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Dec 20, 2020, 5:08 PM
On some sites, I have tops say that they prefer bareback because they are on PrEP.
If one takes PrEP regularly, never misses a dose, is he 100 % protected against HIV?
I understand that does not prevent STI's like gonorrhea, Syphilis and Chlamydia. Is this correct?

What are your views about barebacking with a top that takes PrEP? I am told that barebacking is very different experience than doing it with a wrapped dick .... Especially when the top cums inside (have heard that the feeling of cum dripping from the man-pussy to the thighs is romantic?)

Just asking to see what you think.Never barebacked though.

Dec 21, 2020, 9:08 AM
On some sites, I have tops say that they prefer bareback because they are on PrEP.
If one takes PrEP regularly, never misses a dose, is he 100 % protected against HIV?
I understand that does not prevent STI's like gonorrhea, Syphilis and Chlamydia. Is this correct?

What are your views about barebacking with a top that takes PrEP? I am told that barebacking is very different experience than doing it with a wrapped dick .... Especially when the top cums inside (have heard that the feeling of cum dripping from the man-pussy to the thighs is romantic?)

Just asking to see what you think.Never barebacked though.

Prep only prevents HIV so yes, other STD's are still certainly possible. Men who have multiple partners really should get a full STD panel of tests regularly if they are going to go bare. When both men are monitoring their health the chances of a problem are much reduced.

Dec 21, 2020, 3:57 PM
My protégé, who is on PreP, mentioned to me how a lot of guys in his neck of the woods seem to think that being on PreP keeps them safe from STDs... which it doesn't so they remain a real concern. Bareback versus covered up... a kind of hot button kind of thing. Being in there bare provides levels of tactile sensation that just adds to one's pleasure both ways but condoms make it safer and some are as thin as possible to provide for that needed tactile sensation without such a thin condom failing to do its job. There is something terribly exciting and erotic about having a load of cum deposited directly into you and I've been of a mind to think that there's something going on in the lizard part of our brains that makes this so... satisfying to know that the cum is going in you rather than being collected in the tip of a condom. Some say that there's no real difference or lack of sensation when a condom is employed and some say that, to them, it's as different as night and day and that knowing that the guy is busting a nut in you isn't quite the same as knowing there's nothing between his cum and your body.

So Neonaught is quite right that those who choose to go bare should get that STD panel done and regularly so and even if they're on PreP. The smart money says to always use condoms and insist on them being used but the "problem" here is that some guys are allergic in some way and then there's that insane thing where some guys, when even trying to put a condom on, will lose their erection completely or to the point where penetration isn't possible. Now, um, is feeling cum dripping out of you romantic? I personally never thought of it that way but some guys probably do but there is something about feeling his spunk oozing out that makes it feel... complete; I can't really explain it but "romantic" isn't the word that comes to mind in my mind.

Dec 21, 2020, 4:28 PM
My protégé, who is on PreP, mentioned to me how a lot of guys in his neck of the woods seem to think that being on PreP keeps them safe from STDs... which it doesn't so they remain a real concern. Bareback versus covered up... a kind of hot button kind of thing. Being in there bare provides levels of tactile sensation that just adds to one's pleasure both ways but condoms make it safer and some are as thin as possible to provide for that needed tactile sensation without such a thin condom failing to do its job. There is something terribly exciting and erotic about having a load of cum deposited directly into you and I've been of a mind to think that there's something going on in the lizard part of our brains that makes this so... satisfying to know that the cum is going in you rather than being collected in the tip of a condom. Some say that there's no real difference or lack of sensation when a condom is employed and some say that, to them, it's as different as night and day and that knowing that the guy is busting a nut in you isn't quite the same as knowing there's nothing between his cum and your body.

So Neonaught is quite right that those who choose to go bare should get that STD panel done and regularly so and even if they're on PreP. The smart money says to always use condoms and insist on them being used but the "problem" here is that some guys are allergic in some way and then there's that insane thing where some guys, when even trying to put a condom on, will lose their erection completely or to the point where penetration isn't possible. Now, um, is feeling cum dripping out of you romantic? I personally never thought of it that way but some guys probably do but there is something about feeling his spunk oozing out that makes it feel... complete; I can't really explain it but "romantic" isn't the word that comes to mind in my mind.

Thanks for your reply. With STI's again most I guess are treatable. Herpes I hear is not.
As for cum dripping from the ass - I guess it would be a "complete" experience. so far have only seen that on porn..... and I am turned on by that.

Dec 21, 2020, 5:05 PM
it does give that sense of completeness which is why so many get very upset when the other guy doesn't cum at all. I really wish I could put this into words without sounding like an idiot but having him cum in you being bare, for many, makes all the difference in the world when it comes to having that great sense of pleasure; no cum just equates to a lack of pleasure and while one can most definitely feel a condom-covered cock pumping away inside of them, the absence of that cum oozing out just isn't the same - but it is safe. I know that it doesn't feel the same to me and, again, I can't really explain why other than it just doesn't feel the same.

Dec 21, 2020, 5:24 PM
Having him cum in you bare is a level of intimacy (for me anyhow). I wouldn’t consider it with anyone I wasn’t already in an intimate/trusting and fully STD/STI tested. Yes, some STIs are treatable, but I can’t imagine having herpes in that area of my body or actually taking pills for the rest of my life. That’s why for me if I’m on bottom (condoms are required) until I find that unicorn of a relationship (closed loop) where I can experience that level of intimacy.

Dec 21, 2020, 7:06 PM
Having him cum in you bare is a level of intimacy (for me anyhow). I wouldn’t consider it with anyone I wasn’t already in an intimate/trusting and fully STD/STI tested. Yes, some STIs are treatable, but I can’t imagine having herpes in that area of my body or actually taking pills for the rest of my life. That’s why for me if I’m on bottom (condoms are required) until I find that unicorn of a relationship (closed loop) where I can experience that level of intimacy.

Oh yes

Jan 25, 2021, 7:41 PM
As long as HIV is involved I'm definitely not worried as my boyfriend and me are doing it with condom. I get that many guys like to go bareback as it's a really intimate situation, but I would still be afraid. Of course, I am aware, and I made sure to learn about the importance of PrEP (https://www.prescriptiondoctor.com/prep/prep) as there are articles that explain the whole scenario in detail meaning that you are essentially really protected. However, since I know that my hubby likes to roam around now and then as I can not control his sexuality when it comes to women as well I like to still use rubber and play it safe till we are there together for life and stop it.

Jun 14, 2021, 6:19 PM
Has anyone experienced any side-effect while taking PrEP?