View Full Version : Straight people who have sex with the same sex

Sep 19, 2020, 12:14 PM
What is your opinion on such people? Who identify themselves as straight but regularly (or sometimes) hook up with people of the same sex.

And I do not mean experimenting or doing it just one time and deciding it's not for you. I mean doing it more than a few times in your lifetime.

You often hear stories from gay men about how they seduced straight men (some even married) and on adult forums you see gay men asking if women are aware of the fact that at least a half of men decides to switch sides sometimes

Sep 19, 2020, 12:30 PM
What is your opinion on such people? Who identify themselves as straight but regularly (or sometimes) hook up with people of the same sex.

And I do not mean experimenting or doing it just one time and deciding it's not for you. I mean doing it more than a few times in your lifetime.

You often hear stories from gay men about how they seduced straight men (some even married) and on adult forums you see gay men asking if women are aware of the fact that at least a half of men decides to switch sides sometimes

I drive more often than I have sex, and I have Fords and a Nissan. Just because I drive one versus another one day does not mean that I am a Ford Driver or a Nissan driver. No need for acceptance here.

Sep 19, 2020, 12:34 PM
I guess someone who identifies as straight but has sex with there same gender is exploring. I've only had sex with one other Male early in adulthood. When it was over I was a little confused, all my friends were straight, I had a girlfriend so I was a little embarrassed. Took 30 years for me to figure out I really enjoyed it and want to do it again. Wife is ok with it so I hope it happens soon.

Sep 19, 2020, 12:44 PM
It use to make me think that people who identify themselves as "straight" but had frequent sex activity with same gender were in denial. I still think that they one day would admit that they were at least bisexual. It is really none of my /our business unless the person personally attacks another person for their sexuality (like some fundamental ministers).

Since many bisexuals tend to be fluid as to what gender they are attracted to and for how long, it is not a place to judge others. Monosexuals have more problems with bisexual fluidity since they are wired differently and some put moral judgement against bisexuals. Try to be honest with each other.

Sep 19, 2020, 12:56 PM
The question has been asked in this forum many times over the years, the question like many who are asked over and over are not new. Reading prior posts and answering them rather than starting new threads is a real good idea. I know more than one person who has had a sexual encounter with the same sex once and decided instantly they were not gay or bi and never did it again. I also know several who say they are straight even though they have same sex partners regularly. The first is an experiment that has proven a point with a valid conclusion, the conclusion in the second case is suspect. Defining what a person is who has same sex partners repeatedly is ambiguous but straight is not an accurate description of the individual.

Sep 19, 2020, 1:08 PM
most so called straight men have sex with other men because they like the sex they cant get off their wife

Sep 19, 2020, 1:24 PM
I tend to just shake my head when I hear of - or know of - guys who have more than an experimental acquaintance with M2M sex and they insist that they're still straight. You are what you say you are and as I've said so many times about this, it's defies the maxim that actions speak louder than words if you look like a duck and you quack like a duck - and you maintain that you're not a duck. Is it a problem? Actually, no - it isn't... but it is "annoying" to a lot of people and, for some, "proves" that bisexuals are as confused and in denial as we've been accused of being. Given how much angst there is about sexuality labels, I'd suppose that if a guy who has sex with other guys says that he's straight, well, okay - sure you are, dude. Not gonna argue with you.

In the swinging lifestyle, they often say things like "bi with the right person" or even "socially bi" but because they're primarily and predominantly straight, being bi with the right person doesn't mean that they're really bi... and such a sentiment is laughable since even bisexuals are bi with the right person and socially so when it comes down to doing the deed. Duh. Sexuality has become such a cluster fuck for some that they truly believe that what they think of themselves is one thing... but what they do doesn't mean shit. "Glen" can, when it suits his purpose, have sex with a guy and he can insist that because it's not something he does "all of the time," he's still straight... but what he's really saying is that he isn't gay and the key phrase here is "all of the time." So it kinda makes sense that if someone only gets into some same sex stuff occasionally or even situationally and it's really not their preferred way to have sex, then they're straight - and just like gays who occasionally or situationally have opposite sex sex are still gay. What these folks don't seem to understand, I think, is that frequency - when you might be inclined to switch sides - doesn't mean anything... but the fact that you do it does mean something. It's even why the venerable Kinsey Scale goes from 0 to 6 - and with particular attention to 1 and 5 which, loosely, means you're more straight or gay - but not as straight or gay as 0 and 6 are.

