View Full Version : Just wondering why we get gay people here since the site IS named "Bisexual"?

Nov 22, 2020, 3:32 PM
I am bi an have been bitched out before for checking a gay site out. I figured I'd come here to find people who are bi and I could relate with them. They would know both worlds. I don't fall in love with guys. The only thing I like about a guy is his cock. That's it. I don't care about his ass or rimming it, etc. I love eating pussy. I am truly bi sexual. I have rimmed a woman. I like women's tits and nipples. Anyone think like me? Am I being too anal? Bisexuals and gay have two very different mindsets I have found.

Nov 22, 2020, 4:23 PM
Yeah, I mean to a purist point, yes, you are correct. But, some things we go through with coming to grips with who we are, they share. Plus, many of them have been through the issues of meeting and being with a same sex partner and understand the issues with it

I guess my feeling is, the more the merrier

Nov 22, 2020, 4:28 PM
A lot of gay guys realize that they have something in common with bi guys and we’re still guys so that you can find gay guys on bi sites used to surprise me but no longer does. Some gay guys don’t understand us and how best to gain some understanding than to hang out where bi guys hang out? And, oh, yeah, did I mention that bi or not, we’re still guys?

Nov 22, 2020, 6:59 PM
It may be argued that unless you are both physically and emotionally attracted to both women and men, then you are not really bisexual.

Guys that come on to this site and talk only about relating to cock are limiting themselves or maybe biphobic?Guys that come on to this site and talk about CD may really on the wrong site? CD's who also talk about both men and woman sexually and or emotionally may enrich the site. Guys who identify as bisexual and trans may enrich the understanding on this site. There was a person on this site who identified as a bisexual man. He/she realized that he was really a woman and transitioned to female. He/she was in love with a CIS woman and they moved in together. She/he still considered herself/himself bisexual.

Then again, the bisexual label is applied to an increasingly broad span of people. The definition of bisexual uses the words "and or" when it refers to attraction towards men and woman.

I don't read very many self identified gay people posting on this site.(other than dark eyes who originally saw herself as bisexual) Do you or maybe you mean a different bisexual site?

Nov 22, 2020, 9:34 PM
Labels are just that, words printed or spoken in the view of who has presented them. I like being part of this group because I can feel comfortable discussing my feelings and express fantasies and experiences that I have had . Am I heterosexual, gay, or bi? I think I'm just a person who loves sex.

Nov 22, 2020, 10:19 PM
I am mostly gay and maybe I will never have sex with a woman again.
But, I just don't feel totally homosexual.
Some women are wonderful,.

Nov 22, 2020, 10:49 PM
This site is a community of people with different outlooks and opinions. It has welcome all who were curious , or seeking advice.

Nov 22, 2020, 10:51 PM
Yea it is a shame the site here is essentially gone.

Nov 23, 2020, 9:13 AM
For the same reason as this site allowed str8 and trans and other peeps. These folk are friends, relations and lovers of bisexual people. They have much in common in desires, affection, sexually and in general with bisexuals. Are bisexual peeps barred from going to gay clubs, parties and other dvents? In the main gay folk welcome them, want them, love them. There are differences between all types of peeps in the lgbt, just as there are between bisexuals themselves.

This site in the days of chat (note admin... great booster to membership having a chatroom.) Welcomed folk of all sexualities for members understood, just as Drew who in those days ran the site understood, that everyone is different whatever their sexuality, that they loved and were loved by gay, lesbian, str8 and trans and others as well as just fucked or looked to be fuked. This site rocked back then, but since Drew's demise, the loss of chat, the site has become more anal and membership has collapsed. I have much to thank this site and the folk who were around for the decade after 2005.

I may well be a lesbian but I once loved this site and most of the people on it. It was they who over 10 years ago welcomed me and in time convinced me my sexuality was not bisexual as I believed, but lesbian. I was never rejected even when I finally accepted that fact, but received with the love they gave when I believed myself one of them. Why else do I stick around? There are still a few who remain, and it is my affinity with them which holds me... and maybe the site returning to its former glory. When I joined .com was about far more than sex and sexuality. It was much about the human condition.

