View Full Version : Bisexual women with straight male partners least likely to be out, study finds

Mar 7, 2021, 10:04 AM

Mar 7, 2021, 3:37 PM
Headline is deceptive. Not least likely versus, for example, bisexual men with straight female partners, but versus bisexual women with other than a straight male partner.

Mar 8, 2021, 12:20 PM
Are you out ? Why or why not?


Thanks for posting this study
I found this report initially difficult to focus on. I found the below quotes of interest. Most of this report of a study seemed to focus on female bisexual women.
As to the question about being “out”, I have often thought that need as more connected to gays and lesbians. I find bi CIS men generally avoiding publicly being out.

“Bisexual women in relationships with cisgender lesbian women, bisexual cisgender women partners, and bisexual cisgender men partners were more likely to be out than those partnered with heterosexual men.”

“However, bi women were more likely to be out with a bisexual male partner than a heterosexual male partner, suggesting that a shared bisexual identity might be meaningful.”

““The visibility of your identity could be at play,” he said. “If you are visibly queer, you may experience more discrimination.”

““I think it is important to give voice to the experiences of bisexual people,” Xavier Hall said.”

Mar 8, 2021, 5:29 PM
I read this yesterday and it was ... poorly titled and poorly written to really describe who was studied and how various relationships were ranked. I believe at one point they even listed the various matchups in an order that did not actually ascend or descend in ‘ranking’

It’s a study of only women, and clearly bi women in relationships with hetero men we least likely to be out - but they didn’t seem to do enough explanation of the why... perhaps it’s the age old attitude straight men have toward bi women (now we can have threesomes?) or is it more of a trust of partners?

Clearly, bi women that read this should note that they are better off with a bi man!