View Full Version : Bisexual military men and women

Oct 21, 2020, 7:19 PM
I’m just curious as to how many men and women are prior military or current and consider themselves as bisexual. I’ll start out first....I’m Air Force from 84-94, 96-99. I never had an opportunity to have any sexual desires for men at the time I was in, but boy do I wish I had some experiences to share!! I only found my fondness for anything with cocks and balls in 2009ish! How about anyone else??

Oct 22, 2020, 12:12 AM
well, come on now, you said prior military but you were in the Air Force ?

Just kidding, I couldnt NOT take the jab you understand, 86 to end of 93 almost 84 85'nd airborne

Oct 22, 2020, 7:16 AM
I already knew I was happily bisexual when I enlisted in the Navy as a corpsman (medic) in 83 to 89. The military was not yet very gay friendly, especially the Marine where I spent most of my service as a combat medic, so I carefully hid that part of myself. I had a few opportunities during that time but never availed myself of them. Regret a few of those now.

Oct 22, 2020, 8:29 AM
Army 65 67 had a few cocks while in the service

Oct 22, 2020, 2:49 PM
I was in the Army 65-66 and I had spent most of my Military time enjoying my time in Europe and the local German Women, while I was in the service.

If I had not been drafted, and in the Regular Army, I would have probably have been able to find a few good men to play with also. For me my time there, seem to fly by quickly!

Oct 23, 2020, 2:46 AM
Army 83-95 Icor 145th very much bisexual!! I had a great military career.. there were three officers that I serviced regularly for almost my whole tour.. and 4 regulars.. it was a good time..

Oct 23, 2020, 3:03 PM
Army Medical Corp 85-91. All the guys I touched were patients, so it would have been seriously unethical / court martial if any intimacy were to result. Couple of guys were ‘hard’ to resist.

Oct 23, 2020, 5:50 PM
Military guy, but never had m2m while serving

Oct 24, 2020, 2:42 PM
When I enlisted in the USAF in 73, I was very much bi already and knew of the military's stance on things homosexual... except there was always plenty of dick to be had even in basic training. My roommate was "as gay as a $3 bill" and almost all of the guys I got to be friends with wouldn't object to a blow job or more. I always remember something one of our sergeants in tech school would tell us during the Friday safety briefing: It's not illegal unless you get caught... so ya might not want to get caught doing anything illegal. In my four years of service, I didn't hear of anyone getting busted for homosexual sex; some got jacked up over weed and other drugs and for other things... but not that.

Oct 24, 2020, 5:37 PM
CIMIC in AFG two tours in the 00s...had plenty of uniformed guys offer to give me head if I’d buy booze. Never did it because that was a good way to find myself on a helo out (the booze, not the oral sex lol).

Oct 25, 2020, 2:57 AM
Lol. Had you had any run ins with guys while you were in?