We Scots have a saying that "We are a' Jock Tamsons's bairns". It is something I believe in and have lived. Whatever we are, and whomever, we may be different in many ways but conversely we are all the same. Just as I fight and argue for my right to be, so I will yours!

Nov 23, 2020, 12:04 PM
You mean that they don't just want to corner the cock market? 8-)

I think I was looking at it as a "Club". It's for Bisexuals. I assure you I don't look at a man the same as a gay man. Not at all. I am more attracted to a pretty female face, her breasts, ass cheeks, back, legs and of course her pussy. It's only the cock for a man, and it needs to be cut and he needs to smell nice. Uncut is a turn off for me. I don't like alot of hair either. A hairless pussy with inner lips protruding and I would be licking all day long. Pheromones on a woman. mmmmmmm.

Nov 24, 2020, 6:37 AM
Any guy that thinks “outside the box” is OK in my book ... (wink).

Nov 24, 2020, 5:55 PM
I am bi an have been bitched out before for checking a gay site out. I figured I'd come here to find people who are bi and I could relate with them. They would know both worlds. I don't fall in love with guys. The only thing I like about a guy is his cock. That's it. I don't care about his ass or rimming it, etc. I love eating pussy. I am truly bi sexual. I have rimmed a woman. I like women's tits and nipples. Anyone think like me? Am I being too anal? Bisexuals and gay have two very different mindsets I have found.

To quote Bob Seger, "The Answer is in the Question"....this site has a lot of truly open minded people as well as our fair share of hard-liners just like the "gay" and other open forum sites...gays have come here and checked us out just like you checked out their site and unfortunately ran into some rude hard-liners there....this site is different as since "bi" seems to be a category to label an alternative sexuality and or lifestyle....most members here try to leave their prejudices behind and open their minds and maybe help understand themselves...Peace Love Dove everyone

Nov 24, 2020, 8:23 PM
Any guy that thinks “outside the box” is OK in my book ... (wink).
I see what you did there?

In answer to the OP. Why not. Gay guys want cock too. Maybe even cock from a guy that isn't interested in a relationship. Or only in being a FWB.

Nov 24, 2020, 9:57 PM
The boundaries are fuzzy and always will be. If there's a label that works for you, then that's awesome. But we should be accepting of anyone of kindred spirit who is in the mushy middle too.

Nov 24, 2020, 10:29 PM
The boundaries are fuzzy and always will be. If there's a label that works for you, then that's awesome. But we should be accepting of anyone of kindred spirit who is in the mushy middle too.

Hell yes

Dec 2, 2020, 4:56 PM
I don't really like labels and think of myself as sexual. I like sex with men, I like sex with women, I would really like sex with both.
I agree with the "the more the merrier" mindset. I sometimes want just man sex and maybe a gay man might be looking for men like me.

Dec 2, 2020, 5:19 PM
I honestly don’t care who is here. I’ve seen a bunch of guys say they’re straight but like men’s cocks and we don’t kick them out for saying they are straight do we? It’s funny how people in the LGBTQ+ community always feel offended when they aren’t included but are quick to not include others.

Dec 2, 2020, 8:50 PM
For the same reason as this site allowed str8 and trans and other peeps. These folk are friends, relations and lovers of bisexual people. They have much in common in desires, affection, sexually and in general with bisexuals. Are bisexual peeps barred from going to gay clubs, parties and other dvents? In the main gay folk welcome them, want them, love them. There are differences between all types of peeps in the lgbt, just as there are between bisexuals themselves.

This site in the days of chat (note admin... great booster to membership having a chatroom.) Welcomed folk of all sexualities for members understood, just as Drew who in those days ran the site understood, that everyone is different whatever their sexuality, that they loved and were loved by gay, lesbian, str8 and trans and others as well as just fucked or looked to be fuked. This site rocked back then, but since Drew's demise, the loss of chat, the site has become more anal and membership has collapsed. I have much to thank this site and the folk who were around for the decade after 2005.

