View Full Version : LGBT and voting...did you know?

Aug 11, 2020, 3:46 PM
For those in the states...the swing states were lost in 2016 by LESS than the non-voting LGBT community in those states, which tends to align with Democratic.
If you want 4 more years of pressure on LGBT community..then stay home or vote red.
But if you want a more equal society...then register to vote and vote.
Michigan lost by 13,080 votes, there are 87,071 unregistered LGBTQ+
Wisconsin are 27,257 against 45,321
PA 68,236 against 106,030
FL 114,455 against 202,709
New Hampshire 2,701 against 14,207
Lets win this.

Aug 11, 2020, 4:00 PM
Over the years, the "better" politicians have learned not to alienate the LGBTQ+ community and the stupid ones just seem to forget that there are a great many people in this demographic who votes. I don't believe that sexuality should or has to be a political thing but, in this, yeah - even us folks who ain't straight will vote and will vote against any candidate who, for whatever reason, is of a mind to diss us or otherwise think that we're not important as citizens of this country.

Aug 11, 2020, 4:26 PM
Many, many mail in ballots will be marked "too late" this year.
I encourage everyone to register and vote EARLY by mail.

Some people in government right now would love to make a bonfire out of you and me and everyone LGBT.

If you don't use the vote, you will lose it.

Just vote.

Aug 11, 2020, 5:00 PM
I saw Hawaii did some outstanding circulation of ballots...thats good. congrats.

Many, many mail in ballots will be marked "too late" this year.
I encourage everyone to register and vote EARLY by mail.

Some people in government right now would love to make a bonfire out of you and me and everyone LGBT.

If you don't use the vote, you will lose it.

Just vote.

Aug 11, 2020, 5:12 PM
Well said Dan! I am amazed by the number of non voting Americans, shameful. However a lot came out 4 years ago and look what it got us, so maybe some of those folks should stay under their rocks.
Biden picked Kamala Harris, not a great choice in my opinion. Rice was a much better candidate. Kamala has too much tied to the DA office and police. These are not exactly the ideologies of the lefts movement unless they are trying to appeal to the middle but may lose the young (again).

Aug 11, 2020, 9:15 PM
I think Presidential Elections are to improve the overall condition of our nation and not to focus on any one group. Politicians keep the population divided into factions and have their staff create a combination of percentages to win. They then tell each group what they want to hear to push them into making a selfish choice. Then they do as they please after they are in the office. That creates the "status quo" and continues the same issues over and over again. A candidate that is pro-gay would not get my vote any more than someone that was pro-straight as I don't see how sexuality is important to make a nation prosper. If sexuality was a primary concern for me in a leader, I would move to a state that was accepting of my preference and permit the President to deal with more important issues than who I want to have sex with. My sexuality does not identify me. I identify my sexuality on my own. Politicians keep us divided because they know when we unite they no longer have any value to us. We are getting manipulated purely for the purpose of job security. Attorneys create their own personal reality in court where winning is the only product and then they set their sights on holding a political office. Why would we ask a person with this background to be our leader? An attorney is a fabricated leader and there should be no surprise when we are lied to, so I will take my chance with anyone else on the outside chance we can get the truth sometime.

Aug 11, 2020, 10:23 PM
I think Presidential Elections are to improve the overall condition of our nation and not to focus on any one group. .

Before you get blasted by many, I am going to stand up and say I agree with you.

My sexuality is one little part of who I am, I also believe in capitalisim, I served this nations flag for 8 years and believe in it, I am pro life and pro 2nd amendment..................I dont ever vote based on one thing. Coming from a military family, I look at what benefits the majority of people, not the one.

In some instances, I have voted democrat, others I vote republican................I will vote for the best canditate I believe in that I think will help the country more for my daughter as she gets older

Long Duck Dong
Aug 12, 2020, 4:57 AM
In New zealand I think its an average 68-70 of eligible voters actually vote..... to be honest if a candidate campaigned for my vote cos I am LGBTQIA+ I would ignore it, simply on the basis that it does not matter what one person says if they lack the numbers to pass laws......

