View Full Version : Since becoming bi how long has it been since you were with a woman

Oct 12, 2020, 6:29 PM
I had some bi experiences in my teens and mid twenties but quit playing till I turned 49 and started playing again. I'm married and my wife has had a hysterectomy and lost all drive and I'm kind of scared of bringing something home also. I've probably played with 20 -30 some guys in the last 5 years but have not been with a woman in that time. For most of the 5 years most of my fantasies have been mostly gay but lately I've been really craving pussy again. I list myself as a 3 on the Kinsey scale (and equally crave both men and woman) but my experiences seem to make me more of a 4 or even 5. My question to you is since you started being bi how long has it been since you were with a women? Do you crave more male or female sex or what sex do you fantasize the most about?

Oct 12, 2020, 6:43 PM
30 plus years.Wife got me into sucking cocks when we use to swing together and coached me into where I am today.I can never thank her enough for pushing me to the cock side.She saw something in me I did not know was there.Love her dearly for it.

Oct 12, 2020, 6:55 PM
I had some bi experiences in my teens and mid twenties but quit playing till I turned 49 and started playing again. I'm married and my wife has had a hysterectomy and lost all drive and I'm kind of scared of bringing something home also. I've probably played with 20 -30 some guys in the last 5 years but have not been with a woman in that time. For most of the 5 years most of my fantasies have been mostly gay but lately I've been really craving pussy again. I list myself as a 3 on the Kinsey scale (and equally crave both men and woman) but my experiences seem to make me more of a 4 or even 5. My question to you is since you started being bi how long has it been since you were with a women? Do you crave more male or female sex or what sex do you fantasize the most about?

You say that you are "kind of scared of bringing something home"
Have you considered getting some blood work done - to rule out STD's?

Oct 12, 2020, 11:27 PM
When I don't have any partners I think about women mostly, I get his deep need on many different levels. When I'm with a women I think of men a lot, I get very aroused thinking of their cocks and having them in me.

Oct 13, 2020, 2:45 AM
I'd say about 12 years or so. The last woman was my ex.

Oct 13, 2020, 6:39 AM
Relationship wise, I've pretty much always been with women. There was one guy I was interested in taking things further than just sex, but he was reluctant and by the time he fully embraced his sexuality, I'd moved on. Fun with guys has always been something I've done when single - it's been a fair while since I've had naked fun with another man, not sure if it'll happen again.

Oct 13, 2020, 8:40 AM
I only had sex with girls I was in a relationship with. Each were long term relationships. I never liked to have sex causally. I only had a one night stand twice with girls, both in my early twenties. Been single for a couple years now. Haven't had sex since then. I have been bi for years, just not sexually acting on it. Being single my desires for a bisexual relationship is certainly why I have not been pursuing a girl currently. But like so many here, I'd love to find a girl, like-minded, and receptive to my attraction to both men and women.

Oct 13, 2020, 9:25 AM
Straight answer to the thread topic question: Since the last time I had sex with my wife -- last week, sometime.

I've only recognized being bi about 10 years ago, as a trial period of swinging with other couples was nearing an end. During that time, I was with a few women around my age. Before marriage, and for the first 30+ years of our marriage, the only woman I'd ever had was my wife. We were both monogamous and faithful until we started experimenting with swinging and kink.

I eventually developed an interest in cock, and then we decided to swing no more. (But not as a direct result of my becoming bi.) She confessed that she never really enjoyed swinging, and I agreed that we shouldn't do it anymore if she didn't want to. I confessed that I was interested in exploring my newly-discovered bisexuality, and told her that I imagined that I would eventually want to be fucked. She said, simply: 'You could do that.' It's not something that we discuss frequently, but when we do, she has reminded me that she's given me consent to get together with other biological males, whether they present as men or gurls, like I do. We have never discussed my playing with a biological woman, and I imagine that she wouldn't like that, so I don't even think about it.

She's now in her late 60s, has gone through 'the change' and had a hysterectomy. She doesn't lubricate well, but she still wants sex. She probably wants it more than I do. I enjoy playing with her, of course, but I think about cock -- sucking or being fucked -- far more than I think about having sex with her. I still love her with all my heart, and thank God that I have been blessed with such a kinky lady that gives me such latitude.

Oct 13, 2020, 11:49 AM
The last time I was with a woman was last December when my girlfriend of 3 years and I broke up. Since then almost all I've been thinking about is sex with men. I hadn't been with a guy in almost 4 years. I've been chatting online with a few local guys, including one guy who I've gotten together with a couple of times a few weeks ago. There's also this amazing guy on this site that I really connected with, but he lives a couple thousand miles away. 😢 But, OMG, he decided to visit many family and friends for a couple of months--only a 2 hour drive from me. 😀 We're getting together in a couple of weeks! I have no plans on getting together with another woman again in the foreseeable future. I want to try and really connect with my gay side, at least sexually.

