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Nov 29, 2020, 9:59 PM
I don’t begrudge ANYONE their consensual preferences. Enjoy, and more power to ya! I’m just wondering if any of the other guys here share my feelings. I love everything about a woman’s body, but when it comes to a man, the only things that turn me on about him are his cock, his balls, and the fluid they generate sexually. I’m not into kissing or caressing a man, just sucking him off. Also, I get a LOT more sexual energy (and masturbatory material) from sucking my partner off, as opposed to anything my partner does to/for ME. I’m just curious to find out if any others have similar feelings. ✌️

Nov 29, 2020, 11:43 PM
Me too. It’s all about cock!

Nov 30, 2020, 1:12 AM
Your perspective seems pretty common.

Nov 30, 2020, 3:54 AM
I don’t begrudge ANYONE their consensual preferences. Enjoy, and more power to ya! I’m just wondering if any of the other guys here share my feelings. I love everything about a woman’s body, but when it comes to a man, the only things that turn me on about him are his cock, his balls, and the fluid they generate sexually. I’m not into kissing or caressing a man, just sucking him off. Also, I get a LOT more sexual energy (and masturbatory material) from sucking my partner off, as opposed to anything my partner does to/for ME. I’m just curious to find out if any others have similar feelings. ✌️

I feel the same as you. Watching a man suck my cock isn't a turn on to me. Seeing a woman with her cheeks sucked in around my cock is something I want to see. a man's nipples don't move me to want to suck them, but a woman's nipples - I can't get enough. No part of a woman is less than exquisite to me.

On the other hand, I'm up for every thing in the area of his shorts - his cock, his balls, his asshole. Even putting my nose between his balls and leg and taking in that scent can make me cum hard in his mouth.

Nov 30, 2020, 9:42 AM
I agree. Most guys are fluid sexually (it's widely accepted in the scientific community) but when it comes to partnering 'for life' most of us want a woman - for procreation, family, intimacy, domestic life, emotional balance, support, etc. Not to mention women are more pleasant to look at than 99% of guys. Most of us are wired this way. Survival of the species and all that.

But another aspect of this is how much attention and sexual satisfaction & physical connection do you get from your female partner (if you even have one). If you have a woman who takes care of you sexually and makes you feel wanted, you won't be as likely to dab into men. When I was in my early 20's I had this 18 yo. girlfriend who was very much into me and literally couldn't keep her hands off me. She couldn't wait to fuck me every time we met. She had such a crush on me that she would be dripping wet as soon as her panties came off. We fucked in cars, the library, public bathrooms, anywhere she could get it. She couldn't get enough of me and would do anything I wanted. During that time I didn't even look at porn, much less gay/bi porn. I had all the attendion needed from her.

So another part of this is, we all want to feel wanted. When our wives lose interest or there are no women around, we look for where we can get attention: other men who are just as horny as us. We want to suck cock because we want to feel desired and appreciated. Look at guys in jail.

So I bet a lot of us guys on this website also don't have a great sex life at home.

Nov 30, 2020, 10:09 AM
When I first accepted that I wasn’t heterosexual, I was definitely only interested in cocks and cum. Once I started chatting with guys and watching male on male porn I started to find guys I was attracted to more than just their cocks. And even after that I couldn’t find guys attractive unless they were nude, I’ve just now (after 20 years of acceptance) have I started being able to look at a clothes male and understand his attractiveness. And some guys NEVER get there and that’s ok too! Welcome bud im happy you’re here

Nov 30, 2020, 8:40 PM
I agree. Most guys are fluid sexually (it's widely accepted in the scientific community) but when it comes to partnering 'for life' most of us want a woman - for procreation, family, intimacy, domestic life, emotional balance, support, etc. Not to mention women are more pleasant to look at than 99% of guys. Most of us are wired this way. Survival of the species and all that.

But another aspect of this is how much attention and sexual satisfaction & physical connection do you get from your female partner (if you even have one). If you have a woman who takes care of you sexually and makes you feel wanted, you won't be as likely to dab into men. When I was in my early 20's I had this 18 yo. girlfriend who was very much into me and literally couldn't keep her hands off me. She couldn't wait to fuck me every time we met. She had such a crush on me that she would be dripping wet as soon as her panties came off. We fucked in cars, the library, public bathrooms, anywhere she could get it. She couldn't get enough of me and would do anything I wanted. During that time I didn't even look at porn, much less gay/bi porn. I had all the attendion needed from her.

So another part of this is, we all want to feel wanted. When our wives lose interest or there are no women around, we look for where we can get attention: other men who are just as horny as us. We want to suck cock because we want to feel desired and appreciated. Look at guys in jail.

So I bet a lot of us guys on this website also don't have a great sex life at home.

I agree with most of what you said, as I am very attracted to everything about a woman and have never been attracted to a guy in the same way...but a hard cock is also so sexy. I never really thought about it in terms of what sex I was attracted to...just that I like 'this' in this woman and 'that' in another. Years ago we were in a gay/lesbian bookstore and I saw a sexy calendar of a bunch of naked people laying on beach towels, when I looked closer I realized that they were all actually nude smooth men! I didn't change my mind that they weren't sexy after realizing this, and instead opened my mind to the fact that the features are what are sexy to me and not what sex they are.
I also never had the desire to kiss another guy, but after being forcibly kissed by a guy on more than one occasion, I realized how hot and good guys can kiss...and usually you can't tell that you are 'not' kissing a woman.
Recently I am more interested in CDers who are close to being passable, like myself. Kind of like the best of both worlds...a sexy lady with a sexy cock and not all the issues females have with sex.
So, be open to try something new, and like it for your own reasons...

Dec 14, 2020, 2:24 PM
I don’t begrudge ANYONE their consensual preferences. Enjoy, and more power to ya! I’m just wondering if any of the other guys here share my feelings. I love everything about a woman’s body, but when it comes to a man, the only things that turn me on about him are his cock, his balls, and the fluid they generate sexually. I’m not into kissing or caressing a man, just sucking him off. Also, I get a LOT more sexual energy (and masturbatory material) from sucking my partner off, as opposed to anything my partner does to/for ME. I’m just curious to find out if any others have similar feelings. ✌️

Absolutely. I am not interested in any romantic type gestures with a guy. No kissing...no cuddling, etc. I just want to be his submissive cocksucker. I want to be used, pleasure his cock and swallow his cum.