Aug 12, 2020, 5:50 AM
Although politics (and religion) can be devisive, from my perspective (self-employed small business owner, parent, grandparent and prior US Army), I have come to realize that less government means more freedom ..... freedom for everything, including the enjoyment of our private lifestyles.
... and that’s all I have to say about that...

Aug 12, 2020, 8:07 AM
Although politics (and religion) can be devisive, from my perspective (self-employed small business owner, parent, grandparent and prior US Army), I have come to realize that less government means more freedom ..... freedom for everything, including the enjoyment of our private lifestyles.
... and that’s all I have to say about that...

Anything you "ask" the Government to "give" you can be taken back whenever they feel. The public has more "social rights" that have only needed time for there to be a turnover in generations. The current freedoms were not given by the Government, they appeared because the people still alive have less negative opinions. Vote to make the country prosper and people will not care what appendage gets put where in your private lives. They only care when they are unhappy.

Aug 12, 2020, 3:36 PM
Before you get blasted by many, I am going to stand up and say I agree with you.

My sexuality is one little part of who I am, I also believe in capitalism, I served this nations flag for 8 years and believe in it, I am pro life and pro 2nd amendment..................I font ever vote based on one thing. Coming from a military family, I look at what benefits the majority of people, not the one.

In some instances, I have voted democrat, others I vote republican................I will vote for the best candidate I believe in that I think will help the country more for my daughter as she gets older

I agree with Jazminedress and I am also a Vet also. I have voted democrat, others I vote republican. I will often vote for the best candidate that I believe in that I think will help the country more!

My problem is I am somewhat satisfied with the present conditions of our country but, honesty is missing from our current President! I always liked Joe Biden, but he is against the legalization of Medical Cannabis in United States. He will fight to make a Schedule 1 drug and every state will lose all the cannabis rights!

Aug 12, 2020, 11:19 PM
i have strong opinions on politics, but i really would love to have this one place ,where i can go to get away from them. it would be refreshing to have this forum to be only about sex , and how much we enjoy it . peace and love !

Aug 13, 2020, 6:06 AM
In New zealand I think its an average 68-70 of eligible voters actually vote..... to be honest if a candidate campaigned for my vote cos I am LGBTQIA+ I would ignore it, simply on the basis that it does not matter what one person says if they lack the numbers to pass laws......
Bit daft that, Duckie.. Every candidate and party has to start somewhere.. just cost they lack numbers to pass law is no reason to dismiss them outa hand! If u argued that single issue politics isn't ur thing, I can accept that cos they aren't mine either in the main. There are exceptions but what they may be depends on the beliefs of each and every one of us.

Where would politics and political parties be if it wasn't for the ideas of a single person and/or a small group of people? Some may question the value and relevance of politics and for all that I am a passionate idealist, I do share their doubts about that tho I always come down to politics and politicians and political activists being for the betterment of our world even if all too often they are responsible for quite the opposite.

As long as human beings think and believe in different things we need to have and will have what we know of as politics... and that means starting somewhere as an individual or group of people as new ideas and philosophies are thought of and evolve. Where would people like us be had not small groups of people like us fought for, argued and convinced others in our societies of the value of our cause?

A single person or group, single issue or great cause, all have their place and for good or ill we should try and not ignore them.

Aug 16, 2020, 11:11 AM
Before you get blasted by many, I am going to stand up and say I agree with you.

My sexuality is one little part of who I am, I also believe in capitalisim, I served this nations flag for 8 years and believe in it, I am pro life and pro 2nd amendment..................I dont ever vote based on one thing. Coming from a military family, I look at what benefits the majority of people, not the one.

In some instances, I have voted democrat, others I vote republican................I will vote for the best canditate I believe in that I think will help the country more for my daughter as she gets older

1st, thank you and everyone else who served, for your service.
While I didn't serve. I was too stupid at that age to see the benefits of what I was offered.
I am right there with you on this. I am pro 2A, pro constitution above any specific party. And vote basing my decision on who I think will protect and uphold our constitutional rights best. Be it Dem or Rep.

