View Full Version : Venturing out, but not out out!

Mar 2, 2021, 7:39 PM
I was sexually abused from the age of 6 until 12 by an "uncle". However I have never felt abused, in fact quite the contrary, I enjoyed every bit of it.
Now I'm not condoning it at all but I just never had a problem with it, especially as it was never aggressive or violent and I always felt loved. Obviously I am one of the lucky ones but it did have a profound effect on my sexuality.

I am bisexual but straight (if that makes sense). I'm married to a lovely woman and enjoy a heterosexual life. But I still crave that physical male contact. Sadly she would be horrified at this thought.

As a teenager I had few very brief male encounters and one in my 30s. I'm in my 50s now but I can still remember the smell, feel and taste of cock. I can remember the feeling of the hardness between my legs, probing my entrance but never taking it all in.
I never got the chance to taste another man's cum (I have tasted plenty of my own) or feel him explode in my mouth, something I fantasise about. And Whilst I may enjoy a woman I would love to be guided by a confident man, gently but firmly in all he has to offer - not a, quick fuck but a evening of pleasure . I'm definitely a bottom and the thought of someone gently breaking me in is very exciting.

So who knows maybe one day I will get the courage up to meet a very discreet friend who I can fulfil this need and in return give then something to enjoy. In the meantime I will just fantasise. LOL