Dec 14, 2020, 2:27 PM
I agree with most of what you said, as I am very attracted to everything about a woman and have never been attracted to a guy in the same way...but a hard cock is also so sexy. I never really thought about it in terms of what sex I was attracted to...just that I like 'this' in this woman and 'that' in another. Years ago we were in a gay/lesbian bookstore and I saw a sexy calendar of a bunch of naked people laying on beach towels, when I looked closer I realized that they were all actually nude smooth men! I didn't change my mind that they weren't sexy after realizing this, and instead opened my mind to the fact that the features are what are sexy to me and not what sex they are.
I also never had the desire to kiss another guy, but after being forcibly kissed by a guy on more than one occasion, I realized how hot and good guys can kiss...and usually you can't tell that you are 'not' kissing a woman.
Recently I am more interested in CDers who are close to being passable, like myself. Kind of like the best of both worlds...a sexy lady with a sexy cock and not all the issues females have with sex.
So, be open to try something new, and like it for your own reasons...

I could kiss a passable trans 'lady'. I would find it extremely hot to suck her tits and move down to pleasure her cock, reaching up to play with her nipples, etc.

Dec 14, 2020, 6:59 PM
These types of posts make me wonder. The definition defines physical and emotional attraction to women and men. There is definitely a lot of guys who claim to only attracted to cock and not emotional attraction to other men. Since bisexuality is fluid some guys may become emotionally attracted after some time. I don't know about "passable tranwoman. I have not been in that situation. I'm certainly not attracted to RuPaul and other drag queens. I'm not interested in tits and cock on the same body. CISMen are men and CISwomen are women in my book.

I'm capable to being emotionally attracted to both women and men. It is different kind of attraction to CISwomen than it is to CISmen.

As I wrote the numbers of CISmen only interested in a guy's cock seems to be a large number on this and I see it as objectifying other men for their cock.

I don't want to get fucked and I'm not always interested in sucking dick. Seeing a guy shoot his load is interesting though.

Dec 14, 2020, 9:57 PM
I don’t begrudge ANYONE their consensual preferences. Enjoy, and more power to ya! I’m just wondering if any of the other guys here share my feelings. I love everything about a woman’s body, but when it comes to a man, the only things that turn me on about him are his cock, his balls, and the fluid they generate sexually. I’m not into kissing or caressing a man, just sucking him off. Also, I get a LOT more sexual energy (and masturbatory material) from sucking my partner off, as opposed to anything my partner does to/for ME. I’m just curious to find out if any others have similar feelings. ✌️

You sound EXACTLY like me. So to answer your question...Nope, you are NOT the only one that feels like that.

Dec 15, 2020, 5:13 AM
Feel the same way, when it comes to men, just want their cock to suck and their cum to swallow. When it comes to women, I love every inch of their bodies and want to spend as much time as possible locking and sucking them. With men, it’s mainly, blow and go.

Dec 15, 2020, 7:24 AM
I must agree. I love women. Pussy Is fabulous. But cock is awesome. To me sucking cock is so special. To me it is just a couple of guys having fun.

Dec 15, 2020, 10:51 AM
It's the physical and/or emotional attraction... but we assume that both are required to meet the definition of being bisexual... and we all can't agree on what "being attracted" means which makes sense given that we all have our own aesthetic sense about such things. I've observed that many men, when they say they're not attracted to men, mean that they're not romantically attracted but this exclusion doesn't prevent guys from being close friends nor does it prevent a guy from seeing their idea of a nice looking guy and saying, "I'd love to suck his dick!" - and it doesn't prevent a guy from deciding for himself that if he's attracted to anything, it's the dick and the sex. Even I don't look at a guy and think that he could be my next boyfriend... doesn't mean I wouldn't be interested in sucking his dick unless, of course, he was my idea of an asshole. But since I have had male boyfriends, I'd never say that I couldn't be emotionally and even romantically attracted to a guy and because I did, I learned to never say never about that level of attraction.

That emotional/romantic connection, truth be told, isn't a mandatory requirement to say that you're bisexual; many of us do, in fact, base our desires in this on being attracted in some way and sometimes upon the expectation of some chemistry taking place and, for some, a level of "being into" would be very nice - and that's fine. The thing we should strive to remember that we are bisexual and in the way that works best for us and not solely based upon a definition. I see a lot of people stressing the importance of that emotional connection and even calling it biphobia if there's no interest in being romantical attached to someone. If that's the way you're bisexual, it works... and if it's not the way you're bisexual, that works, too, and yeah - if you look at a guy and you ain't even thinking about having sex with him, that's not really a problem either.

Dec 15, 2020, 11:50 AM
Feel the exact sameway!

Dec 15, 2020, 12:00 PM
Bisexuality definition is very wide and open to fluidness. The “and /or” part of the definition of bisexual can be an issue. It leads to comments about only being attracted to dick. That is not to say that is not your reality though. When you don’t bring to the front of your discussion any emotional aspect that you do have physical and emotional attraction for women it seems incomplete for a bisexual man to discuss both sides. Some posters include this both sides (men and women and attraction both physical and emotional). Some guys posting here seems to restrict their emotional side with other men. I could be wrong in my interpretations of posted ideas. For me emotional aspects between two men can be quite different than man/woman emotional interaction.

Some men on this site who identify as bi are reticent to kiss another guy. I see that as internalized biphobia. When a guy is comfortable in his own skin and begins to kiss with other men is a continuing of the guy's own evolution as a bi guy. The way that I see it is if you don’t kiss a male lover but will kiss a woman, your experience seems incomplete as a bisexual but that is your reality.