End of the day, all it means - and if it means anything - is that people who "regularly" engage in same sex stuff - and it's their idea of what "regularly" means - and keep insisting that they're straight, well, you decide if they're right about that... or maybe just lying to themselves.

Geoff Gregg
Sep 19, 2020, 2:42 PM
Labels are for people who want to make divisions between people. If you only have sex with the same sex but call yourself straight, fill your boots. If you point a finger at someone and say they're not straight they're gay, you are making a judgement. Wouldn't it be great if we could stop worrying about what other people are doing between the sheets and just live our own lives. The only time you should worry about what someone else is doing in the bedroom is if it is causing harm to another.

Sep 20, 2020, 6:40 AM
The question has been asked in this forum many times over the years, the question like many who are asked over and over are not new. Reading prior posts and answering them rather than starting new threads is a real good idea. I know more than one person who has had a sexual encounter with the same sex once and decided instantly they were not gay or bi and never did it again. I also know several who say they are straight even though they have same sex partners regularly. The first is an experiment that has proven a point with a valid conclusion, the conclusion in the second case is suspect. Defining what a person is who has same sex partners repeatedly is ambiguous but straight is not an accurate description of the individual.

I could not find any of these threads. There was only recently a thread where a straight guy said he desires sex with men and people told him he's bi.

Sep 20, 2020, 9:49 AM
I fit into this category and perhaps subconsciously something is there but from what I think and know is I am straight. My desire for men is not a desire to date or anything , I am it attracted to men only their cock. My first thought of trying a man was not until I learned about t rooms and my sex loge was a t a low point. The same today if I have a women who I have great sex with my desire for cock is there but low, a dry spell and interest goes way up. But again it is o my sexual in nature and cock focused . I could never see myself dating a man or anything like it

Sep 20, 2020, 10:53 AM
Labels are for people who want to make divisions between people. If you only have sex with the same sex but call yourself straight, fill your boots. If you point a finger at someone and say they're not straight they're gay, you are making a judgement. Wouldn't it be great if we could stop worrying about what other people are doing between the sheets and just live our own lives. The only time you should worry about what someone else is doing in the bedroom is if it is causing harm to another.

Difficult to understand why after many years of people arguing against labels that now some need a label to feel good about themselves. Why is it not good enough to be Jim, Cindy or Steve? Have you ever heard of a conversation starting with "Hello, I am straight"? When you are straight it doesn't matter, why does it matter if you are anything else?

Sep 20, 2020, 12:45 PM
Always remember, gentlemen, that when it comes to this, it's all about what they think and not what we, as observers, think. We can agree, disagree, and even agree to disagree on this one.

"Why is it not good enough to be Jim, Cindy or Steve?" Because it isn't - humans don't work like that... yet. We're trying to get there, slowly but surely, but we ain't there yet; we are not at the point where someone's sexuality - and whatever they wanna call it for themselves - becomes the non-issue it needs to be. We've barely gotten away from that silly "you're either straight or gay" crap; we are, on the whole. struggling with the notion that people are bisexual (and could be); so when "Steve" says he's straight but gets his share of dick at times, of course it's gonna be questioned because it doesn't fit what we already know. That would be like me - a Black man - telling people I'm really Oriental or, even better, Caucasian. You'd be right to think there's something wrong with the way I see myself, wouldn't you - and then dismiss it as, "Well, if that's what he thinks he is, that's on him but he sure looks Black to me."

