View Full Version : how have you been hit on?

Oct 15, 2020, 1:11 PM
married guys over 30, if you have been hit on by a neighbor or friend, how did he make the suggestion he was interested? on the other side, how would you suggest to a friend or neighbor that you would be done to play?

Oct 15, 2020, 4:23 PM
Man you're talkin about the ultimate game of chicken, lol!

Unfortunately Ive never been hit on, that Im aware of. Im also not sure of how to break the ice. I think best way to do the latter is just pay attention for any cues and build on that.

Oct 15, 2020, 4:25 PM
Good lord... I've heard of some of the most funniest and hilarious lines and ways to present them. Me? I tend to be direct and no-nonsense about it and if I wanted a friend or neighbor to know I'd be down for it, I'd just tell them... because I'm "too old" to be playing games about it... but I will watch and listen to them falling all over themselves trying to find out if I'd be interested when all they had to do is ask - and I do get a kick out of seeing the look on their face when I tell them that... and after they've made themselves look silly trying to get to the point. But that's me and everyone else, well, they're not me so if you - or anyone - is trying to let that friend or neighbor know that you'd be interested, you'll just have to figure out your own way to do it and, yes, there is a risk involved because even I have guess wrongly about friends and neighbors and it didn't go well. Occupational hazard. Just the way shit can go.

I recently - a few months ago now - had a neighbor hit on me and we did get it on... but I almost hurt myself trying not to laugh at how he was going about bringing the subject up and, yeah, I didn't put him out of his misery and like, perhaps, I should have because, um, sometimes I really do want to see them trying to figure out how to ask me if we can have sex... and I do have quite the sense of humor even thought I know this really isn't funny... it's just that it can be. I know why I had sex with him but, yeah - you should have seen the look on his face when I said, "You know you could have just come out and ask me without going through all of that, right?"

Then I blew his brains out and got mine blown out, too.

Oct 15, 2020, 5:48 PM
well i have been hit on a few times and most times just got right down to the point you want to suck or fuck

Oct 16, 2020, 2:55 AM
I was hit on by a guy when my wife and I were at this one nudist resort for the first time. We passed each other walking around the pool when he said, "Well, it sure looks like someone is excited...!!!" I wasn't, I guess you could say I am more of a shower than a grower.

My wife had heard everything and saw what he was looking at thought it was hilarious. I didn't realize that he was trying to pick me up until my wife clued me in.

Oct 16, 2020, 3:38 AM
I have been hit on a fair amount of times and it is quite funny sometimes.. I find that a lot of times if someone has brought up sex as m2m sex quite a few times in conversation then they are looking to get your reaction to it.. so if I am interested I reply in kind with a favorable answer.. keepen the conversation going on that sexual vibe.. and stay favorable all the way.. it will get to where you want it to go!!

Oct 17, 2020, 4:22 PM
I have been hit on a fair amount of times and it is quite funny sometimes.. I find that a lot of times if someone has brought up sex as m2m sex quite a few times in conversation then they are looking to get your reaction to it.. so if I am interested I reply in kind with a favorable answer.. keepen the conversation going on that sexual vibe.. and stay favorable all the way.. it will get to where you want it to go!!

Very good advice. It sure does in my experience as well.

Oct 17, 2020, 4:34 PM
Yes. When I was much younger than I am now. When I was a teenager a friend of mine asked me if he could suck my cock and then he asked me if I wanted to suck his cock. I was surprised and naïve and I declined the offer. When I was older at a party this guy comes over and whispers in my ear that he was Love with me and I politely turned him away. I have never come on to anyone in person but on line flirting twice and both times we hooked up... It's been awhile.

Oct 17, 2020, 4:50 PM
Yeah... how many times have I had a guy talking to me about this and I'm wondering why we're having this conversation? I still get a kick out of watching them even trying to bring it up and my favorite is that "I know a guy who said that he wouldn't mind giving it a try" thing or some "friend" had asked him about it and now he's trying to find some answers to give to that "friend." Sometimes, it's a sad and pitiful thing to witness and I've seen guys kicking their ass so much over it that I'll put them out of their misery and ask, "What is it that you're really trying to ask me? Are you asking me if I'd be interested in some cock sucking?"

Otherwise, it's just me but I think it's funny as hell and more so when they don't know that I'm actually paying attention to them and thinking about whether to say yes, no, or play dumb about it.

Oct 18, 2020, 10:11 AM
When I was a teenager in LA, I was once hit on while hitchhiking. Too damn hetero then to take him up on it, but he was rubbing my leg a bit and talking about jacking off in shower...should've just let him suck me...oh well,..a fw years later a guy slipped into a video booth I was in in San Francisco and gave me the best blow job I ever had...didn't know I could cum that much and long...