Dec 15, 2020, 3:29 PM
Perception always trumps the truth, doesn’t it? How may guys does a guy have to kiss to determine that it’s not his idea of fun? There are women I wouldn’t kiss if my life depended on it; does that imply I have some kind of heterophobia? Doesn’t make sense to invoke biphobia just because a guy, for whatever reason, won’t kiss another guy and it is his choice either way, isn’t it? Doesn’t mean he’s being bi in some kind of wrong way or that there’s something wrong with him and, yeah - some guys are just lousy kissers.

We will, of course, agree to disagree and I’m good with that; you say it’s internalized biphobia and I say it’s choice - nothing wrong happening here.

Dec 15, 2020, 3:44 PM
I guess I am different from most of those that have posted. I want to have a nice relationship with a male and a passionate sexual experience. This means kissing, skin on skin, hands and mouth roaming everywhere. Thus I prefer to have a nice bond before getting it on. I am that way with women too, I prefer sex with them after we become friends.

Dec 15, 2020, 5:21 PM
Perception always trumps the truth, doesn’t it? How may guys does a guy have to kiss to determine that it’s not his idea of fun? There are women I wouldn’t kiss if my life depended on it; does that imply I have some kind of heterophobia? Doesn’t make sense to invoke biphobia just because a guy, for whatever reason, won’t kiss another guy and it is his choice either way, isn’t it? Doesn’t mean he’s being bi in some kind of wrong way or that there’s something wrong with him and, yeah - some guys are just lousy kissers.

We will, of course, agree to disagree and I’m good with that; you say it’s internalized biphobia and I say it’s choice - nothing wrong happening here.

Just a few thoughts on kissing, sexual play and attraction to same gender (physical and emotional) . Am I the only one?

A guy does not have to kiss another man to say that he is not into kissing men. I see such men as struggling with their bisexuality just as they struggle with attracted physically to some men(even if only his body sex organ part) and have sex with other men. Some attracted just to a body part may be objectifying the other guy as a factor in accepting same gender play. It is like there are stages of acceptance and kissing is for those who are more comfortable. Biphobia comes into play as a form of fear. Fear of being found out that you sexually like naked play with other men. Fear that if you kiss another man you are really a fag because strong, masculine men don’t kiss men. (taboo) Some how a guys cock is ok to be attracted to in some guy's mind. It may be fear of intimacy and exposing yourself to other men. You are weak if you suck dick or kiss another man or let him penetrate you. Penetration seems to desired for some on this site. Gender play switch sub for dominant comes into play as the guy explores his sex attractions.

I don’t think that there is such a thing as heterophobia? Heterosexuality is the dominant main stream sexuality . Society makes heterosexual sexual acts as the norm that all should want. Hetero have that already. Kissing another man is not the norm....nor are the same gender sex play.

Yes I find some married guys in long term marriages are lousy kissers. How could that be? I've never personally been with a lousy kisser woman..lol

Dec 16, 2020, 8:52 AM
You're not the only one. There are many of us out there that are only looking for the sexual, physical, part of bi sex. Personally, I can say that I have never been attracted to a man physically. It confused me for a long time. How could I want to fuck and get sucked off by guys but not be attracted to them. More recently, how could I want to suck cock and get fucked when I have no physical attraction.

My wife helped me come to terms with it. She likes to say its a motion, not an emotion. Not sure I agree with her terms but it works.

Short answer. You're not alone.

Dec 16, 2020, 10:08 AM
I am not into kissing nor anal penetration. I love to suck cock and be sucked. I really admire a nice, cut cock that gets real hard. I like a good load to swallow too. I am an exhibitionist and really enjoy doing 2 or three at the same time and love it when wife/girlfriend is there too. I know, I'm sick. lol

Dec 16, 2020, 5:41 PM
No kissing or romance for me either, but I’m more of the primal/dominate type. Get on your knees, pull out my cock and start sucking. Tongue my balls, asshole and then beg for my cum...... then go home to your wife.

Dec 18, 2020, 1:11 PM
It's exactly the same for me. I want no romance with a man. No kissing or cuddling or words of endearment. I only want to enjoy pleasuring his cock and being fed his warm thick cum. I love playing submissive slut for (preferably) a bigger cock. He can, and I hope he will, talk dirty to me as I kneel before him. He can call me a cocksucker, a faggot; tell me he knows I want to be his cum slut, etc and it will only turn me on more and more. I will whimper and express my appreciation for being allowed to suck his dick. I will tell him I want him to cum in my mouth and I will thank him for letting me be his slut when he is done, but when he IS done with me, I'm just a regular straight acting guy who'd in the closet about my love of sucking dick. When I am out, I ogle attractive ladies like a dog but I never look at a guy and feel turned on or want to flirt with him...no way! But when I am in a setting with a guy and we know what we are there for...and he pulls out his cock, I get dizzy with lust and have to play with it and suck it. Cocks are fantastic. Pussy is fantastic.
For me, the ladies are for romance AND sex. With a guy, I only want to concentrate on his cock and his spurting load.

Dec 20, 2020, 5:36 PM
I feel the same, I love women... Gods greatest acheivment! They are beautiful, sexy and nothing compares...
All I want from a guy is his cock... Yes I have said before that Im not into muscle guys and prefer a more mature guy but its his cock that interests me not the guy

Dec 20, 2020, 9:45 PM
Great comments, all. I’m so glad to know that there are others in the same boat as me. No kissing, no romance, no feelings of love. Just whip it out, let me pleasure you, let me see, hear, feel, and taste evidence of your pleasure. That’s all I’m looking for with a man.

Dec 21, 2020, 7:36 AM
Agree Brad. I just want to suck that cock, try to take the balls in my mouth and finish off with him jacking in my hot fucking mouth.

Dec 22, 2020, 9:13 AM
Wow. So many good points are made here. I am in the same mindset as many of you, that I don't have to kiss a dude to know I don't like it. I struggled much of my life worried that I might actually be gay because I like to be penetrated. I avoided realistic looking dildos because I thought that would somehow mean I prefer men. It took having a fling with another woman to make me realize that there is no rulebook. No one thing makes you gay or not. You are what you know and believe you are regardless of what you like to do with your body. For me it's a heightened level of sexuality knowing I can please and be pleased.