Why does it matter if you're anything else but straight? Because it does. This isn't about labels; it's about an argument that is as old as humanity is: If you're not like us, well, shit. Straight is the way everyone is supposed to be and we haven't grown up enough yet to accept the fact that everyone isn't straight and doesn't want to be straight. It shouldn't matter but it does - for now. So when you and Steve get finished having sex and he says that despite what just happened, he's still straight, you look at him - and like I do - and say, "Okay." And leave it alone. Any of this doesn't become a problem until we make it a problem and the fucked up part is we keep making it a problem. Real-deal, real-life shit, fellas. What you call yourself doesn't really mean a whole lot and more so if you and I are having sex but, yeah: If me and Steve are getting together to blow each other (or whatever) and I know he believes he's straight, I'm gonna look at him real funny like - and not make it an issue because it's not worth fussing about because I might not know what you "are," but I know what you just did with me and I know you like girls, too. What's that called?

@Tag: My brother, I've heard so many guys say the exact same thing you said and many of those guys will tell you that they're really straight when their actions really do say otherwise. I'm not trying to offend you but I'm sharing something I've learned: What you do, when you do it, or even why you do it doesn't mean a whole lot... but that you do it does and that's what pretty much everyone is going to "judge" you on that and it's gonna piss you off because that's not how you see yourself. Like those guys who only get some dick when they can't get any pussy? In their minds, they're straight but to everyone else? They ain't straight. Actions speak louder than words... except when it comes to this, huh? Then that straight guy will very much prefer for us to believe that what he's doing doesn't mean shit - but that him saying he's still straight means everything. They say bisexuals are really homosexuals but here's a truth they don't understand: We're only homosexual when we're doing something homosexual; otherwise, we're straight... but because we can go either way, we are bisexual. And the other truth is... some people don't like being defined like that. It's not about dating; it's not about being in a relationship; it is - and always has been - about how you have sex and who you have it with and if you have sex with both men and women - and regardless to why or when you do - you're bisexual... and you sure as hell ain't straight.

Do it once and only once? You get a pass on that because a lot of people try it at least once. Do it twice? Eh, you might be bi but, okay - a lot of people do it again even if to figure out if they liked it the first time. But if you continue to do it - and no matter when you do like once or twice a year or something like that, well, you're not all that straight. Y'all don't have to believe me or any of this but trust that given how long I've been bisexual and the shitload of experiences I've had - and the people I've come in contact with - this is some real deal, no bullshit shit because this is what people are gonna think if you tell them you're straight but, from time to time, you like sex with men. Here's the problem: It's hard to argue against what someone believes. You can tell them the facts of a thing and if they don't believe it, they're not ever gonna believe it. This ain't any different. You say you're straight and why you are... but your actions, whenever you take them, says something else. Which thing is actually right and the truth?

I know what most people would say: The truth is they're straight... because they say they are and they say that because it's what they believe. And nothing you're gonna say to them is likely to change this perception of themselves unless they find reason to change it... and most people just won't do that because it's not what's comfortable for them inside their head. Period. Fact. You ain't gotta believe me but this is something I've learned because I made it my business to learn it... because of the many men and women who behave like bisexuals and say they're straight that I've run into... and I had to find out why.

Sep 20, 2020, 2:56 PM
very well said KDADDY23, while reading it, my mind flashed to people I know that like to state they are hard core Christians, or the people who always like to tell you how, they have such a big heart and do everything and anything for every one, when in reality, their own actions show that to be not true, but like you said, it's how they see themselves. I teach new managers, truth doesn't always matter

"Perception is reality to the person perceiving" ,basically, like you stated, if someone sees themselves a certain way, then that is their reality, no matter what. I had a FWB years ago, now to me, he was gay, he had nothing to do with women, but he described himself as a female Lesbian (way before I dressed en femme regularly, and never did for him). To this day I don't get it, but, it is his reality and perception (still don't know what it meant)

@chtmpa I think your question as to why, depends on the person. I have one friend like me, he, or she at times, loves to make sure in conversation people know what he/she is. I think it's more of a validation thing, that, this is me, I am me and I am okay. I get the issue, I struggled with it. For him/her they need to have people agree. Where, after many life lessons, I have found that most people will treat me based on what side of me I present.

Another friend is almost militant on having their self described label out there, it comes across almost as a "challange me on it", he/she is constantly at status red, ready to go to war. Being known and accepted as the "label" is his/her most important thing, almost a need I would say for it.