Oct 18, 2020, 8:48 PM
well last night I was in one of my moods where I need dicking down and need it bad.. so as per usual I dressed in my sexist lace top thigh hi silk stockings neon blue and matching lacy garter and thong panties.. very loose fitting board shorts and a tank top t shirt.. put on a little mascara and eyeliner and bright red lipstick.. and headed to the gay sex bar.. it pretty much allows anything.. I arrive and go straight to the bar and order a drink.. I barely got my drink when I was ask to dance.. we danced a couple songs when a slow song came on.. we were kinda bumping and grinding away when another young man came behind me and started bumping me too.. so I just reached out and took both their cocks in hand and started stroking them there on the dance floor.. they were both kissing me and sucking on my neck and shoulders as my shirt was down over my shoulders.. soon my shorts were on the floor and one had my cock the other was fingering my ass.. we all were getting hard and I was in a sex frenzy.. I wanted needed to be fucked very badly.. the one behind me slid my panties to the side and I pushed back agenst him guiding his cock to my pussy.. some where he got a bottle of oil and pours what had to be most of it down my crack to my pussy and his cock.. feeling this I pushed agenst him to force his cock inside of me.. but he pushes me away and towards a table.. he pushes me down on my back and lifted one of my legs to his shoulder.. he then finds my pussy again.. and with one big thrust is balls deep.. this curled my toes and takes my breath away and sends pleasurable ones up my spine.. he fucks me as the other guy fucks my throat.. and as all this is going on 3 other guys join in the fun.. all in all 2 1/2 hours later I bane 7 loads in my pussy and 3 in my stomach.. I was fucked so very very good and rewarded with lots of dna.. I feel very relaxed and satisfied today.. thanks guys till next time!!

Christopher South
Oct 18, 2020, 9:03 PM
My wife and i were headed to see our son in college two states away. I stopped to take a piss and a guy came up to me while I was washing my hands and started telling my how handsome I was, how he never meets handsome guys and asked if I wanted to see his camper outside. Had to tell min my wife was outside waiting for me and left.

Oct 18, 2020, 9:03 PM
I have a suspicion that the guy who lives nearby is bi. We're new to the neighbourhood and he is friendly in a different way, which I can't quite put my finger on. He's not mentioned anything overtly, but there's something about him that I sense is inviting. I wonder if I'm right...

Oct 19, 2020, 8:11 AM
Never bit hit on, or even talked about M-M activity with any of my straight friends or acquaintances. It has only been a topic of conversation with 'lifestyle' people that I've met through places like this, SilverDaddies and FetLife.

We used to swing a little bit, but only towards the end of that experiment did I acknowledge being BI, so there was virtually no opportunity for being 'hit on' to occur.

And on the other end of it, I've never hit on anyone, either... I'll talk about it freely online, with like minds, in contemplation of an eventual meeting, but that's the extent of it.

Oct 19, 2020, 3:29 PM
Short of being very blatantly obvious, I am usually oblivious to people hitting on me :disgust:...................one of my character flaws that pisses me off

Oct 19, 2020, 4:02 PM
Do keep us up to date. ;)
I have a suspicion that the guy who lives nearby is bi. We're new to the neighbourhood and he is friendly in a different way, which I can't quite put my finger on. He's not mentioned anything overtly, but there's something about him that I sense is inviting. I wonder if I'm right...

Oct 19, 2020, 6:34 PM
I don't think I've ever quite been hit on. I used to travel a lot for work, and at one of the hotels I frequently stayed at, the guy who worked the front desk was always weirdly happy to see me. A lot of forced small talk and laughing a little too much at my jokes. I usually worked long arduous days on the road and liked to unwind in the pool and hot tub. After a difficult day, I walked into the hotel, and he said, "Long day, huh? I bet you can't wait to relax in the hot tub?" I was a little weirded out knowing he had been watching me, so I opted not to go to the pool on the nights he was working. One night, someone else was at the front desk, so I assumed he wasn't there. I eagerly made my way to the hot tub, and as I let out my first deep breath of relief, I saw him in the lobby through the glass. He waved to me and gave me thumbs up for some reason. I avoided him as I went back to my room, and as much as possible from then on, but I couldn't get it out of my head that he would be jerking off to me that night. Being away from my wife so much was difficult, and we were already into a years long dry spell. I have never and would never cheat on her, but I did have a few "what if" fantasies of bringing women back to my room. A couple times, while I was jerking off naked and alone in my room, I wondered if this was how he pictured me in the hot tub. It ever so briefly crossed my mind that if he wants to touch my dick, and I want my dick touched, what's the harm? Maybe it wouldn't count as cheating? I shook it out of my head and went back to watching the pussy getting pounded on my laptop. I wish I didn't find it weird at the time because now it would be a huge turn on to have anyone watching me and think, or better yet know, that they're pleasuring themselves. I might put on more of a show.

Oct 19, 2020, 7:44 PM
I was at Michaels craft store the other night picking up some meltable chocolate. A guy followed me around a little while and actually, finally came up to me and said........

"Come here often ? " Then he just stood there with a weird smile on his face. I said yeah, when I need things, but gotta go now. He looked at me

" So, are we gonna hook up or what ?". For some reason, I was feeling a little pissy

" No, number one you are giving me some kind of inbred I have a uncle daddy sister cousin lifestyle. Secondly, hitting on someone like that, really ? "

As I was walking away he called me a bitch, the worker there made an apology, I looked at her and said why, I am kinda a bitch

Oct 20, 2020, 1:58 PM
I think there are two "parts" to this: Wanting to be hit on... and not wanting to be bothered. I think the infamous Mr. Murphy is in charge of this because it always seems to me that when you want someone to hit on you, no one does... and when that's the last thing on your mind - and you have other things to do - you get hit on - and then not by someone you might prefer to hit on you. Like I said, every time I leave home, I expect to be hit on even if it's the last thing I wanna deal with - but, if it never happens, I'm good with that.