Aug 16, 2020, 6:45 PM
1st, thank you and everyone else who served, for your service.
While I didn't serve. I was too stupid at that age to see the benefits of what I was offered.
I am right there with you on this. I am pro 2A, pro constitution above any specific party. And vote basing my decision on who I think will protect and uphold our constitutional rights best. Be it Dem or Rep.

Well said.

Long Duck Dong
Aug 16, 2020, 10:06 PM
Bit daft that, Duckie.. Every candidate and party has to start somewhere.. just cost they lack numbers to pass law is no reason to dismiss them outa hand! If u argued that single issue politics isn't ur thing, I can accept that cos they aren't mine either in the main. There are exceptions but what they may be depends on the beliefs of each and every one of us.

Where would politics and political parties be if it wasn't for the ideas of a single person and/or a small group of people? Some may question the value and relevance of politics and for all that I am a passionate idealist, I do share their doubts about that tho I always come down to politics and politicians and political activists being for the betterment of our world even if all too often they are responsible for quite the opposite.

As long as human beings think and believe in different things we need to have and will have what we know of as politics... and that means starting somewhere as an individual or group of people as new ideas and philosophies are thought of and evolve. Where would people like us be had not small groups of people like us fought for, argued and convinced others in our societies of the value of our cause?

A single person or group, single issue or great cause, all have their place and for good or ill we should try and not ignore them.

lol I do not dismiss people out of hand, I just do not place all my sex toys in the same drawer when it comes to supporting a person, lol.....

one of the MPs in NZ that advocated for the overturning of the homosexual law, was praised by people cos of that, but her party pushed for cutting benefit subsidies for low income people, and unfortunately, both policies won, or as one friend put it, being fucked in the ass was now legal, so the government happily kicked 10s of 1000s in the ass as well....

maybe I worded my original statement wrong... I am a mere mortal, lol.... so maybe I need to reword it, If fran ran for PM, I would not just say OMG yes fran is lesbian and happily married to kate ( correct me if thats wrong or changed please ) therefore she would be the best person to vote for, simply because fran is lesbian and female, she should push womens rights ahead of anything and everybody else..... I would vote for fran cos fran is also not afraid to speak up when fran feels the need to speak up and fran is also not one sided and biased, she has tackled many issues in this site alone, even male issues where she has shared a perspective as a woman.....

so yeah single issue politics are not my thing, I agree with you..... and to be honest, I do not have much like of politics, specially when we have things like the idiot party ( NZ greens ) that are advocating on making new homes disabled friendly, which could potentially add another 50k to the cost of building a new home... great idea on the surface but NZ is in the midst of a housing crisis, we have 11k+ waiting on a home, a shortage of skilled labourers, a number of construction and building companies going under in the midst of building developments, and the greens want to increase the costs and the workload.... and to be honest most people will never have a disabled person visit their home, so the policy is another feel good policy, in the same class as their solar panels on new homes in NZ, which would actually only benefit 15% of new zealand, cos there is only a few locations in NZ where they get sun 90% of the other, other areas are lucky to see the sun 50 days a year....

Aug 17, 2020, 7:59 AM
lol I do not dismiss people out of hand, I just do not place all my sex toys in the same drawer when it comes to supporting a person, lol.....

one of the MPs in NZ that advocated for the overturning of the homosexual law, was praised by people cos of that, but her party pushed for cutting benefit subsidies for low income people, and unfortunately, both policies won, or as one friend put it, being fucked in the ass was now legal, so the government happily kicked 10s of 1000s in the ass as well....

maybe I worded my original statement wrong... I am a mere mortal, lol.... so maybe I need to reword it, If fran ran for PM, I would not just say OMG yes fran is lesbian and happily married to kate ( correct me if thats wrong or changed please ) therefore she would be the best person to vote for, simply because fran is lesbian and female, she should push womens rights ahead of anything and everybody else..... I would vote for fran cos fran is also not afraid to speak up when fran feels the need to speak up and fran is also not one sided and biased, she has tackled many issues in this site alone, even male issues where she has shared a perspective as a woman.....