I may well be a lesbian but I once loved this site and most of the people on it. It was they who over 10 years ago welcomed me and in time convinced me my sexuality was not bisexual as I believed, but lesbian. I was never rejected even when I finally accepted that fact, but received with the love they gave when I believed myself one of them. Why else do I stick around? There are still a few who remain, and it is my affinity with them which holds me... and maybe the site returning to its former glory. When I joined .com was about far more than sex and sexuality. It was much about the human condition.

We Scots have a saying that "We are a' Jock Tamsons's bairns". It is something I believe in and have lived. Whatever we are, and whomever, we may be different in many ways but conversely we are all the same. Just as I fight and argue for my right to be, so I will yours!

Spot on!

Dec 2, 2020, 9:17 PM
In response to an earlier post in this thread—and I KNOW there are other guys here with similar feelings as me, as I’ve read a few of their comments—I’m a lover of EVERYTHING about a woman’s body first, an enjoyer of cocks second. We should really take more people at face value. I hug, cuddle, and kiss a woman over every single inch of her body, absolutely loving every second of it, but the only thing I want to do with a man is suck his dick. I would be pleased as punch to share here that I love caressing and kissing a man, but I get absolutely nothing out of those things. I’m not “phobic” ANYTHING that two consenting adults do sexually. We all know what turns us on, and this feels like a safe place to talk about those things. Gay and lesbian folks, folks who consider themselves MOSTLY gay or lesbian, I get it, I understand it, I endorse it. They certainly don’t need, and certainly aren’t looking for, my endorsement, but I’m just trying to share my thoughts and feelings. To each their (consensual) own.

I like the thought of people of all sexual persuasions who aren’t looking to “flame” bisexuals coming here to share. I think we can all learn things from one another. Peace.

Dec 2, 2020, 11:22 PM
Maybe it's just a bunch of frustrated bi guys who've had enough of their unaffectionate wives/girlfriends and just want someone who might appreciate them - namely other guys who just need to blow a load.

Fuck women! Literally and figuratively.

Dec 3, 2020, 12:26 AM
Maybe it's just a bunch of frustrated bi guys who've had enough of their unaffectionate wives/girlfriends and just want someone who might appreciate them - namely other guys who just need to blow a load.

Succinct. On point.

Dec 3, 2020, 6:22 PM
I am saddened by the decline in this site. This was a vibrant community when Drew moderated and chat was still up. I met **Peg** here and we had a bit over three years together before she passed. Both of us found the acceptance and caring among the members of this site to be almost magic. I check in now just to see what is going on and in the forlorn hope that someone who really cares has taken over the site.

Dec 4, 2020, 4:59 AM
I am saddened by the decline in this site. This was a vibrant community when Drew moderated and chat was still up. I met **Peg** here and we had a bit over three years together before she passed. Both of us found the acceptance and caring among the members of this site to be almost magic. I check in now just to see what is going on and in the forlorn hope that someone who really cares has taken over the site.
Aahh.. The luffly Peg.. Much missed. Many is the giggle we had with Peg.

There has been strife in .com throughout its existence, sometimes quite heavy, but mostly affection, fun and often more as u know Jack. I doubt if it will ever be again as it once was.. I don't think whoever runs the site nowadays cares enough to develop the site. If he or she does then there is scant evidence of it. Nice to chat though. I keep hoping some of the old gang appear and occasionally one does. Never in numbers. I mind of when the old chatroom had upwards of 100 folk nattering away with a fair number of ladies and gels which was always luffly for me!

Dec 4, 2020, 5:08 AM
Maybe it's just a bunch of frustrated bi guys who've had enough of their unaffectionate wives/girlfriends and just want someone who might appreciate them - namely other guys who just need to blow a load.

Fuck women! Literally and figuratively.A tadge contentious, contemptuous and dare I say sexist dontcha think? Maybe men/husbands should ask themselves why their wives and girlfriends are so unaffectionate if what u suggest is the case.

