View Full Version : The CIS Ladies of Bisexual.com

Dec 5, 2020, 12:55 PM
Lets recall the ladies of bisexual.com who are not posting and sharing their thought here.

What was their user name?

What is a funny remembrance of things that they shared with other bisexuals?

Are there any thoughts that you would like to share with the newcomers?

You are welcome to multi post different ladies but separately for each lady and memory. (or a theme on a string of posts (if that makes any sense.

Any bi lady or friend of bisexual.com who drops by join the posts and remind us who you are.

Dec 5, 2020, 1:02 PM
The strongest memory is darkeyes.

She still posts here and has shared her wisdom and Scots humour.

Darkeyes(från) has wit and strength capable of putting a "lesser human" in his place. (Thats men)

I remember checking out her images in her profile. I could see a hot, petite, dark haired little number that I liked. Sadly, one member from Wales pointed out to me that the image was of a singer and not dark eyes. I still don't know what she looks like but she is still a hot ...all be it a lesbian now.

Dec 6, 2020, 9:18 AM
The strongest memory is darkeyes.

She still posts here and has shared her wisdom and Scots humour.

Darkeyes(från) has wit and strength capable of putting a "lesser human" in his place. (Thats men)

I remember checking out her images in her profile. I could see a hot, petite, dark haired little number that I liked. Sadly, one member from Wales pointed out to me that the image was of a singer and not dark eyes. I still don't know what she looks like but she is still a hot ...all be it a lesbian now.I did make it clear it wasn't me.. A wee flick on the pics would've cleared that up. Wish I were so gorge.. She and I share colouring, being wee and a love of music. Katie Melua.. That's who she was.. Still is. Sexy creature. Beautiful voice. I 1ce stood so close to her her scent made me legs wobble!!!

There were pictures of another equally yummie creature.. Camila Valejo (Dowling), former student leader in Chile, now Communist Deputy in Chile's parliament. Katie was in me profile because one I adored for her artistic talent, and gorgeness. Camila because we believed in and fought for the same things even if we aren't politically of the same party or country. Ne ways no doubt she won't b apple of many eyes on site because of her politics. Still there is hope for the US yet with the re-election of 5 socialist women to the Senate.. from little acorns doth great oaks grow!!

I'm often flippant, enjoy giggles, but I have me serious side, Tenni. ��

.. the term is "lesser mortals" which gets right up the noses of quite a few guys, and not a few women. Nope, I don't think men are less than me. But I am certainly not less than them!

Dec 6, 2020, 11:12 AM
There were so many, tenni.. women that is.. Caring, good fun, loving. A couple of whom I loved more than just platonically. One I lcame to love deeply, with real passion. Several more I was attracted to sexually because of who they were, and how they were. Some I just lusted after in chat. I've never been an innocent.

Rox.. Just a teen girl but adorable. I was 25 and about 6 years older. The first girl on site I loved.

Arana and CSRA Kate. Fabulous women, older than myself who helped me through the odd personal crisis.

Marie Delta 1 of 2 transwomen I did and do adore.

The luffly Mars. A beautiful South African girl who I picked a fight with in public because of something she said. I regret that verbal scrap, but while I think I was right in what I said, it should have been said in private..

Green Eyed Lady of Gel.. Funny sexy and gr8 fun.

Vittoria, someone who had an uncanny ability to stimulate sexually without suggestion. Met East Chick was another such. Still Shy too, whose reticence was somehow alluring.

Andie who could do anything she liked it only she was closer.

Annika L, the second Transwoman who came to mean a lot to me. A long time ago we would sit through the wee small hours and share our own woes and the troubles of the world.

There are others. My former wife and partner and my best friend's little cousin both of whom I still see, both of whom are tootling through life in the str8 world. Both acknowledge their bisexuality while life and love prevent them from practicing it.

There were others and all enriched my time on .com, indeed my life and I have no regrets about knowing them but many about the passing of times that they were part of my life. I love and miss ya all!!

Dec 6, 2020, 10:24 PM
Lets see there was Cherokee Mountain Cat, Ninnian, Lisa(VA),Rockgardener,and ByHisSide.

Cherokee Mountain Cat had some great postings that always made me laugh, and she would sign it, Bad Cat.

Dec 6, 2020, 11:18 PM
was chatting with another person the other day, discussing the forum before it changed and lost a ton of people................the big question was, could it be turned back, or do the majority of the people want it turned back ?

Long Duck Dong
Dec 7, 2020, 2:05 AM
rissababynta, *peg * hunnypot....... and a couple of very interesting trans females with great understanding and awareness......

One of my sisters, two of my partners, also belonged to the site... my sister * twilight skye*, her partner, and also my own partner * duckies darling * have all passed on, in the years I have belonged to the site......

Long Duck Dong
Dec 7, 2020, 2:13 AM
was chatting with another person the other day, discussing the forum before it changed and lost a ton of people................the big question was, could it be turned back, or do the majority of the people want it turned back ?

Lol with the right owners, a lot of money, a few minor changes and a lot of good people and time, the site would bounce back again to a place that many called home, it would never be the same as it was but that does not mean that it can not become a home again.......

It needs a stable chat system even if its a stand alone system that is accessed through the site, sadly it would be BYO coffee, lol..... and it needs more discussion threads, with a filter option so threads can be marked as sex or general discussion and a person can choose to hide all sex threads or some of them..... so its easier to find threads they want to view....

If my friends and I had brought the site as we once considered, we would update the site, add the chat and tweak the forum, add a moderation team, and pretty much leave it at that.....so people get a feel for what would make the site better for them and not just a sex thread site

Dec 7, 2020, 8:00 PM
was chatting with another person the other day, discussing the forum before it changed and lost a ton of people................the big question was, could it be turned back, or do the majority of the people want it turned back ?

There are problems with this site, I've contacted Brian about them, and have never gotten a response.

Dec 10, 2020, 6:25 AM
She actually posts here and has shared her insight and Scots humor.