Other friends, the ones I go out with the most and enjoy being around. We get dressed, go out, have a "ladies" day, some lunch and just enjoy our day, we have given up on worrying about the name and the label like you said. We have been in very liberal areas, and very conservative areas, and honestly, no issues ever, people just seem to naturally switch mentality to the presentation (I have heard stories from others, but we seem to be very fortunate)

I think in many ways, our society as a whole, has a need to categorize ourselves. Everything from I am a Southerner, a Northerner, Christian, Catholic, New Yorker, Californian, Democrat, Republican, Libeterian..........................sexuality is in the forefront now, so, maybe it's jsut a natural thing at this moment

Sep 20, 2020, 10:28 PM
Always remember, gentlemen, that when it comes to this, it's all about what they think and not what we, as observers, think. We can agree, disagree, and even agree to disagree on this one.

"Why is it not good enough to be Jim, Cindy or Steve?" Because it isn't - humans don't work like that... yet. We're trying to get there, slowly but surely, but we ain't there yet; we are not at the point where someone's sexuality - and whatever they wanna call it for themselves - becomes the non-issue it needs to be. We've barely gotten away from that silly "you're either straight or gay" crap; we are, on the whole. struggling with the notion that people are bisexual (and could be); so when "Steve" says he's straight but gets his share of dick at times, of course it's gonna be questioned because it doesn't fit what we already know. That would be like me - a Black man - telling people I'm really Oriental or, even better, Caucasian. You'd be right to think there's something wrong with the way I see myself, wouldn't you - and then dismiss it as, "Well, if that's what he thinks he is, that's on him but he sure looks Black to me."

Why does it matter if you're anything else but straight? Because it does. This isn't about labels; it's about an argument that is as old as humanity is: If you're not like us, well, shit. Straight is the way everyone is supposed to be and we haven't grown up enough yet to accept the fact that everyone isn't straight and doesn't want to be straight. It shouldn't matter but it does - for now. So when you and Steve get finished having sex and he says that despite what just happened, he's still straight, you look at him - and like I do - and say, "Okay." And leave it alone. Any of this doesn't become a problem until we make it a problem and the fucked up part is we keep making it a problem. Real-deal, real-life shit, fellas. What you call yourself doesn't really mean a whole lot and more so if you and I are having sex but, yeah: If me and Steve are getting together to blow each other (or whatever) and I know he believes he's straight, I'm gonna look at him real funny like - and not make it an issue because it's not worth fussing about because I might not know what you "are," but I know what you just did with me and I know you like girls, too. What's that called?

@Tag: My brother, I've heard so many guys say the exact same thing you said and many of those guys will tell you that they're really straight when their actions really do say otherwise. I'm not trying to offend you but I'm sharing something I've learned: What you do, when you do it, or even why you do it doesn't mean a whole lot... but that you do it does and that's what pretty much everyone is going to "judge" you on that and it's gonna piss you off because that's not how you see yourself. Like those guys who only get some dick when they can't get any pussy? In their minds, they're straight but to everyone else? They ain't straight. Actions speak louder than words... except when it comes to this, huh? Then that straight guy will very much prefer for us to believe that what he's doing doesn't mean shit - but that him saying he's still straight means everything. They say bisexuals are really homosexuals but here's a truth they don't understand: We're only homosexual when we're doing something homosexual; otherwise, we're straight... but because we can go either way, we are bisexual. And the other truth is... some people don't like being defined like that. It's not about dating; it's not about being in a relationship; it is - and always has been - about how you have sex and who you have it with and if you have sex with both men and women - and regardless to why or when you do - you're bisexual... and you sure as hell ain't straight.

Do it once and only once? You get a pass on that because a lot of people try it at least once. Do it twice? Eh, you might be bi but, okay - a lot of people do it again even if to figure out if they liked it the first time. But if you continue to do it - and no matter when you do like once or twice a year or something like that, well, you're not all that straight. Y'all don't have to believe me or any of this but trust that given how long I've been bisexual and the shitload of experiences I've had - and the people I've come in contact with - this is some real deal, no bullshit shit because this is what people are gonna think if you tell them you're straight but, from time to time, you like sex with men. Here's the problem: It's hard to argue against what someone believes. You can tell them the facts of a thing and if they don't believe it, they're not ever gonna believe it. This ain't any different. You say you're straight and why you are... but your actions, whenever you take them, says something else. Which thing is actually right and the truth?