Dec 4, 2020, 7:23 AM
I have always found myself much more attracted to men, yet I’m married to a woman, yet I’ve been married to a man before. Yes, there was a time in my life where I thought & identified as gay, but truly I’m not, I’m bi through & through. Pondering and wondering if someone is or isn’t bi enough is kind of silly to me, I frankly don’t care. Are you a good person? Are you just discovering feelings for the same sex, and or opposite sex? It’s ok, we should welcome people with open arms to the bi tent instead of asking for a purity test. I can’t justify judging what you like to do with consenting adults, because it’s not just like what I like to do with consenting adults.
Relax, it’s going to be ok.

Totally agree with Darkeyes as well, self reflection & communication go a long way.

Dec 4, 2020, 10:58 AM
Footstep40, What a great attitude, and eloquence of expressing it. Thanks and “Hear, Hear”!

Dec 5, 2020, 12:10 PM
Aahh.. The luffly Peg.. Much missed. Many is the giggle we had with Peg.

There has been strife in .com throughout its existence, sometimes quite heavy, but mostly affection, fun and often more as u know Jack. I doubt if it will ever be again as it once was.. I don't think whoever runs the site nowadays cares enough to develop the site. If he or she does then there is scant evidence of it. Nice to chat though. I keep hoping some of the old gang appear and occasionally one does. Never in numbers. I mind of when the old chatroom had upwards of 100 folk nattering away with a fair number of ladies and gels which was always luffly for me!

Ah, yes, I remember fondly Peg, Cat and even DD a little less fondly but still fondly. There were many intelligent, sweet women on the site. Maybe, it was a more bisexual site back then. I remember a couple of women on the site who opened up discussions of female bisexuals who struggled with their sexuality. Discussions on how these men and women struggled with how to relate who they were to their partners. There was a strong matriarcal presence that might have been a bit click but it was real human interaction. Posting blogs were honest reflections on what the poster was experiencing and not a brag of promiscuous multi sexual experience posting requiring five to eight blogs that really have little content or questions the blogger may be experiencing. Cat would have blown the blogger literally and figuratively out of the water.

What is going on this site seems a fair bit "pervy" porn and juvenile. I don't recall such porn images and the large number of men proclaiming that they are only in to cock and rarely even mention women in their lives. Maybe,some of these guys are really gay or surface bi lacking humanity, humour and intelligence in their posts? Pick the porn image that you like is objectifying your humanity to a level worse than being gay on this bi site.

Dec 5, 2020, 1:18 PM
Tenni lets be a bit more frank here. In recent years, starting with the loss of Drew and exponentially since the demise of another site, bisexual.com has turned into a Junior High porn site. Prior to this deterioration there were thought provoking discussions involving male and females and that has ended. It has turned into a prominently a gay male, show me your package, post porn pictures, porn video and porn stories so I can jerk off site. Have you ever noticed when I thread is almost off the main page the person who created it posts something else that is meaningless just to push it back up instead of allowing it dying a natural death? Very little of what is here has to do with bisexuality. Women are largely excluded, the traffic here is extremely low because of the deterioration and many of us expect to come here and find a "This site can't be reached" message when we visit here. Many post threads ignoring the rules or make up excuses to ignore them or circumvent them. How many "new threads" asking the same old questions, 'How many guys have you blown, taken anally or barebacked" "Show me yours" "Where is the best porn" will it take before the domain name is sold and the site shut down? That perhaps is the real question?

Long Duck Dong
Dec 6, 2020, 6:59 PM
Oh how the years have passed by..........

There was a time that some friends and I considered the merits of buying the site, and updating it but sticking with drews vision for the site with a * all are welcome, just follow the rules please * approach

Things we considered were things like a forum filter so you can click what you want to see * porn, porn pics, general discussion, LGBTQIA events and news * etc and filter out what does not interest you...... a new chat system that is more interactive.... and moderators whose primary job is to help, answer questions regarding the site and moving threads to the correct areas......

