View Full Version : Meeting guys online

Feb 17, 2021, 9:09 PM
Anyone try it? How was it? Ive only tried with women and went well. I see a ad and tempted to try but nervous if it doesnt go well. Any advice?

Feb 17, 2021, 10:15 PM
Anyone try it? How was it? Ive only tried with women and went well. I see a ad and tempted to try but nervous if it doesnt go well. Any advice?

If there is something you don’t like, leave. Always trust your instincts.

Feb 17, 2021, 10:32 PM
If there is something you don’t like, leave. Always trust your instincts.
Thats true. He looks good, has a nice body.

Feb 18, 2021, 1:48 AM
I have had a few blow jobs that way. They have been decent guys. I think adverts need to be detailed though. Not just a few words. Good grammar helps. :)

Feb 18, 2021, 1:24 PM
I've met a few, mostly through Adam4Adam. One thing they all had in common, they all posted pictures of themselves when they were younger and thinner. Practically every one of them was much older and much heavier than the pictures portrayed them. Since I live in a gated apartment, I just watch as they show up, and if they don't look like their pictures, I don't open the gate for them. I hate fake people. The guys that show up here and look like their pictures, they get in. Few and far between.

Feb 18, 2021, 4:13 PM
Anyone try it? How was it? Ive only tried with women and went well. I see a ad and tempted to try but nervous if it doesnt go well. Any advice?

I will say the same thing I always do................be excited for meeting someone new, but also move forward with a hint of caution. Not to generalize gender, but meeting men can be a whole different ball of wax.

- you never know if the guy is a hater of who he personally is and can be dangerous
- you never know if he just hates anything that is not hetero and may show up with his boys
- you never know if they are a drug user or violent

Of course, you could also make a friend for life and have great times. Personally, I make use of the cloud, may as well have technology work for me.

When I met people online male / female didn't matter. I would meet publicly, like a coffee shop the first time, talk, weed out the crazy. When I got home, I stored my notes online to the where and when. If I could, I got license plate number, screenshots etc etc. I stored it, then when I went to meet, I left a note on my kitchen table

Yeah, I know, makes me sound paranoid, but, I value my safety. When I have sex, I wear a condom, when I drive I wear a seatbelt and maintain my car, when I meet new people, I make sure it's in a safe fashion

Feb 18, 2021, 4:14 PM
Many times. I've had some fantastic experiences, some okay and a few duds. Always communicate beforehand, find out as much as you can about the person. Ask for a real name.

Feb 18, 2021, 7:34 PM
I have had a few blow jobs that way. They have been decent guys. I think adverts need to be detailed though. Not just a few words. Good grammar helps. :)

Right on! Good, substantive communication is right up at the top of my list of desirable qualities in potential playmates.

Feb 19, 2021, 10:56 AM
I'm getting pretty frustrated with it!

I put a post on a local R4R on reddit. 80% of the replies were 20somethings cheating on their girlfriends, some drama I'm not interested in (cheating...), 15% wanted to meet right away and hook up-that's a non starter considering current conditions.
Had 1 young man who started off saying he was a sissy and wanted to be dominated, used, abused, etc. He caught my attention since my wife and I enjoy some BDSM play. He sent me several wonderful pictures of "himself" and asked for a dick pic. I said "no". Partially as a Dom and partially because I'm just not a fan of sending them, told him he could see it when we met, yes, I'd sent him face and body pics.
We set a tentative date where he would let me know when he was free from an obligation and we'd meet. The rough time came and went with no word from him, then 6 hours later he says he got tied up at work. I'm thinking "Really, you didn't get a break or lunch or even take a piss so you could send a quick message"?!?! So I just reply with "Uh huh". He sends back "Send me your address, I'll come strip on your porch and then you can decide if you want to invite me in or not".
Yeah, I don't think so...

I'll add here that my wife is very supportive and exploring herself, and we had started swinging before CoVid. She is also high up the chain of command in a very conservative organization doing work that is part of her identity and very important to her, so we tread carefully and require some trust and discretion.

Next, I start chatting with a Trans girl from this same R4R. Yay! Except from the start, she says she doesn't use kik?!?! Doesn't like the chat function on reddit?!?! Wants to chat, but only on cell. Well, that's a no from me at this point, she's still a complete stranger. I don't even know if she's actually who she says she is, and EVERYBODY in the past 1.5 yrs since we started swinging is on kik so WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?!?! A quick Google of my cell gives you my name, short walk to my wife from there so NO.