so yeah single issue politics are not my thing, I agree with you..... and to be honest, I do not have much like of politics, specially when we have things like the idiot party ( NZ greens ) that are advocating on making new homes disabled friendly, which could potentially add another 50k to the cost of building a new home... great idea on the surface but NZ is in the midst of a housing crisis, we have 11k+ waiting on a home, a shortage of skilled labourers, a number of construction and building companies going under in the midst of building developments, and the greens want to increase the costs and the workload.... and to be honest most people will never have a disabled person visit their home, so the policy is another feel good policy, in the same class as their solar panels on new homes in NZ, which would actually only benefit 15% of new zealand, cos there is only a few locations in NZ where they get sun 90% of the other, other areas are lucky to see the sun 50 days a year....,

I am glad u don't dismiss peeps out a hand. Too many folk do. However..

I can't say how many peeps r disabled in New Zealand, but here 22% of the population are..that works out at 14 million.. And of course there are at ne 1 time hundreds of thousands who endure temporary disabilities over and above which can last from a few days up to months of over a year. Having now been diagnosed with osteo and rheumatoid arthritis, I may well in time become one of the registered disabled. Me mum already is..as are several members of my family and a number of friends who visit my house frequently. Most in this country have disabled friends and relatives. So while I do not know ur country's situation I understand almost a quarter of citizens are disabled and this figure is increasing. So I'm not sure I accept the premise that most people will never be visited by a disabled person. Many maybe.. Not most. I'm with the Greens in this..also we have an anti disabled friendly government .. this is worth a good debate on its own but this isn't the time of the place!

I am with them also when it comes to solar panels. Scotland and much of rest of the UK never see enough sunshine.. some parts less than 50 days a year, yet solar panels have proven their worth and more. U don't need sun to shine for panels to do their job!

This wee rant is not on topic I know that.. but helluva interesting, hey? Right now it is peeing down outside my office window and skies r right grey and dull.. yet solar panels are gathering power for the city's homes, schools and businesses and power is being fed into the country's national grid.. yup.. interesting.. and cheaper and cleaner than coal and gas and oil..

Aug 17, 2020, 8:19 PM
People from the US

You may be surprised how closely some Canadians follow and publicly state their opinion about the US voting. Most voice support over the decades comment support for your Democrats. This is understandable considering how much more progressive Canada behaves but we seem to have Republican support too. As individuals, you are our dear neighbour cousin.

What is going on with your present election is scary. Hopefully, you are still a democracy and this mail in votes gets cleared up.

Best of everything democratic!

Aug 18, 2020, 10:45 AM
I am not convinced LGBT are necessarily Democrats. The activist segment is closely tied to lestist politics, but in my experince the great majority of LGBT people are suburban moms and dads.

Aug 19, 2020, 12:26 AM
Before you get blasted by many, I am going to stand up and say I agree with you.

My sexuality is one little part of who I am, I also believe in capitalisim, I served this nations flag for 8 years and believe in it, I am pro life and pro 2nd amendment..................I dont ever vote based on one thing. Coming from a military family, I look at what benefits the majority of people, not the one.

In some instances, I have voted democrat, others I vote republican................I will vote for the best candidate I8 believe in that I think will help the country more for my daughter as she gets older

Amen to that and I agree completely. I tell people that I not a democrat nor am I a republican. I'm a constitutional conservative. I also served for 8 years. So did my father, his brothers and my mothers brothers.

Aug 19, 2020, 12:30 AM
Amen to that and I agree completely. I tell people that I not a democrat nor am I a republican. I'm a constitutional conservative. I also served for 8 years. So did my father, his brothers and my mothers brothers.

when people meet me dressed, and we are all talking, I always get the same reaction " you were in the military ? How?"

Then when they find out I specialized in evac and recon................it always flips their lid, it's like they expected me to be a marching band specialist or something

Aug 24, 2020, 8:11 AM
Sure, I am all in for benefits for bisexuals. Who on here would't be.

But voting Democrat or Republican means you get the "whole package" not jut pro gay/trans stuff.

I don't think Democrat politicians are at all versed in climate change technology (not what happens if temperature rises BUT proof that change WILL happen as a result of human activity) to do what they propose in the Green New Deal and spend $trillions.