Dec 24, 2020, 1:14 PM
Agree completely. It is ONLY about the cock...and the cum load. Frankly, most of the time when I am sucking cock, I forget that there is a guy attached. The cock is the focus - and it is EVERYTHING.

Dec 29, 2020, 1:05 AM
I am so glad I found this site. It's good to know I'm not alone. That there are others like me. When it comes to guys it's all about the cock and sometimes a little ass play. I prefer women, I have no desires or have ever met a guy that I wanted the same kind of relationships that I've had with women. It's just sex with guys for me, same goes for kissing, I've tried kissing men and I'm sorry I just don't like it. I wouldn't mind meeting a guy that had the same desires as me and understood discretion to be friends with. That would be awesome. Unfortunately very few of us are this open out in the real world.

Dec 29, 2020, 10:51 AM
I am firmly bisexual and have absolutely no hang-ups about being that way. For me, affectionate, passionate sex is the best no matter the sex of my partner. When I kiss and caress either sex I always get hard as a rock!

Jan 7, 2021, 11:34 AM
You are not the only one. The same I don't find men overall atteactive. I do like shemales and can find a trap or a feminem twink boi cute. But a man overall no. But you also can't lie and not think that there would be some kind of attraction to the man. Like when you see a guy in a coffeeshop and you think to yourself I want to suck his cock. There are many other guys in the coffeeshop as well but you are only fixated on that one and wanting to suck his cock. And yes you can be thinking that you want to suck "a" cock but in the moment of searching and looking your eyes fixate on one man. But that attraction is momentarily brief. If it were easier to grab someone and go to the bathroom and do the deed than that might not be the case. When it come to the attraction of a woman you are not only attracted to her body but her hair, her eyes and her overall look and style.

My attraction to cock is the same to that of a woman's body. A woman's body is feminem, smooth and soft. Not always firm. Her curves and her lines I want to hold and run my hands and fingers on caressing them. Kissing and licking her. Tasting her. A cock is the same. It is very manly but is also feminem. It's smooth, sleek and soft at touch but manly and firm. And I want to also hold and feel my hands on another man cock caressing it and kiss it and taste it.

Jan 20, 2021, 11:26 AM
Hello, I hope you are well. You are not the only one the same thing happens to me. I am also in the same conditions. I am happily married I am 48 years old, but I have had bisexual fantasies for a long time. I could define myself as bi curious, when I was a teenager I felt like masturbating to put a finger in my anus until once I did it and it was strange, I would not know how to describe it. Then over time I felt that need to know or know if you can have an anal orgasm. So far I have not experienced it, I have never sucked a cock or they have put one, but there are times when I am very excited that I would, I have inserted dildos and I have ended up in my mouth, but I feel guilty after That, I do not know ... I have seen videos of bisexuals and transsexuals and it catches my attention, but I do not see them much. This could tell you

Leo Rabbit
Jan 20, 2021, 5:17 PM
You are not alone.

I like the writer/columnist/podcaster, Dan Savage. I heard a great podcast where he talked about this very subject because it came up on a call from one of his listeners. What I learned is that I am Bi-Sexual AND Hetero-Romantic, meaning I desire men (and women) sexually AND am drawn exclusively to women when it comes to romance/partnership, etc.

Feb 1, 2021, 6:25 PM
Yes! Me too!

Feb 3, 2021, 8:53 PM
Same here. Not into men but do appreciate a mans physic .other than that I haven’t any desire to be involved with me other than what’s between their legs

Feb 5, 2021, 4:04 AM
Wow this is perfect timing for these posts. We were discussing this very topic with several couples. New couples interested in trying bi sex where the wives were very concerned about their husbands choosing other men over them emotionally. Is everyone okay if we share this with them?

My husband feels the same as many of you and I knew he would be, he was the reluctant one in the first place. He has become accepting of the fun of sucking cock and taking cum (pretty much any where) and is totally okay with getting fucked. He has some pretty major orgasms from it so of course it is enjoyable. He said it is no different from me doing him or him doing himself as far as there is a nice something hitting all those receptors and causing them to send his body and mind into an alternate dimension - lol his words. The real deal does feel way better when they know what the heck they are doing, we all know that, women and men alike, and you have the added benefit of the cum factor if you go bareback. Personally I like the way it looks when it happens to him. Oh MY Groceries!!!

He is not attracted to guys, nor wants them, eeeuuwwww will not hold hands or cuddle (gross) - yeah okay I went a bit to far but that is how we both feel, of course no kissing, and he doesn't even do anal on guys. He will have at it all days with the ladies commenting, why do I need a guy's backside when I have all these incredible ladies, a cock in a guy's backside does look amazing but a guy's backside is not attractive to him (but is IS to ME!!!) As so many have said, it is all about the sex, the penis, the cum, the fucking, the sex. We are friends with the couples we are with but do not hang out with the husbands without the wives. I know some of the guys and ladies do this but it is not for us. I am the same with the ladies as far as I am not into any of them like that but I do hang with them because we have so much in common, mainly our love for bi sex with bi men.

Feb 8, 2021, 12:36 AM
Wow this is perfect timing for these posts. We were discussing this very topic with several couples. New couples interested in trying bi sex where the wives were very concerned about their husbands choosing other men over them emotionally. Is everyone here - okay if we share this with them?

Geoff Gregg
Feb 8, 2021, 7:03 AM
Wow this is perfect timing for these posts. We were discussing this very topic with several couples. New couples interested in trying bi sex where the wives were very concerned about their husbands choosing other men over them emotionally. Is everyone here - okay if we share this with them?
I love hearing about your relationship. It's something to aspire for.

Feb 8, 2021, 9:35 AM
...when it comes to a man, the only things that turn me on about him are his cock, his balls, and the fluid they generate sexually. I’m not into kissing or caressing a man, just sucking him off.

