View Full Version : Hotel business men

Sep 21, 2020, 11:36 PM
I travel a lot and always pick a hotel with a bar. I am always looking to hook up with a guy traveling like me. I have never been lucky enough to find a guy in the bar. Are there signals or hints that i should look for?

Sep 21, 2020, 11:40 PM
maybe google search for "gay" friendly bars ?

Sep 22, 2020, 5:20 AM
I used to travel quite a bit when Craigslist was active...I used to have as many as 4-5 different guys during a few day stay all over the country...was really very nice...but now, I do not travel as much, I'm concerned about COVID, and there is no easy Craigslist hookups....never thought those days would end like that.

Hanging out at bar (if open) may be a good start...even if you hit on another guy and it doesn't happen so what ? Are you really concerned that some guy somewhere knows you were trying to hook up? If no is the answer, he'll probably forget you in minutes....go for it.

Sep 22, 2020, 6:11 AM
Love biz travel, whether I'm the traveler or I'm home and find a traveler, horny guy in a hotel... yes please. CL was heaven, it's left a void yet to be filled. Grindr on your phone is a good option.

Sep 22, 2020, 7:18 AM
eye contact my man works everytime, eye contact and that look the little arch of the eyebrows when both sets of eyes make connection, guranteed it will work everytime ,well almost if your both interested

Sep 22, 2020, 9:26 AM
I used to travel for work and I did have one great experience with another married man I met at the hotel bar. Great memory.

Sep 22, 2020, 11:12 AM
Tell us the story. How did you start the conversation, what happened?

Sep 22, 2020, 11:42 AM
This is a story from a business trip many years ago. After a long day of meetings I returned to my hotel, showered, and went downstairs to the bar for a drink. It was a weeknight, not to busy. After a few minutes another gentleman takes a seat at the bar next to me. I forget what I said to him but a conversation ensued. I am pretty social in this kind of scenario, traveling for work can get very boring. The conversation was going nicely,we were both married, both in town on business. We talked about how traveling for work can get lonely, missing the wives and such. We decided to have another drink and keep the conversation going. At one point he leans in and asks me if I have checked out any of the porn on the hotel TV system. I probably blushed a bit and responded, no, my room is on the company credit card and would be worried about those kinds of charges showing up on the bill. At the time I was 35, married, bi but hardly any experience other then playing around with a friend as a kid. For years I had found myself thinking about guys from time to time but being married it was simply something to fantasize about. But when this man asked me about watching porn on the hotel TV I immediately started thinking about how nice it would be to watch porn with him. I was 35 and he was 48yo. He was stocky but hwp, football player build, for my tastes he was hot. So the conversation continues. We are both about at the end of our drink and my new friend leans in and asks if I would like to have another drink in his room and watch some porn. This time I am sure my face turned bright red, my heart was racing a bit, a wash of nervous excitement came over me. I don’t know how long it took me to respond but it felt like a very long time. I smiled and I said that would be nice. He ordered another drink, told me his room number and said com up in 10min or so, he took his drink and headed off to his room. I am no sitting at this hotel bar with a raging hardon. Waiting the few minutes before I go to his room. I order another drink and think to myself, now or never.

Now I am standing outside this mans hotel room working up the nerve to knock. I almost back out but I figured this was about as good of an opportunity as I might ever get, so I knocked on the door. He opened the door and invited me in, his room was a suit and had a couch are separate from the bedroom. We each took a seat on the couch and made a little small talk as he browsed the adult video collection on the hotel TV. he selected a Bi video and hit play. I was a nervous and excited as the video played, I was already hard before the video started. My new friend is sitting next to me gently rubbing his cock thru is pants, this turned me on even more and I started to do the same. After a few minutes he asked if I mind him getting a bit more comfortable. I said something like it’s your room get as comfortable as you like. He stood up and began to undress. I did as well. So now we are both naked sitting on the couch together and it was not long before we were stroking each other cocks. He had a really nice 7” thick cut cock, big balls, similar to me, I am about 6.5” cut, big balls. It felt so nice playing with each other cocks. We moved around a bit on the couch so his legs where over mine, cock to cock. We continued stroking each other and stroking our cocks together. We both shot our loads at almost the same time. It was so hot. He got me a towel so I could clean up, a bit more small talk, then we said goodbye and I went back to my room. I was so turned on by the encounter I ended up jacking off again when I got back to my room

Best business trip ever.

