View Full Version : Bisexual or heterosexual HELP!

Aug 27, 2020, 1:50 PM
Hi guys, I dont really know what i am. This is mi case.
I don't know if I'm bisexual or heterosexual

My first sexual experience was when I was six years old, I was in the school bathroom and a friend made me see him naked, the next time we touched, and then we rubbed each other but never penetrated each other , I enjoyed it.
During my adolescence I had other sexual experiences with other boys but we only got to oral sex, never penetration, I enjoyed it a lot but it was only a sexual attraction, there were no feelings.
On the other hand, with the girls, I have gotten to have very deep feelings, I have fallen in love and I have had two girlfriends with whom I have also had very pleasant sexual experiences.
When I was 20 I penetrated another boy, but to be honest I had more pleasure when I penetrated a girl.
I have always masturbated watching boys and girls but as I said before about boys it was only sexual.
I'm 22 and my question is am I bisexual or not

Aug 27, 2020, 2:11 PM
These days, you are what you say you are!

Aug 27, 2020, 6:36 PM
As kdaddy saidyou are what you say you are. And you are correct there is a differ nice between emotional feelings , and just sex

Aug 27, 2020, 6:37 PM
As KD writes, you are what (sexuality) you say you are.

However, you are uncertain and are having some difficulty to whether you are heterosexual or bi sexual.

Bisexuality is the physical and or emotional attraction to the same and or opposite gender.

Bisexuals tend to be fluid in their attraction to men and women. You do not need to be emotionally attracted to same gender as you write. You may be only physically attracted to the same gender and still identify as bisexual. Your attraction may only be for body parts(cock). You may only feel emotionally attracted to opposite gender. You may find yourself change over time and find you are emotionally attracted to same gender later in life.(that is fluidity)

Just enjoy your attractions! If you want a label, call yourself a bisexual.

Aug 27, 2020, 10:12 PM
Try not to get hung up on labels. Labels always carry baggage.

I've had female lovers, and male and female playmates.

Or have fun with labels.
Call yourself a Sexually Opportunistic Omnivore.
Or simply a slut, perhaps an Ethical Slut.

You know your culture and situation and friends and family.

Aug 27, 2020, 10:32 PM
Try not to get hung up on labels. Labels always carry baggage.

I've had female lovers, and male and female playmates.

Or have fun with labels.
Call yourself a Sexually Opportunistic Omnivore.
Or simply a slut, perhaps an Ethical Slut.

You know your culture and situation and friends and family.

hahaahahahahahahahahahaha one liner of the year award " Be an ethical slut"

I now know what its like to have tea come out my nose

Aug 28, 2020, 12:49 AM
I hope the tea was Earl Grey.... like the tea I am drinking now. I am sure it would be as fine exiting my nose as slipping past my taste buds going down. Pupi2398 I am bisexual. I cannot say I have to date had any strong emotional ties other than to females, but the fact I have enjoyed both genders sexually leads me to that conclusion. I know a woman who by her own definition is bisexual, she is physically attracted to women but has never had sex with one due to religious upbringing. An emotional attraction, a physical attraction or simply an attraction to have sex with the same gender pretty much fits the definition of bisexual for most. The biggest question is does it really matter? If you are happy does it matter what label you carry other than you are happy? You can mindfuck yourself as to figuring out what, why or how, or just accept that you are you. Enjoy what you enjoy and as long as you are not harming anyone along the way you ill be fine.

aLABiM75 & StrF51
Sep 2, 2020, 12:48 AM
Humans are (for the most part) different levels of Bisexual/Pansexual, depending on how you see the genders.

Nature loves a Bell Curve
If one assumes that straight & gay are the extremes of that curve, they are also the rarest.


aLABiM75 & StrF51
Sep 2, 2020, 12:54 AM
One thing you could possibly try is a Kinsey Scale test:


I just took that one and I still rated as K2, so it worked for me.
There are many others out there, but mostly it comes down to you and finding the right "label" that suits you... or just ignore labels altogether & follow the flow that comes your way.

Sep 2, 2020, 8:52 AM
I too started very young at 7 and had several on and encounters with guys over the years but gave been mostly heterosexual until I was 65. Then I became full-time in closet bisexuality and now at 70 still am. My only regret is not being full-time bisexuality my entire life...realy do love sucking and swalliwing and being fucked that much. Don't worry about what you should call yourself just enjoy the sexual encounters you want. MF..it is all good

Sep 2, 2020, 9:38 AM
I would say that you are Bisexual. Explore your Sexuality, and see what is good for you!