Aaargh!!! Rant over.

Feb 19, 2021, 11:05 AM
No luck. Lot of phonies who claim to want to meet and cancel..at least they did that. Met one who was a nice guy but scared people would think he was gay. Not sure why he even wanted to meet.

Feb 19, 2021, 12:50 PM
I met my first couple on Craigslist, but eventually used the pay service version of SilverDaddies, Squirt, and a couple of others (better quality control when both sides are paying money to be there.

Feb 19, 2021, 3:27 PM
Right on! Good, substantive communication is right up at the top of my list of desirable qualities in potential playmates.

Guys are terrible at communication. I have such an increased sympathy for what women go through with ambivalent men. About half the time I ask a multi part question, all I get back is a one word answer like "yeah." If I ask a string of short questions, only one gets answered, although it is sometimes hard to know which question the answer of "yeah" goes with.

Feb 19, 2021, 4:20 PM
any one i meet on line i meet in person first like in public some where

Christopher South
Feb 19, 2021, 5:44 PM
A quick Google of my cell gives you my name, short walk to my wife from there so NO.

Aaargh!!! Rant over.

I use a Google voice number for calls and texts. Not sure if you can still get one anonymously but worth trying.

Feb 19, 2021, 5:57 PM
I use a Google voice number for calls and texts. Not sure if you can still get one anonymously but worth trying.

There are plenty of VOIP services around. It has a block feature in case someone gets annoying and it can always be changed to another number or service. I use one and give it out freely.

Feb 19, 2021, 6:26 PM
Guys are terrible at communication. I have such an increased sympathy for what women go through with ambivalent men. About half the time I ask a multi part question, all I get back is a one word answer like "yeah."

Yeah... :)

This is a big reason that I don't like online text chats. I'm a bit reserved in 'real-life', but very communicative in this medium. I'm also moderately quick-witted and type pretty well. So I'll dash off a sentence or two, using appropriate spelling and English skills, in a very short time. Then I sit and wait for what seems like 2 - 3 minutes and get a 'lol' or 'me to' response. :rolleyes:

Feb 20, 2021, 7:59 AM
I will say the same thing I always do................be excited for meeting someone new, but also move forward with a hint of caution. Not to generalize gender, but meeting men can be a whole different ball of wax.

- you never know if the guy is a hater of who he personally is and can be dangerous
- you never know if he just hates anything that is not hetero and may show up with his boys
- you never know if they are a drug user or violent

Of course, you could also make a friend for life and have great times. Personally, I make use of the cloud, may as well have technology work for me.

When I met people online male / female didn't matter. I would meet publicly, like a coffee shop the first time, talk, weed out the crazy. When I got home, I stored my notes online to the where and when. If I could, I got license plate number, screenshots etc etc. I stored it, then when I went to meet, I left a note on my kitchen table

Yeah, I know, makes me sound paranoid, but, I value my safety. When I have sex, I wear a condom, when I drive I wear a seatbelt and maintain my car, when I meet new people, I make sure it's in a safe fashion

You make a lot of good points. Thats good you are safe, I always wear a condom too. With meeting women i worry about being setup and robbed but didnt think of meeting a guy, that makes me really nervous. Thanks for your input. I can't believe how people still dont protect themselves especially today with covid. I have a friend who meets women and cums inside them. He doesnt worry about catching something.

I do admit i met a woman back in November at a motel and also went to a brothel where there was a lot of guys in this small house. Other times they have more than one woman to pick but this time they had only had one woman from Colombia who didnt speak any English.

I think if it might be safer meeting a transwoman but still have the same worries. Even harder with worrying about covid, seems easier just being alone.

Thanks everyone for the feedback

Feb 21, 2021, 2:02 AM
Funny thing. A guy who recently joined this site is in my area. He contacted me here. And now we are swapping text messages. Sent him my phone number yesterday. Woke u[p to a picture of his cock on my phone this morning. Nice! Sent him two of mine right on the verge of shooting cum. We'll see what transpires.

Feb 21, 2021, 11:57 AM
There are plenty of VOIP services around. It has a block feature in case someone gets annoying and it can always be changed to another number or service. I use one and give it out freely.

Got a recommendation? Reading reviews on google play makes them all seem equally mediocre.

Feb 21, 2021, 7:39 PM
I have used textfree app for a free internet number. Also google voice.

