View Full Version : Vyvanse and extreme horniness

Apr 3, 2021, 9:51 AM
So I was recently prescribed Vyvanse for ADHD - I'm now take 50mg a day, each morning. In terms of work and stuff it's great: my concentration on college work is waaaay better than previously and my grades are improving.

But... there's an interesting side effect: about 90 minutes to two hours after I take it I get incredibly aroused. I'm 20 so am sometimes more horny in the mornings anyway lol, but this is on another level. Literally all-consuming.

It's so weird. My dick and balls actually shrivel up a bit when I take my meds - which I don't really mind as a trans person who is on hormones. When I take my meds I literally have the dick and balls back that I had as a little child lol, it's tiny. I can't get much of a boner on the meds either, it's just kind've limp.

But what I also get, especially when I've smoked weed too (a friend at college recommended it to take the edge off - lol idiot) is a weird tingly feeling in my balls and around my butthole. If I'm at home, I can spend hours once the meds kick in watching porn and using a dildo. A couple of times, when I've been on my way to college, I've actually ended up an hour later back at a random guy's house on all fours being screwed (it's pretty easy to find horny guys to meet up with during the commuter hour in the morning).

Anyway, it's wild, and from what I've read on Reddit, it's not that unusual for stim meds. It's not a problem yet - being that horny is sort of amazing - but it's definitely something I can't allow to get out of control. But has anyone else experienced anything like this, maybe on like Adderall or meds similar to Vyvanse?

Jaime x