I know what most people would say: The truth is they're straight... because they say they are and they say that because it's what they believe. And nothing you're gonna say to them is likely to change this perception of themselves unless they find reason to change it... and most people just won't do that because it's not what's comfortable for them inside their head. Period. Fact. You ain't gotta believe me but this is something I've learned because I made it my business to learn it... because of the many men and women who behave like bisexuals and say they're straight that I've run into... and I had to find out why.
I must just be the exception to the rule. I never came "out" as straight, so I won't ever come out as anything else. I don't locker room talk with my buddies about some girl I fucked, so I won't ever talk about a guy I sucked. I have never discussed "straight" porn that I watch, so there will never be a discussion about gay porn. The alphabet people I have known seem to have this need that "I am <blank>, accept me", and I just don't get it. Does anyone really want to be your priest and hear your "confession"? Could it be that no one really gives a shit and is tired of hearing it? It is my experience that people just think you should do your thing and keep your mouth shut not matter what your "thing" is. Acceptance is your issue not mine. I steer away from any "challenges " like that.

Sep 20, 2020, 11:03 PM
Always remember, gentlemen, that when it comes to this, it's all about what they think and not what we, as observers, think. We can agree, disagree, and even agree to disagree on this one.
I most of all like how you just started, KDaddy. It's really mostly about how each of us feels about our own sexuality. It's certainly not our place to question anyone's belief, unless they ask us for advice about it. If someone asks, "I feel like I am straight, but I don't know why I enjoy sucking other men's cocks; I would like to talk about this": then we can ask them questions and have a discussion or perhaps give them advice. For some people, how they identify their sexual orientation is important to them. They feel it's about self identity, about knowing who and what they are. It's important to them. For other people, not so much.

For me, for some reason it's important. I struggled for 21 years to understand who I was, vis-Ã*-vis a self-label. Even after sucking more than 100 cocks: was I bicurious, bi-confused, bisexual, what? My confusion was because I jerked off to thousands of hours of gay porn, and indulged in thousands of hours of gay fantasies, always eventually driving me out to fulfil them, but every time I was naked with a guy, I lost all gay desires and felt no attraction to or chemistry with him. But I would still suck his cock, in whatever anonymous gay sex venue I was in, and not really like it all that much. But at home the gay porn and fantasies continued like crazy. Like I said, over 100 men! But there were a half dozen times when my desire stayed strong with the man I was with. But it was only desire involving cock, and nothing anal, let alone the entire man, though my desire at home for everything anal and even same sex romance in my fantasies was higher than you can imagine. The discrepancy between what was in my head and in real life prevented me from understanding myself and finding the right label, other than bi-confused.

It was only in my 22nd year of my "bisexuality" that I was finally able to make sense of things and accept my "bisexuality" and the gay side of myself. On that day I had powerful desires for the ass of the man that I was with, finally fucking my first man. "I am bisexual" was what I was from then on able to say (admit?) to myself, and with great joy and relief. From then on I stopped all anonymous hunting and started connecting with real guys in my own town and getting together in each other's homes, to varying degrees of success with respect to maintaining my lust for him.

You just don't know what's going on in someone's mind and with the label they are using. I suggest, just accept them, and love them.

Sep 20, 2020, 11:56 PM
I have no interest in having sex with a straight guy.
So, if a guy tells me he is straight, I will treat him that way.
If he is looking for M2M sex, he will not be having sex with me.

Sep 21, 2020, 12:06 PM
I’ve sucked a lot of guys who said they were straight. Didn’t matter to me, I just wanted to suck them off and swallow their cum. Many of them were dominate types, so that really fit well with my submissive nature.

