View Full Version : Do you prefer regular or supermodel types

Sep 27, 2020, 7:27 PM
We are 56 and 60 years old. We arenot into the teenager or 20 somethings. We prefer cpls closer to our own age. That being said, we also prefer people who are for lack of a better word... natural... Meaning, we have a few extra pounds. We are not Ken and Barbie. We have been around the track a few times and we would rather see and be with others like us instead of the muscle guys and perfect 10 gals.
We dont care about cock size or breats size. We prefer whats inside rather than outside...
Anyone else feel this way???

Sep 27, 2020, 7:36 PM
normal people for sure. I've really always preferred normal people as opposed to model types. men and women both.

sure, it's fun to watch beautiful people in porn - but even then I also very much enjoy things with real people

Sep 27, 2020, 8:16 PM
Yeah, I am with you. I dont care if someone has a few extra pounds, But, truth be told, if someone has just let themselves go to where walking across the street is a chore (not including people with medical issues), I am probably not interested. I am middle aged, but I am very active. I may not be able to party with Charlie Sheen anymore, but I can make it to midnight.

I cant run a 5 minute miles these days, and I cant remember the last time I saw a Gym, although last year I saw a Jim, and he had a good deal on membership, I do walk a 1/2 mile to the store a few times a week to stay limber.........in other words, I am an average person. Except I do a ton of squats, trying to improve the ass.

For me, as long as someone is not an asshole, that counts more. So, I guess what constitutes an asshole ?
- some who berates wait staff and cashier because they are service people and they feel entitled
- someone who says things to me like, I always wanted to fuck one of you , "Ummmmmm, a human being, damn, what have you been fucking"
- people whose first comment, "you a tranny", uhhhhhhhhhh, no, I am not, and never have been a automobile part
- people who have to show and and perpetrate they are something other than a person, like look at my rolex, or I once saved the Queen and 4 dogs in a single day

I like the goofy people. The I dont give a damn people, to me it's more than just the looks if I am attracted to someone. I like the guy/gal that is wearing shorts, socks, and sandals and says F it, lets go to Dennys. I like the people who sing 80's anthems at the top of their lungs while driving and could care less people are staring.

The people who have a off night and cum way too quick, but laugh it off and say, damn, that didnt take long

I like the real people who dont care what others think, nothing is sexier than that. Unless they also show up with choclate chip cookie dough ice cream, then they get 3 extra points on the sexy scale, because, well, its choclate chip cookie dough ice cream

Sep 27, 2020, 8:21 PM
I prefer regular people. I can relate to them as I am regular myself. Don't get me wrong if a supermodel type wanted I wouldn't say no LOL

Sep 27, 2020, 8:23 PM
The shape of a man doesn't matter to me, and I've never had what's in his shorts not excite me.

I find a hot woman with small breasts quite stimulating, but I completely enjoy experiencing a 'natural' woman's whole body and 'what's inside'.

Sep 27, 2020, 11:19 PM
For me it is all about the energy a person has. Also I like Full figured or Statuesque women.

Sep 28, 2020, 12:11 PM
must be clean, STD free, and sane (not crazy) is more important than looks.

Sep 28, 2020, 12:22 PM
Regular type folks: Just because it looks good doesn't always mean it is good or, as a line from a old and favorite song goes, "Beauty's only skin deep - but ugly goes deep to the bone."

Sep 28, 2020, 2:03 PM
mostly just a normal man or woman regular folks are the most fun

Sep 28, 2020, 3:48 PM
Normal! No high maintainence guys for me. Usually no good in the sex department.

Oct 2, 2020, 9:41 AM
Normal! No high maintainence guys for me. Usually no good in the sex department.
Very true and those who are high on themselves usually dont care if your satisfied...

Oct 10, 2020, 1:26 AM
Oh yeah regular people for me too, the wife and I were in the lifestyle for a few years and we found out quick that the Ken and Barbie types are only interested in people like themselves, usually won't even acknowledge a compliment from an average person.
A few wrinkles and extra pounds is more the norm and honestly I'd rather be with a woman 45 to 60 than a younger one.

Oct 10, 2020, 7:44 AM
No contest for me. Regular is far more arousing. Mostly because the model types I see in porn are actors and are out together on screen for a job. Not because they choose each other. And the sex seems more genuine for the regular types

Oct 13, 2020, 2:18 PM
I personally prefer men my own age and women in their 40's and 50's. As for physique, I like men to be reasonably fit and women on the petite side. Having said this, given the circumstances i could fall way outside these parameters. lol

Oct 13, 2020, 2:42 PM
...never have been a automobile part. LAMFAO!