I can see the merits of a dual system like a all inclusive main site, with the options like shybiguy where there is sections based on aspects of people with the seperate males and females areas, however that can end up in a lot of fighting over what defines male and female, with people that are non binary or gender queer arguing that its discrimination because they do not see themselves as a gender so why should there be gender restrictions..... its not about restricting people its more about subject matter......like talking about having a hysterectomy in the males area, may not be suitable

the whole biggest problem is not the majority of members, its the minority that want everything suited to them that can be the real headache.....and there is some people that always want to push the limits......

The financing and funding was never a problem...... its that ownership and running the site are two different things..... and killing off spam and trolls, quickly, is easy.... but very very few people can be unbiased when it comes to moderation, thats to be expected, we are human after all.....and where do we draw the line on what is acceptable with controversial subjects like incest, while some like seeking underage sex would not be tolerated but is discussion about when we first had our sexual encounter crossing that line when it mentions underage sex....

The thing that finally stopped us considering if we want to own the site, was honestly we got old... lol..... and we are finding that intelligent, information and constructive debate is disappearing faster and faster, being replaced by the * My opinion is right, fuck facts and other peoples own experiences * attitude of people......

Dec 7, 2020, 11:40 PM
Yea it is a shame the site here is essentially gone.

Yes, I'll second that!

Dec 30, 2020, 12:12 AM
I've gotten frustrated with gay men telling me that I'm gay and just fooling myself identifying as bi. However I have not seen any of that here. As long as it stays that way, I'm okay with gay people being here.

Dec 30, 2020, 12:02 PM
I've gotten frustrated with gay men telling me that I'm gay and just fooling myself identifying as bi. However I have not seen any of that here. As long as it stays that way, I'm okay with gay people being here.

I have run into this same attitude from some gay men on other sites. I find it sad that some people who belong to a group that has faced so much discrimination and marginalization choose to do the same thing to another group of people. Fucking humans. ;-)

Feb 13, 2021, 11:29 AM
That's kind of like asking why are there bi people commenting on straight peoples sites, if you're bi or gay or questioning you have no place there any more, does that even make sense? No.

Feb 13, 2021, 12:05 PM
To quote Mr. Bob Seger..."The Answer is in the Question" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2A7IDUHIM4w

Feb 13, 2021, 12:15 PM
Oh how the years have passed by..........

There was a time that some friends and I considered the merits of buying the site, and updating it but sticking with drews vision for the site with a * all are welcome, just follow the rules please * approach

Things we considered were things like a forum filter so you can click what you want to see * porn, porn pics, general discussion, LGBTQIA events and news * etc and filter out what does not interest you...... a new chat system that is more interactive.... and moderators whose primary job is to help, answer questions regarding the site and moving threads to the correct areas......

I can see the merits of a dual system like a all inclusive main site, with the options like shybiguy where there is sections based on aspects of people with the seperate males and females areas, however that can end up in a lot of fighting over what defines male and female, with people that are non binary or gender queer arguing that its discrimination because they do not see themselves as a gender so why should there be gender restrictions..... its not about restricting people its more about subject matter......like talking about having a hysterectomy in the males area, may not be suitable

the whole biggest problem is not the majority of members, its the minority that want everything suited to them that can be the real headache.....and there is some people that always want to push the limits......

The financing and funding was never a problem...... its that ownership and running the site are two different things..... and killing off spam and trolls, quickly, is easy.... but very very few people can be unbiased when it comes to moderation, thats to be expected, we are human after all.....and where do we draw the line on what is acceptable with controversial subjects like incest, while some like seeking underage sex would not be tolerated but is discussion about when we first had our sexual encounter crossing that line when it mentions underage sex....

The thing that finally stopped us considering if we want to own the site, was honestly we got old... lol..... and we are finding that intelligent, information and constructive debate is disappearing faster and faster, being replaced by the * My opinion is right, fuck facts and other peoples own experiences * attitude of people......

Excellent response LLD...We were an "all are welcome" as far as gender and orientation went, when I first joined the site long ago...then this infighting of who belonged and who was right intensified after Drew passed and the site ALMOST went with him...lost a lot of good members as it got worse...seriously people, "Can't we all just get along?"

Feb 13, 2021, 2:49 PM
the way i see it is , all cocksuckers should be welcomed here !

