View Full Version : Positive things about being Bi

Oct 1, 2006, 7:06 PM
With all the stereotypes about being bi and all the negative attitudes directed towards bisexuals is there anything you feel is positive about being bisexual?

Personally I like the openess I feel from being able to see the beauty in both men and women. Plus I feel like a bridge of understanding between the sexes. What I mean is I feel like I can understand the prespective of both men and women when it comes to relating to each other. Lastly, I'm glad that the concept of bisexuality exist. For so long I felt like I was in a state of limbo because I just didn't feel like I was straight nor did I feel like I was gay. It was a relief to discover that people like myself could identify as bisexual. I now feel like I have a community to which I'm a part of even if it's just online. So that's my little speel on what I think is great about being bi. :)

Oct 1, 2006, 7:20 PM
Being bi to me means knowing who you are and what you like. Ever since I came out to myself and started coming out to friends I've felt more like myself than ever...I feel more comfortable asking for what I want and I think I'm more honest with myself. Maybe it sounds stupid, but it really is freeing to start allowing yourself to feel a certain way that you tried to stop yourself from feeling before. It opens up a whole new playground.

Lisa (va)
Oct 2, 2006, 10:44 AM
Though I agree with the other posts of knowing oneself better I feel the most positive thing about being bi is the willingness to accept folks for who they are and not what they are, knowing it is the whole person and not just one simple fact that makes them individuals.


hugs n kisses

Oct 2, 2006, 10:55 AM
Having a great capacity for love than I ever thought possible.

Oct 2, 2006, 11:55 AM
With all the stereotypes about being bi and all the negative attitudes directed towards bisexuals is there anything you feel is positive about being bisexual?

I would have to agree with everything posted in response to this question. Personally, it has been the challenges of coming to terms with a part of me that I really did not want to face that has been the most positive. Facing and overcoming fear has been the catalyst for many of my life lessons, each one a battle and a struggle. For so many years I have ignored, fought, and denied the truth of my sexual nature. It is not to say that someone gay or straight has not had his or her battles as well. Our society / culture still to this day still suffers an identity crisis when it comes to sexual expression and probably will for many years to come. We are victims of outdated philosophies and belief systems deeply ingrained within our collective as well as individual psyches. Our hopes lie with the individual where change begins. Perhaps we are on the frontier of greater acceptance and tolerance but the individual is where it all begins. As we accept ourselves and live with our truths we are able to help others go through that same pain staking process. That is without a doubt the most positive attribute of this website. It is helping people to grow.
Another positive aspect to being bisexual is the directions it that it allows us in exploring possibilities. The brain is the most powerful erogenous organ we all possess. Whether you choose to realize your fantasies or remain monogamous is a personal choice and a decision that forces us to again examine those ancient philosophies and belief systems. The brain through imaginations, dreams, or other tools of creativity has no limitation. For many, that will be as far or as close, to experiencing their bisexual nature that many will ever allow themselves. I believe what we see is but the tip of a very large iceberg. We are many. Privately, many are watching what we do, lurking on the fringe of possibilities. They are questioning at the deepest levels their own pent up desires, and secretly wishing us success as we pave the way for those that follow.
Doing something to further human understanding of what amounts to being such a basic yet intricate part of ourselves can only be positive. Bisexuality frees us from the limitations that only serve to separate us.

Ambi :)

shameless agitator
Oct 2, 2006, 1:33 PM
Twice the options for getting laid

Oct 2, 2006, 7:03 PM
I think one underlooked thing about being a bi male is that I feel like I understand women better and maybe love women more than a heterosexual male. I just feel more passionate with them.

Oct 2, 2006, 7:08 PM
my sexual fantesies have a lot going on in them. :bigrin:

Oct 2, 2006, 10:22 PM
We are many. Privately, many are watching what we do, lurking on the fringe of possibilities. They are questioning at the deepest levels their own pent up desires, and secretly wishing us success as we pave the way for those that follow.
Doing something to further human understanding of what amounts to being such a basic yet intricate part of ourselves can only be positive. Bisexuality frees us from the limitations that only serve to separate us.

Ambi :)

Very well said.

Oct 3, 2006, 2:46 PM
Well put it this way. Do any straight men wish they didn't like blondes or didn't like black woman. Finding a certain number of people attractive is supposed to make you desperate, but no-one would change a thing about them all the same. Being bi is positive in itself.

Oct 4, 2006, 12:03 PM
Twice the options for getting laid

I was hoping noone said that so I could. :(

It means when I'm with my female friends and they're perving on
guys I can join in.

Oct 4, 2006, 12:28 PM
I like being a bi girl with a high sex drive, I like my masculine sexual intrest and approach to women and by feminine side that men think is so sweet (and then realise I'm as innocent as Lucifur hehe.- j/k exaggeration of course) I like being able to be with girls or guys so always gotan option for sex no matter what situation. I like being myself, being part of the bi community, look forward to living the scene a bit, that could have polymanogomous relations rather tahn just one partner for ever or even non manogomous = gd as well for now. I like talking on this site.