View Full Version : pride in sexuality or pride in standing with others ?

Long Duck Dong
Jul 20, 2020, 4:32 AM
This is an issue that came up in a different site...... with a person posting images to do with respect for others, acceptance and tolerance, equal rights etc..... along side a image of a person saying fuck straight pride, they do not need it.....

Simply and bluntly in New Zealand we needed the support of the straight and religious communities with our fight to overtime the homosexual law that made homosexual acts illegal and later with same sex marriage, so we marched with them.....and yeah its interesting to hear people argue that straights are not discriminated against or targeted cos of their sexuality, while they slammed straights and told them to fuck off, they were not welcome to march with us cos they were straight and this was not their fight.......

now the argument against straight pride is that straights have nothing to be proud of, they are already accepted, they have always had rights and never had to fight for any rights or being discriminated against cos of their sexuality or targeted because of it.......which is ironic cos they are being discriminated against because they are straight and being told that they should not have the right to have straight pride.......

In fact the majority of people that stand for straight pride, are not actually asking for a seperate straight pride parade, they want to be able to stand with the LGBTQIA community in a pride parade and say we are straight people that are proud to be supporters, partners, lovers, family and friends of LGBTQIA, not just allies....

but it got me thinking, I have never marched in a pride parade or protest march for LGBTQIA rights cos of my sexuality, its always been about standing with others, acknowledging them as people.... and that comes from my army days where we stood as soldiers, race, color, religion, sexuality did not matter when the bullets started flying.......

so my question is simply if each person was asked to stand in a pride parade, would they do it cos they are proud of their sexuality, proud to stand with others, both or neither ? or would they say thanks but no thanks, I prefer not to stand in a pride parade.......

and in case anybody is wondering why I brought the straight aspect into a bi forum,..... I stood for equal rights and anti discrimination, not for equal rights and anti discrimination for LGBTQIA but not straight people.......

Jul 20, 2020, 3:00 PM
Man... humans are so contentious, ain't they? Everyone, regardless of sexuality, should be proud of who and what they are but since, given our divisive nature, we've drawn a lot of lines where, really, there shouldn't be any, it doesn't surprise me that straight people want their own Pride kind of thing to support being straight. Like you said, straight is the preferred and "default" behavior, accepted all around the world and, as such, supported, backed, upheld, etc., so there's seemingly no need for them to speak out about being proud of being straight but, again, I'm not surprised that they do. I know some straight folks feel some kind of way about all the LGBTQ+ attention that's been going on here of late which, I guess, kinda makes sense but, again, straight folks have never had issues with acceptance so you'd think this wouldn't bother them... and apparently it does bother some.

There are times when I'm of a mind that the "moral majority" is starting to see the writing on the wall, that being straight is kinda going by the wayside and, perhaps, more so with the incredibly rise and attention to bisexuality in both men and women... and now they feel a need to stand up for heterosexuality and maybe even defend their right to be straight and proud of it. We should be standing together as fellow humans and we should revel in our great diversity; we should be celebrating sexuality - period - instead of always behaving like the kid that doesn't get picked in a game, getting all bent out of shape, and now he wants to take his ball and go home instead of trying to find a way to get into the game.

If I were asked to stand in a Pride parade, I would because I'm proud of who and what I am; I have no shame over being bisexual and there are a lot of people who do, in fact, need to see others standing up and being proud of what they are and, sure, if I can help with others being proud of themselves in this, then why not? Every day on this site is a Pride event if you really think about it...