Oct 13, 2020, 7:18 PM
last time with a woman 2 months ago been 4 months since i have been with a man

Long Duck Dong
Oct 14, 2020, 12:41 AM
I am in a closed group of my partner ( intersex female ) another male and two females.... so last night lol

I am 50 and had been out since my late teens.... I did a few years without having sex cos I do not have an interest in casual hook ups, but could not be bothered with bad relationships and bad partners.......

What surprises people, is with our closed group, its not group sex every night or even sex every night and yeah we have had people say OMG, seriously? you are not having sex every night???...
It comes down to mood and desire.... so when we had sex, its great sex but its not sex for the sake of having sex

Oct 14, 2020, 2:56 AM
I'm kind of scared of bringing something home also.

I too am in West Virginia and if you would like totally free and confidential STD testing, Monongalia County Health Department does it...not sure if they will do other counties now or if your own county will do it...but I've tested negative on everything twice over last few years...when I was much more active with a variety of guys, I tested more frequently...will probably test again soon.

As for women, my wife shut down about 8 years ago and I really haven't pursued because I do enjoy guys, however, if I could start a non-emotional sex play with a woman, I would...still with my wife, but in closet and enjoy sex with men...in fact, if you're ever up in Morgantown, let me know and we can play.

Oct 16, 2020, 12:49 PM
I can't say exactly when I "became bi"; I was probably born bisexual and just recently figured that out. As for being with a woman, I got off in my wife's nice tight pussy 2 days ago.

Oct 18, 2020, 1:11 AM
Have not had sex with wife in 10 years been with men since then meet twice a week with a group of bi married guys some gay and enjoy it love to get fucked and suck

Oct 18, 2020, 12:05 PM
The question makes it sound like if a guy acknowledges he is bi then he should be swearing off pussy. That would make him gay, wouldn't it???

Oct 19, 2020, 1:31 PM
I answer to some of the posters, I get tested but you cant run and get tested every single time you play and even then sometimes it takes time for certain diseases to show up anyway. I had a few friends find that out the hard way. To Neonaught that is not what I'm saying, what I'm asking is 1) has your cock lust made you kind of forget about women 2) more of the boat I'm in, my wife's drive has diminished and its hard to find a women that is just down to fuck without some kind of relationship especially when you get past 50 and its a whole lot easier to meet guys. I'm not one of those guys that think bi guys or just gay men in denial. I still very much love and crave pussy it's just been a while for me and was just wondering about everybody else, that's all.

Oct 20, 2020, 8:32 AM
I been bi since I was a young teen. I was very shy around girls but with guys very horny. In my teens played with about 4 guys. I didn't have a women till I was 19. After a few women got married had kids. About 10 years ago wife started menopause lost interest in sex. So about 8 years last time I had pussy and really don't miss it. I don't look for it if it did come my way wouldn't refuse it but do look for cock.

Oct 21, 2020, 8:55 AM
I answer to some of the posters, I get tested but you cant run and get tested every single time you play and even then sometimes it takes time for certain diseases to show up anyway. I had a few friends find that out the hard way. To Neonaught that is not what I'm saying, what I'm asking is 1) has your cock lust made you kind of forget about women 2) more of the boat I'm in, my wife's drive has diminished and its hard to find a women that is just down to fuck without some kind of relationship especially when you get past 50 and its a whole lot easier to meet guys. I'm not one of those guys that think bi guys or just gay men in denial. I still very much love and crave pussy it's just been a while for me and was just wondering about everybody else, that's all.

I get you. Since coming out to my wife of 35 years a decade ago I have certainly NOT lost my desire for women's bodies! I agree it is far easier to find male partners than female but don't ignore couples who swing. Lots of fun to be had there.

As for testing I recommend a simple regimen of testing, at least for HIV, every three months. While it's true you will not seroconvert immediately upon exposure, a quarterly testing schedue will catch it if you get infected. We use Oraquick test kits from the pharmacy for home testing. $40 a kit and it takes 20 minutes.

Oct 21, 2020, 12:57 PM
I still have sex with my wife whenever she is up for it, and would have sex with more women, but that is a greater risk to the relationship, which I don't want to change. I still crave more sex, so have discreet hookups with guys to feed the need.

I notice lots of guys who, like me, always had an interest in cocks, but not relationships with men. Makes me wonder if there isn't a anthropological factor at play here. As women age, go through menopause and lose interest in sex, playing with guys becomes a source of discreet sex to keep men sexually satisfied, while lessening risk to the marriage. Maybe so many men have an innate interest in cocks for this reason, and just don't act on it until access to pussy decreases. I know this might only fit a minority of bis, but it seems like it is a significant minority.