Sep 22, 2020, 2:26 PM
Uhhh...yeah....I just got hard after reading that! lol Sexy story!
This is a story from a business trip many years ago. After a long day of meetings I returned to my hotel, showered, and went downstairs to the bar for a drink. It was a weeknight, not to busy. After a few minutes another gentleman takes a seat at the bar next to me. I forget what I said to him but a conversation ensued. I am pretty social in this kind of scenario, traveling for work can get very boring. The conversation was going nicely,we were both married, both in town on business. We talked about how traveling for work can get lonely, missing the wives and such. We decided to have another drink and keep the conversation going. At one point he leans in and asks me if I have checked out any of the porn on the hotel TV system. I probably blushed a bit and responded, no, my room is on the company credit card and would be worried about those kinds of charges showing up on the bill. At the time I was 35, married, bi but hardly any experience other then playing around with a friend as a kid. For years I had found myself thinking about guys from time to time but being married it was simply something to fantasize about. But when this man asked me about watching porn on the hotel TV I immediately started thinking about how nice it would be to watch porn with him. I was 35 and he was 48yo. He was stocky but hwp, football player build, for my tastes he was hot. So the conversation continues. We are both about at the end of our drink and my new friend leans in and asks if I would like to have another drink in his room and watch some porn. This time I am sure my face turned bright red, my heart was racing a bit, a wash of nervous excitement came over me. I don’t know how long it took me to respond but it felt like a very long time. I smiled and I said that would be nice. He ordered another drink, told me his room number and said com up in 10min or so, he took his drink and headed off to his room. I am no sitting at this hotel bar with a raging hardon. Waiting the few minutes before I go to his room. I order another drink and think to myself, now or never.

Now I am standing outside this mans hotel room working up the nerve to knock. I almost back out but I figured this was about as good of an opportunity as I might ever get, so I knocked on the door. He opened the door and invited me in, his room was a suit and had a couch are separate from the bedroom. We each took a seat on the couch and made a little small talk as he browsed the adult video collection on the hotel TV. he selected a Bi video and hit play. I was a nervous and excited as the video played, I was already hard before the video started. My new friend is sitting next to me gently rubbing his cock thru is pants, this turned me on even more and I started to do the same. After a few minutes he asked if I mind him getting a bit more comfortable. I said something like it’s your room get as comfortable as you like. He stood up and began to undress. I did as well. So now we are both naked sitting on the couch together and it was not long before we were stroking each other cocks. He had a really nice 7” thick cut cock, big balls, similar to me, I am about 6.5” cut, big balls. It felt so nice playing with each other cocks. We moved around a bit on the couch so his legs where over mine, cock to cock. We continued stroking each other and stroking our cocks together. We both shot our loads at almost the same time. It was so hot. He got me a towel so I could clean up, a bit more small talk, then we said goodbye and I went back to my room. I was so turned on by the encounter I ended up jacking off again when I got back to my room

Best business trip ever.

Sep 22, 2020, 3:22 PM
When I traveled for work, I rarely gave any specific thought about getting with a guy while traveling... but I also never thought that it wouldn't be possible. I've sat in many a hotel bar and minding my business and either some guy will manage to get my attention - and usually by doing something that isn't... well, 'normal' is the word I'm thinking but it might not be the right word. Sometimes it's a look, or a nod, or even a subtle movement of a hand. My "problem" has always been that I can be looking right a at guy who has this on their mind... and whatever hints they're throwing out will go right over my head most of the time. It'll get my attention if I'm sitting at the bar and some guy takes a seat, say, one barstool away... then strikes up a conversation. I've been in this situation enough times to not immediately think that he wants to do something... but I am waiting to see if the indecent proposal is going to come up. In this situation, I can usually tell if he's got this on his mind because his body language will give him away - and now it's just a matter of me making up my mind that if he hits on me, will I say yes or no?