I felt this way until a few weeks ago when I kissed a guy and he made love to my body with his mouth the way I do to women. It felt great an I hope to reunite with him to return the favor.

Feb 8, 2021, 7:53 PM
Great comments, all. I’m so glad to know that there are others in the same boat as me. No kissing, no romance, no feelings of love. Just whip it out, let me pleasure you, let me see, hear, feel, and taste evidence of your pleasure. That’s all I’m looking for with a man.

I'm with you ! All I want , preferentially speaking is him sitting with legs spread and me seated in front of him so I can view the sheer beauty of his cock and balls as I pleasure him from base to tip .

Feb 11, 2021, 2:55 PM
I know that I love to suck a man until he cums. It is all about his anatomy - a cock that I want to lick, suck, taste, and swallow what it gives. There has been no emotional attachment to the man other than he can be a friend or acquaintance with what goes along with that. Sometimes it does not even matter if I have ever met them before - I just want to get my mouth down there and go for it.

I have felt this way for many, many years. Been married for 42 years and sex with my wife has been magnificent - she is open to all kinds of suggestions. We are close and emotionally bonded, BUT she has no idea I need to have a different kind of relationship with a man. No matter how many times she and I have sex, it is wonderful and fulfilling. I want to experience every inch of her body....and I still want to get between a man's legs and do what I can to drain him.

She satisfies me in so many other areas. but my desire to suck is so very strong that it has to manifest as much as I am able. Not looking for an emotional response from a man - I want to enjoy his cock and please him the best I can. Shake hands when we are finished and head home.

Feb 11, 2021, 3:07 PM
You are not the only one...yes, all parts of women are hot and I would always do anything with all of them, but the man's cock and cum are exquisite...and sucking them and swallowing the cum is always amazing...yet, I don't mind plenty of physical body contact also and even kissing(don't like beards kissing) and also mutual ass play and rimming...so pretty much also anything I'd do with a woman, but the dock is really the focus for me

Apr 8, 2021, 2:18 AM
If you asked me that 10 yrs ago you would have gotten a shoulder shaking "bleh no way!" from me, at the time I would never have kissed a man, but once I was introduced to a guy that was all man and very sexually attractive, I found myself kissing him and wanting way more and was 1000 percent open to it again with another guy if he made me feel that way. And yeah there's nothing like a woman or her smell, body and every inch of soft tasty skin, but after yrs of fantasizing and having fooled around with 3 men now I know my desires are more man related even though I am used to women and am "safe" with them, my fantasies are all about men all the time.

Apr 8, 2021, 4:29 AM
I generally do not find men attractive erotically. A handful, if that, of times in my life, I have come upon some strange guy, and something about him immediately aroused me, but that is really weird for me. Gay porn is a waste on me most of the time. I prefer watching a beautiful woman suck a guy off, where the guy has a gorgeous cock, but otherwise you see very little of him in the video or photos, and the gal is beautiful and built to kill, with nice breasts and a full ass. I like to pretend I am her, working hard to satisfy him and get him to feed me his semen as I watch her, but even though I know she would be turned on more generally by the guy's body, I am okay just wanting to suck his cock and (I find this mentioned all too little) his balls. I love gently sucking a big, firm ball into my mouth and playing with it as I jerk a guy's cock. I am turned on by the photos where they convincingly use Photoshop to fuse a cock and balls on a beautiful woman. I am also turned on by trannies with big cocks, as long as their transformation was done well before their facial features started to become masculine and the sex change was otherwise reasonably convincing, but photos and videos of guys going at it just don't do it for me, and like the majority on here, I find my general erotic attraction to men is not romantic--it is entirely erotic--and it is entirely genital-focused.

All of that being said, though, while I don't find even men I recognize as being handsome erotically attractive tied to their facial features or their bodies stimulating, even if they are plainly well-built, and men kissing or sucking each other's breasts looks silly to me (and I don't mean that in any sort of a homophobic way--I just don't get it when I watch it--It's like, what on earth could they get out of that?), I think if I had a male friend that I was sexually active with, I would be willing to give it a try and see what happened. I'd surely try a nice wet, open mouth, tongue sucking kiss and see what happened. It couldn't likely hurt! The mouth in both genders is pretty much the same, and I have to imagine that once I got around to it, if I was sucking face with a guy while I was stroking his fat dick and looking forward to getting it in my mouth, the kiss would probably be a lot hotter and much more like what it is with women than the way it affects me when I see it in pictures. I have occasionally imagined kissing a guy while jerking off with gay fantasies, and it has added a zing to my orgasm. It's even weirder now, because as I think this through, and I allow myself to imagine that, I've got an erection imagining wrapping my arms around a guy while we kiss and our cocks get hard and rub against each other. Now, despite the fact it will continue to look silly to me in pictures, I can picture myself getting fully naked with a male partner, both of us taking the time to touch and stimulate different parts of each other's body, holding on tight and pressing our bodies together while we actively investigate each other's mouth with our lips and tongue, hugging each other caringly and erotically, while we reach down and squeeze each other's buttocks and run our hand up the crack or carefully caress each other's balls. It might be interesting to cup a guy's muscular breast in my hand--I really can't see the business of sucking a male breast, but just exploratory touching is another thing. I don't know that it would work for me, but I would certainly give it all a try. All that being said, my biggest drive is to get down on my knees between another guy's open legs and get his erect penis in my mouth.

Apr 8, 2021, 5:12 AM
And yeah there's nothing like a woman or her smell...

Just like there is a difference between genital-focused sex between a man and a woman and between two men, there is a distinct difference in terms of the olfactory sense of it all, too, as it comes into sex between a man and a woman and between two men. While I understand as you mention, the attractive scent of a woman, some men produce a most erotic musky scent from around their scrotum that can just drive me wild sexually. All the senses come into it then, really. The sight of a nicely shaped, erect cock enlarging dramatically as you get your face in closer to it, with the several sexually stimulating distinct colors and visual textures of the shaft and the head and the scrotum, the sounds of sucking and sliding and oohs and ahs and grunting and groaning, the taste of clean skin and of precum and cum, the scent of the skin and the genitals, and the physical feel through touch of erotically stimulated genitals--swollen, firm, slippery, and throbbing--perhaps veiny, with their particular and magically stimulating erotic shape and physical texture--a firm shaft, perhaps with a delightful curve to it, coming to the soft, spongy, helmet-shaped head, filling your mouth as it slides in and out, and the oh, so erotic feeling of sucking. All the senses come into play and add to that wonderous experience of sucking another man's penis. So good!!!