Feb 13, 2021, 3:16 PM
Interesting question. From a personal perspective, I've found many similarities in the way bi men and gay men interact with others. What they want may differ as far as needs go - which very much is dependent on the person, as some bi men may be seeking a relationship with another like partner but still do not really qualify as 'gay'. Others just want some action and that's it. Both things every orientation crave but have differing needs that need met.
What I enjoy is you get two seemingly 'different' sides talking and on a base level, they have shared many similar experiences. Sexes may be different and some activities may not be possible but the general 'Oh yeah - been there. Totally get you' sentiment is still there. Plus it does help some who may be trying to figure out aspects of themselves that are still eluding them. Who doesn't want a bit of helpful insight?

Technically, being a straight female I have zero business being on this site. But with my guy being bi and the fact I'll do damn near everything in my power to support him, it may be helpful for some to see that not all of those in my camp are completely insensitive ball-busters. Plus if the need to ask what things are like from the 'other side's' perspective is on someones mind - hey, at least they have the option to ask.
On the flip, I can get some ideas of what he may have urges/needs for or topics to breach with him down the road. Granted bi people come in such a wide variety it may not matter - but at least the awareness is there.

I've also wondered - if a bi man fell in love with a gay man through a site like this would that be such a bad thing? So they are a bit different. Who cares? Limiting who can interact or be involved with whom seems more a detriment to all groups than a boon. Trouble makers need to go, but otherwise the opportunity for acceptance and understanding should be welcome. Otherwise real strides for both are going to be hindered even more, and generally it seems most the men on this site are a might bit tired of that already.

Feb 13, 2021, 4:09 PM
Gay folks have a unique perspective on love, sex, and relationships and bi folks do happen to share a lot of things with gay folks and, as such, could provide some insight that could be helpful and some gay folks, believe it or not, can be a bit - or a lot - more bisexual than they might be willing to admit to. There's this... rift between bisexuals and homosexuals that exists when it really shouldn't but, again, the two sides of this coin looks at love, sex, and relationships from differing perspectives even though there's a lot of common "problems" that exist regardless of sexuality, like finding that one person to have sex with or to be in some kind of relationship with and already being in a relationship but wanting and needing more than what the relationship is providing. I think I mentioned before that there are a lot of gay folks who don't understand bisexuality so how better to gain an understanding than to hang out with bisexuals and see what they're talking about and/or doing?

I applaud any straight woman who would come here to find out some stuff about their bi guy and other than what he says to her about it; more women should but, alas, they don't.

Feb 14, 2021, 10:25 PM
I'm gay, and I signed up on this site to try to connect with a bi guy. I do that because a bi guy enjoys being with another man (doesn't matter if he's bi or gay.. he's still a man!), and second, I feel safer with a bi guy.. gay men are very promiscuous and don't trust them. A bi guy is more sensitive and wouldn't want to give his lady friend (gf, wife, etc) a disease. Bi guys are more careful, and I'm part of a dying breed of gay men that do not sleep around with just anyone. I just want one guy I can be exclusive with...it's the only way 2 guys protect each other from all the other potentially diseased men. Being bi is one thing, but a slut is another. It's not easy finding an honest and truthful guy who can commit to just one fuckbud!

Feb 14, 2021, 10:44 PM
I'm gay, and I signed up on this site to try to connect with a bi guy. I do that because a bi guy enjoys being with another man (doesn't matter if he's bi or gay.. he's still a man!), and second, I feel safer with a bi guy.. gay men are very promiscuous and don't trust them. A bi guy is more sensitive and wouldn't want to give his lady friend (gf, wife, etc) a disease. Bi guys are more careful, and I'm part of a dying breed of gay men that do not sleep around with just anyone. I just want one guy I can be exclusive with...it's the only way 2 guys protect each other from all the other potentially diseased men. Being bi is one thing, but a slut is another. It's not easy finding an honest and truthful guy who can commit to just one fuckbud!