Sep 21, 2020, 12:48 PM
In the end, it really doesn't matter, does it? It's just one of those "weird" things that, if nothing else, makes for spirited conversation. If you say you're straight but you wanna do something with me, um, okay - when, where and what do you wanna do? I remember reading something, like a year or so ago, where a lot of gay men were losing their minds over being able to seduce straight men and with the reason that they somehow knew that all straight guys wanted to be gay guys. If I hadn't seen other instances of this, I wouldn't have given it much attention, like that thing I read about bro-jobs and how it was said that it was something only straight guys got into... with other straight guys. Now, had it not been for the fact that I've been bi damned near all of my life, I wouldn't have known how... ridiculous this notion was; I wouldn't have known that, yep, sometimes, a straight guy will have sex with another guy because it's convenient or they're "hiding" their bisexuality. When a guy would be interested in doing something and tells me that he's straight - but sucking dick (the usual thing they'd want to do) isn't something they do all of the time, I just learned to not make a big deal out of it since I knew that a lot of bi guys used to be straight guys. It just didn't matter then... or now. Guys have sex with guys and no matter what they think of themselves. Why they'd want to is interesting and there's some stuff one can learn about this so you listen - if they care to explain it - file it away in your head... then have sex with the guy if that's what he really wants to do.

We want to believe that straight guys never get interested in dick and that it's "impossible" that they would... and I know better than that. I know guys who are "straight" and they are amazing cock suckers and they prefer to have guys blowing them, they know how to fuck an ass and, yes: They know how to enjoy being fucked and getting nuts busted in their ass. This is the thing that should be given the most attention, right? I understand some stuff about how the mind deals with this and for guys who like sex with guys but say they're straight? This is just the way their mind deals with the fact that they like having sex like this. It's no big deal and more so when a lot of bi guys continue to question whether they're really bi or not - and that's fairly normal from what I've observed. Some guys get a grip on the reality of things and say, "Okay, I'm not that straight but I know I'm not gay." And some guys can't get a grip and it's easier on their mind to say that they're straight and, again, usually, because getting some dick isn't something they do all of the time or they only do it in certain situations, so on and so forth. I even know guys who will tell you they're straight but the only time they'll play with a dick is in a threesome and with a woman present, not because they're afraid of being bisexual... but because they're more afraid as being seen as gay.

Crazy shit... but true shit. And it still doesn't matter when you get right down to it. Straight guys turn into bi guys - old news - and some of them believe they're still very much straight. Um, okay - whatever you say, homey; we gonna do this or what?

Sep 21, 2020, 1:18 PM
"In the end, it really doesn't matter, does it?"

I did not read all the verbage that went with this statement. Since it was South American men who lied about being gay and stated that they were bisexual, it mattered!!!

These lies from gay men about bisexual men created a false narrative about what bisexual men do in spreading HIV. It was really gay men and this created false information. It created trouble until other scientists found the error by re interviewing these same men.

For an individual who is only deceiving themselves, it doesn't seem to damage other bi men.

Sep 23, 2020, 6:17 AM

I've seen it all ways. Guys calling themselves one type but then having sex any-ole-which-way. I really don't care what name type someone uses, as long as they understand the consequences of their actions. Their wrong headed idea just may be misleading to someone else. Not everyone can change their lifestyle in a prescribed manner. Consider what the average homosexual was having to do wrt their public identity, say 30 or 40ssears ago. Many said nothing, then others only a little bit to a select few. Make a mistake and you could very easily end up in the ditch with a cracked skull or certainly much worse. To me it's important to be respectful of a persons self proclamtion regarding sexuality. It doesn't matter if you think they're wrong or fooling themselves. If you aren't hurt or damaged by their mis-representation, then keep your judgement to yourself. Give them a break, our world doesn't need any further grief than is already here.
Respectfully, Jim

Sep 23, 2020, 8:00 AM
What is your opinion on such people? Who identify themselves as straight but regularly (or sometimes) hook up with people of the same sex.

And I do not mean experimenting or doing it just one time and deciding it's not for you. I mean doing it more than a few times in your lifetime.

