View Full Version : LGBT in Russia

Apr 8, 2021, 6:36 AM
Hi, my name is Miles. If you or your friends are close to the problems of the LGBT community (or if you at least sympathize us in general), then I am asking you to read this information. I'm not asking you to make donations or do anything significant. If you follow the link and click "share" , you will have already done more than I expect. Thank you.

In 2018, I made a trip to Russia, specifically to Moscow. In general, I was satisfied with the time spent in this country, except for one problem…

Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) youth in Russia face formidable barriers to enjoying their fundamental rights to dignity, health, education, information, and association. In Russia, antipathy towards homosexuality and gender variance is not new—LGBT people there have long faced threats, bullying, abuse inside their families, and discrimination—but the 2013 “gay propaganda” law has increased that social hostility. The law has also had a stifling effect on access to affirming education and support services, with harmful consequences for LGBT youth.Russia’s “gay propaganda” law is a classic example of political homophobia. It targets vulnerable sexual and gender minorities for political gain. When Russian president Vladimir Putin signed the federal law in June 2013, he pandered to a conservative domestic support base. And on the international stage, the law helped position Russia as a champion of so-called “traditional values.” The legislation, formally titled the law “aimed at protecting children from information promoting the denial of traditional family values,” bans the “promotion of nontraditional sexual relations to minors”—a reference universally understood to mean a ban on providing children access to information about LGBT people’s lives. The ban includes, but is not limited to, information provided via the press, television, radio, and the internet.This report—based largely on interviews with LGBT youth and mental health professionals in diverse locations in Russia, including urban and rural areas—documents the situation of LGBT youth there today. It looks at their everyday experiences in schools, homes, and in public, and their ability to access reliable and accurate information about themselves as well as counseling and other support services. As one mental health provider explained, “The whole situation is just worsening. As of today, teachers and teachers-psychologists are not allowed to speak positively [on LGBT topics]. They can’t just say to a kid, ‘Hey, everything is normal with you.’

I keep in touch with people I met during my trip through Russia. And today I realized that in this country, the topic of LGBT people is getting more and more restricted every day. That's why I decided to create this fundraiser. I intend to transfer all the money collected by you to the Russian LGBT network, the largest and almost the only foundation in Russia that deals with LGBT discrimination issues (lgbtnet.org).

Share: https://www.gofundme.com/f/vgmsd4-lgbt-in-russia

Apr 8, 2021, 12:26 PM
Hi Miles,

I too have spent time in Russia (specifically Moscow, Smolensk and Petersberg). I lived the Russian lifestyle in the 90’s in a cold rusty flat . I met people who had been dissidents and artists. One artist that I met had painted for 30 years and no one else saw his art. He feared being sent to gulag as he did not paint the accepted way. Russia had just come out of intense suppression in this was during a time pre Putin when he was building his control. As Putin gained control, the early freedoms began to disappear. I asked one woman about LGBT in Russia. She dismissed it as a problem of the West and there were no LGBT in Russia.

I lost my contact information with a writer that I had met. Russians that I met were fun loving people. I could tell that Russia will never be like western countries when it comes to freedom and rights. Still, some Russians continue to work at getting these right.

Miles, since you have spent time in Russia and continue contact I’m sure that you realize that there probably is a file on you. The file is in Putin’s world and maybe a file on you in your country. Were you there as a tourist or a visitor visa?

Be safe Miles