Apr 8, 2021, 10:05 AM
I was the same way in 2009 when I discovered my true sexuality. But then with intimacy and persuasion from my long term fwb, he turned me on to kissing....I thought I would have to be nuts to ever even consider with a drunken state!! But once we did embrace the kiss, it was incredible! It’s exactly like kissing a sexy pair of lips on a beautiful woman. Although, there is usually stubble that goes along with a middle aged guy. I know to each his own... And I also know exactly what I wouldn’t do when I was just curious. I was like I can’t even watch guys kiss. Even now it’s difficult to see guys lock in the kiss! But the feeling of excitement of with a great hookup let alone kissing a guy(as long as there is great hygiene and no smokers) is overwhelming!

I am happily married to an understanding wife who supports me in every way with one exception, she doesn’t want to share me with a guy. Which we communicate so well that I think she is understanding of the need to satisfy a man by sucking him to completion! She has offered to buy me any toys I desire...and she also knows that it’s not the same as hot silky flesh in my mouth!

My good fwb passed away in 2018 for double pneumonia and his son had to tell me. I don’t know if his son knew his dad was bisexual or not. But I hope he knows that his dad was a wonderful guy! And super great dad! May he RIP!

Apr 8, 2021, 11:16 AM
I was the same way in 2009 when I discovered my true sexuality. But then with intimacy and persuasion from my long term fwb, he turned me on to kissing....I thought I would have to be nuts to ever even consider with a drunken state!! But once we did embrace the kiss, it was incredible! It’s exactly like kissing a sexy pair of lips on a beautiful woman. Although, there is usually stubble that goes along with a middle aged guy. I know to each his own... And I also know exactly what I wouldn’t do when I was just curious. I was like I can’t even watch guys kiss. Even now it’s difficult to see guys lock in the kiss! But the feeling of excitement of with a great hookup let alone kissing a guy(as long as there is great hygiene and no smokers) is overwhelming!

I am happily married to an understanding wife who supports me in every way with one exception, she doesn’t want to share me with a guy. Which we communicate so well that I think she is understanding of the need to satisfy a man by sucking him to completion! She has offered to buy me any toys I desire...and she also knows that it’s not the same as hot silky flesh in my mouth!

My good fwb passed away in 2018 for double pneumonia and his son had to tell me. I don’t know if his son knew his dad was bisexual or not. But I hope he knows that his dad was a wonderful guy! And super great dad! May he RIP!

Apr 8, 2021, 11:17 AM
Sorry didn’t mean to post twice.

Apr 8, 2021, 3:23 PM
Always had some attraction to guys since youthful play. But my main drive was towards girls for the majority of my adult life. But there was still a internal attraction to guys on and off through the years. While in a relationship with girls it would fade. However between relationships it would resurface. And as I grew older it was a stronger desire. Like a few post here it was only cock and nothing more. When hanging out, my eyes were still fixated on women. When back home I would find myself viewing bisexual sites but as time passed more toward simply guy views. And my early feelings for simply cock evolved to more intimacy. Now I have desire to have as much sexual intimacy with a guy as I would with a woman. Where kissing was a line not to cross, it not as much as a hangup and actually something I'd think would only enhance the plaesure.

tsd mstr
Apr 8, 2021, 5:36 PM
Same here! I have never been attracted to any man. However, I want to suck a dick soooo bad! My fantasy would either be to do it with a passable trans or in a gloryhole. (IF I ever did that, I would have someone that I trust prescreen them.)

Apr 10, 2021, 4:19 PM
Although I have not sucked a cock yet I know that sucking a cock is my only interest personally. To want to kiss another man or get fucked requires physical and visual attraction to the man.

That said, I am still trying to figure this out. I feel that there still has to be some kind of attraction to the man anyway. Like sitting at a park with the urge and you see two guys playing frisbee. Sure you are thinking about sucking both their cocks but one of them you are thinking about it more than the other. Is it because he is in better shape and has a better body than his friend? Is it because he looks to have a sexier cock? (I have noticed in porn that the "goofier" looking guys can have the sexiest cocks)

Now given the chance that you do suck their cocks than the feeling could change to the other guy. His cock is not bigger but it's nicer. He enjoys your skills better and becomes more fun to suck. And now your attraction goes to where you want it all along. Back to the cock and not the man himself.

All I am trying to figure out is the process of choosing a cock to suck. When I look on Doublelist I am simply looking for ads of men who are only looking to get sucked off. Nothing extra and nothing "maybe". Pictures are second. A cock picture is not needed in the ad. Most just post pictures from shoulders down with clothes on. But again back to that "attraction" part. He doesn't have to be in perfect shape but a nice body does help.

And that goes to the question. What is the attraction and focus and what is the more important of the two that get you there? I guess each situation would be different now wouldn't it?

Apr 10, 2021, 4:43 PM
I thought that way Until,,, I met this young guy ,, At a road side park,, He was sucking my cock,, & All the sudden he came up for my lips,, & Sucked them & Tungged me,, HE had Bozka Bubble gum in his mouth,, He was HOT! It was HOT,, Naples Florida

Apr 11, 2021, 10:00 AM
I'm on the opposite end of many who replied here when it comes to hot kissing. Man or woman it just turns me on so much. I love passionate sex!

Apr 11, 2021, 12:52 PM
I'm on the opposite end of many who replied here when it comes to hot kissing. Man or woman it just turns me on so much. I love passionate sex!