You often hear stories from gay men about how they seduced straight men (some even married) and on adult forums you see gay men asking if women are aware of the fact that at least a half of men decides to switch sides sometimes

My first sexual encounters were in that straight guy seduced category, but as they were my first its easy to write it off as experimenting on my part. I do wonder had it been a totally different (gay) guy would I have been so willing though as I felt very at ease in his company.

Sep 23, 2020, 1:34 PM
most so called straight men have sex with other men because they like the sex they cant get off their wife

I feel like this is especially true for men who have sex with trans people. Literally had a couple of guys tell me their wife doesn't do anal :rolleyes:

Sep 23, 2020, 3:54 PM
@Tenni - of course men lie about it - duh. Just a matter or question of what they're lying about and why they are, huh? And some of those lie are dangerous... doesn't mean anyone else has to believe them or that anyone else is going to. I don't believe every or anything a guy might tell me and I will question them until I'm satisfied that they aren't lying... or, outside of that, we ain't doing shit and for my own protection if nothing else. If you say you're really straight, nah, not gonna believe you - I just happen to know why you think you are.

Sep 23, 2020, 4:46 PM
I love women. Adore them. Sexually, I truly and utterly enjoy both men and women. So much so, I feel I'm a better lover of women because of my erotic experiences with men. I really don't know EXACTLY where I fit label-wise. I donno, maybe I'm "mostly straight." And as KDaddy says, it really doesn't matter. Sexuality refers to something entirely experiential. I ride a bicycle too, if it matters.

Sep 23, 2020, 10:13 PM
i wonder if those folks are the majority of straight guys? i mean, if you count early sexual experiences with male peers, i wonder if the percentage of men who haven't been with another guy is smaller than the percentage who have. i'm guessing some of the guys i fooled around with in my youth now identify as straight. wouldn't be surprised if they had other encounters along the way.

Sep 23, 2020, 11:15 PM
i wonder if those folks are the majority of straight guys? i mean, if you count early sexual experiences with male peers, i wonder if the percentage of men who haven't been with another guy is smaller than the percentage who have. i'm guessing some of the guys i fooled around with in my youth now identify as straight. wouldn't be surprised if they had other encounters along the way.
That's very interesting. In fact, it's brilliant perhaps! I also fooled around with my best friend from across the street from 8-13 years of age. So we did a lot for a long time. But we grew apart and I haven't talked to him much at all in adulthood (I just see him at family funerals). Sometimes I think it was our sexual activity and the shame of it perhaps that has created this estrangement. He got married and has children, but I don't know anything about his sexual history after our relationship. In fact, I've only lately been reading how common it is for childhood same sex peers to experiment. If I had never discovered my own bisexuality at 30 years of age, I would've thought it was just childhood experimentation between us, which doctors have always said is normal and has nothing to do with homosexuality.

For me, now I understand that it was actually my bisexuality that was expressing itself, even at that young age. And then it just went dormant for 17 years. But if it's as common as you are intimating, and with lots of men also trying adulthood man-on-man sex, perhaps bisexuality in some form or another is much much more prevalent than I ever thought.

Sep 29, 2020, 3:41 PM
Although I'm an insatiable Cocksucker I consider myself to be straight because I feel no emotional attraction to the men I blow the way I do for women. Aside from wanting to give men blowjobs and to let them savagely fuck my throat, I have no desire to engage in any other form of sex with another man, and the mere idea of kissing a man I find highly repugnant. My attraction is purely to a man's erect cock and in orally stimulating him, to induce him to ejaculate into my mouth and to eat his cum. I began sucking my best friend Larry's HUGE cock as a young teenager and quickly became addicted to the deliciously exciting feelings of humiliation and degradation that would wash over me whenever I dropped to my knees and allowed him to force his thick cock down my throat and aggressively fuck my throat until he ejaculated deep inside me. I love being a Cocksucker! I love the way that being a Cocksucker makes me feel! It thrills me no end to consider and to admit to select others that I revel in performing an act condemned by society and seen by many to be disgusting and depraved. I'm a Cocksucker.

