aroused you wouldn't know if I was cut or not which is how it should be. saying all that I have only had sex with cut guys, it's just the way it is and no preference and it's been a long time since I had any mm sex.

Been a wee while but can tellya now make no bone (tee hee) about it I cud soon tel ya if ya wos cut babes! :bigrin:

Nov 7, 2006, 7:04 PM
I am uncut and have had quite a few people ==men and women over the years that wanted to see if it felt different for them during sex.They all said about the same thing that I seemed to be alot more sensitive to the t touch than uncut guys and that it seemed to take me alot longer to cum then others.

Nov 9, 2006, 10:11 AM
If we CUT OFF any excess skin of a baby girl a few days old without anaethesia and expose the inner genitals without HER CONSENT there would be outrage!

Yes or No?


.... Although I have a very deep Christian faith, I did not feel it was my place to have my children baptised as babies, because that is something way too personal to inflict on another person without their consent.

.....so to consent to such an intimate, devastatingly painful and barbaric procedure on a healthy new-born baby is, to me as a mother of three children, a morally repugnant abuse of parental power.

.....i am really impressed with the level of well considered 'argument' here though. Whilst still sustaining sensitivity to parents who do truly believe that circumcision at birth is the 'most loving' decision to make for their baby boys. Especially as this is such an emotive issues with religious, moral, hygene and even superstitious beliefs running so deep within our diverse global community.

just my

:2cents: Julie :female:

Nov 9, 2006, 5:12 PM

Nov 9, 2006, 6:30 PM
Ooh Ya ... Thanks for the link...

Nov 10, 2006, 2:49 AM
I had shorted my foreskin by myself as a young boy,

:eek: :yikes2: :eek: :yikes2: :eek: :yikes2: :eek: :yikes2:

Nov 12, 2006, 1:12 AM
I am uncut. I dont prefer uncut to cut or cut to uncut. I think they both have there arousing aspects. I however have a condition which is apprently called Frenulum breve (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frenulum_breve). Basically the Fenulum (the piece of flesh that attaches the foreskin to the head) is too short, which limits the foreskin from sliding all the way over my head. It causes discomfort during intercourse and there is the treat of the Fenulum ripping. For this reason I am looking into getting cut. I dont really want to get rid of my foreskin but I kinda have to for performance reasons.

Nov 12, 2006, 1:46 PM
I was born at the tail end of the 1950s---at my birth--my parents had me circumsised within days of my birth.

I do not fault them for they lived in a time and place that the doctors were God and you listened to what the great doctor god told you to do---the docs said boys get cut--so that is what they did.

We are Catholic, so that may have something to do with it as well--I really don't know what the Catholic church's policy on circumcision was at that time, but once again--my parents would have followed those dicates as well.

I see from some of the threads that it is apparently possible for surgeons to do reconstructive work to repair at least some of the foreskin-but I have no desire to undergo such a procedure.

I have done just fine having been "cut" all these years and that is how I shall depart this mortal coil----but if you feel that is an important thing for you--go right ahead and have it done--I wish you luck.

As far as having it done on a child I may have--I am undecided--I would have to do my own research on the subject---and also ask a number of pediatricians to see what the consensus is in the medical community regarding the procedure---thankfully --I do not follow any strict religious dogma--- so I would make the decision, in conjunction with the baby's mother, based upon the best scientific/medical/health information we can gather.

It is my understanding that at present--the associations for pediatricians actually recommend against the procedure on health grounds, but obviously leave the final decision up to the parents of the child in question based upon their beliefs and values.

Nov 13, 2006, 12:47 PM
cut or not, it makes little difference to me. i seem to be a slut that way. :tongue:

personally, i think circumcision is the most barbaric thing we can do to our children at their most vulnerable point in life. no wonder so many kids fear doctors.

my view? let it grow, then help the boy make his own , educated, decision

Nov 13, 2006, 4:17 PM
cut or not, it makes little difference to me

I agree there. I dont mind either. I remember I was at work one day acouple years ago and a pair of girls were talking about relationships in the break room when I walked it. one of them was talking about a guy she would like to date but she said "before i did though I would have to make sure hes circumcised cuz not being is just gross." I felt really angry at that because it seems so shallow and discriminatory. Not to date a guy you like (or any guy) or even consider dating him because he is uncut? that seems terrible to me. It fine to have a preference but completely excluding a guy like that. It made me feel bad about myself and I began to fear that most girls felt that way, not being cut and all.