View Full Version : Porn Hub and Canada

Dec 9, 2020, 11:36 PM
On this evening's news, the website Porn Hub has been brought to the public media in and outside of Canada. CTV National news reported this and they are a respected media news site. Accusations have been made that child porn has been linked to porn hub. Something was mentioned about a 15 year old girl being raped and murdered in Florida. She was linked to Porn Hub. Porn Hub's head office is reportedly located in Montreal. It was reported that other young women have been found. I did not catch more details.

Not, to be a prude but I think that some images posted recently on this site has been too explicit and may be better on sites like Squirt. Canada is investigating and probably the US and some other countries. Craigs list was accused of similar action and "dating" sites like Craigs lead to a shake up and dropping of some aspects of Craig's.

You may do what you want but be forwarned to be cautious.

Dec 10, 2020, 12:10 AM
The site here has deteriorated over the past two years in particular into a Jr high porn site. It has chased a lot of long time members away and Bisexual.com may not survive what is occurring. I really wish individuals could "Ignore Threads" so those who want to engage in dialog could hide porn photos and fantasy stories from their personal view. There are thousands of other sites to post porn on, it would be nice to see some provocative discussions that were here at one time rather than about every thread being show me you package or how big of a slut are you. I can see the light switch going out here in the near future.

Dec 10, 2020, 11:12 AM
The reason Craig’s List personals were removed was not due to child porn on their site. The US passed the “Fight Online Sex Trafficking Act” to slow or stop sex trafficking. The stance was that traffickers use online personals to sell the women or offer their services. I’ve been a member here quite a while and I can’t say that I’ve seen anything resembling kiddie porn here, and I hope not to. I’d have to disagree that then site is on its last leg, I’ve seen more activity over the last year than say 2-3 years ago when I really thought the site would be shut down. Whether or not that’s good content is in the eye of the beholder. I don’t mind seeing dick and ass pics but if I don’t want to I just don’t open that thread.

Dec 10, 2020, 11:41 AM
"I don’t mind seeing dick and ass pics but if I don’t want to I just don’t open that thread."

I do recall that Drew had concern about the content of the site during the period where Craig's was being investigated. He posted his concern and asked the members to cautious. I did a little researching and it looks like face images (mostly women) were posted on the profile up till around 2012? Dicks and pussy were discussed but not porn based. Image Content in posts asking posters which dick /vagina do they prefer is placing "bisexuality" as porn rather than issues of concerned bisexuals.

I've been a member since around 2006. Here is my perspective on bi.com history and issues. The site was invaded by trolls after Drew died. Porn hub and bisexual.com started in Canada. Drew did look for bigger servers and switched the site to a US based for that reason. Canadian laws and Charter Rights will be used in Porn Hub(I suspect) legal case. Whether child porn accusations makes the legal system look at threads and blogs on bi.com time will tell. When I read some blogs and threads makes me wonder if the poster has a porn fantasy going on or mental illness issues. Either of these reasons really has not much to do with bisexuality and more to do with porn. When a newer member creates a post, perhaps they should ask themselves if their post has something to do with bisexuality or are they merely posting jerk off material.

Costacoast, I agree with you in a lot of cases. It is up to the members to say that without attacking the member and create threads that are bisexuality based and not so pervy. Sucking dick and being anally penetrated are not necessarily bisexual based and significant for bisexuals as a sexuality with social difficulties connected to our bisexuality. Questioning as to whether a post has more connection to gays is valid as an issue and of concern to bisexuals regardless what side a poster is on.

I think that we have more to do than just not open the thread when the content of this site reads more porn than bisexuality based. Stand up for your sexuality and say something!!

Dec 10, 2020, 1:15 PM
When the porn is 90% of the threads on the page and 1/2 of the content could be classified as Spam since they are direct re-posts from Pornhub, Hamster or othercommercial sites the site is a basic porn site. It would be nice to be able to hide them when an individual does not intend to visit a mostly gay porn site but a site to do with bisexuality. Yes there are still a good number of posts here, 90% of it by a dozen or so posting porn and asking how many guys can you blow or screw at once or how do I get away with screwing guys on the side without the wife knowing. If Pornhub did have a real issue judging by the amount of Pornhub on the site here do you think Brian might have an issue? I do. The value of the name Bisexual.com may exceed the value of the site to him if that occurs. The site at that point would be reached the same way as most posting now would visit shybiguys. In their memories.

Dec 10, 2020, 11:31 PM
On tonights news, it was announced that VISA will not permit the credit to go to porn hub via VISA. There are not a lot of details but young children, kidnapping and violence were mentioned.

Dec 11, 2020, 2:11 AM

Dec 11, 2020, 4:50 AM

I could not open this connection but found another link to similar. Apparently, our Prime Minister commented on the illegal content issue. Trudeau's riding is in Montreal and maybe porn hub is in his Montreal riding?


Dec 14, 2020, 11:44 PM
More Porn Hub news. So the reaction continues….

After its purge, Pornhub’s video count went from 13.5 million to 7.2 million on Monday morning, according to Vice (https://www.vice.com/en/article/jgqjjy/pornhub-suspended-all-unverified-videos-content) — equal to a drop of 46.6%.

“Yet there’s another side of the company: Its site is infested with rape videos. It monetizes child rapes, revenge pornography, spy cam videos of women showering, racist and misogynist content, and footage of women being asphyxiated in plastic bags."


Dec 15, 2020, 12:43 AM
About 10 years ago there was a large popular site that allowed users to upload content that went down in flames. The videos of people too impaired to consent began the legal action that lead to the shutting down of the site. The accusation of minors was never substantiated to any degree but it is what started the investigation. The cost of defense can be great enough for many to throw in the towel and shut a site down even if a trial would end in acquittal.