Feb 22, 2021, 6:57 AM
Funny thing. A guy who recently joined this site is in my area. He contacted me here. And now we are swapping text messages. Sent him my phone number yesterday. Woke u[p to a picture of his cock on my phone this morning. Nice! Sent him two of mine right on the verge of shooting cum. We'll see what transpires.

Good luck to you two!

Apr 5, 2021, 5:22 AM
Craigslist was my go-to whenever ii was in the mood to suck dick. After CL personals bit the dust I learned of A4A. I am very cautious of who I meet. Grammar and sentence structure of the correspondence tells me a lot about a guy's character. I will not meet in any sketchy location. I will only play in a safe, private and secure location - either his place or a motel room. No woodsy outdoorsy stuff or car play for me. I get tested frequently along with my wife - we both play with others. I expect the same of anybody with whom I am hooking up.

Apr 5, 2021, 8:42 AM
I am very cautious of who I meet. Grammar and sentence structure of the correspondence tells me a lot about a guy's character.With you on this, 100%. While not an absolute predictor of character, I think that clear and concise communication skills offer a revealing glimpse of basic intellect and potential for compatibility. I always try to put my best foot forward when corresponding, and appreciate responses that are substantive and coherent. So many guys can't be bothered with things like spelling, capitalization & punctuation, and probably think 'sentence structure' is another term for a prison cell...

Jun 14, 2021, 5:56 PM
How many messages would you trade with someone on a site like SilverDaddies before arranging to meet them in person in a public place, like a coffee shop? I feel like it's probably best to communicate for at least 2-3 weeks online to weed out people who are looking for immediate action. Thoughts?

Jun 14, 2021, 7:36 PM
How many messages would you trade with someone on a site like SilverDaddies before arranging to meet them in person in a public place, like a coffee shop?

I don't attempt to quantify it with a specific number of messages or a length of time. I look at the quality of the communication and the apparent level of effort put into exchanging substantive, candid and realistic information. I try to provide enough information in my profiles that someone reading them gets a decent idea of what type of person I am and the activities that I enjoy. If someone contacts me and says 'I like your profile and/or pictures', and that person has an essentially-blank profile, I make it clear that the onus is on him to put forth an honest effort to let me know as much about him as he's seen about me.

Many just can't be bothered and disappear. You don't have to write a book, but it should be clear why you're posting on an adult site and to give some basic information about yourself. Some make a token effort in the beginning, but can't scrape together enough nouns and verbs to get to the next step.

Jun 14, 2021, 10:06 PM
If there is something you don’t like, leave. Always trust your instincts.

I would say that, and when you do meet in person, do so in a public setting like a dinner of Coffee Shop....

Jun 15, 2021, 7:28 AM
Craigslist was my go-to whenever ii was in the mood to suck dick. After CL personals bit the dust I learned of A4A. I am very cautious of who I meet. Grammar and sentence structure of the correspondence tells me a lot about a guy's character. I will not meet in any sketchy location. I will only play in a safe, private and secure location - either his place or a motel room. No woodsy outdoorsy stuff or car play for me. I get tested frequently along with my wife - we both play with others. I expect the same of anybody with whom I am hooking up.

Great points and riadmap to staying safe.
I assume, condoms are involved in every situation except oral?

Jun 15, 2021, 7:36 AM
With you on this, 100%. While not an absolute predictor of character, I think that clear and concise communication skills offer a revealing glimpse of basic intellect and potential for compatibility. I always try to put my best foot forward when corresponding, and appreciate responses that are substantive and coherent. So many guys can't be bothered with things like spelling, capitalization & punctuation, and probably think 'sentence structure' is another term for a prison cell...

I don?t want to sound like an English professor, but I must agree. I don?t want someone to write a college essay, but I haven?t found anyone that can coherently write 5 lines.

its usually “hey, whatsup or Are you still looking”.
Nothing wrong but my personal experience is this: one lines replies don?t work for me. 100 percent of the time. They end there. No more replies, follow ups.. my experience with Doublelist.

if anyone has good experience with paid sites where I wstill stay closeted , abd not compromise my banking info, I?d be glad to hear. Thanks! ��

Jun 15, 2021, 1:32 PM
I found a stie called rent.men. seems legit. Has a lot of good looking guys. Probably won't use it cause I tried a dating website and had a few responses from some guys.

Jun 16, 2021, 6:57 PM
I found a dude on squirt.org and it was my first time. It was pretty cool. I was hella nervous too.

Jun 18, 2021, 6:04 AM
All the guys I have sucked (around 15) I met online through doublelist.