View Full Version : Not certain there are any real and active couples here anymore but thought I'd throw

Oct 10, 2020, 12:48 AM
Not certain there are any real and active couples here anymore but thought I'd throw this out there and see...

We are looking for a few new couples with bi husbands whose wives are willing to let them play. We are slow to get to know you, we take our time, and my husband does most of what we do for my love of it. He is not into men, he does not kiss men, and he does not f**K men in the a**. He does take it anally though and will suck them off for me and the other wives. Also anyone can suck him off anytime they wish, the men, the wives, me. We can finger him, ream him, sex toy him, and each other, as I will play to make it all work and am open to certain sex acts. I do love a good cock and cum. Though I am not into women, I will cum kiss with anyone, even eat the wife and vice versa to make this work. My husband and I are all about the specific sex play that we enjoy but as I mentioned I am willing to bend to make it all work for everyone. Though we do know the others couples we have sex with well, we do not hang out with them except for sex. We are in NW GA.

There it is... It has been a long road getting here but a wonderful one.

Oct 10, 2020, 10:12 AM
We are kind of the same way, He doesnt kiss guys or find guys attractive, he does find sex with men very fun and exciting. I do enjoy sex with women and love to be enjoyed by women.
We too prefer going slow at first, getting to know others before diving in.
Although, I will not fuk a man, I will enjoy him orally and let him do the same to me. He is the same. will not have intercourse with a woman but will do anything else with them.
We are a busy cpl. always on the run and that has screwed up meeting up with cpls a few times but if it was meant to be. It was meant to be

Oct 10, 2020, 11:55 AM
Good for both of you couples -- you sound like you all have very happy lives, with rich rewarding sexual adventures!

My wife and I used to experiment in this way, but stopped at about the same time I was beginning to realize that sexual activities with other men could be very pleasurable. I'm much like the two men mentioned, in that I'm not 'attracted' to men in everyday life, but very much enjoy engaging in many sexual practices with a like-minded guy, especially those who enjoy a male expressing his feminine side, as I do.