I learned that when I was on the road, I didn't really have to go looking for a guy and more so since I seem to suck at it. All I had to do was just be anywhere another guy could see me and, say, 7 out of 10 times, a guy is gonna approach me, strike up a conversation and, at some point, ask if we can go somewhere and have sex with each other. Of the remaining three times? The guy really wants to ask but is just afraid to or he's waiting for me to bring it up - and I'll only do that once I'm sure this is what the deal is - and, no, don't even ask me how I'd be sure of this! That would account for two of the remaining three and with the third simply being the guy just wants to talk to someone and I happened to be there... but I also learned to never discount anything when a guy's been drinking.

Sep 22, 2020, 7:40 PM
My "problem" has always been that I can be looking right a at guy who has this on their mind... and whatever hints they're throwing out will go right over my head most of the time..

wow, you and me both, I suck at the hints royally..................although, I can't wait to travel, put on a short dress, go to a bar and see what happens, be fun to try it out in one that is not known as gay hook up place

Sep 23, 2020, 12:22 PM
@Jaz - Jeez, I'd miss so many hints it wasn't funny and I used to feel embarrassed when a guy was hinting, I missed it, and he'd just tell me that he was trying to give me a hint and we'd go on from there. If there's something I prefer, it's directness. Slip me a note; ask me while appearing to talk to me about something else - lean in and whisper it. Lip sync it - I can kinda read lips. Don't assume that if you're on the other side of a room - or a bar - that I'm going to see you or, if I'm looking in your direction, I'm even paying attention to you unless you really do something odd that'll get my attention.

I've had guys buy and send me a drink (and quite a few women, too) - that's a hint I'm not gonna miss and it's a sure bet you're not doing that out of the kindness of your heart.

Sep 23, 2020, 9:36 PM
I would just say make eye contact, and give him a smile....

Sep 23, 2020, 11:34 PM
This thread is giving me a raging hard-on for some reason. Are there really this many bisexual guys out there? I seem to just go through this world thinking that 99% of the people outside of gay bars and gay sex venues are straight, because that's all I see. I am clearly clueless and blind. Thank you, guys, for opening my mind to possibilities. I mean, is it like this in gym locker rooms for example? Is it like this in regular bars and nightclubs?

Sep 24, 2020, 10:12 AM
These stories so hot makes me want to travel!!

Sep 24, 2020, 12:09 PM
This thread is giving me a raging hard-on for some reason. Are there really this many bisexual guys out there? I seem to just go through this world thinking that 99% of the people outside of gay bars and gay sex venues are straight, because that's all I see. I am clearly clueless and blind. Thank you, guys, for opening my mind to possibilities. I mean, is it like this in gym locker rooms for example? Is it like this in regular bars and nightclubs?

Yes, there are really a whole lot of bisexual guys out there and I think until you do some traveling and are of a mind to hang out in a hotel bar, it's tough to see the bigger picture: There are bi guys damned near everywhere! If you can't find them, rest assured that they're looking for you which is why, when guys ask how can they find a guy to do it with, I recommend just going somewhere - anywhere - and be seen; chances are you're gonna get some guy's attention and now it's a matter of what you're gonna do if/when that happens.

Sep 25, 2020, 11:29 AM
Bars are a great place to cruse.. the atmosphere is laidback and most everyone there is after the same thing.. companionship.. just a few things I have learned: first and foremost relax!! Be calm!! Don’t send out the wrong vibe.. be aware of your surroundings.. scan!! Be a people watcher.. look for the guy or guys that are watching you.. eye contact!! If someone makes eye contact and keeps it for an extra long time they are interested.. gaze back.. if he or they give you a nod or gesture return it.. and here is the big one If someone buys you a drink they are interested!!! Go with the flow!! There are usually always guys looking!!! And nothing says you can’t be the guy that buys the first drink..

Sep 26, 2020, 2:13 PM
Absolutely lovely story, got me real hard while reading!

Sep 26, 2020, 2:34 PM
I’ve met at the hotel with two guys off grinder, I always felt picking up someone at the bar was more exciting. I usually check out the few ladies there but so many guys are hitting on them. First time I approached a guy we had made eye contact several times, I went to the end Where he was and was paying my bill. I just looked at him again and asked if he wanted to go over to the restaurant bar next door. He was up and paying his tab immediately. I’ll be at it again once the C virus is under control.