Definitely a line many men here won't cross. I Get it, I can remember Julia Roberts line from the movie Pretty Woman "That's why no kissing, it's too personal"

But I agree man or woman (the right per of course), kissing just heighten my arousal, especially while rubbing all over building to total sexual arousal

Apr 11, 2021, 4:06 PM
I'm on the opposite end of many who replied here when it comes to hot kissing. Man or woman it just turns me on so much. I love passionate sex!
I am like you. Sex should be passionate. Kissing is not mandatory but sure does add an aspect that I love. Had a friend that I saw occasionally, all activities were enjoyed until about third meeting I kissed him and that was the end of that.

Apr 11, 2021, 5:19 PM

Apr 12, 2021, 12:05 AM
This conversation is so helpful to me. Thanks everyone!

Apr 12, 2021, 10:29 AM
The only 2 guys I've kissed were super aggressive, jamming their tongue down my throat.

I understand now why women say they don't necessarily like that right off the bat, it was off putting.

I prefer to slowly explore and discover, a more sensual first kiss.

Apr 12, 2021, 4:16 PM
I was like that, till last summer. Was working out of state when I went for a 2nd hookup. He straight up put me through the works. No wham bam I'm out. Joe completely made love to me. From rimming to fingering, licking and sucking my neck and ears, to kinda forcing his tongue in my mouth while he penetrated me. I actually crave that now.

Apr 12, 2021, 4:34 PM
It’s the same for me. I love everything about women, but I also love a nice cock .

Apr 12, 2021, 6:16 PM
Yea not into aggressive kissing until total arousal is achieved

Jun 20, 2021, 1:54 PM
My first cock, at 12, was from an older uncle. He taught me everything that I needed to know about sucking his cock, and swallowing his honey juice. I never regretted my choice, to be a cocksucker. The very best cocksucker that I can be. If it's near my face, its gonna be sucked.

Jun 22, 2021, 9:09 PM
I can get turned on by a guy's body about the same as with a woman's but as far as actual sex and genitals go I'm way more into dick and have more experience with it. We all do sexuality our own way and based on my experience and posts like this I think genital preferences are stronger in some people than others and don't always line up with what you'd expect.

Any other guys out there who are attracted to men and women both but prefer dick over pussy or vise versa?

Jun 23, 2021, 11:00 AM
I can get turned on by a guy's body about the same as with a woman's but as far as actual sex and genitals go I'm way more into dick and have more experience with it. We all do sexuality our own way and based on my experience and posts like this I think genital preferences are stronger in some people than others and don't always line up with what you'd expect.

Any other guys out there who are attracted to men and women both but prefer dick over pussy or vise versa?

I do find some women attractive but know sucking cock is much more gratifying.

Jun 23, 2021, 12:23 PM
Stand a perfect match girl and a perfect match guy in front of me, of which I can only pick one,, and I'll take the girl. But I'll regret not being able to play with the guy!

Jun 23, 2021, 9:27 PM
I do find some women attractive but know sucking cock is much more gratifying.

Yeah pretty much same for me. I love women and when the girl's super hot and the situation is right I love the sex. That part about it turns me on more than the actual physical aspect of sex

But, getting with somebody who's my type with a nice dick and fucking and giving head just turns me on by itself.

Jun 24, 2021, 3:30 AM
I’m the same way.
I’ve gotten to the point when I’ll casually ask my friend if he wants a blowjob as soon as I see him.

Jun 24, 2021, 8:45 AM
One of the things that satisfies me most about sex is the satisfaction of my partner. That used to be exclusively about pleasing women. But over time, my wife has gotten less and less pleasure from sex, so my drive to give pleasure has been less satisfied. So now I practice giving pleasure by sucking cock and eating cum is the ultimate sign of satisfaction for both of us.

I love a good BJ too and would not deny a man the satisfaction from my orgasm and cum that I get from his. If he get pleasure from rimming me and wants me to sit on his face, that is great to.

But cuddling up with a man at night isn't very attractive to me and enjoy the intimacy and emotional exploration of talking with a woman who likes men.

Jun 24, 2021, 2:51 PM
I feel the same!!

Jun 25, 2021, 5:53 PM
This is a great conversation. I have thought about this a lot. I first realized I had this fantasy, talking to other guys. Kidding around, we would say things like "suck my dick" or "bend over" or things like that. I started fantasizing about my friends actually making me suck them or them fucking me in the ass. These fantasies always take place when I am alone, not when I am around them and can see their faces. I too am only aroused by the cock and by being dominated, minus any kissing.

I tried a few times to live out this fantasy. I quickly realized that the kidding around was not real. There are precious few guys that are "top only" and want to have their dicks sucked by another guy, and dominate them in other ways. (Bless them). But the streets are littered with guys who want to suck another man's cock. Some guys don't mind having their dick sucked, but they would probably prefer a girl do it. Some only let you do it, so they can suck yours. It is a strange dynamic with guys.

I don't think I could ever grow into wanting to kiss a man, or have anything resembling a romantic relationship with a man. If I ever looked for a guy, I would just want one that would selfishly use me for his sexual satisfaction. However, I think that is what most of us here want. I don't think there are many guys out there like that. I would love to hear that I am wrong.

Jun 30, 2021, 9:45 PM
I am the same as BradInWisconsin. Men as a whole are not attractive to me. Don’t get me wrong, there are some very good looking men out there, but looking at a man doesn't arouse anything… until I see the package! I don’t want the make-out experience or anything “romantic” of any kind. I’m very much attracted to everything about a woman, however I have been extremely attracted to several transgender woman!

Jul 1, 2021, 1:59 AM
You are not alone for me it?s about the cock. The only thing I find attractive in me are if we click and can be friends. And the cock and balls. Otherwise for it?s my wife. I have a friend come over to suck us both off he ate pussy like there?s no more tomorrow and suck a mean cock. But he?s still battling his sexuality.

Jul 1, 2021, 12:03 PM
You are not the only one.

Jul 1, 2021, 12:09 PM
I resemble exactly what you have written here and have met or talked to many the same way. I don’t mind them sucking my dick but oddly I have a difficult time staying hard unless I’m sucking his at the same time. I am extremely picky about the guys, even more so than women. As I get older it’s harder to find the body type and personality I desire.