Sep 29, 2020, 4:31 PM
So many labels, when I was young a friend played with my dick at a sleepover. I really liked how it felt so when he called me the next day and told me he was home alone for several hours I went straight there. I ended up playing and stroking his dick as well and wondered why it was such a big deal to touch another guys dick. Didn’t even know the term bi back then, I knew I wasn’t gay since I was crazy about girls. When I finally started getting pussy my time with him was over. He was very unhappy and also gay I found out a few years later when we ended up together one night and I sucked my first dick. That night was about how much bigger his dick had grown, I was attracted to his larger dick. He didn’t come out for years, this was in the seventies. We kept up a secret sexual relationship for five years after that night. Once he told me he had no interest in girls which I already knew he wanted us to have a top/bottom relationship. I was not into either, I just liked sucking his dick. Shortly after that he found a partner and he moved across town pretty much cutting off all relations with his childhood friends. He was actually outed by a family member. I never felt I was bi once I knew what it was, once it was over with him it didn’t happen again until my late fifties.

Sep 30, 2020, 12:04 PM
Part of my apprehension about having my first "bi" or "gay" experience is because of this very debate. I do not identify as gay. Yes, I have been playing with dildos as long as I have been sexually aware. I can accept the label of "bi" but I am hopelessly attracted to women. I see an decent looking girl and I can think of nothing else but "how do I get her?" I do not feel attracted to men that way. Ever. I do see some dudes and wonder what they're packing down there. And I can definitely imagine the act of having them treat my ass like a pussy and just pound it relentlessly. Call it whatever you want, but in the end if I were forced to make a choice, I would choose to be with women. Luckily , I don't have to choose. I realize while I'm saying this that it seems like I am not taking other's sexuality seriously because it's just a kinky thing I want to do, but it is just not how I categorize myself.

Oct 3, 2020, 6:10 PM
Personally I think some guys just want their cocks sucked bad they will let a guy do it to let the end justify the means.I guarantee if you asked them if they were bi they would say hell no!But they still get their cocks sucked by a guy.Being on the receiving end now it is much easier to get a regular or two to keep it going.Best thing to do is not ask questions.Sometimes the less you know the better off you are.

Jan 19, 2021, 12:01 PM
It happens, and I think we should not put labels. Everyone has the right to identify themselves as they wish and like. Being a bisexual guy with an orientation mainly to guys doesn't mean I don't like to explore the beautiful side of a stunning woman once in a while!

Jan 19, 2021, 6:34 PM
t happens, and I think we should not put labels. Everyone has the right to identify themselves as they wish and like. Being a bisexual guy with an orientation mainly to guys doesn't mean I don't like to explore the beautiful side of a stunning woman once in a while!

Jan 19, 2021, 8:26 PM
I have a female that I know who identifies as straight. which is fine, except that I know she has girls on her "would definately do her" list. I have argued she is bisexual, simply because she HAS females on her list. Her response? I like men better. Ok, but if you had a choice between 100 people to have sex with and one of them is a good looking girl and the other is a horrible looking guy with no personality....who comes first? Her: The girl. Me: Bi. This went on for some time.
Now, I understand fluid.

Jan 20, 2021, 9:23 AM
For sure as a gay guy I like to get on with some ladies from time to time.My friends don't understand it very well, but it has to do with my desire of having sex with models and super good-looking girls and I tend to find it hard to meet such ladies wherever I have lived. I move every year due to my work and the hardest time I had been in London as I was not attracted to any girls. That was until a coworker suggested me some busty escorts London (https://www.citybutterflies.com/busty-escorts/) as a change when I complained about the girls in the town.

Jan 20, 2021, 9:26 AM
For sure as a gay guy I like to get on with some ladies from time to time.My friends don't understand it very well, but it has to do with my desire of having sex with models and super good-looking girls and I tend to find it hard to meet such ladies wherever I have lived. I move every year due to my work and the hardest time I had been in London as I was not attracted to any girls. That was until a coworker suggested me some busty escorts London (https://www.citybutterflies.com/busty-escorts/) as a change when I complained about the girls in the town.

I also get out with escorts some times specially when I want to play it straight to my family and friends back in my hometown lol!