Sep 27, 2020, 9:18 AM
Initially when I would travel for business, I was looking to pick up a woman at the hotel bar. I was bi but still preferred getting a bj from a woman at the time. All that changed when one night, the lady asked if she could bring her husband with us back to my room. I said sure and he had been lurking at a table not too far away. So the three of us went back up to my room. Hubby and I stripped to our briefs and sat on the couch while she did a little stripp down to her g string and proceeded to blow each one of us in turn. When she stopped and said, You guys have some fun, her hubby grabbed my cock and started playing with it. It felt good and I leaned over and took his cock in my mouth and started sucking him. Then she started blowing me again and while I was sucking her husband, she kept saying suck his cum out, suck and swallow. When I started cumming in her mouth, he started cumming in mine as we both swallowed our respective loads. It was a fun night and after that, if I spotted a cool looking guy, I would go in that direction. .

Sep 27, 2020, 4:22 PM
Initially when I would travel for business, I was looking to pick up a woman at the hotel bar. I was bi but still preferred getting a bj from a woman at the time. All that changed when one night, the lady asked if she could bring her husband with us back to my room. I said sure and he had been lurking at a table not too far away. So the three of us went back up to my room. Hubby and I stripped to our briefs and sat on the couch while she did a little stripp down to her g string and proceeded to blow each one of us in turn. When she stopped and said, You guys have some fun, her hubby grabbed my cock and started playing with it. It felt good and I leaned over and took his cock in my mouth and started sucking him. Then she started blowing me again and while I was sucking her husband, she kept saying suck his cum out, suck and swallow. When I started cumming in her mouth, he started cumming in mine as we both swallowed our respective loads. It was a fun night and after that, if I spotted a cool looking guy, I would go in that direction. .

Sep 27, 2020, 11:46 PM
great stories!

Feb 13, 2022, 11:36 AM
Here's my story...true!

Feb 13, 2022, 12:38 PM
The thought of being in a bar and having a guy invite me up to his toom to watch porn is incredibly exciting. Now I want to start Googling to find hotel bars nearby...but not too nearby.

Feb 13, 2022, 1:37 PM
[QUOTE=Fstevens;345013]I travel a lot and always pick a hotel with a bar. I am always looking to hook up with a guy traveling like me. I have never been lucky enough to find a guy in the bar. Are there signals or hints that i should look for?[/QUOT

I travel usually a couple times a month.. I find that there are a couple things that work really well.. 1: you are in a hotel usually hundreds of miles from home no one knows you.. when I have checked in,, cleaned up and am ready to find some cock.. I go to the bar walk in and stand in the doorway checking out the guys there.. standing in the doorway will draw attention to yourself.. kinda sending the message that you are new here.. the I go to the bar and order a drink.. chat with the bartender.. they will be chatty if they are any good at all.. then I simply ask if there are any guys here that like other guys.. if they know most times they will point them out.. or at least be on the lookout for you.. then in do time turn around so you an see the whole bar.. scan the room see who is looking at you.. if you notice someone gazing at you and you like the look gaze back.. I mean make eye contact stare at them.. if they stare back buy them a drink, motion them to come over.. chat with them.. touch them on the arm or chest while you chat.. if they don?t give off a weird vibe when you touch them they want you!!

May 12, 2022, 7:50 PM
I love these stories, i could totally go for a grey haired business man with a dad bod at a hotel bar!

May 12, 2022, 9:21 PM
I love these stories, i could totally go for a grey haired business man with a dad bod at a hotel bar!

There is something incredibly hot about this whole conversation! There's something about the cat and mouse game of having a conversation with a married guy at a bar, being aware that he's subtly turning the conversation to sex...maybe how his wife doesn't do certain things that he likes...maybe feeling my own nervousness about what is really happening...finally admitting my own horniness to him and that I'm an openminded sort of guy.... Whew.

Road Warrior
May 15, 2022, 2:28 PM
I travel a lot and always pick a hotel with a bar. I am always looking to hook up with a guy traveling like me. I have never been lucky enough to find a guy in the bar. Are there signals or hints that i should look for?

Well, another use for your hotel bar is for screening purposes. If you connect with someone through grindr, or something else, it give you an opportunity to "screen them" before committing to anything.

May 16, 2022, 12:05 AM
I travel to Hilliard Ohio for work. I always use adam4adam for attempting to meet someone. I'll have to try the hotel bar next time.