Aug 21, 2021, 11:05 AM
I felt the same way, but now it is one of the things that turn me on most in my fantasy. When I first thought about being with another man all I wanted was his cock and for him to be inside me. Kissing? No Way! I was with another MWM years ago after my divorce and there was very little intimacy. There was no kissing and only a little sensual touch when we sucked each others cocks and when he was inside me. But now the thought of being with a man and not being passionate and sensual is such a turn off. The intimacy of kissing and caressing another mans body is such a turn on. When I am with a guy the next time, it's been a while since I am married and do not want to fuck up my relationship, I want to be passionate and get lost in love making. I want him to be inside me missionary and to be kissing him deeply and feeling his tongue next to mine as he goes inside me and sucking his nips and him sucking mine.

I wish the fear of disease was not so strong or I would have done this already. I am so ready but want it to be so safe.

Aug 22, 2021, 1:05 AM
I don’t begrudge ANYONE their consensual preferences. Enjoy, and more power to ya! I’m just wondering if any of the other guys here share my feelings. I love everything about a woman’s body, but when it comes to a man, the only things that turn me on about him are his cock, his balls, and the fluid they generate sexually. I’m not into kissing or caressing a man, just sucking him off. Also, I get a LOT more sexual energy (and masturbatory material) from sucking my partner off, as opposed to anything my partner does to/for ME. I’m just curious to find out if any others have similar feelings. ✌️

It was that way for me too, but if I can score an other FWB now I'd like to experience more of him.

The last guy I was with over ten years ago wanted more, and I went with it. I was a little uptight about it at first but, we kissed, and sucked each other's nipples, and I got something out of it - enough that I kissed him goodbye.

One big plus to having a man on the side over a woman is it wouldn't adversely effect my wife's and my relationship. Why not do with a man what I'd do with a woman. And besides, if I like to stick my tongue as far up a man's ass as I can why wouldn't I kiss him. If he wanted his toes sucked, well what turns him on turns me on. I'd do it with a woman without hesitation.

Aug 22, 2021, 5:47 AM
Sex is sex love is love don?t confuse the 2. When in love the sex is that much better but you can still have great sex when not in love. If that was not the case there would be no one night stands

Aug 23, 2021, 12:48 PM
The kissing another guy part is what kept me from having my first bi experience a few years ago, the wife and I were swinging at the time and we hooked up with a bi couple. Everything was great, clothes were coming off and I knew that at a minimum, he wanted to suck me and I had a feeling that when that happened, I would get hot and probably return the favor, and then see what happened from there.
But......he wanted us to kiss to get things started and for me that was something of a deal breaker, I told him I wasn't into that and he understood but he said it was a big turn on for him, I said I get that but to me it's a big turn OFF. He said he understood and,
long story short, we did a regular swap and our wives played together which was very hot.
We did spend some time in bed together ( naked ) but nothing happened ( unfortunately ).
He knew it was my first time with a guy and that I was nervous, and the kissing part was too much for me at that time, IDK I MIGHT be more open to it now, it would just depend on the other guy, the setting and how I felt at the moment....

Aug 23, 2021, 9:54 PM
I can see how that would make you uncomfortable. It would for me especially in front of my wife. Back when I had a friend I did kiss him from time to time when he really wanted to. I wanted to continue to get to suck him so I tried my beast to accommodate him. In the end, no pun intended his real desire was fucking me. I even tried that one night but no preparation was done and his thick dick was too much for my tight 22 year old ass.
it wasn’t long after that that he moved on.

Aug 24, 2021, 2:06 AM
I used to feel like that, about 10 yrs ago me and another guy fooled around and he introduced me to getting sucked, jerked, massaged and one day he tried to kiss and asked me if I wanted to try it? I was all shoulder squiggly and grossed out inside and said no thanks, I only kiss women, it was mostly I wasn't attracted to him other than experimenting, flash forward a few years and I'm with this new potential friend with benefits and he's pretty rugged and masculine and sported a 9 or 10" joystick and asks me if I had ever kissed a guy or would I be open to it with him? I thought he's pretty handsome and tall and alpha so yeah I could see kissing him maybe, I wanted to be submissive in a way and let him show me new things, long story short, when we hooked up I was still nervous but made the first move after jabbering away for 20 mins about my silly past experiences and decided enough was enough and moved in for bis mouth, it was so different but really good, I did get right into it and kissed him like i would kiss a girl I wanted to turn him on and go further with him, it did make things easier and I didn't hesitate to get undressed and move in on him after 5 mins or so, it was a nice ice breaker and made things seem more connected I guess. On another note, 25 yrs ago you never would have got me to admit I want a penis for a million dollars, let alone suck one voluntarily, maybe it's denial cause i always had an urge after 18 or 19 to experiment, maybe it's because I always had fantasies of cuckolding with a few girls but never explored it. Anyways, kissing the right guy is absolutely a turn on, the right guy built the right way could probably have you kissing in public and sneaking strokes in a public place depending on the size of your closet and desires, discretely of course. I know since I was with Mr thick and long it's what I hope and look for in my next man, can't wait to kiss and make love and do all kinds of filthy things, like I said maybe out in the open if I feel safe or emboldened, and yes, I'm a bit of a size freak now that I tasted a well endowed man, and it makes a nice hot remembrance when I j/o daily to him and a few other guys that I was with in the past. Only kissed one but that one was a game changer guys, be careful what you think you won't do lol.

Aug 24, 2021, 6:40 PM
I can see how that would make you uncomfortable. It would for me especially in front of my wife. Back when I had a friend I did kiss him from time to time when he really wanted to. I wanted to continue to get to suck him so I tried my beast to accommodate him. In the end, no pun intended his real desire was fucking me. I even tried that one night but no preparation was done and his thick dick was too much for my tight 22 year old ass.
it wasn’t long after that that he moved on.

It was too much too quick, I was totally up for him sucking me and I think he wanted me to top him. I was fine with us being naked in bed together, didn't bother me at all