I was reading recently, that young gay men seem to think HIV is an old gay mans disease and dont worry about protecting themselves as much anymore. I think the other issue is the PREP commercials themselves, they make it seem like no big deal, just take pop this pill and all is good, instead of the message protect yourself first, and we are here if you need

Gay men generally are not interested in someone like me though

Feb 14, 2021, 11:09 PM
Interesting question. From a personal perspective, I've found many similarities in the way bi men and gay men interact with others. What they want may differ as far as needs go - which very much is dependent on the person, as some bi men may be seeking a relationship with another like partner but still do not really qualify as 'gay'. Others just want some action and that's it. Both things every orientation crave but have differing needs that need met.
What I enjoy is you get two seemingly 'different' sides talking and on a base level, they have shared many similar experiences. Sexes may be different and some activities may not be possible but the general 'Oh yeah - been there. Totally get you' sentiment is still there. Plus it does help some who may be trying to figure out aspects of themselves that are still eluding them. Who doesn't want a bit of helpful insight?

Technically, being a straight female I have zero business being on this site. But with my guy being bi and the fact I'll do damn near everything in my power to support him, it may be helpful for some to see that not all of those in my camp are completely insensitive ball-busters. Plus if the need to ask what things are like from the 'other side's' perspective is on someones mind - hey, at least they have the option to ask.
On the flip, I can get some ideas of what he may have urges/needs for or topics to breach with him down the road. Granted bi people come in such a wide variety it may not matter - but at least the awareness is there.

I've also wondered - if a bi man fell in love with a gay man through a site like this would that be such a bad thing? So they are a bit different. Who cares? Limiting who can interact or be involved with whom seems more a detriment to all groups than a boon. Trouble makers need to go, but otherwise the opportunity for acceptance and understanding should be welcome. Otherwise real strides for both are going to be hindered even more, and generally it seems most the men on this site are a might bit tired of that already.

Well articulated thoughts. Like you, some other heterosexual women come here to learn and support the bi guy they are involved with. A few still post once in a while. If a bi man fell in love with a gay guy their options may or may not be wide. If the bi guy is also in a relationship and his wife doesn't know creates the most complex arrangement to resolve. I have heard of a bi person in a live in relationship with a gay person. It works for them. They happen to be female but I also have heard of bi/gay men falling in love. One complex issue with two people setting up house and one is gay and one is bi can have to deal with assumptions that the bi person being seen as gay now.

Recently, several bi guys have posted that they only want cock no relationship beyond that. I guess quietly they go home to their heterosexual wives. This is far from falling in love with another man gay or bi.

Feb 15, 2021, 9:17 PM
Well articulated thoughts. Like you, some other heterosexual women come here to learn and support the bi guy they are involved with. A few still post once in a while. If a bi man fell in love with a gay guy their options may or may not be wide. If the bi guy is also in a relationship and his wife doesn't know creates the most complex arrangement to resolve. I have heard of a bi person in a live in relationship with a gay person. It works for them. They happen to be female but I also have heard of bi/gay men falling in love. One complex issue with two people setting up house and one is gay and one is bi can have to deal with assumptions that the bi person being seen as gay now.

Recently, several bi guys have posted that they only want cock no relationship beyond that. I guess quietly they go home to their heterosexual wives. This is far from falling in love with another man gay or bi.

Eesh, I'd agree if said bi guy had the issue of already being married to another - that is a very Pandora's Box scenario. But one so many hetero's already decide to rip the top off of, in some cases. I can see where the fallout would be far more concerning for a bi man or woman though. Loose lips and all that from their marital partner if they were trying to be discrete about their orientation.

It's interesting that, a gay partner or straight partner, a bi person is still largely lumped into one category or the other. Even if they are a bi man/woman pairing or man/man, woman/woman. Either way they are, in a sense, screwed out of being themselves simply because of who they related to for a partner. Both with their own unique set of issues. Ick.

I've been enjoying that along with the NSA/cock only posts, there have been almost been an equal amount of comments from others saying that they would consider becoming romantically involved with another man, trans, etc. It's kind of cool seeing all the different 'types' of bi personalities and people figuring out where they fall within, or things they may not have even considered that have just been opened up for them.